JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 24



  • lupsarce
    lupsarce Posts: 2 Member
    11/29 started at 219 - feeling blah and got sick
    Because of being sick i been eating the healthiest that i can...
    11/30 CW 216
    12/01 CW 215
    12/02 CW 215 - down 4 pounds... I’m pretty sure most of my weight is water so I’m loosing fast... i usually get stuck at 210 :(

    Side note... haven’t worked out yet only walked and am trying to stay active around work and home
  • cristafl
    cristafl Posts: 18 Member
    This is the first time joining in on this! Better late than never and I love the idea of short goals and seeing progress!

    Just a little background about me! I am 38, 5’9” and have 3 kids, love tennis (play about 3x a week) and I have about 10lbs I need to shed! For the past few years I have been about 160 and it is a comfortable weight for me. I would love to be 152lbs but that hasn’t happened since I had my 1st kid 15 years ago! In the last 2 months I have jumped up to 167lbs! It’s time to buckle down and shed this weight.. my goal is 157lbs! Wish me luck!

    Current weight: 167lbs
    Goal weight: 157

    11/29 Didn’t weigh in, hadn’t joined yet but I tried to eat well all day but cheated when I ate a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips! I need to be accountable so I decided today I was going to get in some groups and find some support!

    11/30 167lbs - feeling good so far, eating it on track, played two hours of tennis this morning and am motivated to finish the day with no cheating.

    12/01 165lbs - 2lb loss! Probably water but I like seeing the scale move! Today was a good day, lots of tennis and I ate really well with no cheating! On a side note my car got broken into which was a bummer but only my garage door opener was taken. Scary and not a great way to start the day! Hoping to see a loss again tomorrow!

    12/02 164.4lbs - yay!! Another half a pound! I’m sure it’s all water but still feels great.. I bet it’s going to be tougher from this point on.. I am going to try to stay strict tonight but we are going to the casino tonight, eating out and drinking!! Uggg!

  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    R22 * Start = 143.4
    R23 * Start = 142.0 * End 139.6
    R24 * Start = 140.0

    11/29 - 140.0 - up a squidge, got ambushed by work on an already busy day yesterday: got stressed, no workout, ate 600 extra calories ABOVE MAINTENANCE at the end of the day. Working on being really sensible and sneaking in some extra calorie burning (stairs at work!) today.
    11/30 - 139.4 - another tough day yesterday. No workout, to bed early, planning to get my mojo back on today.
    12/1 - 138.6 - lowest in over a year! Under calories yesterday and 40 minute workout, elliptical plus stairclimber. Sweating helps my emotional state SO MUCH.

    12/2 - 138.8 - under calories and ran 34 minutes yesterday. Think I am dehydrated, drink drink drink!

  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    @consumone - I did this last week too! Return home, overeat. Even being away for a "good" thing, not work or stress, can trigger this for me, like "home" = "do whatever you want" so thanks for your post, helpful.

    @vdecosta86 said "guessing all the water weight is gone so it's going to start getting really tough" but you can do this! Slow and steady now :) and never mind the little ups and downs.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    I HAVE the power and determination to do this.

    Change in focus. In the normal range for my age height and build, on maintenance.

    Had a bit of a blip last round as I was ill.

    New Primary Goal - 160lbs +/- 2lbs.

    Of course, losing a pound a Round would be ace, as I would like a cushion for celebrations.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gif to all the Newbies, and Hi to those returning for another Round. This has given me an element of daily accountability which is motivational.

    Observations, and Previous Rounds
    Many events along the way will scupper our best intentions, but they merely delay the achievement of our goals. Life is for living, and one must learn patience. It takes many years to put on excess weight, so It follows that it takes much time to remove, but it does come off, bit by stubborn bit! If you stick with it! The game continues!

    A lot of people get upset by apparent weight gain when they have been working their butts off. Body weight fluctuates, both up, and down, from one day to the next depending on so many factors. From my experience:
    • Changes often take several days to show on the scale.
    • A drop is often followed by a bounce up before it settles back down. A general downward trend is the aim.
    • A high sodium day usually results in a gain due to water retention, unless you drink extra fluids to flush it out.
    Don't beat yourself up over a temporary gain. Trust the process and stick with the programme.
    If you are making positive lifestyle changes it will lead to increased health and fitness.
    Slow and steady leads to sustainable weight loss.
    But remember to live a little along the way!

    Previous 5 Rounds[/colour=green]
    MW : R8/1, 165.5; R9/2, 166.8; R10/3, 167.7; R11/4, 165.5; R12/5, 162.6
    Round:..~ Mean ~ Highest ~ Lowest
    13/6: ... ~ 160.4 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 161.8
    14/7: ... ~ 160.7 ~~ 167.8 ~~ 160.4 (on vacation)
    15/8: ... ~ 161.8 ~~ 163.8 ~~ 163.8 (on vacation)
    16/9: ... ~ 161.3 ~~ 162.8 ~~ 162.4
    17/10: . ~ 160.5 ~~ 162.2 ~~ 160.0
    18/11: . ~ 159.8 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 158.4
    19/12: . ~ 159.0 ~~ 159.2 ~~ 158.2
    20/13: . ~ 158.8 ~~ 159.4 ~~ 158.6
    21/14: . ~ 160.3 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 159.5
    22/15: . ~ 161.2 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 160.0
    23/16: . ~ 162.0 ~~ 163.5 ~~ 161.2

    SW: 227; Lowest weight 11 Oct: 158.2. Dream goal weight: 155.0

    Round 24: (Round 17 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 71, weight in lbs) [/b]

    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength; 15+ flex; 7,500+ steps; close kitchen at 8.30pm!
    Get back under 160!!!

    28/11/2017: 162.1 Goals ✅ I expected a wee bounce up, but this is better.

    29/11/2017: 162.5 Goals ✅ and there's that bounce!
    30/11/2017: 162.8 Goals ✅ STOP! With the bouncing, already! Enough is enough! Mind you, on reflection, as I have been doing intensive strength circuits this week, not unexpected. I could feel tightness in my muscles this morning.
    01/12/2017: 162.7 Goals ✅ Hmmm!
    02/11/2017: 162.6 Goals ✅ This is like watching paint dry. Lol! Posting late today. I did weigh but just too busy to post.
    03/11/2017: Goals
    04/11/2017: Goals
    05/11/2017: Goals
    06/11/2017: Goals
    07/11/2017: Goals
    08/11/2017: Goals

    :sunglasses: Don't worry! :sunglasses:
    ... ...oO~ 163.5 ~Oo... ...
    ... ...oO~ 160.0 ~Oo... ...
    :sunglasses: Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:

    :star: Good luck in Round 24. :star:
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,903 Member
    @cristafl That was going on in our neighborhood and someone pointed out that if you park in the driveway you should take the door opener in the house. Change the code, if you haven’t already.

    @Grisnv I LOVE butter and my popcorn used to be just about dripping it!

    @SLIMpossible When I started Keto I gave up all grains and sugar. My joints all quit hurting! I think there may be something to people saying those things cause inflammation! <3
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,903 Member
    We are our own griefs, my dear, we are our own happinesses and we are our own remedies. - Huseyn Raza

    Female 5’1” Age 67 y 8.5 m
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW
    Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155.3
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150

    11/29 149.5
    11/30 149 Under on calories and protein and over on carbs yesterday. At least 4 quarts of water. And I made my pathetic step count for the first time in a month!
    12/01 148.5 Slightly under on calories but macros were right on! That doesn’t happen often!
    12/02 149 Ate later than usual + salt. Met my pathetic step goal again, over calories by less than 100, macros right on.