When food woo goes too far



  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    edited December 2017
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    @malibu927 I told him I expect him to pay it back, he didn't say much after that and went to his room. The worst part is I buy all our food because he doesn't make much, if he wanted me to buy something different he could've asked and I would try to accommodate.
    Unfortunately we're roommates until February when I'll be moving out and getting my own place. I love my brother but he's gone nuts.


    If I was you I would make a new rule, effective immediately. Wanna eat? Buy your own bleeping food. Don't like the food that I am buying for YOU? Don't eat it! The end, love, your sister.

    Eta - I should have read the whole thread first. Good for you!

  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    A woo-peddling chiropractor had me visit her 4 times a week for my health, caught my vertebral artery between 2 vertebrae and caused me to have a massive stroke and re-learn speaking, walking, and almost cost me my life. Tell him to buy you the vegetables again and I'd express my concern for HIS health.
  • cbohling1987
    cbohling1987 Posts: 99 Member
    pzarnosky wrote: »

    Where did you learn the facts that you believe in? How do you KNOW your facts aren't woo?

  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    We had a conversation last night about it, he still doesn't see why what he did was crazy. At this point I've given up on trying to convince him otherwise.
    I told him I'm not buying any more food for him, just myself. He did agree not to mess with my food anymore, which I'll take as a win. As for paying for what he damaged, he said he couldn't afford to right now but he would try to set aside money from his paycheck to do so. At this point I'm gonna take it as a loss, and a lesson learned to never live with my siblings ever again.

    I'm really not sure I could afford to let him get away with that... I guess if you've been feeding him up until now then you've got the extra slack in your budget though. Replacing all my seasonings at once could easily kill a weeks' food budget for me! Or more, since I tend to bulk buy some things.

    Ignore the diet rubbish - what he did was theft. Taking with intent to permanently deprive in the UK. That is what makes it crazy IMO. I'm obviously not suggesting you go to the police, but pointing out that you'd be justified in doing so might be the wake up call he needs?

    Have to admit, I'd be intrigued to know how long he sticks with the "non organic food will kill you" lark when he's got to pay for it out of his own pocket, given that he is apparently poor enough to have his sister buy his food for him... starving is unambigously detrimental to one's health!

    He'll learn pretty quickly now that he's buying food for himself. Organic is nice but it's not cheap, one of the many reasons I refused to buy organic is because I wanted enough food for all of us to last. No good deed goes unpunished I guess. :/
    Unfortunately, he's not the worst in a long list of thefts perpetuated by the members of my family. A story for another time, but the short of it is my family is *kitten* crazy.