JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 24



  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    taxgirl1 wrote: »
    taxgirl1 wrote: »
    R07 SW 229.7
    R08 On vacation
    R09 SW 235.6
    R10 SW 230.3
    R11 SW 230.3
    R12 SW 229.7
    R13 SW 227.0
    R14 SW 226.6
    R15 SW 225.9
    R16 SW 225.9
    R17 SW 225.3
    R18 SW 223.3
    R19 SW 224.4 Sick

    R20 Average Weight 222.5
    R21 Average Weight 222.3
    R22 Average Weight 220.8
    R23 Average Weight 221.5 (new workout)

    I've decided that I am going to eat at maintenance/refeed for 2/7 days a week, which is why I am going to start using my average weight. I want to offset hormonal changes that occur when losing weight for extended periods of time that can make it harder to lose and maintain weight and I'm hoping to alleviate potential emotional stress of constantly being in a deficit.

    11/29--222.2 Still bouncing up and down. Need to mentally stick with it and not let the number on the scale derail my efforts.
    11/30--221.1 Went out after work and had a couple of drinks, which I rarely ever do. Got home and fell asleep at 7 without eating any dinner. Feeling a little foggy this morning, I don't expect to get much done at work today.
    12/01--222.6 My manager's retirement lunch was yesterday, so between extra sodium from lunch and the fact that I barely drank anything yesterday, this bump in weight was totally expected.
    12/02--221.5 Up and down. Getting back to plan. Eating at maintenance today. Going hiking today.
    12/03--223.5 Ate at maintenance yesterday. Going to kettlebell today.
    12/04--223.6 Ate at maintenance yesterday.
    12/05--221.5 Lost the water weight from eating at maintenance this past weekend. Finished W5D2.
    12/07--220.9 Nice to see that my trend is going back down. Going to kettlebell today.
    12/08--222.0 Ate a little too many cookies yesterday and now the water retention is showing.

    Average Weight 221.9

    This round has taught me how my eating is really affected by the dreary days of winter and how much more difficult it is for me to stay focused during this time of the year. We'll see how the next round goes and then I'll figure out whether trying to lose the weight now is worth it for me or whether I should just take a diet break for the rest of the year.

    Yes, it's worth it! The sun won't shine any brighter in January than it is today! I'm having the same struggle, but we can't take a break because unless we intend to lose the weight and gain it right back, we will be eating this way for the rest of our lives. If it's not good for you this year, it won't be good for you next year! We can do this; you can do this! Common girl - getter done!
  • bossymom15
    bossymom15 Posts: 130 Member
    Starting Weight 179
    Goal this round 177
    End goal 153
    11/29 178.8 - I'll take it. Trying to MOVE every day
    11/30 179.5 Strength Training on my lunch hour.
    12/01 179.2 Taking a walk today at lunch. Just keep moving....
    12/02 178.2 ran 4.5 miles
    12/03 179 walked the dogs for 45 minutes
    12/04 180
    12/050179 - wonder when the pizza calories will show up?
    12/060179.2 yoga and ran till it got too dark
    12/07 179.8
    12/08 180.

    Do you ever marvel how you put in your food journal and it says "if you ate like this every day you would weigh XXX" and yet that never happens?
  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    This will be another challenging round. I had surgery (cosmetic) on the 29th, and spending the next week recovering on oxycodone. I’m not allowed to do any strenuous exercise for a week, doctors orders. I'll have to be extra clean with my diet to compensate. Looking forward to staying 100% compliant during my recovery. No alcohol. Consistency is key.

    Female, 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 135 lbs
    End of Year Goal: 112 lbs

    R23EW - 115

    Goal This Round: Average lower than 114.5 lbs

    11/29 • 116 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights this morning. Surgery this afternoon. 3 servings of alcohol. 1700 cal.
    11/30 • 117 • Walked 2 miles this evening. Day 1 post surgery & feeling bloated from the procedure. 1400 cal.
    12/01 • 116 • Walked 2 miles this evening. Day 2 post surgery & still feeling very bloated from the procedure. 1450 cal
    12/02 • 116 • Walked 2 miles this evening. Day 3 post surgery & still bloated from the procedure. 1480 cal
    12/03 • 116 • Walked 2 miles. Day 4 post surgery. My weight is definitely higher from the procedure. But I've been doing really well with my diet. So I'm hoping for a drop off soon. 1350 cal
    12/04 • 115 • Ran 3 miles. Finally the bloating seems to be going down. 1450 cal
    12/05 • 115 • Walked 2.5 miles. 1450 cal.
    12/06 • 114 • Walked 2.5 miles. 1450 cal. Bloating is finally completely gone & my stomach is flat again :)
    12/07 • 114 • Ran 3.5 miles. 1500 cal.
    12/08 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles. Had a holiday event for my work yesterday and consumed way too much food & alcohol. 2500 cal. Missed my goal for this round. I'm beginning to realize I have to say good bye to alcohol. It seems to be a trigger for me to overeat.

    Average: 115.4
  • archersport
    archersport Posts: 65 Member
    Pregnant & gaining. Goals:
    A) hydration
    B) vitamins
    C) hit protein goal
    D) toning exercise daily
    E) Complete activity rings!
    F) Self-care including meditation.

    R19 SW 158.9
    R20 SW 156.2
    R21 SW 162
    R22 SW 159.5
    R23 SW 164.9
    R24 SW 162.8

    11/29 162.8 my new outlook of thinking ahead and planning to hit my goals was motivation today. I took a more challenging yoga class, and ate in a way I’m proud of. My lunches are definitely helping my work flow.
    11/30 163. 4/6. why do leftovers run out and where is my home cook? I am proud of myself for getting off the couch and putting in the effort to walk the dog and move some items downstairs. It was so hard to dig out that energy tonight.
    12/01 160.8. 2/6. Thought I did bad on protein, turns out much the same as always.
    12/02 160ish 3/6. Did not eat enough.
    12/03 166.9 3/6. Over-ate all day to hit said calorie goal with the consequences of having terrible heartburn for the first time. Enough of that! I’m going to eat as much as I’m hungry for and let my body seek out an equilibrium. I’m under average appetite and that’s ok. I’m not starving.
    12/05 163.4 3/6. Medical exam: big concern is with hydration and vitamins over the next few weeks. Woohoo! I have that nailed. Calories can be what my body seeks out, but sugar is to be cut. Will probably bump up the nuts to compensate.
    12/06 162.8 3-4/6 wow- a very small amount (4oz) of filberts threw my calories way up there. Macros are very skewed because of the nuts. Added prunes as recommended- fresh and tasty. I waddled around with the dog (slipped on ice Monday and hurt the groin) and so closing all activity rings is way too ambitious this week. Feeling moderate-good, but weaker.
    12/07 162.4. Been feeling very good, more mobile. Baby has started really moving, and I’m growing! Don’t know why the scale isn’t reflecting this- outgrown half the wardrobe and most belts. Yoga is really working to fix my pelvis.
    12/08 163. Batteries dying in scale thinking now I’m heavier than has been registering. Looking back on the 10 days, I should be proud of my tiny incremental improvements because they are really adding up. I have been very low-stress at work, it has been easy to switch gears and make little corrections without feeling like a failure or overwhelmed.
  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    R14 SW-160.38
    R15 SW- 158.4
    R16 SW- 155.98
    R17 SW- 154.66
    R18 SW- 153.12
    R19 SW- 152.68
    R20 SW- 150.7
    R21 SW- 149.82
    R22 SW- 148.94
    R23 SW- 148.94 (no loss last round)

    Current weight- 147.84
    10 Day Goal: 146.34 I want to reach my 20lb mark by Christmas, which means I need to lose just over a lb a week.
    11/29- 146.08 A large drop but I'm sure it isn't going to stay. (just yet)
    11/30- 146.3 Cautiously optimistic about the weight loss sticking. I just realized today, I am right about a pound over the top "healthy range" bmi. Can't believe I am so close.
    12/01- 146.3 Walked to have coffee with a friend then spent the evening Christmas shopping.
    12/04- 145.86 I have maintained the low weight for several days now, but the next few are going to be difficult since I will be away from home. Weather permitting I will have time to get some walking in, but I will be stuck eating out.
    12/05-146.08 Very busy today lots of housework and preparing for tomorrow.
    12/06-146.74 I barely slept last night. And have been in the car all day. Fast food has my fingers swollen already.
    12/07 no scale Walked about 7 miles today. GPS kept cutting out. Way too much sodium in the food. Fingers are swollen and I am bloated.
    12/08 no scale Continuing to try and make the best choices of those available. Again walked around 7 miles. Can't wait to be home and eating regularly.