JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 24



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    Round 24

    11/27 - 147.6 at 4:00 a.m.
    11/28 - 147.6 at 4:00 a.m.


    11/29 - 146.6 at 4:00 a.m.
    11/30 - 145.6 at 6:30 a.m.
    12/01 - 146.6 at 4:30 a.m.
    12/02 - 147.0 at 4:30 a.m.
    12/03 - 148.4 at 5:30 a.m.
    12/04 - 149.6 at 4:00 a.m.
    12/05 - 148.4 at 4:00 a.m.
    12/06 - 147.0 at 4:00 a.m.
    12/07 - 146.4 at 5:00 a.m.
    12/08 - 146.4 at 5:30 a.m.

  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Took a (unplanned) Thanksgiving hiatus.  Excited to get back on track!

    Let's rock December!!

    Progress Rounds 13 - 23:
    SW 167.6 to EW 152.2 (-15.4 lb), HW 168.4 to LW 152.2 (-16.2 lb), AVG 167.4 to 153.4 (-14.0 lb)

    Details Rounds 13 - 23:
    Round 13: SW 167.6, EW 166.4 (-1.2 lb), LW 165.4, HW 168.4, AVG 167.4
    Round 14: SW 166.4, EW 165.6 (-0.8 lb),
    LW 165.6, HW 167.2, AVG 166.2
    Round 15: SW 165.6, EW 164.0 (-1.6 lb),
    LW 163.6, HW 165.2, AVG 164.4
    Round 16: SW 164.0, EW 162.6 (-1.4 lb),
    LW 162.4, HW 165.6, AVG 163.8
    Round 17: SW 162.6, EW 159.8 (-2.8 lb),
    LW 159.4, HW 161.8, AVG 160.2
    Round 18: SW 159.8, EW 158.0 (-1.8 lb),
    LW 157.4, HW 159.8, AVG 158.7
    Round 19: SW 158.0, EW 154.6 (-3.4 lb),
    LW 154.6, HW 158.0, AVG 156.6
    Round 20: SW 154.6, EW 155.2 (+0.6 lb),
    LW 154.8, HW 156.8, AVG 155.6
    Round 21: SW 155.2, EW 153.2 (-2.0lb),
    LW 153.2, HW 155.0, AVG 154.3
    Round 22: SW 153.2, EW 152.2 (-1.0 lb),
    LW 152.2, HW 155.2, AVG 153.4
    Round 23:  Thanksgiving hiatus.

    Round 24
    SW:  152.2
    GW:  151.2

    11/29:  152.2
    11/30:  152.0
    12/01: 152.0 The 151s are nearby, I can feel it!
    12/02: 151.2 Whoa! Ask and ye shall receive!? :happydance:
    12/03: 151.4 Still a happy camper!
    12/04: 150.4 Super happy camper!
    12/05: 150.2 Woo hoo! I'm "normal!!" (BMI) :grin:
    12/06: 150.6 Abby-normal again. Not worried. It'll go down again. :)
    12/07: 150.0 Wooooooo hoooooo!!!
    12/08: 150.4

    SW: 152.2
    GW: 151.2
    EW: 150.4 (-1.8 lbs)
    Average Weight: 151.2
    Milestone: Hit "normal" BMI!

    Great round! Thanks for all the support and warm fuzzies!! On to Round 25. :smile:

    I believe in my ability to MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES, to LOSE WEIGHT, and KEEP IT OFF!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Average weight per round
    R11 = 145.18 .....................R12 = 143.40
    R13 = 141.88 .....................R14 = 141.40
    R15 = 140.16 .....................R16 = 140.04
    R17 = 139.75 .....................R18 = 139.02
    R19 = 138.75. ....................R20 = 138.02
    R21 = 137.86......................R22 = 137.68
    R23 = 138.42

    29/11 - 138.8 - it wavered on 139. I DO NOT want to be back at 139!!
    30/11 - 138.8 - still overeating! Tomorrow is a new month and do I will commit to healthier choices.
    01/12 - 139.4 - 3 weeks of poor choices has wiped out 4 rounds of what felt like hard work. It's going to feel harder loosing it again. I made some good choices today!
    02/12 - 138.8 - I'm glad it wasn't in the 139s
    03/12 -138.4 - I'm determined to lose 2lbs over the next 2 weeks. MOVE MORE EAT LESS
    04/12 - 138.0 - so far so good
    05/12 - 137.0 :smile: moved lots but ate lots as well :(
    06/12 - 137.8

    07/12 - 138.0
    08/12 - 138.8

    R24 Average = 138.38
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,373 Member
    edited December 2017
    I HAVE the power and determination to do this.

    Change in focus. In the normal range for my age height and build, on maintenance.

    Had a bit of a blip last round as I was ill.

    New Primary Goal - 160lbs +/- 2lbs.

    Of course, losing a pound a Round would be ace, as I would like a cushion for celebrations.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gif to all the Newbies, and Hi to those returning for another Round. This has given me an element of daily accountability which is motivational.

    Observations, and Previous Rounds
    Many events along the way will scupper our best intentions, but they merely delay the achievement of our goals. Life is for living, and one must learn patience. It takes many years to put on excess weight, so It follows that it takes much time to remove, but it does come off, bit by stubborn bit! If you stick with it! The game continues!

    A lot of people get upset by apparent weight gain when they have been working their butts off. Body weight fluctuates, both up, and down, from one day to the next depending on so many factors. From my experience:
    • Changes often take several days to show on the scale.
    • A drop is often followed by a bounce up before it settles back down. A general downward trend is the aim.
    • A high sodium day usually results in a gain due to water retention, unless you drink extra fluids to flush it out.
    Don't beat yourself up over a temporary gain. Trust the process and stick with the programme.
    If you are making positive lifestyle changes it will lead to increased health and fitness.
    Slow and steady leads to sustainable weight loss.
    But remember to live a little along the way!

    Previous 5 Rounds[/colour=green]
    MW : R8/1, 165.5; R9/2, 166.8; R10/3, 167.7; R11/4, 165.5; R12/5, 162.6
    Round:..~ Mean ~ Highest ~ Lowest
    13/6: ... ~ 160.4 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 161.8
    14/7: ... ~ 160.7 ~~ 167.8 ~~ 160.4 (on vacation)
    15/8: ... ~ 161.8 ~~ 163.8 ~~ 163.8 (on vacation)
    16/9: ... ~ 161.3 ~~ 162.8 ~~ 162.4
    17/10: . ~ 160.5 ~~ 162.2 ~~ 160.0
    18/11: . ~ 159.8 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 158.4
    19/12: . ~ 159.0 ~~ 159.2 ~~ 158.2
    20/13: . ~ 158.8 ~~ 159.4 ~~ 158.6
    21/14: . ~ 160.3 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 159.5
    22/15: . ~ 161.2 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 160.0
    23/16: . ~ 162.0 ~~ 163.5 ~~ 161.2
    24/17: . ~ 163.3 ~~ 164.0 ~~ 162.5

    SW: 227; Lowest weight 11 Oct: 158.2. Dream goal weight: 155.0

    Round 24: (Round 17 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 71, weight in lbs) [/b]

    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength; 15+ flex; 7,500+ steps; close kitchen at 8.30pm!
    Get back under 160!!!

    28/11/2017: 162.1 Goals ✅ I expected a wee bounce up, but this is better.

    29/11/2017: 162.5 Goals ✅ and there's that bounce!
    30/11/2017: 162.8 Goals ✅ STOP! With the bouncing, already! Enough is enough! Mind you, on reflection, as I have been doing intensive strength circuits this week, not unexpected. I could feel tightness in my muscles this morning.
    01/12/2017: 162.7 Goals ✅ Hmmm!
    02/12/2017: 162.6 Goals ✅ This is like watching paint dry. Lol! Posting late today. I did weigh but just too busy to post.
    03/12/2017: 162.9 Goals ✅ Well, it is maintenance! Lol! Still, gotta drop sometime!
    04/12/2017: Goals
    05/12/2017: Goals
    06/12/2017: Goals
    07/12/2017: Goals
    08/12/2017: 164.0 Goals ✅ Was ill. Better now. Back on track for next round.

    :sunglasses: Don't worry! :sunglasses:
    ... ...oO~ 163.5 ~Oo... ...
    ... ...oO~ 160.0 ~Oo... ...
    :sunglasses: Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:

    :star: Good luck in Round 25. :star:
  • vdecosta86
    vdecosta86 Posts: 132 Member


    R24 GW 174

    11/29 - 180.9 - Took 2 weeks off of my diet. Gained 6 lbs, but I’m guessing that mostly water weight.
    11/30 - 177.7 - I was surprised to see the drop that quickly.
    12/01 - 176.4 - Still going in the right direction
    12/02 - 175.4 - Only 0.6 lbs away from being back on track. I'm guessing all the water weight is gone so it's going to start getting really tough.
    12/03 -
    12/04 -
    12/05 - 175.7 - Considering I didn't weigh myself for 2 days and was not very faithful to my healthy eating plan I'm pleasantly surprised with these results. I think with lots of water, clean eating, and exercise I still might be able to make it into the 174s this round.
    12/06 - 175.6 - I weighed myself but didn’t log it
    12/07 - 173.6 - Sometimes I wonder if my scale is broken. I even move it to different places and weigh myself multiple times, but I’ll take it! Now I just need make sure it doesn’t go up by tomorrow.
    12/08 - 174 - a little up from yesterday but still hit me goal, so I’m happy with it.
  • ineedtomakethiswork

    11/29… 162 Have gone nowhere these rounds….I don’t weigh any more than when I started, but I don’t weigh any less either, I need to stop making excuses.
    12/1……160 Will this stay? Doing a challenge at work to maintain, not gain by the end of December. Need to get this lower.
    12/3…..160 holding steady here.
    12/4…. Still 160…Saturday & Sunday were physical labor days and more than my usual steps…..but still holding steady.
    12/8……162……a lot of movement of 2 lbs…..up & down.
  • Cassieabc
    Cassieabc Posts: 75 Member
    Round 24

    Finished 23 on: 137.8

    11/29 137.6 Went to gym last night, goal this week is to go twice more and some home gym.
    11/30 138.0 ok this is ok....... I know from the last few weeks of the doing the challenge this happens. So just going to stick with the plan.
    12/1 Whoops forgot!
    12/2 139.0 Oh dear but know this is due to two nights out on a trot! Today I’ve been very good but know I need more water!
    12/3 137.8 OK back on track. Now to carry on being good........ until work Xmas party lol Goal today is to do work out and lots of housework.
    12/4 137.8 This is good! I had couple of bit of chocolate and some cookies so I’m very happy with this. Plus lots of water and housework!
    12/5 n/a
    12/6 n/a
    12/7 n/a
    12/8 138.8 Oh dear a pound back on but not surprised had rough couple of days didn’t really care about what I was eating, fell of the wagon! Well I’m ready to get back on it. The one day I ate far too much crap and felt like s*@t, haven’t had a binge like that for a very long time! Here’s to the next round.
  • cristafl
    cristafl Posts: 18 Member
    This is the first time joining in on this! Better late than never and I love the idea of short goals and seeing progress!

    Just a little background about me! I am 38, 5’9” and have 3 kids, love tennis (play about 3x a week) and I have about 10lbs I need to shed! For the past few years I have been about 160 and it is a comfortable weight for me. I would love to be 152lbs but that hasn’t happened since I had my 1st kid 15 years ago! In the last 2 months I have jumped up to 167lbs! It’s time to buckle down and shed this weight.. my goal is 157lbs! Wish me luck!

    Current weight: 167lbs
    Goal weight: 157

    11/29 Didn’t weigh in, hadn’t joined yet but I tried to eat well all day but cheated when I ate a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips! I need to be accountable so I decided today I was going to get in some groups and find some support!

    11/30 167lbs - feeling good so far, eating it on track, played two hours of tennis this morning and am motivated to finish the day with no cheating.

    12/01 165lbs - 2lb loss! Probably water but I like seeing the scale move! Today was a good day, lots of tennis and I ate really well with no cheating! On a side note my car got broken into which was a bummer but only my garage door opener was taken. Scary and not a great way to start the day! Hoping to see a loss again tomorrow!

    12/02 164.4lbs - yay!! Another half a pound! I’m sure it’s all water but still feels great.. I bet it’s going to be tougher from this point on.. I am going to try to stay strict tonight but we are going to the casino tonight, eating out and drinking!! Uggg!

    12/03 ??? I stayed overnight at the casino so I didn’t get to weigh in. I did good yesterday but I’m sure the drinking will make me bloat. Today was a cheat day for me. I pretty much ate what I wanted. I’m not going to be happy tomorrow with my weigh in but I will be good from here on out!!

    12/04 - 167.2lbs!!! Ugggg! Drinks sun and fun to blame.. Back to work and lesson learned..

    12/05 165.9
    12/06 166.2
    12/07 165.8 Still cheating and eating too many carbs! Grrr
    12/08 165.4 I lost1.5 lbs but I feel like it’s more water than anything else! I cheated too much and need to commit to doing better!
  • Gaia85
    Gaia85 Posts: 190 Member
    Female, 5'6"
    Starting weight (Nov 2016): 202.2lbs
    Goal Weight: 135lbs

    R16 SW: 159.6
    R16 EW: 157.6
    R17 EW: 155.4
    R18 EW: 152.4
    R19 EW: 149.2
    R20 EW: 146.8
    R21 EW: 145.0
    R22 EW: 145.6
    R23 EW: 142.8

    R22 GW: 141.xx

    11/29: 143.0 :neutral:/Up down up down...up. Ate within calories today. Third almost 12-hour work day in a row. So no gym yet again.
    11/30: 141.8 :)/And saw this for one day last round. Fingers crossed that the downward trend continues! Ate within calories.
    12/01: 140.6 :open_mouth:/This is a surprise. I won't be surprised if it goes up a bit tomorrow. Ate within calories again.
    12/02: 140.8 :neutral:/Not bad. I ate quite a bit today and drank two glasses of wine. Did a little bit of spinning.
    12/03: 140.8 :)/Didn't go up after yesterday's eating, so that's good. Ate within calories today.
    12/04: 141.4 :(/And we're back up. Another long work day. Ate within calories.
    12/05: 140.2 :)/And down again. I’ll be so excited if I get into the 130s this round! Stayed within calories.
    12/06: 139.6 :love:/It happened...For the first time in my adult life I saw the lower 160s, 150s, the 140s and now the 130s! My ultimate goal every time I started this journey has been 135. The problem is that now that I'm getting close, I don't know if that will satisfy me...I still feel like I have a lot of fat to get rid of...I have to decide if I'm going to stop at 135 and focus on recomposition instead.
    12/07: 139.6 :)/Today was a day of eating...so tomorrow
    12/08: 140.2: :neutral:/Expected. Friend's bday party today too.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    edited December 2017
    Life and how I feel about it is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

    SW on MFP - 178
    GW - 145

    11/29 - 152.6 - better than I expected after Thanksgiving + leftovers
    11/30 - 152.6 - mostly good food choices but too much sodium yesterday
    12/01 - 152.6 - 3 days in a row, exact same weight. Hmmmmm.
    12/02 - 152.4 - only a .2 loss after 4 days but better than a gain! I was starting to think my scale was broken!
    12/03 - - - - Oops! Had an early walk date with a friend and was out the door before I remembered.
    12/04 - 151.2 - and there it is! Yay!! My goal of at least maintaining during the holidays seems to be working. Just have to continue to be thoughtful about it all.
    12/05 - 151.6 - well that was short-lived before going in the opposite direction. Errrrrgh!
    12/06 - 152.4 - blaming that on too much sodium for a couple days. I've had plenty of cardio and some strength training, stayed under calories but I did have gluten-free pizza and some potato chips.
    12/07 - 152.2 - starting to feel like this daily weighing isn't working for me. I'm getting a little depressed. :/
    12/08 - 152.2 - ended with a small loss .4 from when I started this round.

    Well, all in all this was an interesting experiment for me. I normally only weigh once a week and now I remember why I made that decision. The daily fluctuations just don't work for me mentally. While I ended the 10-day challenge with a .4 loss I was down below that one day and also saw no loss on a number of days. I got excited for the loss but then went back up again. Had I only weighed on my normal Fridays I would have just seen the total loss and not all the ups and downs. It messes with my head.

    I am managing to maintain through the holidays (so far) which is my primary goal until after the first of the year. Wishing you all good luck in Round 25 and future rounds. I'm going back to my usual Friday weigh-ins.
  • Ani_GetsHealthy
    Ani_GetsHealthy Posts: 51 Member
    Great job!!! Let’s do it again
    ar63jan wrote: »
    One more day, let's make it count!!!

    I’m in my goal range!!!! Wooo hooo!!!!

    Ok let’s do this! I’m all in!!! Welcome fit friends!!!

    SW: 221
    CW: 208
    GW: 206 (for round 24)
    UGW: 175


    11/28. 208. I’m excited!

    11/29 207.6. Yesss! Can’t wait to see if this accountability works for me

    11/30. 207.6. I had a BAD day yesterday and this morning. No matter how much I ate I was starving and craving sweets. Came to realize today when my sugar went low that I had not had a hot meal in days

    12/1 207.2

    12/2 207.2 I ate out today but stayed within my calories

    12/3. 206.8 I’m in my goal weight for this round!!! Let’s see how much more I could do with my remaining day! Spent my day working in the yard

    12/4 206.8 No change from yesterday but I’ve been a little whack on my diet. Haven’t cheated nor passed my calories but just haven’t been as organized. Also TOM

    12/5 207 ughhhh but it’s ok it’s that time TOM so it’s not bad. I’m sure it will come right down again. Hmmm... I did eat late last night but I don’t think that would do it. I’m sticking to TOM

    12/6 206.6 Yay!!! Back to normal

    12/7 205.6 YAY!!! Exceeded my goal for this round. Spent hours building a roof for the patio in the hot sun so hopefully this is not a temp water loss.

    One more day!!!

    12/8 205!!!! Wooo hoooo!!! So happy!!! Let’s do this again!!!! Ready for round 25!!!!

  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Weight: 201 Lbs on March 14th 2017
    R14 HW 198.2 LW 192.6 Total weights Average: 194.9
    R15 HW 195.4 LW 191.8 Total weights Average: 193.7
    R16 HW 194.6 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 192.8
    R17 HW 192.5 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 191.7
    R18 - I followed the thread but didn't record my weights as I had no access to a reliable Scale
    R19 - HW 192.2 LW 190.4 - I Can't record Average as I didn't post for 1/2 of the days
    R20 HW 189.8 LW 187.4 Total weights Average: 188.9
    R21 HW 189.8 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.3
    R22 HW 189.6 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.8
    R23 HW 191.8 LW 188.4 Total weights Average: 189.7

    I was really upset and disappointed by my results in the last 2 rounds. I'm gonna do my best to be MUCH better on this round.

    Goal for this round: Get back on track, lose the bloating and see 186.something again.

    Weight on Nov. 29th: 190.0

    R24 (11th Round for me)


    11/29 - 190.0
    11/30 - 191.2
    12/01 - 190.4 - 1st day of a new month and I have high hopes that I'm going to do better this month!
    12/02 - 190.6
    12/03 - 192.2 Yesterday was family Christmas. I ate 4x what I should have and most of it was sugar. Today will be better
    12/04 - 192.8
    12/05 - 192.4
    12/06 - 193
    12/07 - 190.8
    12/08 - sick with flu. Didn't weight.

  • mrs_sutsie
    mrs_sutsie Posts: 511 Member
    I'm in for my third round :)

    Round 22 start weight - 151.40
    Round 23 start weight - 145.80
    Round 24 start weight - 147.60

    I'm aiming to finish this round about 143.50.......
    (Was my target for the last round but don't understand quite what went wrong! New round, new goals....)

    Cheerleading showcase for my girls this weekend and out with my bestie Wednesday 6th for a meal and a catch up - other than that no major events planned where I'm not in total control. Meals are all planned, MFP is at the ready and my water bottle is at my side - so here we go .......................................

    11/29 145.80 -down 1.80lbs so back to where I was on 20th November! Gym last night and plenty of water yesterday. 5.6lbs down in 21 days so not all bad. Good food day planned today so hopefully my end of round target is achievable.

    11/30 145.30 down half a pound so almost back to my lowest from last round before THE chinese weekend! Lesson learnt though about how much just one evening off track and less water intake can affect weight.

    12/01 144.80 down another half a pound so back to my lowest weight from the previous round. Onwards and downwards from here hopefully! The weekend ahead - but my food is all planned - just need to avoid the temptation of all the goodies that will be on sale at my daughters' cheerleading showcase this weekend and keep drinking the water!!! Really going to try and stay focused .....

    12/02 144.0 lbs - 0.80lb down since yesterday - lovin' this round so far - just need to keep focused over the weekend as its Showcase Day!!! got my big bottle of water to take and a couple of apples stashed in my bag in case I feel the need - but feeling motivated at the minute as its all going in the right direction.... Even managed to avoid any chocolate or pork scratchings out the advent calendars (which means kids and hubby will need a diet by New Year!! :wink: )

    12/03 142.2lb - down 1.8lbs according to the scale but this is distorted as ate main dinner at lunchtime before we went to Cheer Showcase in the afternoon / evening and then only had a snack when got home. Theory was I wouldn't then be hungry when there and seemed to work as did avoid the sweets and festive temptations there (munched on my apple and carried around my water bottle the whole time!) so feeling pretty virtuous today :) So with that in mind and our Sunday roast tonight I am expecting the scale to go up tomorrow but know it won't be a true gain. Expecting the scale to return to a true weight probably on Tuesday? Feeling like I am getting more in control of weekends - finally! Just the holidays to work on.......

    12/04 143.6lb - as expected up from yesterday - but most importantly 0.40lbs down from Saturday which being over a weekend I haven't achieved before - so feeling pretty good today. Has set me up in a good frame of mind for the week ahead - out for a meal on Wednesday (but checked the menu in advance and planned in to my day what I will order) and cheer comp next weekend so need to be careful how I start the next round! Happy Monday :)

    12/05 143.0lb. I am loving this feeling of being in control and the weight actually coming off - who would have guessed eh ? Lol :wink: If I'm this weight (or less) by the end of the round I'll be a happy lady!

    12/06 142.4lb
    12/07 141.3lb - weighed in yesterday but so busy - my Christmas shopping day!- that I never got round to logging onto here. But after the gym Tuesday night and 20k steps yesterday, I have lost 1.7lbs in the last couple of days - including out for dinner last night with a friend. So pleased too as stayed in control - ate what I had planned from the menu beforehand, wasn't tempted by anything else - all going well and so don't want to lose it at this stage. Out again tonight but have planned dinner before we go and then drinks there but I am going to drive so no alcohol temptation!

    12/08 141.60lb. Weighed but only just on here to report! Slight gain but drank loads of sparkling water last night when went out so not upset. Very happy with my final weight :) Bring on the next round.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    R09 SW 197.8 (My round 1)
    R10 SW 198.9
    R11 SW 196.7
    R12 SW 196.9
    R13 SW 193.3
    R14 SW 194.9
    R15 SW 192.7
    R16 SW 195.8 I'm not telling what happened here
    R17 SW 194.2
    R18 SW 194.0
    R19 SW 191.4
    R20 SW 191.4
    R21 SW 191.1
    R22 SW 190.7
    R23 SW 194.0
    R24 SW 192.2

    I am ready to just walk away from the last two rounds!!!


    11/29 - 191.8 focused on eating five servings of fruit or vegetable each day this week.
    11/30 - 192.7 All that fruit and vegetable fiber must weigh a lot! :p

    12/01 - 191.6 The road to success is always under construction.
    12/02 - ???
    12/03 - 192.9
    12/04 - 191.8
    12/05 - 192.0
    12/06 - 193.3
    12/07 - ????
    12/08 - 191.6

    This was a flat round for me. Up down up down.