Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)



  • rpearce519
    Tuesday's totals:

    Food - 1
    Water - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Exercise - 2

    Total this week so far - 10
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Way to go, Ashley! That is awesome news on both the diabetes front and the cholesterol front!
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    Hey allI got in 200 crunches which makes me happy ( they are my least favorite b/c I hate getting on the floor! Anyway hoping to get in extra exercise points this week I have no issues with food logging or water I however lose 1-3 points for sleep a week. I've been averaging 9 exercise points and hope to bump that to 12 this week we will see. Point goal this week is 33 hope I can make it!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    wednesday points

    exercise 4.5
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 7.5
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I was feeling great until my Shred this afternoon. My legs and arms and everything were achy and tired. So, I didn't do the swim tonight, although that probably would've felt nice, because we got back from my son's last day of T-ball later than normal and I still had to make dinner and all that. I'll probably double-up on exercise tomorrow to make up for it. Have to take the kids for their yearly physical tomorrow and we're going to take them to the park. So I have to Shred early in the morning and will either go for a nice walk in the afternoon after the physical or go for a run while the hubby walks with the kids. Thankfully, he is taking the afternoon off so I don't have to do the doctor thing alone! :)

    Points today:
    Exercise: 1
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1

    Total: 4

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 14
    Total points overall: 95
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! My internet explorer keeps "encountering a problem" and closing - ugh!

    I've been on the go, so not getting in more than 30 minutes of exercise the last 2 days. So happy tomorrow I should be able to fit in more!

    I'm going to be out of town this weekend. The 1st 2 nights at a campground - & I don't think they have wifi! Eeek! I am planning to track everything "manually" and then log it in when I get back to civilization. I'm super bummed, b/c then I won't get the "Amy has logged in for 30 straight days" message. Silly I know - but I want it!

    Kelly & Brittany - great work on getting your crunches in!

    Everyone else - I am so inspired with how much exercise you are all fitting in - so inspiring!!

    Back to laundry & packing!


  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Wednesday points:

    sleep 1
    water 1
    exercise 3
    diary 1

    total 6

    weekly total 17

    Thanks all for your words of congrats :) Means a lot!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    81 points total
    I will workout 60 minutes daily
    Monday: 103 minutes 8 points
    Tuesday: 60 minutes jogging plus I substituted windshield wipers for crunches. I earned 6 points.
    Wednesday: 108 minutes exercising and 50 crunches, 8 points
  • HokieDor
    Hi everyone! I am so sorry that I was MIA for so long. My husband and I had 3 trips planned back-to-back. I thought I would have internet access to stay connected, and that didn't happen. I tried to keep track of my food, water, sleep, and exercise, but that didn't happen either. I'm a little frustrated with myself for not sticking to it, but I'm back and ready to be Lean by Labor Day.
  • rpearce519
    Wednesday Points:

    Food - 1
    Water - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Exercise - 2

    Total this week - 15
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Wednesday Points
    Total 8 points
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Wednesday's Points:

    Exercise -4.5

    Total - 6.5

    Weekly Total - 31
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Good afternoon one and all! Hope you're having an awesome day so far! As for me, I think I'm feeling the symptoms of a cold! I’m hoping it’s just my sinuses, which sometimes can be worse than the cold, but at least it doesn’t last as long.

    For the past couple of nights, we’ve been having issues with our control device on the air conditioner's thermostat! It doesn’t work when we set it to auto, which means it runs all night and when we wake up in the morning, it’s 70 degrees or lower! Of course, I’d rather put up with that and not have to sleep in a hot house, but the cold air is starting to give me the sniffles. I’m sure we have to replace the thermostat. Hopefully we can get it taken care of before the weekend ends, but until then, it’s going to be a few more cold nights for me!

    Wednesday, August 3rd
    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Food: 1
    Exercise: 4
    Total: 6 points
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Phili, I hope you start feeling better! If you want to try to fend it off, you can buy a bottle of echinacea and zinc and take those for a few days or until you are recovered! I do that whenever I feel a cold coming on and it will usually cut my suffering down to a couple of days instead of a week or more. :)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    thursday points:

    exercise 0
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 3

    tough day dealings with an elder parent......glad day is over
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I did it! I accomplished one of my goals! I ran for 33 minutes without stopping today! That and I actually survived level 2 of the 30 Day Shred! I'm so proud of myself today! =D =D =D =D

    Thursday points:
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Exercise: 4

    Total points: 7

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 21
    Total points overall: 102
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so sorry that I was MIA for so long. My husband and I had 3 trips planned back-to-back. I thought I would have internet access to stay connected, and that didn't happen. I tried to keep track of my food, water, sleep, and exercise, but that didn't happen either. I'm a little frustrated with myself for not sticking to it, but I'm back and ready to be Lean by Labor Day.

    Welcome back Dory!

    Melissa- great work on reaching a goal - very impressive!!!

    Phillys - Hope you are feeling well soon! My son & I are having major allergy issues the past few nights - so I can sympathize!

    I MAY NOT HAVE AN INTERNET CONNECTION UNTIL SUNDAY - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO "CHALLENGE" EACH OTHER OVER THE WEEKEND! I'll be tracking with old fashioned pen & paper until I can get back online.

    Let's make this another great week everyone! Only about 4.5 more weeks until Labor Day!!


  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    81 points total
    I will workout 60 minutes daily
    Monday: 103 minutes 8 points
    Tuesday: 60 minutes jogging plus I substituted windshield wipers for crunches. I earned 6 points.
    Wednesday: 108 minutes exercising and 50 crunches, 8 points
    Thursday: 88 minutes exercising plus 60 crunches, 7 points
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Have a great vacation, Amy!
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Thursday points

    sleep 1
    water 1
    exercise 6
    diary 1

    total 9

    weekly total 26