**LADIES** P90x Challenge starting August 1st!!!



  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Oh man just finished core syn. and burned 409 cals!! I am whooped!

    Great burn! I have to say this my least favorite workout, lol. I am doing a modified lean program and when I was putting it together I really considered skipping this particular dvd.... but I put it in. We'll see how it goes this weekend when have to push play:laugh:

    I am sure you will fight through it!!! I just tell myself that it's only 1 hour and I don't have to do ab ripper x after it so it's worth it!

    I had that conversation with myself everytime I put Core Syn in the dvd player this spring, lol.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Yoga X done... my asanas need help, and I had to laugh at the last downward dog. I would NEVER grace the cover of downward dog magazine lol! And I realized during tree pose I should not have been wearing my shoes. Whoops! Loads of room for improvement. Looking forward to legs and back/ ab ripper x tomorrow. Can't believe I just said that :) Good work guys! Best part....day 4 is DONE!
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I started a few days before Aug 1st not knowing there was going to be a thread. I am on day 8 today and my butt is so damn sore from Legs and Back and Kempo still. Seriously, it hurts to sit/walk/move. Who knew I used that muscle so much.
  • Jeanyusjean
    Jeanyusjean Posts: 20 Member
    I also started on August 1st. So tonight Day 4, Week one is Yoga X. I attempted to start the program a few months ago and stopped after the first three weeks but i'm determined to complete all 90 days this time!
  • Jeanyusjean
    Jeanyusjean Posts: 20 Member
    I started laughing so hard when he said that. My daughter came in the room and said" Mommy your supposed to be working out not laughing?" lol
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    Hello.....I am currently doing some of the discs from my P90X set....I am trying to get back into running. I havent been able to for 6mths...Its hard to fit the entire program in with a running schedule..?? I dont want to over do it. I would LOVE any advice that someone can give me on this....and since I am new to mfp....HOW do I log the exercise on here when I do one of the p90 dvds...???? I am sweatin' like crazy...I know I am burning calories....LOL...~!~ Help please...???!!!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    10:20pm and literally just finished Yoga, I'm in two minds - I started it thinking this is gunna be boring, it's not my cup of tea and 20mins later I was still thinking the same thing - repeat, repeat, repeat.

    HOWEVER, I actually think I quite enjoyed it !!! I do think 1hour would be better than 1.5hours but I can't believe how much I sweated during the first section !!! Really opened my eyes to it and I would love to be able to extend / stretch further each time - again, I would enjoy it more if I get to see progress.

    Not one I'll ever be able to get to do during the day though because of how long it takes !!!

    I logged it as yoga - I think it was 187 calories burnt, or thereabouts and I even saw Tony(sp) in a different light !!!

    I also realise that I have issues with my wrists - a lot of them hurt !!!
  • Day 4 Yoga X done - I have to say, I really like this workout! I'm a big fan of Yoga so I think that helped. I agree with others that this is a bit long though. It's really like two separate workouts in one (a power yoga session and a stretch yoga session). There is definitely room for improvement in the first section, I would love to be able to do all the moves without breaks but right now its killer on my knees and my arms (which are sore and stiff from arms & shoulders yesterday). I absolutely did not attempt crane and I can't do that standing leg extension thanks to super tight hamstrings. Tony is right though, I was so much more flexible in the stretches at the end than I normally am. I feel awesome and stretched out right now :) Somehow Ialso managed to burn 460 calories!
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 61 Member
    I REALLY did not want to workout tonight, and because of that I pretty much hated every minute of yoga! I must admit that I really didnt give it my all, but I did it. Looks like everyone had a great day, keep up the good work!!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Week 2, Yoga X here. I have to say I definitely got a lot more out of the workout this week than I did last week. My goal is to be able to complete crane pose before the end of 90 days, although that's dependant on how much weight I lose and how much strength I gain in my arms!
  • jcezzell
    jcezzell Posts: 26
    i am about start my yoga tonight and was just reading up on what everyone thought about it, does anyone happen to know how many cals they burn with it? i dont have a heart rate monitor and was wondering what the average burn was... just reply if ya know i saw some one said almost 200. good luck ladies and keep it up i am gunna go BRING IT (the best i can :laugh: )
  • Good luck ladies! can't wait to see your after pics, p90x is one heck of a ride. The best tip i can give anyone is. Pace your self the first couple of weeks learn the moves then master them.
  • jcezzell
    jcezzell Posts: 26
    finally finished the yoga at midnight TOOK FOREVER
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Today is my rest day then I start WEEK 5 tomorrow! I'm thinking of throwing a short Bodyrock workout in today, not really in the mood for a full rest day. Lots of work stress and I need to get all that out in a healthy way.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Just finished Day 5 - Legs, Back, and Ab ripper X. I didn't really feel like working out today but I did it any way. I'm happy that I'm done. While it's somewhat painful, I do like the burn that I feel when doing ab ripper x. I constantly feel challenged, which is a good thing.

    Have a wonderful day and continue pressing play!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Rest day for me! I'm seriously modifying the program this round, so I will be all over the place schedule-wise. Sticking to a plan of 3 run days, 2 to 3 (hopefully 3) lifting days and a rest/stretch/yoga day. I figured out that trying to adhere to the strict schedule killed both my training (I am a distance runner) and my sanity...so I'm indulging my exercise ADD and doing whatever I feel like on a given day.

    Hope y'all don't mind if I continue to hang around here. :flowerforyou:
    Great job and Happy Friday!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Getting ready to start ARX/Legs and Back. We are camping at the lake this weekend (5 min. away from our house). So I can still come home and get my workouts in!!!
  • I'm now feeling Ab RipperX from Tuesday yikes I'm in pain. I've got legs and back today plus Ab RipperX bit I'm ready to bring it :)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Legs & Back plus ARX for me this morning. During L & B I doubled my reps from last week. But my biggest improvement was definitely with ARX.
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Legs & Back/ARX-DONE! I actually like this one, my legs are probably my strongest, now ARX is a different story!! It is getting easier though!!
    Now for some Results and Recovery Formula and back to the campground!