**LADIES** P90x Challenge starting August 1st!!!



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 of Classic for me this morning.

    I gotta say, Plyometrics is growing on me. I felt super pumped after my workout this morning. Drinking my protein shake immediately post-workout is still 100% required, though. I waited a few minutes today and started feeling queasy, although the shake fixed things right up.

    Oh, and I did my morning weigh-in before the workout. I weighed again after drinking a bottle of water plus an equivalent amount of protein shake and showering, and even with wet hair and a full tummy I'd gone down 2 lbs from before the workout. That's a LOT of sweat!
  • Lekachka7
    I started P90X yesterday as well..So happy to see so many people already on their journey to be healthy and beautiful :) I have done P90X before; however, I quite around 40-50 days... I wasn't motivated and started getting results and stopped...
    I am doing LEAN version... Today after kids are asleep I am looking forward to the CardioX :) feeling pretty sore everywhere after day 1 :)

    I would really appreciate all your support and motivation.

    Good luck to all :)
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    My heart rate monitor is on the way! So for the rest of the week I will still be guestimating my calories...until next week when I better bring it and kick my own booty!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    I just completed Day 3 with the Shoulders, Arms, and Ab Ripper X DVD. I enjoyed this workout and look forward to increasing my weights soon. As far as Ab Ripper X goes, I feel the burn every time and can't wait until I get to the point where I can complete all 300 moves. I'm up for the challenge.

    I look forward to reading about your progress.

  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Day 3- Check!! Yeah, Ab Ripper X is soo hard!!! It will get easier, it has to with doing it 3 days a week! Did anyone do the bonus round at the end of shoulders and arms?? I didn't this morning b/c I was running short on time. It is hard to get up in the morning and get in more than an hour workout!!!!

    You all have a great day and a great workout!!! You guys are amazing!! :happy:
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Week 2 Day 1: Chest & Back - DONE! Ran out of time so I'm doing Ab Ripper X when I get home. Man, my shoulders and arms are still sore from Kempo 2 days ago! UGH!

    I was able to do more pushups (knees) and pullups (w/bands) today than last week. Yay! By Week 4 I want to be able to do all the pushups on my feet rather than my knees! I'm gonna BRING IT!!

  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Week 4 Day 5 Core Synergistics Done! I double padded my mat for today and found the Superman/Banana and Bow/Boat much easier on my hip bones this time. I think this is slowly becoming my favorite workout.
  • AHealthyJD
    Cardio X, day two of lean done. I like it a lot. Ab ripper is a whole other story. My body just can't do some of those moves! Hopefuly with time....

    I'm confused, I thought Ab Ripper X was supposed to be done after Shoulders & Arms and Legs & Back...did you modify the program?

    I did Ab ripper today with Cardio X, instead of tomorrow with shoulders and arms, simply because of timing. Cardio X is about 45 min long and Shoulders &Arms is 60 min. I am doing this at 5 am before getting the kids ready and I am out the door for work. I don't think I can sqeeze more than 60 min in.

    Oh ok, I was just confused because I had my schedule written down in my planner at work and I thought I wrote it down wrong :)
  • Shou5
    Shou5 Posts: 5 Member
    Hang in there and dont give up. I finish my P90X 90 day program last June and was doing double schedule. It was very tough at first and I only got into it to tone up but I found out it wasn't easy as I thought but I still finished it to the end. Nothing comes easy but it sure is worth it. My weight was 191 and wanted to tone to fit my outdoor sports. I weigh 158 lbs now. I am doing about 2 hours a day of a combination of Insanity & P90X Plus now to maintain it. One thing for sure diet also plays a big part to be successfull in any program. Having kids to take care of does put limitations. I would suggest workouts at night. That's what I did with my busy schedule. Keep it up!! Bring it!!
  • AHealthyJD
    So, I did Cardio X last night and I'm relieved...I thought it was going to be much tougher than it was. I was a little scared doing the some of the same moves from Core Synergistics again but I managed to get through them. My core is killing me today though and I'm definitely dreading Ab Ripper X tonight because of this (I've seen my husband doing it so I know what I'm getting myself into). Excited about Shoulders and Arms tonight though!
  • Johnnygirl777
    Johnnygirl - you and I are on the exact same day - Week 6, Day 2. I have family vacation coming next week however so I will be a week behind you after that. :)

    It sounds like everyone is doing great. Those of you who just started - keep up the good work and know it does get easier. I actually am sad that I won't be able to do Week 7 during vacation! P90X is an addictive program.

    Oh how cool!! Well have fun on your vacation, you deserve it :)
  • Johnnygirl777
    Doing Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + Ab Ripper tonight! Good luck everyone :)
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Legs and Back + ARX tonight... Not sure how ARX is going to be since I did it Monday and got a major ab workout in Pilates last night!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Shoulders & Arms + ARX tonight. Ought to be interesting since I'm still feeling the Dynamic Yoga from Monday! Oh well. :happy: Great job ladies...keep pushing play!
  • chelsiburnett
    w2d1 core synergistics!!!! I really like this workout!!! Happy Hump Day to all!!!!
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I just started on Sunday, the 31st! I'm super excited. :) I am only doing it 5 days a week though, rather than 6. I'm taking Tuesdays and Fridays off. i'm the type to jump full boar into something and then burn out after a month or so, so I hoping this helps keep me on track.

    Please add me so we can support each other! :) just put P90x in the message so I know!

    Shoulders/Arms/ARX tonight!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Arms and shoulders should be called pushups x 1 hour, which is tough bc I can't do a pushup. Let's be honest here....I have a hard enough time with girly pushups. On a positive note, there is a lot of room for improvement and pretty much every muscle in my body (except my calves) is sore. Favorite moves: lawn mower and heavy pants. I also liked the decline pushups, so when I get tired I may modify some more of those. I did most of the stuff with my medium resistance tube, most of it modified, and most of it probably wouldn't have made him happy. Next week ab ripper x will stay with cardio x, if only because I am too sore to get up and down off the floor so many times :) But the BEST part: day 3 is done! Get to work guys we can do this!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Week 2 Day 3 for me today, Arms & Shoulders plus Ab Ripper X. My arms feel totally pumped! I have to say, I like all of the workouts so far although Ab Ripper and Yoga are my nemeses.
  • chelsiburnett
    Oh man just finished core syn. and burned 409 cals!! I am whooped!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Oh man just finished core syn. and burned 409 cals!! I am whooped!

    Great burn! I have to say this my least favorite workout, lol. I am doing a modified lean program and when I was putting it together I really considered skipping this particular dvd.... but I put it in. We'll see how it goes this weekend when have to push play:laugh: