**LADIES** P90x Challenge starting August 1st!!!



  • chelsiburnett
    shoulders arms and ab ripper X complete!!!! I really like this workout and I am beginning to really like ab ripper also!! :smile:
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Hello.....I am currently doing some of the discs from my P90X set....I am trying to get back into running. I havent been able to for 6mths...Its hard to fit the entire program in with a running schedule..?? I dont want to over do it. I would LOVE any advice that someone can give me on this....and since I am new to mfp....HOW do I log the exercise on here when I do one of the p90 dvds...???? I am sweatin' like crazy...I know I am burning calories....LOL...~!~ Help please...???!!!

    If I were running I would only do it on the cardio days, and do your regular strength training days.
    As far as logging the calories burned... do you have a heart rate monitor? If not I would recommend getting one. You will go to log exercise- add exercise - search(don't put anything in box) - then add exercise to database - enter whatever exercise you did that day and how many calories your HRM said you burned
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Day 5 done! Got my polar ft40 heart rate monitor in the mail today...422 calories for legs and back plus ab ripper x. So far I think legs and back is my favorite, but I may change my mind tomorrow! Good work everybody! Looking forward to kenpo tomorrow!
  • kgsmiles3
    Week 1 Day 5: Legs & Back plus Ab RipperX DONE :) Wasn't too bad my legs are.pretty strong.
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 62
    Ugh! I was up for work at 6am, then out all night with friends. Don't know why I am still up!! But I didnt get my legs and back workout in! Off tomorrow, guess it will be double duty day, dont want to fall behind!!! Great job today everyone!!!!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Legs and Back + Ab Ripper completed last night - I found this ok and enjoyed the fact it wasn't repeated all the time.

    However, my legs this morning weren't feeling best and it did knock my jogging pace quite a bit this morning.

    Kenpo will be done later this evening!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Day 6, Kenpo X, Done. This workout was quite fun. This is probably the closest I'll ever get to the Karate Kid or Bruce Lee. I was suprised to see how much I sweated. Kenpo X was a great way to end Week 1 of the P90 program.

    Congratulations to my Fellow P90Xer's on "bringing it" day by day.
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Kempo X :happy:
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Week 5 Day 1, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Totally killer! This was definitely the hardest workout for me in this set so far, but I loved every minute of it. I'm seeing such an incredible improvement in my push-up ability. Seriously just a few months ago I couldn't do a single push-up and now I'm well into double digits on full push-ups. I've also noticed a huge change in my muscle definition, especially in my arms. I can't wait to see how I look on day 90.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Kempo - DONE deffo the most enjoyable today, although it shows how I have no coordination whatsoever !!!!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Day 6 Kenpo X done! 1 week down, 12 to go! Nice job everybody! And I didn't even fall over today :)
  • kgsmiles3
    Day 6 Kenpo X DONE. Week 1 is history...So looking forward to my rest day tomorrow :)
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    X stretch done! I need to work on my flexibility so I think I will do this every week on the off or "stretch" day. I may even add it in on the days I am super sore.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Week 2, Day 1, Chest, back and ab ripper x comeplete! I had a little bit of trouble getting up this morning but with a little bit of self talk, I reminded myself of how great I felt last Monday so I got up and pressed play. This is probably one of the most challenging DVDs for me because I do not have much upper body strength. Thankfully, that is changing.

    HAPPY MONDAY. Seize the day!!!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Week 2 Ladies!!!!
    Gonna get mine on this evening after work. I had a terrible time getting out of bed this morning-probably b/c of not eating very good this weekend! We went camping at the lake and my hubby surprised me with a surprise b-day party!! So lots of cake and bad stuff!!! Back on track today though!!!
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    Week one wasn't what I expected. The first two days wore me out.. so thats all I did. But, hey its a start! This week I will try to at least get through 3 days... and I lost 3.4lbs this week : )
  • chelsiburnett
    Legs, Back, and Ab Ripper X complete!!! Burned 508 cals and guess what????!?!?!?!?!! I did my first pull up by myself!!! Without a chair and everything!!! I am so excited!!! Can you tell? LOL!!
  • kgsmiles3
    Week 2 Day 1: Core Synergistics DONE I'm Exhausted
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Legs & Back/ARX - DONE!!

    Thinking that I am gonna switch a couple of days on my schedule: Gonna do Kempo X on Tues. and Plyo on Sat. Kempo doesn't jump around so I don't have to worry about waking the whole house up sounding like an elephant wearing tap shoes! Plus, I really just don't feel like plyo at 5 a.m.!! I also am going to switch Yoga on Sundays, and X Stretch on Wed. just to save time.

    Congrats to Chelsi for PULL-UPS!!!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Welcome to WEEK 2! Still doing the 30 day trial but so far I think it is challenging yet do-able. Still modifying where I need to and doing my best. Core synergistics done, and this time I added hand weights for the ones with hand weights. Can't wait for the 30 day check in!