**LADIES** P90x Challenge starting August 1st!!!



  • kgsmiles3
    Is it ok if I switch to Classics schedule, right now I'm doing the Lean program
  • jayme03
    jayme03 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm starting next Monday (15th)!! I'll need all the encouragement I can get as well :)
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Is it ok if I switch to Classics schedule, right now I'm doing the Lean program

    I would switch now if you are going to. I think it would be fine.
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 62
    Week 2 day 1 done!! Just finished chest and back, I also wanted some cardio so I did cardio x as well. I am exhausted, but feel great!! I might do that more often on strength days. Didn't eat the best today, had McDonald's for dinner, but I did burn some extra calories with the cardio. Time for bed now, great job everyone!!!!:bigsmile:
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I didn't get to do chest and back + ab ripper yesterday so I got a double-wammy today !!! Got it out the way this morning and will do Plyos tonight - I don't want to fall behind !
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 Plyometric COMPLETE!:smile:

    Plyo whooped my but this morning. I wanted to press pause so many times but I knew if I stopped I probably would not start again. I modified some of the moves to get through it and thankfully it worked. Now that the work out is behind me, I feel great. Looking forward to Shoulders & Arms tomorrow.

    Congrats leighkent on doubling up. That's awesome. Way to stay committed.

    Let's continue to bring it ladies!
  • kgsmiles3
    Is it ok if I switch to Classics schedule, right now I'm doing the Lean program

    I would switch now if you are going to. I think it would be fine.

    I'm gonna get going on Plyometrics and I'm gonna ad ARX too, since the lean version didn't have as many days of it today :) Also I got my new Chest & Back DVd from BB for free :)
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Back & Biceps this evening. Man my arms are killing me right now!

    I'm really struggling to motivate myself for all the cardio/yoga workouts. I know I just gotta push through, but I'm seriously hating on the cardio right now.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Cardio X done! I was dripping sweat and according to my hrm burned only 250 calories for the whole thing! If this is the case next week I may just go running on the cardio day. Think that would be ok? My hr was about 140-150 after the warm up so I am not sure what was going on.
  • chelsiburnett
    Kenpo complete!!!! And Zumba in 2 hours!!! I am going to have one heck of a burn by the end of the day!!! Week 3 starts tomorrow!!
  • kgsmiles3
    Week 2 Day 2 Plyometrics DONE...it kicked my butt
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Had a great workout this morning - Week 3 Day 2, Plyometrics. According to my HRM I burned over 500 calories! Whoa! I was feeling kind of crappy before my workout but by the end I felt pretty fantastic. I also was dripping. Absolutely dripping. Going to have to steam clean my rug after I finish P90X, that's for sure!
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 62
    Plyo done!!! Thank god, I sooo did not want to do that workout but now I am so glad I did!!! Exhausted, time for bed!!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Shoulders + arms plus ab ripper done - I'm back on track !! xx
  • Melslifestylechange
    Melslifestylechange Posts: 165 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Week 2, Day 3, Yoga X Done! I switched my scheduled today and did Yoga X because I knew that I would not have enough time to do this tomorrow without rushing. I'll do Shoulders and Arms tomorrow and follow the regular routine.
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Week 2, Day 3, Yoga X Done! I switched my scheduled today and did Yoga X because I knew that I would not have enough time to do this tomorrow without rushing. I'll do Shoulders and Arms tomorrow and follow the regular routine.

    Thats exactly what I was planning on doing....LOL
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Week 5 Day 4: Yoga done. I didn't do Yoga X today, but I did do 45 minutes of other yoga and went for a 40 minute run. I really like Yoga X, but 90 minutes can be hard to find and I also like to change up my yoga routine a bit.

    Legs&Back tomorrow and I'm quite excited, it's one of my favorite workouts. Planning on upping my weights for the squats and lunges.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Looks like u all are doing well! Hard to believe how fast it goes, today is week 4 day 3 for recovery week which is kenpo, normally I look forward to this workout but not today since I was up with the little one last nite almost every hour. Thinking about switching today w/ tomor (which is stretch x). Keep up the great work ladies!
  • chelsiburnett
    coren syn. complete which is week 3 day 1!!! Didn't push it as hard as I would have liked to, but I didn't even eat lunch till after the workout and that was at 3:15 so I didn't have my usual energy!!! Glad to see everyone is doing great!!!
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    Yeah rest/stretch day! I need it as my legs are hurting.