Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Just a little update: Yesterday was my appt. for the biopsy. Well I went in and they did prep for everything. Then the doctor told me no biopsy was necessary, things have improved on their own!! The prayers and positive vibes worked!! Thank you ALL sooo much!! Even though she didn't biopsy, she scheduled another potential biopsy next appt. So that is a little depressing bc she is keeping this dark, looming cloud over me. Regardless, I'm glad she has my health in her best interest. Since I used to work in the medical field, my doctor is very technical and straight forward. That's good except, I'm pregnant and not as strong emotionally as usual. Therefore, I left the appt yesterday feeling a little down. She still took some superficial samples so I was sore and sad. So I enduldged in some Papa Murphy's Pizza, chocolate and chick-flicks afterwards :disappointed: Not my best day of health!! I rested all day and tried to mentally overcome all the things my doctor said.

    So moving forward: I'm giving God this concern! I'm going to refocus on eating healthy and exercising. I also have some exciting things to look forward with in school; the grad. school invite and I have my Senior Research project to work on. I have a very technical paper due mid January so I can get started on that!!

    Today I'm not going to put a list together but I am going to work on getting myself ready to start fresh again!! I'm going to manage some household chores, get my office organized, pay some bills, do Prenatal Yoga (this will help me re-center myself!!) and enjoy the company of my family :blush: I'll get back to a more technical JFT tomorrow :wink:

    Be blessed everyone!

    I am SO happy to hear about your appointment! I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I have worked in medical field most of my life and know enough to scare myself. But I think you are doing the right thing....hand it over to God and just keep focused on being healthy! Have a very blessed weekend!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Jan. I have been on MFP for 2 years and have lost and regained the same pounds during these two years. I am still down 12 pounds, so I am not working quickly! I follow another thread which I am sure has helped me at least keep the 12 pounds off as we have bonded in our journey.

    This morning your thread was highlighted on the Home page, and I felt like Alice who fell down a wonderful rabbit hole! Or up, as you all are so positive and caring. I love the concept of the one day at a time concept being in the foremost! I have followed this principle for years, though doing less well with food! How you each have laid out your goals for the day, and ultimately for life, and seeing it every day just struck such a chord! I just had to try this!!

    Just for today:
    1. Make goals- doing
    2.Log food-doing
    3.Drink 8 glasses water-drank 3 so far
    4.Walk-need to do!
    5.Shop for church lunch
    6.Christmas cards

    I just had to thank you Joan for starting this thread and all of you for continuing it! <3

    Welcome Jan! So happy to have you join us! Good for you keeping those 12 pounds off! I can really relate with you...I dropped 25 lbs and regained every bit of it. Yo-yo dieting. I get on those fad diets and then can't sustain the weight loss because I feel so deprived. This group has kept me from giving up and gives me hope and encouragement on a daily basis. Joan does such an awesome job keeping us going. She's awesome!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I thought I replied yesterday, and I either didn’t or I did and I’ve forgot that I did :lol:

    Anyway! Don’t worry about the quilt! There’s no rush haha! My eldest is turning 4 and she still uses blankets and stuff lol!

    Don’t feel like it has to be here on time for the baby or anything!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 I'm so glad you understand! I will get it there as soon as I can but it'll be so much easier to sit down and work on it. I'm really enjoying working on it, because I think of you while I sew. It makes me smile. :blush:

    I have to say, I'm so envious that you are going on a Christmas Train! I think that sounds absolutely magical! Have fun! I'll be thinking of you and hoping you are having the best time ever! <3
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    The last few days seem to have been a write off. :( As a result I'm wondering if I'm trying to cram too much in so this weekend is basically for catching up.
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Friday
    1. MORE water :/
    2. Christmas decor :/
    3. Christmas baking... decided to cut way back on this, only do recipes others enjoy but I'm not super fussy about, and give most of it away. It's a plan anyways. :|
    4. Gift bags :|
    5. Brush and floss :|
    6. Bed by 10:30 nope

    JFT Saturday
    1. water
    2. Christmas baking and package for coworkers
    3. Gift bags
    4. Pick up Miss C (grandaughter) for sleepover
    5. brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited December 2017
    @Buttons61 Welcome Jan. I look forward to getting to know you.

    @Bex953172 I had a thought... just because you're under construction doesn't mean you can't make JFT lists. :)

    @MLHC1 My youngest works for the head gynocologist in Edmonton. She's had to have several procedures in the last year or two and always quotes me back to myself "I'll worry when there's something to worry about. For now it's just a test". So apparently something I said to her stuck.

    How on earth do you all have that much energy?

    @clicketykeys how's the play going? I wish I could come watch when it's on.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @Bex953172 I'm so glad you understand! I will get it there as soon as I can but it'll be so much easier to sit down and work on it. I'm really enjoying working on it, because I think of you while I sew. It makes me smile. :blush:

    I have to say, I'm so envious that you are going on a Christmas Train! I think that sounds absolutely magical! Have fun! I'll be thinking of you and hoping you are having the best time ever! <3

    Yeah totally understand!!
    I’ve done about 15 crochet projects and I’ve fully completed 0. Lol :lol:
    My Nan died like back in August was it? And I got lots of wool if you remember me saying? Anyway my partner chose a big ball of wool and asked me to make him some socks for christmas. Christmas is next week and it’s still a ball of wool haha
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    @Buttons61 Welcome Jan. I look forward to getting to know you.

    @Bex953172 I had a thought... just because you're under construction doesn't mean you can't make JFT lists. :)

    Shh, I’ve fooled everyone into thinking I’m exempt :wink:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Weekly weigh-in

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight Dec 1st: 187.0
    1st Goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 66 years old)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6
    Sept 1: 192.8
    October 1: 191.8
    November 1: 187.7
    December 1: 187.0 -- I know this could have been so much better, but got way off at Halloween, and gradually trying to get back to "pre-halloween weight".
    Dec 16: 188.4 ---- Weight is going up, but I am determined to try and still reach my October challenge!!!!

    Goals for the Month of December:
    1. Work to end the month of December at 186. This would meet my 5 pound challenge from October
    2. work out at the gym minimum of 5 days a week
    3. aim for minimum of 6 glasses of water a day
    4. aim for minimum of 5 servings of veggies a day
    5. aim for logging in and recording food minimum 5 days a week
    6. get on here EVERYDAY to be accountable

    Borrowed from several another MFP posters:
    If I don't do what I can today, I won't be able to do what I want tomorrow.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    1. Stay in the green :)
    2. Drink five 16 oz bottles of water :/Only finished 3 full bottles.
    3. Sugar <29 g :/Did great until I gave in to that darn 8pm bowl of ice cream again!
    5. Carbs <75 g :)
    6. Reach my Fit Bit step goal :)
    7. Christmas shopping today with granddaughter :)<3Had a GREAT afternoon with her! She is almost 13 and she always wants to go shopping at Barnes & Nobles and buy books for her gifts. Usually a series. I have a love for books so this is always such a treat.
    8. Bake banana and pumpkin bread tonight when I get home :/Moved to today's goal
    9. One random act of kindness :)Helped someone carry their books, let someone in front of us in line and paid several compliments to strangers in the stores.
    10. Be present and grateful in the day. Make memories. :)<3 Was a wonderful day!

    I woke up at 6:30 this morning and actually got up! OMG! That is unheard of on a Sunday for me. I can tell that I am slowly getting back to my old self now that I have less stress with my new job. I thank God for this every single day. It's little things like this that let me know I'm moving in the right direction! Now, if I could just get my weight to move in the right direction! Maybe that is next?

    JFT / Sunday
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Drink more water than yesterday. Aim for 80 oz
    3. Sugar <29 g added sugar
    4. Carbs <75 g
    5. Hit my FitBit step goal
    6. Finish 75% of Christmas shopping for grandkids today.
    7. Watch Packer game today and cheer on Aaron Rogers's return! GO PACK, GO!!!
    8. Write Christmas cards out while watching game
    9. Bake breads and some cookies during game and after game.
    10. Spend Sunday evening relaxing and preparing for work tomorrow
    11. Bed early, unplugged, journal and read.

    Happy Sunday!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Saturday
    1. Breakfast at home. ✔
    2. Prelog all food before heading out. ✔
    3. Zumba, then yoga. ❌ ✔ Okay, I WENT to both... and then they were both cancelled :P
    4. Gym to get to 10k steps and do Day 2. ✔
    5. Coffee with friend - maybe mom? ✔
    6. Put laundry away. ✔
    7. Grocery shopping? ❌
    8. Fix our first Plated meal! ✔
    9. Check in after dinner; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 9:15. ✔
    10. No unplanned snacks! ❌

    1. Follow the plan for the food day at school ✔
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for school: Our very first Plated meal! ✔ <-- This ended up changing but I was able to swap out pretty easily.
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔
    4. At school upon arriving: 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x15 side kicks, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec some flexibility, 2x20 sec some balance. ✔ 5k steps during the school day. ✔
    5. Daily writing: 30 minutes - Grading ✔
    6. Email about masters program ❌
    7. Gym after school. Warm-up song on elliptical, weights, 3m15s run @ 6.5 m/h on treadmill followed by walking to 10k steps. ✔
    8. Cook dinner after return from gym. ✔
    9. No snacking after school that was not prelogged into MFP. ✔
    10. Check in after dinner; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 9:15. ✔

    JFT Sunday
    1. Breakfast at home. ✔
    2. Grocery shopping? ✔
    3. Gym to get steps and do Day 3. ✔ Important note: I went to the gym ALL BY MYSELF. I think I am disliking exercise less than I used to. Maybe. Fingers crossed!
    4. Head to theater by 12:45.
    5. Set alarm; 5 min walkaround each hour; get 12k steps.
    6. Put dishes away.
    7. Chop celery and prep breakfast/lunch for tomorrow.
    8. Check on masters application requirements and program compatibility with certificate upgrade.
    9. Fix Plated meal #2!
    10. Check in after dinner; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 9:15.
    11. No unplanned snacks!

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    Jan 1 goal: 169.6 - 7 lbs, should be ~1.5/week

    Sunday weigh-in goal: 171.0; actual: 173.3. Hurray for whooshes!
    Next Sunday goal: 168.5. Probably won't make it - AGAIN - but I'm making progress!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited December 2017
    Recap Sat. 12/16 - Sad b/c hubby had to be at work at 7 a.m. until midnight or 2 a.m. today. :'( His alarm went off instead of mine this morning. :D First time this job he works a weekend.= Very surprised when hubby walked in door just after 7 p.m. and so glad! <3
    1) Shovel driveway, walkway & patio (< 1" snow overnight so won't take long)...this is today's workout = Done / 34 min. Felt easy compared to last Wed. :smiley:
    2) Net calories green, lots of water & zinc tablets, still fighting off a cold = Lots of green numbers & 14c water but daily w-i Sunday went up 1#. Since scale only has 1/2# increments, I'm not that concerned...I know I'm doing right things for long haul, and that's what matters. :smile:
    3) Weekend to-do list / some can be Sunday = Good progress / few chores left for Sunday which s/b easy to handle :smile:
    4) Christmas to-do list / getting there = Wrapped & packaged gifts for shipping, mailed all cards and gifts, so happy that's done...now on to completing decorating. :smiley:
    5) Floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:30 = Didn't want to but done :smiley: / ditto :smiley: / exhausted again, think this cold I'm fighting off is sapping me somewhat and I was in bed by 10 & TV off. Hubby didn't mind, he has to work again Sunday. :/

    JFT Sunday 12/17 - Hubby left 7:15 a.m. for work, no later than 2 p.m. today due to building security. He won't have day off until next Saturday. :s
    1) Bible class & church :smiley:
    2) Make creamy chicken rice soup for supper / enter recipe in MFP / net calories green
    3) Finish decluttering family room (so close!), dust & put up nativities / other decorations. If energy left, decorate tree in evening (at least tree has lights on :wink: )
    4) Wash dishes (need clean cereal bowls)
    5) Keep taking zinc tablets, extra vitamin C & drink lots of water
    6) Floss & retainers / bed & TV off 10:30

    Me too, @OConnell5483, cheering on the Packers! Wouldn't be Sunday w/o watching the game. (Hope the defense shows up too.) Go Pack Go!
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    @cschmitz110515 @ OConnell5483
    Me too, @OConnell5483, cheering on the Packers! Wouldn't be Sunday w/o watching the game. (Hope the defense shows up too.) Go Pack Go!
    Not too happy that the Packers beat the "Stillers" two weeks ago. I'm not a big football fan, but I do follow the Steelers most of the time; they're playing the dreaded Patriots today.
    @Joan6630:You got a lot more done on your Christmas projects than I managed to do today! You are so right about the Christmas weight gain. In November I was weighing under 160, now it's back up to 163--yikes! Two Christmas parties over the weekend. Gotta start logging in meals again.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks for the kind words! You all sound very positive! :)

    Today was so crazy I did not post goals.

    The upside was I did get my Christmas cards done.-yay!
    Trimmed hedges in yard that were blocking the Christmas decorations.-only in Dec. in Alabama.
    Stayed under my calorie limit and ate healthy. (except that 1/4 cup moose crunch-( fiber?)

    JFT- Monday
    Stay calm. (helping ADHD friend)
    Drink water.- up to my goal of 8/day
    Stay under calories.
    No fast foods if I am running around! No!!!
    Exercise!-I need to do better with this!!
    Drop my next 3 lbs!! :)

    We can do this!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited December 2017
    1. log all food. I am SO bad at this, and my weight shows it. No weight loss at all since November 1!!!! But .... for me, if I can just keep from gaining during this busy stressful time, that will be a loss for me. Most years, I always gain between 7-10 pounds! :/:/ WHY do I buy pretty Peanut M&Ms to put in a candy bowl :s Was doing OK today ..... now the entire bag is gone :/
    2. drink water :/
    3. get started on addressing xmas cards -- I am SO late on this!! :) I did fewer cards than usual, but got them all finished, and in the mailbox!
    4. get stuff ready to ship on Monday. Do UPS labels, get boxes and owners manual ready. People want this xmas gifts! :) We are shipping tomorrow
    5. finish up last minute shopping :) Well .... my husband tells me I have to stop! I love christmas shopping, so until its xmas day, I keep wanting to get more things for people. OK .... I am finished now! All is wrapped, ready to load in our van for our trip to son and grandsons on friday!
    6. make list of grocery items, since we will not get back in town until xmas eve, and stores will be closed. So start getting my list together :/ Maybe on tues or wednesday!
    7. get back on here. Be accountable ..... even if I don't get any of my goals met, still, stay accountable, and get back on here. :) OK --- the worse "food-wise" day, but ... I am back on here! I have to be accountable, or I'd completely go nuts with food!

    JFT, MOnday
    1. busy day with shipping. Do the best we can!
    2. try and log food. If I don't log ,..... be mindful of what I eat
    3. concentrate on drinking water
    4. get back on here .... be accountable.
    5. remember --- be mindful of what I eat.
    6. go to the gym in the morning

    REMEMBER how much better I feel when I eat healthy! REMEMBER my October challenge ..... stay in the 180s!!! Goal is 186, but I will be happy to just stay in the 180s by the end of the year. NO gaining!!!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Come on @joan6630 you CAN do this!
    It’s a busy time of year so cut yourself some slack!
    Do you use mfp on your phone?

    Because when I used to forget to log I used to do it AS I was eating and/or preparing my food.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I am so disgusted and disappointed in myself. I got on the scale and i weigh more than I ever have. I continue to go up. I don't even care anymore, except i really do...

    My goals for today?
    1. Journal EVERY Bite
    2. Drink 80 oz of water.
    3. 30 minutes of activity -- even if I have to break it up into 10 minute increments. Just do it.

    Have a great Monday! New week, new start, right? Just for today....
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Sunday
    1. Breakfast at home. ✔
    2. Grocery shopping? ✔
    3. Gym to get steps and do Day 3. ✔ Important note: I went to the gym ALL BY MYSELF. I think I am disliking exercise less than I used to. Maybe. Fingers crossed!
    4. Head to theater by 12:45. ✔
    5. Set alarm; 5 min walkaround each hour; get 12k steps. ✔
    6. Put dishes away. Ehhhh... I got half of 'em done?
    7. Chop celery and prep breakfast/lunch for tomorrow. ✔
    8. Check on masters application requirements and program compatibility with certificate upgrade. ❌
    9. Fix Plated meal #2! ❌ Hubby's not feeling great; we had soup.
    10. Check in after dinner; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 9:15. ✔
    11. No unplanned snacks! ❌ I kind of didn't log ANYTHING yesterday. :P

    JFT Monday
    1. Prelog ✔ and eat only what’s been prelogged.
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for school: Portobello Quesadillas ✔
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔
    4. At school upon arriving: 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x15 side kicks, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec some flexibility, 2x20 sec some balance. ✔ 5k steps during the school day.
    5. Daily writing: 30 minutes - grading
    6. Check on masters application requirements and program compatibility with certificate upgrade.
    7. Gym after school. Warm-up song on elliptical, weights, 3m15s run @ 6.5 m/h on treadmill followed by walking to 10k steps.
    8. Prep breakfast and lunches upon return from gym. Need to chop more celery.
    9. Leave for play practice by 7:00.
    10. Check in after play practice; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 11:15.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    Jan 1 goal: 169.6 - 7 lbs, should be ~1.5/week

    Sunday weigh-in goal: 171.0; actual: 173.3. Hurray for whooshes!
    Next Sunday goal: 168.5. Probably won't make it - AGAIN - but I'm making progress!

    Today: 174.2