December 2017 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @ddmom0811 great story. Think your daughter will run with you?
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    edited December 2017
    @ddmom0811 That sounds like fun! We might have to try that--my 9 year old would probably love that. On the 25th and 26th we are driving from Indiana to NY, so if we did it, that would be IN, OH, and WV on the first day and WV, PA, NJ, and NY on the second (there is actually a nice paved trail near the hotel in WV).

    Congrats to @cameronheel on the AG win!

    @sarahthes Even here much further south the lack of daylight is getting to me. I've been taking vitamin D and trying to get outside in the sun as much as possible!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    It rained early today. Hoping it does so again later so I can run in it. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've seen rain. Probably our trip to NYC actually LOL

    @sarahthes @hjeppley I take a 5,000 vitamin D every day (or rather every day I remember to take my pills). I am always low when tested. I also try to get outside as much as I can but it's so hard this time of year.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    December goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 120?? I really don't know. Going for like 70% trail

    12/1- 7.2
    12/2- 8.2
    12/3- 9.5
    12/4- 5.8
    12/5- REST
    12/6- 6.5
    12/7- REST
    12/8- 8.4ish
    12/9- 9.1
    12/10- 6.6
    12/11- REST
    12/12- 4.1
    12/13- 6.6
    12/14- 4.9
    12/15- SW-LJ Rest day
    12/16- 6- ugh, so slow
    12/17- 8.1

    Total: 91

    Today's notes: My 2 hour run was slow this morning. After working harder than I thought I'd need to yesterday, my legs just didn't have the bounce for a faster run. Got in 8.1 miles for an average pace of 14:46.... Blah, slow. The snow today was like running on soft sand, but with the added bonus of ice underneath a bunch of it. Fell twice due to slipping and had a couple close calls. Average HR was 154, which put the average just barely in z2... spent 59% of the time in z3 though, so it was a tougher run, but not as tough as my legs thought it was.... lungs were OK with it, but legs didn't have the bounce. Might Email my coach about that, I seem to lose strength before I really feel my cardio go....

    on another note, I have 30 miles to go for my monthly goal and 60 miles to go to make 1800 for the year. With 10 runs left, I'm starting to feel that both are within my grasp.

    Have a Runderful day everyone!

    2018 races
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    5/19- Superior Trail 25k (Lottery)
    7/8- Afton 50k???
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
    10/xx Wild Duluth 50k? 100k?
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
    Not even sure how many miles I actually got in this morning. Lol. I had just hit 5 miles and I decided to open up my maps app to see about taking different routes back home when my phone died. My music is what pumps me up and keeps me going. Ugh, talk about a motivation killer. Lol.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Not even sure how many miles I actually got in this morning. Lol. I had just hit 5 miles and I decided to open up my maps app to see about taking different routes back home when my phone died. My music is what pumps me up and keeps me going. Ugh, talk about a motivation killer. Lol.

    you can get used to running w/o music. When I was training for my first HM, I hit a rainy day where my headphones stopped working and I ran the last 5 of the training run with no music, decided that was cool and haven't used music since....

    ...Might have to in my April race though, that one's a bit longer.
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
    Actually before I joined this group I ran without music but i also just ran to make sure that i got in all my steps for the day.
    Music helps me to keep a steady pace plus it helps to block out all the distractions in my mind.
    Plus I know I look happier running singing along then just running alone.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    I went to a class at the gym yesterday morning while waiting on the temperature to improve. It involved lots of squats, wall sits, cardio, etc. I really felt it when I tried to run afterwards. I did 5.6 miles but they were so slow. This morning was better. Met some friends and ran 7.7 miles before church. What a difference a day makes!
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    12/1 = 4 miles
    12/2 = 4 miles
    12/3 = 7 miles
    12/4 = 4.5 miles
    12/5 = yoga class
    12/6 = 3.5 miles on the dreadmill and strength training
    12/7 = rest
    12/8 = 2.5 mile
    12/9 = rest
    12/10 = 26.7 BSC Marathon
    12/11 = rest
    12/12 = rest
    12/13 = 3 miles
    12/14 = vinyasa yoga class
    12/15 = 6 miles
    12/16 = rest
    12/17 = 10.5 miles OUCH!

    Anyone want to play armchair internet doctor? I have been having pretty bad pain on the outside of my foot during my last 2 runs. I had to cut my 12 mile "run" short this morning because it became more like a slow hobble. It is currently very swollen right underneath the round little knobby ankle bone that sticks out. Painful to touch and walk on.

    December Goal = Run a freakin marathon and not die. Done! 5 hours: 0 minutes: 42 seconds

    Upcoming 2018 Races
    1/6 = River Road Run 1/2 marathon
    3/3 = Woodlands Marathon
  • power0304
    power0304 Posts: 293 Member
    December 1 - 10 km
    December 2 - 16 km
    December 3 - 5km club run / strength training
    December 4 - 12 km treadmill
    December 5 - 12 km treadmill
    December 6 - 16 km run / strength training
    December 7 - 16 km run
    December 8 - 16 km run / strength training
    December 9 - 16 km run / 11 km run
    December 10 - 5 km club run / 16 km walk
    December 11 - 16 km run / strength training
    December 12 - 10 km run
    December 13 - 12 km run
    December 14 - 16 km run
    December 15 - 18.5 km run / strength training
    December 16 - 18.5 km run
    December 17 - rest day
    December 18 - 16 km run

    242 km - goal 350 km
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    December Running Challenge
    Goal: 90 km
    Ran: 63.2/90 km

    17/12/17 Run 6.5 km
    16/12/17 Rest day
    15/12/17 SL A
    14/12/17 Run 8 km
    13/12/17 Run 3.4 km SL B
    12/12/17 Run 6.3 km
    11/12/17 Run 7 km SL A
    10/12/17 Run 6 km 32
    9/12/17 Rest day
    8/12/17 Walk 5 km
    7/12/17 walk 10 km
    6/12/17 Run 8 km
    5/12/17 Run 6 km
    4/12/17 Run 6 km
    3/12/17 Walk 1 hour
    2/12/17 rest day
    1/12/17 Run 6 km
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @Shanaber it could be your lack of proper fueling. But my guess is that it is simply pushed too hard given your current level of fitness. But I am no doctor and I just make random posts on MFP making people think I am smart. :lol:
  • kevaasen
    kevaasen Posts: 173 Member
    Weekly update On December goal of 140 (~4.5/Day Avg) with a stretch of 170 (~5.5/Day Avg).

    Week 1 of 12/1 to 12/3 : 26
    Week 2 : 48
    Week 3 : 40 (total to date 114)

    Tomorrow is my 1 yr runiversary. Did much, much more than I ever expected in starting C25k back then and looking forward to 2018.

    Good running to all and Happy Holidays!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    12/2 3.50
    12/6 2.50
    12/9 2.05
    12/10 4.00
    12/16 4.35
    12/17 3.20

    Total 19.60/40

    My goal today was 3 with a hope to hit 5k. Ended at 3.2 surprisingly because I had to change up my route mid-run. I usually run through our green areas to help with elevation (Don't laugh, it's all I got) but when I went to go into the last one there was a stray dog. No collar, no humans. So I slowed to a walk and decided to stay on the streets and do a slightly different route. I love dogs but when I see dogs off leash I tend to be careful.

    @shanaber Ohhhh, I like all the swag! It looks nice. Congrats on finishing yesterday!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    edited December 2017
    @PastorVincent - I'm not sure if she will do it with me. She is usually up for running whenever I do. Last year when we took a trip together to London and Paris we ran almost every day. But this is a little bizarre to say the least, and then have to change, etc. So not sure she will be up for it.
    I am running for my streak so I will do at least one mile! She's not doing a streak but is training for her next marathon. ;) Also... I don't think we will get as early as a start - I left at 5am from Florida. We probably won't hit the road until 7-8am I would think. But there are 3 drivers so maybe it will be easier.

    @HonuNui -- the only time I had trouble starting was the 3rd run, but then afterwards I felt so great it was worth it.

    @hjeppley - It would be nice but if you have other people in the car, I doubt if they would like it! If my husband was with me, he would be extremely impatient and it wouldn't even be worth doing it. When he takes a road trip, instead of it being a relaxing thing it's like we are in some type of race -- like The Amazing Race or something. I get scared/mad and just don't watch.

    @shanaber - yeah, you definitely couldn't have done that after the HM! Great job running that!!! LOVE the jacket and other bling!!!

    When I woke up it was 27!!! I didn't think I could run in that temp so I waited until it warmed up a little bit - 34 and I was fact, had on too much stuff! Had to take off jacket.
    I didn't run slow as I meant to. I guess in this weather I just can't slow down. So tomorrow setting out early and will attempt to go slower. Thinking of a longer run tomorrow depending upon how I feel.

    I'm sad there are only 15 days left of streak, because that means that the next day I am back at school. :wink:

    12/1 - 1.5 miles #RWRunStreak Day9
    12/2 - 43 miles cycling + 1 mile #RWRunStreak Day10
    12/3 - 40 miles cycling + 1 mile #RWRunStreak Day11
    12/4 - 3.1 miles + Strength Training Glutes W3-A - #RWRunStreak Day12
    12/5 - 4 miles #RWRunStreak Day 13 + strength training W3B
    12/6 - 2 miles #RWRunStreak Day 14
    12/7 - 1.3 miles #RWRunStreak Day 15 + strength training W3C
    12/8 - 4 miles #RWRunStreak Day 16
    12/9 - 7 miles! #RWRunStreak Day 17
    12/10 - 1 mile #RWRunStreak Day 18 + Glutes W4A
    12/11 - 3.11 miles #RWRunStreakDay 19
    12/12 - 2 miles #RWRunStreakDay 20 + Glues W4B
    12/13 - 3 miles #RWRunStreakDay21 + arms
    12/14 - 3.5 miles #RWRunStreakDay22
    12/15 - 1 mile #RWRunStreakDay23 + Glutes W4C
    12/16 - 1 mile each in GA, SC, NC #RWRunStreakDay24
    12/17 - 4 miles #RWRunStreak Day 25

    Daytona Beach HM - 2/4/19


  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @ddmom0811 - Wow. I am in awe of your logistical prowess, being able to break up a drive with one mile runs. I could maybe manage to break it up with one mile walks, but running? No way.
    12/1 = 4 miles
    Anyone want to play armchair internet doctor? I have been having pretty bad pain on the outside of my foot during my last 2 runs. I had to cut my 12 mile "run" short this morning because it became more like a slow hobble. It is currently very swollen right underneath the round little knobby ankle bone that sticks out. Painful to touch and walk on.

    @amymoreorless - That sounds like some kind of sprain or strain of a tendon in the ankle. It's not in same place as any of the ankle pain I've had, so I don't know which one; but it's the kind of thing that I'd take into my podiatrist to find out what it is and what kind of stretches or support I need to help it get better. I find anatomy to be a painful subject; I tend to learn it when I get hurt.

    On the opposite side, I'd say posterior tibial tendon. I am painfully aware of what that feels like when I roll an ankle or develop a repetitive motion injury. FWIW, I've found that getting better from acute ankle injury (i.e., rolled ankle) the even surface of a road is better than the uneven surface of trail or cross country; but when recovering from a repetitive motion injury (i.e., posterior tibial tendinitis) the soft surface of cross country or trail is better than the hard surface of a road. I was kind of surprised that the uneven cross country surface didn't particularly bother my ankle when I was recovering from PTT.


    Two days after seeing the sports doc, I'm not feeling the pain in my vastus lateralis. Instead, I feel something right where the quads join whatever it is at the top of the knee, and more from the other quad muscles than the vastus lateralis. I'll talk to the doc tomorrow to try to figure out what it means.

    Yesterday I volunteered as a road marshal for the Reindeer Run 5K. Started out at 27º F, and dropped to 25º F while I was outside. (-3º C to -4º C). It was nice running weather, but I was standing around. For a long time. I might have been outside for 35 minutes if I'd been running, between the pre-race wait, running the race, and walking around a bit before heading inside. As a road marshal, I was outside for about 2 hours. And I was standing around instead of running. I did okay with coat and hat, should have worn one more layer of gloves, and made a really poor choice of footwear. Might have got a mild case of hypothermia, and certainly my feet got really, really cold. And it seemed like it took forever for the last walkers to get past my position. Then I could take off and walk back to base, easily passing clumps of walkers who had passed my road marshal position.

    Doing better today, after feeling a bit dicey all day yesterday; but I was careful to stay warm and get lots of sleep.

    Note to self: If I'm going to be a road marshal in the winter, warm boots are more important than something I can walk well in.

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    @PastorVincent thanks for the Dick’s sporting goods app tip! I wish I would have known sooner! I’m all about free stuff especially when I don’t have to do anything extra to get it!