vegans did you know that.......



  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    In fact, the only source of cholesterol is from animal products. It's like a cigarette smoker just having an occasional cigarette or an alcoholic having an occasional drink. Your body can handle it, but it's still poison.

    Wait, what? Poison? Cholesterol is essential for all animal life, including humans. It's used by the body to make hormones, cell membranes, and in the synthesis of Vitamin D. And, in actual fact, there are many plant sources of cholesterol. Particularly any oily plant, and the oils derived from them. In fact, avocado, sunflower seeds, peanuts, coconut oils, and olives are all sources of cholesterol. So if this is what Forks Over Knives is telling people, well, then, they're wrong, or just lying.

    I eat many vegetarian and vegan dishes, as part of my approach of balanced eating. Not every meal needs meat, but that's doesn't mean that meat has no nutritional value to humans. My ancestors have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years. To me, that means it's part of a staple diet. Is meat 100% required to live? Well, no, but neither are, say, potatoes. There are plenty of sources that can give the same nutrients as potatoes, so you don't need to eat potatoes to live either, but they certainly taste delicious (or not, depending on your taste buds.) I have all the respect for anyone and their food choices. I just choose to use actual fact when it comes to my food decisions, and what's best for me, may not be best for you. I see nothing wrong with eating vegan or vegetarian if that's your preference, but at the same time, the respect needs to go both ways. Use facts when talking about being vegan, not propaganda. And check your facts, especially if it's coming from a source with an obvious slant one way or the other.

    Actually, facts are very important to me. I don't possess to know all the answers, but I do understand the value of research. From what I have learned, plant foods, including sunflower seeds and avocados do NOT contain cholesterol. Sunflower seeds have "phytosterol" which actually lowers cholesterol. Avocado fat helps raise the body's "good" cholesterol (HDL) even though it does not contain cholesterol. Consuming cholesterol is a main contributing factor to our number one killer, heart disease.

    I can appreciate skepticism. I tend to be skeptical myself. I am an engineer and I am detail-oriented. Perhaps that's why it took me 46 years to finally come around to this way of eating. I am not attacking anyone's choices, but I think it's important to have an open discussion. If you can point to a study that proves me wrong, then I thank you for increasing my knowledge. I admit I don't know everything.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I second Pangui. Your body still contains cholesterol naturally and there are foods which influence how much of it your body has...but plant based foods do not contain cholesterol. None of them do. If you're eating something you think is plant based that contains cholesterol, you're not eating something plant based. Check the ingredients. Even if it just says, "natural flavors" it could be derived from an animal source.

    The ONLY nutrient meat provides which you could not get from eating a 100% natural plant based diet is vitamin B12. However, many vegetarian foods these days are fortified with B12. When you take this into consideration, why NOT live a compassionate lifestyle?
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238

    I find that people think that vegetarians/vegans are judging them for their dietary choices. Not sure why, but they are not comfortable with that.

    I'm a meat eater, but I think this holds true on more than dietary choices. It's like people think that if you choose something different than they do that you're indirectly criticizing their choice. I don't get that kind of insecurity and ignorance.
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    He seemed okay with the idea of vegetarian although he wouldn't do it but vegan was just mindboggling to him. He said he couldn't live without dessert and I informed him that I have made many tasty non dairy desserts but apparently they couldn't possibly be "like this" (as he points to his cake)

    Oh and one more thing.......this was his "Funny" little quote to plant based diets.......


    Oh, this guy clearly fancied the pants off you! Classic, immature school boy "steal your pencil case, get your attention" behavior. So desperate to get a rise / reaction, sorry you had to deal with such an idiot though :laugh:

    I'm veggie. I never, ever jump down people's throat with my thoughts / opinions - but if someone starts making snide comments, or genuinely wants to know more about why I avoid meat etc, I'll happily tell them my reasoning.

    For me, the "its no different to a dog catching and eating a rabbit / it's natural" thing never rang true. Over thousands of years we've evolved these great big brains which, among other things, give us a greater empathy for suffering. In the West, we are incredibly privileged to live in a society that enables us to live in a manner that does not necessitate the consumption of meat. It's as simple as that for me. I don't have to eat it, so I won't, thanks :blushing: