

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I made it, I am in the hospital, its done, got me on lots of pain meds.......
    So far, OK.- more later.

    I am glad to hear that you are doing fine....I am thinking of you and sending hugs.

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Natalie, all I can say is are a trooper to have even been able to post here today.:flowerforyou: ..I was out of it for a couple of days after my surgery. The next few days will be hard, be sure to take your meds, don't try to be brave and go without them, you need them just to be able to rest and get the sleep you need. :heart:

    Had a doctor's appointment today...everything is good, she wants me to have some regular bloodwork done and a mammogram and a bone density test since I have never had one and I will be 70 next year. The mammogram is scheduled for next Monday in Tulsa so will get to do a little shopping too, the summer clothes are all going on sale and I can use a few more new tops...I usually avoid sleeveless because of my arms, you all know what I mean....LOL, but knowing how humid and hot it will be in Tahiti and Samoa :glasses: I am thinking of buying a couple along with a cami with a shelf bra that I can wear too.

    Tomorrow is our 51st wedding anniversary :heart: :heart: :heart: and I cannot believe that a year has passed already since our wonderful family get together in Maui last year...I swear the time is passing scary fast any more.

    I actually told my doctor about MFP today...she is an older woman and struggling with weight like the rest of us...I also imagine she gets little to no exercise, she loved the concept that you could track your food nutrients so easily.

    Ok, time for Big Brother almost and I have to cut up a cantalope for our snack later.:drinker:

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :smile: Natalie, I am glad to know that you are in recovery. As stated above, don't push yourself. Allow for recovery.

    :smile: Sissy, congratulations on your 51st anniversary. That is an accomplishment. I don't hear of many long marriage anymore. My husband and I recently celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary.

    :smile: Barbie, after reading some of your post, I read the Thin Commandments and Thin Taste Better. I know that I cannot have just a small piece of cake. I will return for more. My mother has always had excellent portion control. I've never known her to be overweight or concerned about it. For example, yesterday we had lunch from Potbelly's. She ate 1/2 of her sandwich, 1/2 of a piece of pie she had at home and she drank a couple of swallows of pop. I've never seen her finish all the food on her plate. She eats what she wants, but she does not over eat. She tried to teach the same to me. That's a lesson I did not learn well.

    :glasses: I am trying to avoid temptations sitting in my kitchen. My husband baked a cake and some cookies. I did have a cookie, but have avoided the cake. However, I did eat some of his Kettle Chips. I said "his" because I won't buy a big bag for the house. When I really want chips, I will purchase the small bag. With a big bag, I usually lose control. For me it is not one day at a time, it is one bite at a time.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fri to you all!Have a dr appt to see if this new food plan is better with the wt loss.Loss has been super slow.
    Have a great day!!!
    Natalie,hope you had a good night last night after the surgery.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Happy Friday to you all.

    Natalie - I am amazed to hear from you so soon. Take care of yourself and I hope you are well. Hugs to you:flowerforyou:

    I was reading some of the other posts and you know, it is the truth for me too, I cannot seem to discipline myself to eat certain things either so I just have to not buy them. My DH does not eat sweets at all, he just does not have a sweet tooth at all, so fortunately for me, I have no need to buy any sweets in the house then, unless the grandkids are coming. What I am trying to do now, is when they come, I buy things they might like and which I don't like and then I send the stuff home with them when they leave. I will see if that helps!!

    I am still not losing. I am always under my calorie count, without the exercise added but I do not seem to lose. I think exercise is the key for me, I need to exercise more. My DH and I are going to join the "Y" and I will see if that helps me. Heaven knows, something sure has to give:laugh:

    Lorri, you mention about your Mom being such a good example, that is excellent. I was heavy all of my adult life until just a few years ago when I lost over 65 lbs. Two of my sons (I have 3 sons but 1 is in the armed forces so he has to be fit) are fighting weight problems too and I feel guilty about that because I feel I did not give them a good start because of my own bad eating habits. One more thing for Mom to feel quilty about, right?? When I read about your Mom being a good example, I thought parents don't realize sometimes what they are doing and I see that with my grandchildren now too.

    Sometimes, I really think we parents should come with a manual or something, don't you think??:laugh:

    Well, I hope you all have good plans for the weekend? We have a big Greek street festival going on here in Toronto, so I think we might go to that, if the rain holds off.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day and a great weekend but I will probably be checking in anyway.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    I'm having a problem with fruit.

    I love fruit but I recently decreased my daily calorie allowance, realised that many of my calories came from fruit & so have been avoiding it. This week I have eaten 2 apples & thats it. I'm eating plenty of veggies but sometimes I just crave some fruit.

    We're encouraged to eat our 5 or even 7 a day but by avoiding the fruit & therefore the calories, I feel something is missing & I'm concerned that I'll then eat something a lot less healthy.

    Is there an answer? There's only so much water I can drink to compensate :drinker:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Discussion about eliminating some foods is interesting. I have had it work well and I've also had it blow up in my face over the years of dieting. I think you really have to think about what is going on for you at the time. I do find it easier to not have some things around. The hard part is that sometimes that trigger food can change and feeling deprived can lead to a bigger problem. After each very restrictive diet I have done over the years, I usually found that I had a very strong craving for certain things. For example, at 25 I lost a lot of weight using a terrible diet from a magazine and after that I was really into sweets and candy (something that I really didn't care about before). At 34 I did Optifast and after that, I really had a thing for ice cream. So deprivation can cause its own issues. Now I am trying a more balanced approach but when I think I am overdoing it with somethink (like peanut butter, or garcia chips) by having them very often, I usually stop that item for a while and there are times it feels better just not to have it.

    I went shopping today with my husband. I found a pair of slacks and a pair of capris that were a great price and the best part they were 4 sizes smaller than my old clothes. I have really gotten used to the baggy clothes but it was getting ridiculous. It felt great and going to the gym this afternoon was a lot easier.

    Glad to hear that Natalie is finished with the surgery!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Natalie - so glad to hear the surgery is over and you're on your way to recovery! I was thinking of you all day yesterday.

    Had my physical yesterday. For the first time, the MD wanted to do an EKG. I was astounded because he never did one before. When I asked him about it, I heard those horrible words "well, at your age I like to do this as part of the routine physical". But he did say that I have a low heartrate, which I already knew. It does seem that I'm having trouble with venous pooling of the blood in my ankles. I don't want to go on any diuretic, so he recommended a (oh my g**) support stocking. Vince has problems because he had a blood clot so he told me that I need to get fitted for the support stocking. Didn't know that. It seems I have a plantar wart so I'm going back on the 18th and he'll use the liquid nitrogen and cut it down (I don't think he's cutting it out). Seems the liquid nitrogen makes it so that the body will attack and kill off the wart.

    Already did 1 hr on the bosu. Looks like I'll need to leave here in about 15 minutes for my boob squeeze, then bowling with that guy, then I'll stop at WalMart (on the way home), then stop at the Y so that I can log in my exercise to get my flash light, then Food Lion to get things that are on sale (as long as it isn't raining). Tomorrow I'll go to yoga

    Just enrolled in these fitness classes on Sunday. I need 12 CEC's to keep my YMCA certification. I'm not sure if I will teach again or not, that really wasn't what I truly enjoyed. I enjoyed working one-on-one with the members. I'm going to take these classes just in case I decide to teach.

    Sissy - happy, happy anniversary!

    Lorri - a few years ago a friend of mine from college had business in Philly and since we at the time lived right outside of Philly met up. We realized that out of all our friends from college, we two are the only ones who are still married to the same person. Most of our friends are either on their second, third, or fourth marriage.

    I just can't seem to leave food on my plate. I will protion things out before I eat it when I'm at home, but when I'm out there is just something inside of me that can't seem to leave food on my plate. I suspect the "clean your plate" mentality was really ingrained in me. Yea, probably, since I was raised by my grandparents who lived during the depression.

    Sally - I never really realized how cravings can change, but you are so right. Like before I made these chocolate cookies for Vince and I really didn't have any desire for them. Just now I made some and I can't wait for them to be gone from the house. Funny how cravings change, isn't it? Congrats on getting pants four sizes smaller! Boy, those pants you were wearing must have been really baggy!

    Well, it's getting late, better hit the sack. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    Happy Anniversary, #51 Sissy, that is amazing
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SISSY:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat to you all!Busy day.Out with the inlaws for brunch and to the newlyweds this afternoon.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy anniversary Sissy. that is amazing. You have been married as long as I have been alive. WOW!!!!!! (I am on husband #3)

    Well it looks like summer lasted all of one week. it is gray and cloudy and cooler again.

    I am starting to settle into the job but I still don't have a clue as to what I am going to be doing:ohwell:

    I did find out that I will be traveling to Pennsylvania in Sept. I haven't been there since 1975 so that will be fun.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning,

    Thank you all for the nice anniversary wishes.:flowerforyou: This year was very lowkey, a nice dinner and a bottle of wine:drinker: ...and yes, I added the wine into my daily journal...and with my exercise points from increasing my cardio I still was under for the day....Yes!

    I took a picture on the way back from the gym yesterday, the thermometer was at 110 degrees, come on, this is just ridiculous.:devil: :smokin:

    I know if I have something snacky and good and the least bit sweet in the house I will try as long as possible but it WILL be eaten. So when I am serious about needing to lose to a goalpoint then I have learned not to tempt myself and just do not buy those things....My husband never, ever eats between meals, he has been this way forever, so I know if I am in the store and see something sweet and buy it that I will be the one who ultimately will eat it...just have to avoid that trap and be honest about it with myself.

    I've decided to increase my cardio a little, I usually do 30 minutes 3x's a week on the recumbent bike that has the arm levers that you move forward and back, but have decided to up this to 40 minutes each time for an additonal 30 minutes a week so that would be the same as going 4x's a week. With gas what it is now and living over 25 miles away from the gym going more than 3x's a week is not practical for us. I have increased the tension on the arm thingies quite a bit and I think I can see a difference in my midriff and arms....I also use the weight resistance machines and have built up to 85 to 90 pounds, doing 50 reps on 4 different machines totalling 200 reps....MFP does not track this exercise the same way you can track cardio so I just figure it as a little bonus calorie burner....If only all those arm exercises would actually do something for the batwings :sad::noway: that have appeared on my underarms as I have aged.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. :flowerforyou: xoSissy:heart:
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I'm a compulsive overeater. I'm struggling just portioning my food. I'm using a small sauce dish as my cereal bowl and if I don't feel like I got enough in that bowl I just get a second bowl. It's just crazy. I used to be able to portion my food by using smaller plates and drinking more water. Now I'll eat until I get sick. I know I have gastroperesis (my stomach won't empty and just builds up food and acid) According to the tests if I lay on my right side the food will slowly pass. I woke up with stomach pain at 2:30 a.m., still have a stomach ache and I'm still eating. It's all part of my anxiety problems I guess, but this is just crazy.

    Natelie, glad to hear your surgery went well. Listen to the docs and the PT people so you get better soon.

    Just finished my laundry so that's done for the week. We're going out to church at 2 p.m. to have our pictures for the church directory.

    Everybody have a nice day and a great weekend.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning from a sunny UK. Not sure how long the sun will last though.

    Natalie - I hope your recovery is going well.

    We are off to see my MiL today. It's a 2.5 hr drive each way. Taking her out to lunch so my diary will be off today.

    Have a great day.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Good morning ladies, looks like rain yay!
    Been fasting in the mornings and it seems that it is working, I don't feel hungary or weakend by it. I have been taking in less calories because of it but my body feels better. I have droped three whole pounds in five days. Next week I will start doing three days of weight training, then monitor how that feels, I may have to play with foods to boost the calorie intake for my lunch or I may need to create a boost drink after the workout, but I will pay attention to what I feel. The next week after I will start a floor and intermintant exercise program to add on the two days I don't weight train. On the other two days I will rest, or catch up on the house and yard work.
    Drinking lots of water, to move the bodies nutrients around and stay hydrated. I will post again next Sunday on the weeks events too keep you all updated.

    Hope all is well here, I have studies to do so I have to get going.

    Take care all,

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Have been MIA on posting for a while but have been doing pretty good. Natalie I am glad you are done with surgery. Hope you continue to heal and become pain free. Think positive thoughts. Barbie good luck on move. I hate waiting. i just want things to get done. So many new faces and so many old it is hard to keep up. I read the posts very very quickly. Sounds like we have heat, rain and no rain. We have not had any for a few days. It is very hot here now with no rain. Yesterday at 7 pm we went outside in back yard and I literally could not breathe because it felt like there was no air. My AC runs almost constantly in afternoons on 80 degrees. Ready for a nice cool fall. I really am doing well on food but need to get that exercise in gear. Need to get motivated like you ladies and do something at home. I will make a plan and get it done. I am really missing star and wish we would hear from her. I will try to message her again. Also Lynn that we have never ever heard from again. I wish we had a way to contact each other when this happens. Anyway have a good Sunday ladies. I am going to go make a plan.
    vicki M
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Yes surgery went as expected. I am still in the hospital, awaiting release to transfer to the rehab facility where I will stay for 10 days.
    Icing and elevating. ....that is what they told me to do.
    I am trying to watch what I eat..but haven't been very hungry.
    Good Sunday morning to all.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Natalie--So glad you seem to be doing well! I know you're glad it's over!

    I've caught up on all the posts and love to share in your lives!

    I still struggle daily with my food choices. If I could just keep the "junk" out of the house I would do SO much better. My DD and her BF always buy it and I find it really hard to stay away from it. I've been trying to remember to remind myself of all the additives and chemicals, etc. that are in them and that helps at times. Other times, though, it doesn't work at all! I'm not giving up, though! One day at a time!

    Welcome to all the new faces I see! I don't have time to post a lot right now but I do try to stay on top of the posts! I'm trying to not sit for too long of a time. In fact, it's time to get moving!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon everyone

    Good health vibes going to Natalie – glad you were able to check in and let us know.

    Geri – have you thought about changing out one veggie for one fruit since you enjoy fruit so much. Perhaps there is something else you could trim to be able to have at least one piece of fruit each day. I find that a few cherries keep me happy for ages because I can eat one, and then not have the next one for a little while so the helping lasts longer than an apple or pear. Other small fruit like strawberries, raspberries, etc are also good rather than a larger single fruit.

    Cathy - you say you like candies but don't buy them except when the grandchildren come and then you send the rest home with them. You also say that 2 of your sons are fighting flab because you feel that perhaps you didn't give them the right start. Perhaps it would be better to get something in the fruit line for your grandchildren when they come and not encourage them to want or expect candies. Then you are setting a better example.

    Kathy (pjsmom) – if your DD buys ‘junk’ you should tell her to keep it in her room or in a secret place so you don’t see it. If it is ‘junk’ then she must be responsible for it. I’m like so many others here – if I buy something then I can’t stop eating it – don’t buy ice-cream or biscuits for that reason. I do find that the 5 small packets in a box are useful – one portion sizes. I can eat just one of them and not want another.

    Greyish day here and there is supposed to be some rain later, but that is what they said yesterday.

    Need to get to the market today and buy a couple more plants before the stall closes for the season.