August Challenge Team 7 Drop It 'Cause We're Hot(Closed Grou



  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Weapons of Mass Reduction would like to challenge you to a new daily challenge for today! Are you up for it.
    50 mountain climbers!

    Before you ask...

    Woohoo! Did it!
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    so, the up/downs kicked my butt and the p90x yoga wasnt much better tonight for some reason...but they are done all done! :)

    i know they were today's challenge, but the mountain climbers will have to wait for another day (maybe tomorrow). big kudos to those who did them! you guys rock!

    230+ ounces of water and under calories for the day...even with the tablespoon of peanut butter i am currently contemplating
    :love: i :heart: peanut butter :love:

    looks like our team is still doing well! keep up the good work guys!
  • RickyBobby07
    Completed up & downs & water intake (64oz), also did my couch to 5k for 20 mins. Hope everyone is doing well, Go Team !!, keep up the good work.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    over drank my water
    finished today's challenge, among a few others
    and will be under my calories.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    i completed 30 up and downs ( they made me realize how out of shape I still am , LOL)
    drank my water
    stayed within my calories

    overal it was a good day, I got in several walks........
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Woohoo! Push ups for today! I used to hate push up but I love them now. For some reason around 9 every night I get the urge to do push I don't actually do them, I'm not that crazy. Positive I can not do all 25 on my toes...but I will try my hardest. Hope everyone is having a great day! I have seen that some of you have had some weight losses already this week, that is awesome. We've got this in the bag Hotties!
  • aybee77
    aybee77 Posts: 40 Member
    I did pushups and situps yesterday because I missed a day with the challenge. Man, those situps were not easy. I thought I was in shape, even though I have only been exercising twice a week lately. I figured that since I can do a couple pullups, I'm ok. I have been deluding myself. :sad: My arms are strong, but my back and stomach are weak.

    Well, I'm really glad for this challenge, and for this group where we can share our thoughts. I'm now trying to improve (more water, exercise more).
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Those push-ups hurt this morning after that crazy 52 card push-up mini-challenge yesterday. Weighed in today, gained 1/2 lb. BUT lost 1/2 inch in my waist which is the most important thing right? Please agree because I'm doing my best not to feel down. I have been hovering at this 144 for a couple of years and it just won't go away!!!!!!! I can build muscle fine, just can't lose the weight. Stupid middle age.
  • RickyBobby07
    Push ups completed, water intake completed, enjoyed the day, have a great night, Go Team !!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Since I did my push ups already I did the squat lunges tonight. I haven't done the up downs yet, I will try to get them in tomorrow. That's the only thing I'm lacking. :ohwell: I am under calories (barely) and all water is down.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    ugh, everything is done, completed. super tired it's practically midnight here. good night.

    GO TEAM!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    pushups done
    water done
    calories over- margaritas and mexican food on Friday nights

    Going shopping in Beverly Hills with stepmom and sister tomorrow. Hoping step-mom takes us to lunch, but will have to be careful. Easy to be careful shopping. No money to spend. But will keep track of how much time walking.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    5:30 am sitting in the hotel business center, looking up old friends on MFP . I am off to do my cardio, some squat lunges, and some jumping jacks. Already had two glasses of water. . A word of advice, never try to eat something just so there are no leftovers; give them to the dog. I finished up some mac and cheese last night; when I went to log it in, it was 400 calories! No wine for me at the hotel last night.

    To the rest of you, keep up the good work. Remember tomorrow is challenge free. Take some time for yourself to reflect on how well you are doing.
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    hey hey team :)
    checking in for yesterday and the beginning of today. got all of my water in yesterday and played an hour and a half (or more) of wallyball (vollyball in a racquetball court) so came in under my calories even after going to genghis grill last night for dinner! i was actually surprised at the calorie count for my meal at genghis grill...hopefully the guesstimates that i put were close enough to the real calorie count!

    i didnt do the daily challenge yesterday, but i got up this morning did my p90x routine and todays and yesterdays exercise challenges, so woot woot! all of the daily exercise challenges for this week are done all done!

    looking forward to the rest of my day and will check in with my calorie and water results this eve! :)

    keep up the good work yall! and hope everyone has a good saturday!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    If squat lunges are what I think they are, got those done before leaving the house for the day. Probably should have done them before instead of after breakfast. Urp.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    WOW you ladies are rocking it, I did the 40 up and downs, so I have done everything this week except for the push ups, yesterday was crazy and I just didnt get around to doing it. I did get in my daily walking though. I am getting ready to do my 25 squat lunges and then I am going swimming. I bought a badminton set this morning so that we can play badminton in the evenings when it cools off. Hope everyone has a great active weekend with good healthy food.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    You all have been doing so great! Way to go for getting all of the challenges in, it's gotta make you feel good. I have been feeling like dog crap today so I am definitely under my cals. Barely got in my 64 oz of water. I did however squeeze in 75 squat lunges but not my regular exercise for the day, I definitely would have blew chunks on that. I can not wait to see the new challenges for next week. I hope you all get some kind of loss for weigh in tomorrow! You guys kick *kitten*!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    well...I peeked at the captains' thread for kick the crap out of august and next weeks' challenges are going to be quite tough. Plus Team Exorcists have challenged all of the teams to complete 50 belt kicks (squat kicks) by the end of today. I am not sure where our captain is but I hope she posts this stuff soon.

    I have completed my 50 belt kicks and they are not easy. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Well, spent the day at a cookout at the lake so I did not log anything. I didn't do too bad but I didn't log so not sure if I'm under or over. But - I had a great time so I'm not worried. I also didn't come close to 64oz of water unfortunately. :frown: I will be better tomorrow!

    Sass - You've scared me now. I'm nervous to see next weeks challenges.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    squat lunges completed
    8 glasses of water consumed
    Under calories for today

    Nighty Night