Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope I can join in :) My goals today are.......

    - workout for 20 mins
    - Log
    - Stick to my meal plan
    - No late night binging
    - Go to sleep early

    Course you can join in!
    Look out for the new 2018 thread on the 1st Jan!
  • jschoenfeld01
    jschoenfeld01 Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2017
    JFT Tuesday 1/26
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :#
    2. Track what I eat with no judgement. Step 1 is to just write it down, right? :)
    3. Journal :/

    Wednesday 12/27
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log foods
    3. 1 mindful activity- crochet, journal, or read and reflect.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,502 Member
    So, back at work today, very quiet here, lots of people take vacation days between Christmas and New Year's, plus the high school downstairs is closed for the holidays. Finally caught up with this thread. Very glad to be back and see so many familiar faces, plus newbies! I look forward to this thread every day. @joan6630 I will definitely follow to a new thread for 2018 if that's what you do. JFT has helped me stay focused on small things one day at a time, and I have actually started / kept new habits because of this thread. Many of you have become my friends, and I love how supportive of each other everyone is. Also, once I reach goal, I will definitely need help to focus on maintenance, because that's hard too.

    @clicketykeys Thank you for the MFP info. Since I got a new phone last summer, it's been very easy to use the MFP app on the go, and I just always leave the app open. Before, I always logged on my computer at work and home (my old phone was OLD).

    Sorry for the novel here, just thought I update everyone about my "Christmas break" a little.

    I'm so glad I had 6 days off work, between vacation time, holiday time and the weekend. Hubby had a 4-day weekend. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve, just the two of us. Candlelight service at church, followed by late supper and exchange of gifts. He always surprises me with something different. This year, two gifts were more LED items for walking the dog! Dog and items will have to wait until snow and ice on roads melts, no more falls for me this winter.

    Christmas Day, hubby slept in while I sang with choir at church service. Then we drove 1 1/2 hours to my youngest brother's for family celebration with my parents, sister and 3 brothers, spouses and 3 nieces. Had a lovely dinner, followed by our gift exchange (we drew names), stockings and games. We always play a simple dice game called Zilch our grandmother used to love, and it gives us a great chance to talk while everyone takes their turn. Plus we love to win the pot of nickels that we play for.

    I didn't log any food or beverages that day, and ate what I liked, but can't put away the amount of food I used to, a very good thing. Adult beverages included eggnog spiked with rum, and various wines and mulled wine. I drank what I wanted, ate cookies and dessert breads, and even brought some home. Unfortunately, didn't drink enough water, and actually felt parched. But so proud of myself, I portioned out most of the leftover goodies and froze them for treats later.

    Glad to read that everyone had a good Christmas. @Bex953172 too funny about the tablet!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,502 Member
    Recap 12/26 - Since today's high temp will be below zero degrees & there's a wind chill advisory until W noon, hubby and I have decided to stay in and have relaxing day at home. Plan for Garden of Lights this evening is off, event canceled, just too cold. Brrr!
    1) Drink > 12c water...yesterday really got dehydrated, but definitely enjoyed eggnog with rum and tasting multiple wines = 10c water :/
    2) Too lazy to cook / leftovers today / log food again / net calories w/i 100 green = Nope, got into Christmas goodies again. Oops. :D
    3) Freeze cookies & treats gifted to us, so we don't eat them all this week = Done! :smiley:

    JFT 12/27 - Back at work, need to start up on treadmill again. But today that alarm was a rude awakening. :D
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Class at noon / brought leftovers for lunch / net calories w/i 100 green
    3) Happy hour after work with former colleagues at Mexican restaurant / preview menu online & select dinner before / enjoy one adult beverage & skip tortilla chips & salsa
    4) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (out of habits a little)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    JFT Tuesday 1/26
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :#
    2. Track what I eat with no judgement. Step 1 is to just write it down, right? :)
    3. Journal :/

    Wednesday 12/27
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log foods
    3. 1 mindful activity- crochet, journal, or read and reflect.

    Ooo I love crocheting too! But with two kiddies I find it hard to find time! What sort of things do you make?
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I've decided NOT to weight myself until Dec 31, and start the new year fresh, but hoping to watch it this week, and hopefully the scale will be nice to me! :s:'( I stepped on the scale this morning .... OMG ...... 194 pounds!!! I have to work really hard to meet my own October challenge to just stay the same. Oct my weight was down to 188, but when I made the challenge, I was at 191. See why I need all you guys!!!!!!

    So at 191 SW you’d need to lose between 3-8lbs? 3 to maintain, 8 to lose the 5?

    Give it a couple of days as it may have just been a bad day, be accountable and log!
    Remember it’s not linear so could well be an “up” day!
    Sounds very excessive to me! Like almost impossible to gain that much in a short time! Maybe lots of water weight if you’ve been eating ham a lot then that has a lot of salt doesn’t it? Get your water intake right up and see how you go!

    If you try lose 3lb. Then you’ve achieved your goal. Which was not to gain.
    So give it all you’ve got for the last few days of December. You can do it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    @Bex953172 -- THANKS so much!! You do make me feel so much better. I thought also, that how in the world could I gain that much weight!! I have to think positive, and hopefully in a few days, the scale will be nicer to me. Forgot that the Ham might make it be a lot of water weight.

    AND ..... I LOVE that bullet Journal!!! How awesome is that.

    Did I ever tell you guys how so very thankful I am for all of you!!! This thread has the nicest, most caring friends!! I look forward everyday to getting on here. You have all kept me going throughout the year, and I hope for all of you, it is the same.

    Looking forward to 2018!

  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone! I hope I can join in :) My goals today are.......

    - workout for 20 mins
    - Log
    - Stick to my meal plan
    - No late night binging
    - Go to sleep early

    Course you can join in!
    Look out for the new 2018 thread on the 1st Jan!

    Thanks!! :smiley: I’ll be there!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited December 2017
    :star: Happy Holidays Everyone :star:

    I'm so happy to hear that everyone enjoyed their holiday break :smile: I'm excited about a fresh start and new year!! Of course my focus will be growing a healthy baby boy but after April I will be joining you all on the weight-loss journey once again. Please keep in mind, I'm always here for encouragement and motivation!! My scale is going the opposite direction these days but I still understand the struggle and the rollercoaster ride you all are tackling, :lol:

    As for the rest of the week for me, I plan to continue relaxing and playing games with the family. Then Monday Jan. 1, I'm going to get back to my Prenatal exercises :joy: I'll still log on and keep up with JFT each day. If everyone here wants a new thread beginning, then count me in! Just keep me informed :wink:
  • FindingLaurie
    FindingLaurie Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in for a 2018 JFT thread as well! I hope it helps me tackle smaller things, because I tend to want to revamp my entire life at once, which is unsustainable. Small changes add up to BIG results--right? ;-)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Ah yeah that’s awesome! Didn’t think about amazon! I saw it by chance when doing the food shop and just slipped it in the trolley. When my partner asked I said it’s a present to me off you :sweat_smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ah yeah that’s awesome! Didn’t think about amazon! I saw it by chance when doing the food shop and just slipped it in the trolley. When my partner asked I said it’s a present to me off you :sweat_smile:

    I ordered one for me!!!! Thanks so much Bex!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ah yeah that’s awesome! Didn’t think about amazon! I saw it by chance when doing the food shop and just slipped it in the trolley. When my partner asked I said it’s a present to me off you :sweat_smile:

    I ordered one for me!!!! Thanks so much Bex!!

    Yeah awesome!!
    What I liked about it is that you can start it at anytime of the year! Because it’s blank and you fill in the dates so say I bought it in March the pages would be from March 2017-2018.
    But Im glad I’ve got it now because the OCD in me would find that absurd haha so started the months from from January!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Just gonna buy myself a nice pencil (it advises pencil so you can change it as time goes on - you’ll understand when you get it)
    And some colouring pens because there’s little pictures and decorations through it which id love to colour lol!
  • soulraver
    soulraver Posts: 17 Member
    Im hoping to join in :) I love this idea!
    Just for Today
    1. Stick to 1200 calories
    2. No junk
    3. Workout (i can already cross this one off!)
    4. lots of water
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Is it possible to over eat on junk? Like to the point where you’re just sick of it?

    I just opened my cupboard to lots of chocolate and sweets and biscuits and just thought “ugh”

    And opted for an orange instead!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Did you ever start a bullet journal?
    I found this at my local supermarket and my partner got it me for Xmas.
    It’s by David Sinden

    There’s absolutely loads of different things (I took pics of pages at random)
    And by the time you’ve finished using it you’ll figure out what’s important to you based on the pages you use frequently and then you can use that to do you own!

    This is AWESOME! I bought a couple of pretty blank notebooks/journals but never started it because I didn't even know where to begin. This is perfect! I see that Joan found it on Amazon and I'm ordering it right now! Thank you so much @Bex953172 !!! Thank you, also, @joan6630 !

    I love your story about the tablet too! What a great surprise!
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Is it possible to over eat on junk? Like to the point where you’re just sick of it?

    I just opened my cupboard to lots of chocolate and sweets and biscuits and just thought “ugh”

    And opted for an orange instead!

    I think it has to be possible, because I looked at all the goodies in our refrigerator tonight when packing tomorrow's lunch and ended up peeling a grapefruit and making a peanut butter and banana sandwich instead of grabbing cookies and junk food. :wink:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 -- THANKS so much!! You do make me feel so much better. I thought also, that how in the world could I gain that much weight!! I have to think positive, and hopefully in a few days, the scale will be nicer to me. Forgot that the Ham might make it be a lot of water weight.

    AND ..... I LOVE that bullet Journal!!! How awesome is that.

    Did I ever tell you guys how so very thankful I am for all of you!!! This thread has the nicest, most caring friends!! I look forward everyday to getting on here. You have all kept me going throughout the year, and I hope for all of you, it is the same.

    Looking forward to 2018!

    Isn't our Bex just the best cheerleader?! She not only cheers us up, but she gives us the kick in the butt we need too! LOL! It's the holidays....I'm not sweating the weight I just put on. This thread is named Just For Today for a reason! Every day is a new beginning. :wink:

    I also want to second what you said about this group. I have made some MAJOR changes / improvements in my life this year and I don't think I would have gotten to this point without you all. I can never thank you enough! When I win the lottery someday, I'm throwing us a 'get aquainted' party! :mrgreen: