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JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    So great to see so many "faces" from 2017 and welcome to all the newbies! I'll have to do an intro later, since I'm a carryover from 2017...I loved that thread, and know I'll love this one. :smiley:<3

    Recap M 1/1 - Canceled my treadmill walk, due to lower back being achy :(
    1) Going to youngest brother's house for cookout, lots of car time & sitting, so no step goal. But I can eat mindfully & log food. After the splurge last night, truthfully, I don't feel like eating much. = VERY sedentary day...3 1/2 hours in car, lots of sitting at brother's for niece's birthday party & games. Fitbit < 3,000 steps...ACK!!! :# But, I didn't go crazy with food, enjoyed one small glass of wine, and tried to log everything as best I could, even the New Year's Eve leftovers hubby and I ate when we got home in evening. :s Net calories definitely red. :s
    2) Drink 8c water = 10c water :smiley:
    3) Floss / retainers (yes, I still have to list this, to make myself do it) = Only b/c on this list, and that's the truth! :p Done :smiley: / done :smiley:
    4) Bed & TV off 10:15...work day after long weekend is always tough to wake up for = More like 10:30 :neutral:

    JFT T 1/2 - At work today, actually relieved food celebrations are over. Lower back still bothering me, so turned off 5:30 a.m. alarm and reset for 6:30, at least I got an extra hour of sleep. Not good for my intention to walk on treadmill starting New Year's Day. :(
    1) Move hourly / stairs break at work
    2) Net calories green or w/i 100
    3) Make meatloaf and squash for supper
    4) Find my "reasons why" list from last year and update
    5) List 5 accomplishments from 2017
    6) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • smoserenity
    smoserenity Posts: 3 Member
    Just For Today,
    1)I would like to establish healthy habits in 2018 that will help me reach my goals and live a long healthy life.
    2) Drink 64 oz of water daily
    3)Prelog all food each morning for the day. This helps me stay accountable when I run out of motivation after lunch. After dinner is THE hardest.
    4)Wake up at 5:45 each weekday morning, for exercise. (I'm really not a morning person so this is really hard but evening workouts just don't happen anymore. As a newly wed, I rush home from work to cook & spend time with my husband.)
    Here's to taking One Day at a Time!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! A little about me: I turned a new decade last October (60 years young), 5'4" (lost half an inch :'( ) and my motto for MFP is It's. Not. A. Diet. My physician has heard me say those words. I want to lose weight in a livable way, my target is a normal BMI, and no goal date set. Since May 2017, I've lost 28#, although I have put a few back on over Christmas & New Year's. @joan6630, I give credit to you for my loss, because I really started to focus on CICO once I started logging my weekly weigh-in on your thread. And for keeping me focusing over the holidays with your 5# Challenge. :smiley:

    My preferred exercise is walking our dog ~3 miles 5x per week, and participating in 5K/10Ks. Since I live in Green Bay, WI (US for you Brits :wink: ), I have had to switch my workouts indoors to the treadmill. Sad dog. Planning eventually to add other workouts for variety and strength.

    Review my profile for more info and feel free to add me as a friend. I share my food diary with MFP friends.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    @OConnell5483 Such news from the Packers this weekend, I had to stay up for late sports news last night to hear the latest. Too bad they missed the playoffs, but I'm going to enjoy having more weekend time in January. And I always look forward to the Olympics, too.

    @bcTRAI Beautiful wedding dresses, you are so talented! One thing I've learned about MFP, there is no functionality on android phones to upload photos. I have an android.

    @Riskay123 MFP cuts off text if you use emojis that are not "MFP" emojis.

    @junodog1 Glad to see you and your kitty pic back. Best wishes with the new job!

    @slittlemeister Glad to see you again too! I did ok until Christmas and New Year's and my niece's bday celebrations, all had treats & alcohol. I figure I start again today, because the past is gone. But I'm still sticking to my usual 4-5 items JFT, 6 max. Otherwise, just too overwhelming.

    @Bex953172 and @MLHC1 Hope you feel better soon!

    @joan6630 Love the idea of Beck's again.

    @clicketykeys Your lists still awe me! I'm exhausted just reading them.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @clicketykeys Your lists still awe me! I'm exhausted just reading them.

    *grin* They're aspirational. It's now after noon and I'm not yet done with the grading. UGHHHH! I did get the dishes and laundry put away, though. It's amazing what I'm willing to do to put off grading XD
  • LittleNurseyRach
    LittleNurseyRach Posts: 13 Member
    Tuesday 1/2 JFT...
    1. Drink 2000mL H20
    2. Fast until 1pm
    3. Don't eat Meat
    4. Track everything
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    5'4.5" tall, 34 years old

    Starting weight January 1, 2017: 206.8
    High weight 211
    Goal weight be Dec 31st: 150

    January goals:
    * Lose 6 lbs
    * No alcohol (except one day)
    * No eating out (except one day)
    * No smoking!!!
    * Have a workout plan by the end of the month

    JFT, Tuesday 1/2
    1. Log all food and stay under goal
    2. Grocery shopping
    3. Finish community service letter & get signed & sent to MP
    4. Make chicken soup
    5. Do dishes (wash & put away)
    6. Finish meal plan for January
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I know this kinda belonged in the old thread but here is my recap of 2017. 2017 had good points, although I am looking forward to a new year.

    Five good things that happenned in 2017
    1. I had a marvelous trip to Key West in March to celebrate my brother's 60th birthday.
    2. I experienced a total solar eclipse with some of my favorite people.
    3. My son had a healthy daughter - my first grandchild.
    4. My daughter was in a bad car accident and walked away from it.
    5. I lost 31.5 pounds over the course of the year, going from obese to overweight.

    This is fantastic!!! Yea You!!!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!

    Really fell off the wagon at the end of the year and put some weight on.

    However, New Year is a fresh start. In a way the weight gain could be a good thing - it's a bit of a wake up call; shows that if I just eat what I want, weight gain is the result. So I need to change my habits for good.

    @joan6630 @OConnell5483 I was given the Beck Diet Solution for Christmas, so will be working on it as well (on day 7 now). I think it will be helpful - the first few chapters really resonated with me.

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks (at all)
    - No alcohol
    - Be in the green
    - Go for a walk at lunch
    - Take Beck diet actions for the day

    @slittlemeister I have been thinking about you!!! So happy to see you! Happy New Year! It will be nice to have others on the same path! :blush:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited January 2018

    Just wondering where you’re from, you mentioned -8!! I’m in WI so I feel you’re pain on the negative mornings!!!!

    Are you still in Wisconsin, Dawn? I live in Green Bay and it's freakin' COLD!!!!! :s
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Beck Diet Solution Day 1: Reasons I want to lose
    • Feel comfortable in my clothing
    • Looser pants in the waistline
    • More energy
    • Breathe easier when walking uphill or up flights of stairs
    • Get rid of chicken wing arms
    • Not feel embarrassed wearing summer clothing
    • Look more attractive to my husband
    • Keep up with the grandkids
    • To know I'm doing everything I can to keep cancer from returning
    • To feel good about myself

    Beck Diet Solution Day 2: Diet Plan
    1st Choice: Low carb
    2nd Choice: CICO

    Actually, a combo of the two....
  • sccjahab
    sccjahab Posts: 84 Member
    JFT~Jan. goals
    My goals for January are to do 2 Jan. challenges (Fab Abs & Arm Sculpting), also Eliptical average of 5 days a week. I'm looking for weight loss but mostly a lower A1c.
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    Report Tuesday Jan 2

    Go to gym as planned - complete!
    Continue intermittent fasting - broke fast at noon, on schedule.
    log calories - complete, so far, so green.
    Drink 60 oz water - not sure, but I drank a ton on coffee.

    JF Wednesday
    Wed won't be fun as I need to be on a liquid diet staring at 10 am for a medical test on Thursday. At least I will drink lots of liquids!
    Walk 10000 steps
    Log calories
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,454 Member
    JFT: Love Myself!!
    1. Log on MFP daily and track+
    2. Fluids+
    3. daily vitamins 1/2
    4. drink a blender drink daily instead of meal :(
    5. afterwork activity 3xweek for 40 min :D 8.5 miles this am
    6. 5 things daily get rid of (still time)
    7. 5 files daily go through (still time)
    8. Clear off and keep clear kitchen table :(
    Thai food at lunch today and afterwards was saying "I could eat this everyday" and thought why not? Going to try making soup base to use this week.

    @joan6630 - going to check local library for Beck book. Thank you so much, your post is spoton.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    1/2 Tuesday JFT:

    ✔▪Budget meeting w/ hubby
    ✔▪Prenatal Yoga
    ❌▪Read at least one research article (5 total)
    ✔▪Stay Hydrated (still recovering from cold)
    ❌▪Grocery shopping
    ✔▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ✔▪Bedtime by 10 pm

    Try to overcome this cold-dazed feeling and get focused!! :blush:

    I'm procrastinating on getting my research abstract done :disappointed: My hubby and I chose to do the grocery shopping tomorrow. Other than that, not too bad of a day. :blush:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    edited January 2018
    Tues, Jan 2
    1. log all food :/:/
    2. concentrate on water - 2 glasses with each meal, 2 inbetween. Total of 8 glasses water :/
    3. read my Advantage Response cards to remind myself of why I want to lose weight :/
    4. read one chapter of Simple Abundance :)
    5. work on just 1 shelf in my sewing room :s Time to declutter!!! :)
    6. work on business taxes. I am SO far behind on this :/
    7. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :)

    SO JFT, Wed, JAn 3
    1. read my advantage response cards 6 times tomorrow
    2. concentrate on water. I need to flush this sugar out of my system!!!!!!!!
    3. Throw out the M&M's that I bought tonite at the grocery store!!! YES, bought tonite! What is wrong with me!! They were on sale for just $.75 a bag, so how could I resist! Now, I am so upset with myself!
    4. Plan the rest of the weeks meals, so no more mindless eating
    5. follow my Beck diet plan --- log all food -- calories in calories out!!
    6. Follow Day 3 of Beck Diet Solution
    7. Read the Advantages Response Card at least three times
    8. Create a Response Card to encourage myself to sit while eating
    9. Create a reminder system so I'll remember to sit while eating
    10. Sit down anytime you eat

    8. Brush and floss teeth after dinner to keep from snacking
    9. get my sewing machine out, and get started sewing again ( this keeps me from eating!)
    10. Get back on here -- be accountable, no matter what!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    edited January 2018
    Day 3 of the Beck Diet Solution:
    Eat only when sitting down!!. Create a Response card reminding myself to eat only while sitting.

    She explains that when you eat while you are sitting down, you are becoming more aware of what you eat. You will enjoy it more (rather than just scarfing it down like I do!). Your brain sees the food you are eating, thus, you get more satisfied.

    So the "To DO" list for Day 3 is:
    Read the Advantages Response Card at least three times
    Create a Response Card to encourage myself to sit while eating
    Create a reminder system so I'll remember to sit while eating
    Sit down anytime you eat
  • 1meh
    1meh Posts: 94 Member
    Just for tomorrow (I write my goals before bed)...
    - don’t eat the donuts that will invariably be at the office tomorrow.
    - Eat dinner at the table, not on the couch (more of a mindfulness thing than weight loss I guess)
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Tuesday 1/2
    1. Log all food and stay under goal :)
    2. Grocery shopping :)
    3. Finish community service letter & get signed & sent to MP :)
    4. Make chicken soup :)
    5. Do dishes (wash & put away) :)
    6. Finish meal plan for January :/ (started it)

    JFT, Wednesday 1/3
    1. Log all food and stay under goal
    2. Finish meal plan for January
    3. Meeting
    4. Make dinner at home, and prep breakfast/lunch
    5. Laundry