January 2018 Running Challenge



  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @1kramertx Welcome to the group! I ran the Dallas Hot Chocolate 15K last year and loved it...I would have signed up for it this year but it's too soon for me while recovering from a stress fracture. I do intend to sign up for the Texas Big Star Half Marathon in April though.
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @7lenny7 I appreciate the detailed review on the mitts, and I'll check out the Turtle Fur ones too. Thanks again!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @shanaber - Hobbes is so cute!

    Feel bad for all of you in the freezing cold areas of the country! Yikes! Even Orlando is having very cold weather for us. This morning it was pouring when I would have run so did strength training at home. Glutes and arms. So 2 days off running in a row! Tomorrow morning it is supposed to be even colder but hopefully no rain.

    1/1 - 4.5 miles #RWRunStreak Day 40!!! I’m done!
    1/2 - REST day!
    1/3 - Strength training - glutes/arms


  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    1/1 - 4 treadmill miles on a way too cold day.
    1/2 - Two flat tires doomed my chances of getting to the Y / gym.
    1/3 - 4 more 'mill miles.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    January goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    1/1- REST
    1/2- 8.1
    1/3- 6.4

    Total: 14.5

    Today's notes: As is my usual, Today's assignment was 1 hour easy road run. With -8 temps and slick roads, my HR showed me that I didn't exactly run easy, but it felt good. Got in 6.6 miles and felt good with that. it was a little less than my last couple Wednesday runs, but 0.1 mile isn't really something to quibble about. Pipes burst at school, so I 'm at home today, which meant that part of my run was in the light! This was awesome, and it made the run better, despite the cold.

    In other run news for MNLittleFinn, my 2018 race calendar is now almost complete.
    After a bunch of Emailing with coach yesterday, I registered for the Minnesota Voyageur 50 this morning. This race is a love hate thing for me. The heat and the powerline climbs totally suck, but it is also a local race and it is the race that was Scott Jurek's first ultra and I'm enough of a fanboy for that to make a difference. I ran the second half of the race during the Curnow marathon last year, and it was an awful experience that I loved/hated, so I figure, why not do the whole thing this year???

    Have a Runderful day!

    2018 races and possibilities
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    7/28- Minnesota Voyageur 50 (coach brought up this one)
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited January 2018
    shanaber wrote: »
    I am done with the UA Map My Run You vs the Year Challenge. Like so many others these are led by people who could not be running the miles they post. I suspect they say they are running and then just charge all activities to it in the hopes of winning the monthly prizes. There is just no way people could be running the amount of miles and hours every day without a break to make the total number of miles they post.

    @shanaber I remember looking at the UA Challenge, my thought was they were Hardcore cyclist's posting their cycle workouts as run's
    Mine almost looks like writing...

    @PastorVincent My Rorschach test of your data - 3 down 1st = Dreadmill - especially since your phone now calls it that way. There were a few that look like dancing Poodles.
    So many of them look like Dangerous Spaghetti Yoga Poses, or Break Dancing.
    It seems that we all have certain routes that are our goto as you can see certain baseline symmetry in so many of the squiggles. One thing that I noticed in mine is the track workouts got mangled into weird looking octagons and that the longer the run the less detail it maintained. Still kinda cool to look at and figure out which run the squiggles represent.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent My Rorschach test of your data - 3 down 1st = Dreadmill - especially since your phone now calls it that way. There were a few that look like dancing Poodles.
    So many of them look like Dangerous Spaghetti Yoga Poses, or Break Dancing.
    It seems that we all have certain routes that are our goto as you can see certain baseline symmetry in so many of the squiggles. One thing that I noticed in mine is the track workouts got mangled into weird looking octagons and that the longer the run the less detail it maintained. Still kinda cool to look at and figure out which run the squiggles represent.

    Yeah, I have only really 2 places I run regularly. I vary the routes I take based on how much time I have. One of those 2 has a lot of potential variety (from a couple miles to over 20) the other, not so much. But really out there on the routes, they feel the same.

    Spent to much on Christmas so need to re-evaluate my race and gear plans for the first quarter. Probably have to drop the February race at least. :(
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,002 Member
    Thanks @Orphia . I did finally find the yoga option. It still went over to mfp as aerobics. It's not that big of a deal, but burning 79 calories for 47 minutes of yoga just seems better than burning 79 calories for 47 minutes of aerobics. I'm sure it will just take me some time to figure everything out. I don't find the garmin forums to be very helpful. But I do love the watch.

    It is still very cold here, but should get up to 40f today. I am planning to run. I know I'm a wimp, but my feet hurt a lot when it is as cold as it has been the past few days. Luckily for me it is rarely that cold. I would much prefer to run in 90f than 20f.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    @Elise4270 --- I like your spreadsheet... it opened fine for me, but was read only, so I think you would need to modify the permissions. I think having a tab per month like you have would be better than 1 per person or it might take forever to find it. We could use column A for the MFP username, column B for the monthly goal, column C for total and then column D for % of goal reached with subsequent columns for the days of the month and repeat the total column at the end. Just throwing ideas up on what I would want to see tracked, but if others have more info on what they usually track, please share.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Stella seems to be quite depressed with the cold weather that we have been having. She absolutely loves her walks, but I have been limiting them to 15 minutes because I know it's not the best thing for her with the sub-zero temps we have had every morning this week. And she is not all that interested in going out in the yard when it's this cold, so I have been trying to play with her as much as possible in the house, as she is a very high energy dog. She has this Kong tug toy that is her favorite, but she is incredibly strong, and it is all I can do to play with her for 5 minutes. So last night I designed a work out for myself that includes her and her tug toy. I hold the tug toy in alternating hands and do squats, lunges and step ups and pull her along. She loves every minute of it and I am getting in a workout in the meantime. Yesterday I logged it as " Functional Training with Stella" because after 20 minutes I was sweaty and spent!

    Awesome idea on the "Functional Training with Stella" - my Stella is similarly not loving the cold. Mostly it's her paws and the snow/ice/salt. Boots haven't been successful, unfortunately (I'm trying to invent a good waterproof sock-style boot in my head). I keep giving her toys to tear up and play some tug. I wish she would fetch but she will not ever give it back :) I will have to incorporate your methods.

    I took a rest day yesterday and I am already second-guessing my January goal. I feel like I want to taper more than I had planned for my Jan 14 HM. I really feel like I struggle when I'm not well rested going in to these HMs. But what is too much taper? In any case, I plan only easy runs between now and next Sunday.