January 2018 Running Challenge



  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Goal is 60 miles.

    My total for December was 43.45/50 miles. Fell a bit short, but I definitely made some strides with speed, pacing and my breathing. Praying the weather breaks a bit this upcoming weekend (For Chicago, I'd be happy with temperatures in the 20s right now) so I can get back to running outside.

    Some major milestones for me since since I started running in mid-September:
    1) I can now run more than a block without getting severely out of breath! :)
    2) My average 1-mile pace is down from 14:40 to about 9:50-10:30, but apparently when I push myself, I've found I can maintain a 10:12 pace for a 5k. How in the heck does THAT work?
    3) About two years ago, my husband and I trained together for a Chicago 5k and I struggled a lot -- it was mostly mentally because he was faster than me, having started training about a month before I joined him. That year, I ran the 5k in 38 minutes. This year, I'm training on my own after a two-year hiatus and ran 3.2 miles the other day in 32:42. Progress!
    4) Self-confidence. Before September, I would not step foot on a treadmill at the gym before now. And I hated running outside, terrified someone in my neighborhood would SEE ME. Lol.

    As a Christmas gift, my dad signed me up for three races! Two 5ks in January and February and my first-ever 10k in April! A little nervous about that one.

    Goals for January and the rest of 2018:
    - Lose weight so my running speed improves (it's one of the barriers, I think, to my breathing.)
    - Control my pacing (but mostly, have patience) to run longer distances daily versus constantly trying to increase my 1-3 mile speeds.
    - At the same time, I would be overjoyed if I could run a sub-9-minute 5k. In high school, I could run a mile in about 7 minutes to 7:30. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but a girl can dream. :)

    Sounds like you made great progress, you will get there!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So o did dismally keeping up with the December thread - got something like 800 posts behind. First goal of 2018: keep up with this thread!

    I've been slacking on running due to holiday, family, fatigue, etc. maybe getting out once a week to run. So second goal of 2018: run 3 times per week.

    I'm planning on starting a half marathon training plan since there's a half I want to do in April. I run 15-minute miles, so it'll take me half of forever to finish, but I won't embarrass myself, right?

    I got a garmin vivosmart 3 for Christmas. I mostly run on the treadmill and I haven't set my stride or anything, so my watch seems to think I'm going much faster/farther than I am. Any hints on how to calibrate it? (And if it's as easy as set a custom stride - how did I figure my stride?)

    I'm not setting any annual goals as far as running mileage goes. I'll do the half training and the half marathon unless I chicken out. We'll see how I feel after that.

    I expect I'll have to taper off and then take a big break around September 3. My husband and I just found out we're expecting our second baby! (I might have to take a break starting in August if this babe is like big brother and comes three weeks early.)

    Congratulations on your baby! I find my garmin/fitbit (I have both) don't really work correctly on the treadmill because the moving belt affects your stride and it won't measure it correctly in terms of distance. I always find it give me a lower number of steps and mileage than the treadmill data. I just use that for my treadmill runs. I do know there is an 'indoor' setting but not sure about how that works. Maybe someone here will be able to give you a better answer.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    So the big question.... today is the first day of the new year (at least on this side of international date line)... will I be stuck in meetings or will I go run.

    Also... will my gear hold up since the air temp is 0.3F currently! Might wimp out and pull all the hanging clothes of the dreadmill.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    So the big question.... today is the first day of the new year (at least on this side of international date line)... will I be stuck in meetings or will I go run.

    Also... will my gear hold up since the air temp is 0.3F currently! Might wimp out and pull all the hanging clothes of the dreadmill.

    Go outside. it's not that cold.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    So the big question.... today is the first day of the new year (at least on this side of international date line)... will I be stuck in meetings or will I go run.

    Also... will my gear hold up since the air temp is 0.3F currently! Might wimp out and pull all the hanging clothes of the dreadmill.

    Go outside. it's not that cold.

    Honestly, I might not. I have such a hard time with my fingers and toes. Yesterday in like 10F with gloves on, my fingers were mighty cold in the few mins it took to remove the snow from the truck. 5-10 mins is what I get with gloves on.

    If I do, I will have to burn up another set of hand warmers (maybe two, a set for my toes too). At $1 a pop I guess that is not too bad.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    So the big question.... today is the first day of the new year (at least on this side of international date line)... will I be stuck in meetings or will I go run.

    Also... will my gear hold up since the air temp is 0.3F currently! Might wimp out and pull all the hanging clothes of the dreadmill.

    Go outside. it's not that cold.

    Honestly, I might not. I have such a hard time with my fingers and toes. Yesterday in like 10F with gloves on, my fingers were mighty cold in the few mins it took to remove the snow from the truck. 5-10 mins is what I get with gloves on.

    If I do, I will have to burn up another set of hand warmers (maybe two, a set for my toes too). At $1 a pop I guess that is not too bad.

    Try mittens. Having your fingers together really helps.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @PastorVincent 2018 is an average of 38 miles a week. Reachable if healthy and committed all year. Much tougher if you fall behind and need to catch up.
    Treadmills have an appeal in this cold. Hoping to get my run in today.
    Happy New Year all.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    edited January 2018
    I’m in again will set my goal at 40 miles. Will post my ticker when I’m back home with a computer
  • deborahsmitten
    deborahsmitten Posts: 11 Member
    My goal is to run 100 hours in 2018.


  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    edited January 2018
    And my ticker didn't even update. Hmm... it looks right on the screen, I copied and pasted the code. Trying again, it should say 32.6 km :)
    If anyone needs me, I'll be on the couch cuddled up in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate.


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    Here's to a great 2018.

    01 - 4.98

    Total: 4.98 / 40 miles

    Could not manage that last .02? :lol:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    And my ticker didn't even update. Hmm... it looks right on the screen, I copied and pasted the code. Trying again, it should say 32.6 km :)

    Those tickers take a little while to update. It is right now.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,129 Member
    Happy New year to everybody!

    01/01 4.06 miles


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited January 2018
    January goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    1/1- REST


    Today's notes: Well deserved rest day after last night's -20F 9 mile group run.

    2018 races
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    5/19- Superior Trail 25k (Lottery)
    7/8- Afton 50k???
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
    10/xx Wild Duluth 50k? 100k? Hixon 50k?

    picture from last night's 9 miler:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    And my ticker didn't even update. Hmm... it looks right on the screen, I copied and pasted the code. Trying again, it should say 32.6 km :)
    If anyone needs me, I'll be on the couch cuddled up in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate.


    I gave up on the tickers. I could never get them right. I'm apparently ticker-challenged.