JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 27



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Round 27

    1/3 - 196.6 == still trying to get all the junk food from the holidays OUT of the house!

    Thee and me Joan
  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    I am back for round 27 (R 14 for me); I enjoy this group! Let's see can I find and hold on to the elusive 212?????

    Starting Weight: April 2017: 242
    Starting Weight: R23: 215.5......Ending Weight: ? Vacation

    Starting Weight: R24: ? Vacation.......Ending Weight: R24: 215.4
    Starting Weight: R25: 216.7......... Ending Weight: R25: 214.7
    Starting Weight: R26: 214.7..........Ending Weight: R26: 217.4
    Starting Weight: R27: 216.4
    Goal Round 27: 212


    12/29: 216.4
    Ok, here I go again!

    12/30: 215.3
    Getting there slowly but surely. I'm going to give in and go to the doctor for my back and hip; it's not getting any better, and I want to get back to exercising! Think I'll go sit in the hot tub at least!

    12/31: 213.4

    01/01: 213.2

    01/02: Woke up late; had already started drinking coffee before I remembered I was supposed to weigh. Didn't sleep much last night. So many doctors appt. and I'm already tired. But nobody told me that the road would be easy; I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me!

    01/03: 216.7
    Got a new med from the urologist for bladder urgency, now I am holding fluid! Plus my granddaughter cooked some greens using country salt cured meat, so they were full of sodium. I ate them all. Need to push more water. Doctor's appt. for today cancelled due to inclement weather, so I'm going to get my hair done!

    01/04: 219.6
    Went totally crazy last night; my grandson came home with a box of hot, cheesy, bacony breadsticks, and told me to help him eat them. So I ended up eating 5 (yes f i v e) breadsticks and a slice of pound cake my granddaughter made! I have no excuse; I just don't know exactly how I felt last night! I know it was related to emotional eating, but I have yet to figure out why! Thank God today is a new day! His mercies are new every morning!
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,051 Member
    Goal 140 by 2/17; UGW 130 by 6/30
    5'3", 64 yrs.
    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4
    R17 end weight 151
    R18 end weight 150.4
    R19 end weight 149.6
    R20 end weight 149.3
    R21 end weight 149
    R22 end weight 148
    R23 end weight 148.4
    R24 end weight 149
    R25 end weight 148.4
    R26 end weight 12/28 - 149.2
    R27 goal 148

    12/29 - 149
    I've cut back on carbs the past couple of days. I don't plan to go too low - aiming for 40 net carbs/day - and about 90 grams protein, the rest good fats. I have to say that the fats are making me MUCH less hungry, so my calories are actually lower. New go-to breakfast -- half cup liguid egg whites microwaved with an ounce of aged Havarti cheese. YUM!

    12/30 - 148.8
    Moving the right direction - yay!

    12/31- 148.6
    This is a lovely surprise - not because I haven't been eating properly (I have), but last night my hubby made "fiesta chicken" with a seasoning packet (McCormick) and I almost couldn't eat it because of the salt. Holy sodium blast, Batman! I drank a ton of water all evening and knew I was retaining a lot of it, so I thought I'd be up this morning Yippee yay! (And no, he won't be buying any more seasoning packets without checking sodium!)

    1/1 - 148.6
    I just realized I had a typo yesterday - I was down, not up. And there again today. Good start to a bright (if cold) new year.

    1/2 - 148.4
    I can't seem to keep my carbs as low as I'd hoped (40 g net), but they're lower than they were, and that seems to be working. Feeling good!

    1/3 - 148.8
    AAACCCKKKKK! No, really, it's ok, because I've been right on track so I know it isn't real. But still.... :neutral:

    1/4 - 148.8
    I'm getting a bit frustrated. I've cut my carbs back to 20-30% and calories to 1400-1500, and I'm walking 30-60 min/day. No idea why it's so slow, other than I was 145-150 for years way back when.


  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Goal 140 by 2/17; UGW 130 by 6/30
    5'3", 64 yrs.
    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4
    R17 end weight 151
    R18 end weight 150.4
    R19 end weight 149.6
    R20 end weight 149.3
    R21 end weight 149
    R22 end weight 148
    R23 end weight 148.4
    R24 end weight 149
    R25 end weight 148.4
    R26 end weight 12/28 - 149.2
    R27 goal 148

    12/29 - 149
    I've cut back on carbs the past couple of days. I don't plan to go too low - aiming for 40 net carbs/day - and about 90 grams protein, the rest good fats. I have to say that the fats are making me MUCH less hungry, so my calories are actually lower. New go-to breakfast -- half cup liguid egg whites microwaved with an ounce of aged Havarti cheese. YUM!

    12/30 - 148.8
    Moving the right direction - yay!

    12/31- 148.6
    This is a lovely surprise - not because I haven't been eating properly (I have), but last night my hubby made "fiesta chicken" with a seasoning packet (McCormick) and I almost couldn't eat it because of the salt. Holy sodium blast, Batman! I drank a ton of water all evening and knew I was retaining a lot of it, so I thought I'd be up this morning Yippee yay! (And no, he won't be buying any more seasoning packets without checking sodium!)

    1/1 - 148.6
    I just realized I had a typo yesterday - I was down, not up. And there again today. Good start to a bright (if cold) new year.

    1/2 - 148.4
    I can't seem to keep my carbs as low as I'd hoped (40 g net), but they're lower than they were, and that seems to be working. Feeling good!

    1/3 - 148.8
    AAACCCKKKKK! No, really, it's ok, because I've been right on track so I know it isn't real. But still.... :neutral:

    1/4 - 148.8
    I'm getting a bit frustrated. I've cut my carbs back to 20-30% and calories to 1400-1500, and I'm walking 30-60 min/day. No idea why it's so slow, other than I was 145-150 for years way back when.


    Are you getting closer to your ideal body weight?
  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    @hedyk Have you been checked for diabetes and thyroid issues?

    No, I thought diabetes & thyroid issues were associated with weight gain? I doubt it's anything other than the fact that I switched to a plant based diet. Ever since I've been eating this way, I've dropped a lot of weight. I may be getting a little too thin now though. People at work are making comments like "go eat a cheeseburger".
  • clarestorm1886
    clarestorm1886 Posts: 165 Member
    Round 27
    Weight: 125.8

    12/29 125.4 Need to get back into the habit of logging every day. I slacked off for a couple of months.
    12/30 125.4 Holding steady
    12/31 124.2
    1/1 124.2 Definitely dehydrated
    1/2 127.6 Weighed myself fully dressed since I was in migraine hell.
    1/3 125.2 Got past the migraine and am increasing my water intake!
    1/4 125.2 My normal