How useful are the massage chairs at Planet Fitness?



  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    Obviously none of these posts are from people with a back injury or a leg injury. Some chiropractors are using methods that the message chairs at PF use. The massage chairs will not be able to replace chiropractors but they offer and option to use in between seeking a chiro or doctor. For example the "knocking and kneeding option of the chair is what you can get from a chiro visit. The down side is that the chair is not as intense as what you might get from a chiro's machine. Would I like to see PF offer more with massage, yes. However, remember PF is for $10 a month if you need more go to a more costly gymn.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    spartan_d wrote: »
    Actually, I do see what massage chairs have to do with laundry. They provide a way for people to kill time while waiting for their laundry to get done. So no, I don't think that's analogous to the gym situation.

    Again, I'm not saying that massage chairs don't have their uses. I just don't think they're consistent with the general purpose of a gym. They're admittedly good for relaxing, and as such, then can provide some health benefits. A gym is more about physical conditioning though, and massage chairs aren't very good at removing post-workout knots.

    Do they interfere with one's workouts? Not necessarily, but I think that's beside the point. Playing Space Invaders wouldn't interfere with a museum's purpose either, but I think we'd all look askance if a museum were to install a video arcade in its lobby.

    You have obviously not been to the pinball museum in Vegas.

    I used to belong to a gym for the hot tub and lounge pool when I lived in a city with cheaper gyms. I work out at home or outdoors, so shared equipment is not something I get excited about. Massage chairs and meals included would have been a bonus.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Bocch wrote: »
    Obviously none of these posts are from people with a back injury or a leg injury. Some chiropractors are using methods that the message chairs at PF use. The massage chairs will not be able to replace chiropractors but they offer and option to use in between seeking a chiro or doctor. For example the "knocking and kneeding option of the chair is what you can get from a chiro visit. The down side is that the chair is not as intense as what you might get from a chiro's machine. Would I like to see PF offer more with massage, yes. However, remember PF is for $10 a month if you need more go to a more costly gymn.
    Bocch wrote: »
    Obviously none of these posts are from people with a back injury or a leg injury. Some chiropractors are using methods that the message chairs at PF use. The massage chairs will not be able to replace chiropractors but they offer and option to use in between seeking a chiro or doctor. For example the "knocking and kneeding option of the chair is what you can get from a chiro visit. The down side is that the chair is not as intense as what you might get from a chiro's machine. Would I like to see PF offer more with massage, yes. However, remember PF is for $10 a month if you need more go to a more costly gymn.

    And some chiropractors like to put equipment of questionable value in their practices that they can put people on and charge them for the experience.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    Bocch wrote: »
    Obviously none of these posts are from people with a back injury or a leg injury. Some chiropractors are using methods that the message chairs at PF use. The massage chairs will not be able to replace chiropractors but they offer and option to use in between seeking a chiro or doctor. For example the "knocking and kneeding option of the chair is what you can get from a chiro visit. The down side is that the chair is not as intense as what you might get from a chiro's machine. Would I like to see PF offer more with massage, yes. However, remember PF is for $10 a month if you need more go to a more costly gymn.
    Bocch wrote: »
    Obviously none of these posts are from people with a back injury or a leg injury. Some chiropractors are using methods that the message chairs at PF use. The massage chairs will not be able to replace chiropractors but they offer and option to use in between seeking a chiro or doctor. For example the "knocking and kneeding option of the chair is what you can get from a chiro visit. The down side is that the chair is not as intense as what you might get from a chiro's machine. Would I like to see PF offer more with massage, yes. However, remember PF is for $10 a month if you need more go to a more costly gymn.

    And some chiropractors like to put equipment of questionable value in their practices that they can put people on and charge them for the experience.

    A massage therapist that I consulted says that these massage chairs are nearly useless. They can feel good, so there's that, but they won't provide any substantial benefits in comparison to a real massage. Based on my experiences, I would agree.
  • marvelmanlane
    marvelmanlane Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, as someone with a chronic condition that causes me physical pain, I really appreciate the hydro massage beds PF has. I don’t think they contribute to long term relief, but it’s certainly a welcome thing after a long workout, so I can leave the gym without being sore. It’s a nice way to wind down, cool off, and refocus after an intense workout.

    Moreover, as other people have stated, PF is a business, and the relaxation zone is another way to earn money (since it’s an extra $10/month to use it). Plus, $10 a month is cheaper tanning than most tanning places, at least here, so it’s a good deal for people interested in those services.

    At the end of the day, some people like it and it’s not really detrimental to anyone in anyway, so what’s the issue?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Slasher09 wrote: »
    ...I don't necessarily get the "hate" in general for PF for the amenities they offer. No one MAKES you eat pizza or bagels or tootsie rolls. its a cheap membership that offers basic "cookie cutter" type fitness...

    I don’t hate PF for the amenities they offer (or lack thereof, in the case of free weights), nor for the pizza, bagels or tootsie rolls. I hate PF for their blatantly hypocritical corporate policy. They call themselves a “judgment-free zone”, yet they judge, ridicule and stereotype people who are in good physical shape. That’s the reason I have huge disdain for them and wouldn’t even take a membership there if they offered it to me for free. Their hypocrisy would be comical if it wasn’t so repugnant.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I dislike PF, but not because of whatever amenities. One of my all time favorite gyms was a wellness center that had all kinds of amenities beyond the gym. It had a pretty stellar weight room, separate cardio area, indoor track, gymnasium for basketball and volleyball, spin class rooms and other fitness classes, two outdoor pools, hot tubs, saunas, a small cafe if you wanted food, a coffee lounge, and many other nice things.

    They often had weekend BBQs poolside and the cafe was great for when I worked out after work and just wanted to grab dinner instead of going home to cook. I don't think any of those amenities hindered anyone's gainz, and if they did, it's on them.

    I rather enjoyed having a good workout and then dropping by the coffee lounge to chit chat with people and was a great place but unfortunately way across town and the commute became a killer.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    edited January 2018
    I like to use the massage chairs at my gym (not PF) and have decided that although they really don't help help post workout pain they do have a couple other benefits. Using before a workout can help loosen up the muscles along your back, shoulders and neck and conceivably that can help the muscles be more effecient during the workout. Possibly making you a bit less sore afterwards. They DO help with shoulder and back tightness in general so they feel good, and can help relieve smaller aches and pains. So using one after a workout for me, is just a bit of a reward, and helps me feel more comfortable on the hour long commute to work that usually follows a morning workout. Sort of an " it's not neccesary, but it's nice" treat.
    I also don't have to pay extra for them though. If I did, I probably wouldn't bother. I do wish I could afford a good one at home though. It would be nice to have before bed.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I had planet fitness briefly and liked the massage bed.. It was like my reward for working out but I didn't care for pf cause I am more into fitness classes. I joined so my boyfriend could go with me. I quickly learned he wouldn't commit to going cause one it's not really his thing even though he says he wants to work out. Now I at a much better gym and use sauna and occasionally the hot tub to relax.. Why can't people relax after they do their workout? it's just me giving myself 10 more minutes of me time.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    PF's motto should be "enough distractions so that you never work out, guaranteed or your money back"

    Wish it was. I'd get my money back. ;)

    I for one love the massage beds. They are a fabulous no-calorie treat. Totally worth the extra $10/ month. Sure, I could go somewhere else for a full massage, but then I wouldn't have time to exercise! And it'd probably cost more than $10/ month.

    Haven't tried the infrared sauna, though I've heard that infrared therapy can improve sleep. It's also supposed to make scars fade, and I happen to like my scars.

    Does it "belong" at a gym? Don't really care, tbh. But the promise of a 10-min back rub has gotten me out the door and through my routine more times than I can keep track of!
  • kitzykarly
    kitzykarly Posts: 32 Member
    When I used to go to planet fitness, I fell in love with the hydro massage beds. I only did the $20/month deal so my bf could come. One time I was suuuuuper sore, and he suggested I try it. I poo-pah-ed it, but finally gave in. It was incredible! I could adjust the intensity and keep it to the areas I was most sore. It felt really good and it did help.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Salt caves?
    I'd get kicked out for licking the walls.

    Teach me.
    Don't they sound delicious?

    I don't know why my posts keep disappearing.

    I call them salt caves, but they are really poultice rooms.

    In my previous posts, I stated that it's not my regular gym, it's too far. but a place I go every now and again for a me day.

    Some of my posts were disappearing to. I discovered that when I post on the Forum from my Android phone via the app... There is a done button up at the top. I have found myself hitting done and all that does is close the app it does not post your message.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I dislike PF, but not because of whatever amenities. One of my all time favorite gyms was a wellness center that had all kinds of amenities beyond the gym. It had a pretty stellar weight room, separate cardio area, indoor track, gymnasium for basketball and volleyball, spin class rooms and other fitness classes, two outdoor pools, hot tubs, saunas, a small cafe if you wanted food, a coffee lounge, and many other nice things.

    They often had weekend BBQs poolside and the cafe was great for when I worked out after work and just wanted to grab dinner instead of going home to cook. I don't think any of those amenities hindered anyone's gainz, and if they did, it's on them.
    All of those amenities are very much fitness related, though. Even the cafe and coffee bar, if you need nutrition.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    spartan_d wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    Bocch wrote: »
    Obviously none of these posts are from people with a back injury or a leg injury. Some chiropractors are using methods that the message chairs at PF use. The massage chairs will not be able to replace chiropractors but they offer and option to use in between seeking a chiro or doctor. For example the "knocking and kneeding option of the chair is what you can get from a chiro visit. The down side is that the chair is not as intense as what you might get from a chiro's machine. Would I like to see PF offer more with massage, yes. However, remember PF is for $10 a month if you need more go to a more costly gymn.
    Bocch wrote: »
    Obviously none of these posts are from people with a back injury or a leg injury. Some chiropractors are using methods that the message chairs at PF use. The massage chairs will not be able to replace chiropractors but they offer and option to use in between seeking a chiro or doctor. For example the "knocking and kneeding option of the chair is what you can get from a chiro visit. The down side is that the chair is not as intense as what you might get from a chiro's machine. Would I like to see PF offer more with massage, yes. However, remember PF is for $10 a month if you need more go to a more costly gymn.

    And some chiropractors like to put equipment of questionable value in their practices that they can put people on and charge them for the experience.

    A massage therapist that I consulted says that these massage chairs are nearly useless. They can feel good, so there's that, but they won't provide any substantial benefits in comparison to a real massage. Based on my experiences, I would agree.

    Yep, my son is a licensed massage therapist and is going through nursing school. He agrees, they may feel good, but no real benefits.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    As it turns out, PF promotes the massage chair/bed usage as an actual workout. Which is shameful and dumb, but whatever. (This graphic has been posted here before, but it shows what I mean.)

    I agree with the previous posters who said that the massage chairs are basically just an additional revenue stream with no substantial fitness benefits. Promoting their use as an actual workout, though? :/

  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    edited January 2018
    My point is that the counter-argument mentioned -- about how other gyms offer weight rooms, cardio areas, indoor tracks, etc -- doesn't seem relevant to me. Unlike massage chairs, those extra amenities are quite obviously fitness-oriented.

    And I disagree that PF thinks massage chairs are indeed beneficial for fitness. Rather, they know better than that, but they offer it as a revenue stream. In fact, based on this entire discussion, the whole "relaxation zone" concept is clearly part of their marketing approach. That is, it's geared toward attracting people who won't work out very hard and won't use the equipment very often. It's the target audience that wants to believe that getting fit is an easy, relaxing activity.

    Is this a "huge conspiracy"? I wouldn't go that far, but it's clearly part of their business strategy.

    Am I personally going to call their corporate office and chew them out, as you said I should? No, but that doesn't mean that I won't recognize this strategy for what it is. Again, based on the comments that people have offered in this discussion.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Personally, I would love a PF nearby. My gym is expensive, comparatively speaking, and is only open limited hours. My husband and I would love to save all that money (currently for the two of us it's about $70/month - PF would save us $50 a month!) AND have the added convenience of it being open 24 hours.

    Would we partake of the massage chairs? I might, once in a while. Husband might too once in a while. Would we partake in the free pizza? Maybe, once in a while - and it would be counted into my goal for the day. My husband does not log or track his food nor does he need to. He does do weight lifting but not for competitions or intense body building anything, just for his own general fitness.

    Considering how small my current gym is, I bet PF would have more options for us. It would be a win win for us.