January 2018 Running Challenge



  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
    8kms done and almost halfway to my goal :)

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    1/1 - 5.0 km
    1/2 - 5.1 km
    1/3 - strength + walk
    1/4 - 5.7 km
    1/5 - walk
    1/6 - 8.1 km

    23.9/80 km

    Longest run I've done in a while on top of highest weekly mileage in a while = dead thighs. Blisters didn't pop - wore my wider shoes today to give them a little room. It was 4C today so I went in just a long-sleeved tech t-shirt and leggings. It was nice not to be bundled up. Next time I will wear a thinner shirt.

    Upcoming Races:
    1/1/18 Resolution Run 5K ~38:00 (no official times)
    3/4/18 MEC Road Race #1 10K
    4/7/18 Jasper Half Marathon
    4/22/18 MEC Trail Race #1 5K
    5/20/18 MEC Trail Race #2 10K
    6/24/18 MEC Trail Race #3 15K
    8/18/18 Edmonton Marathon 10K
    9/2/18 MEC Trail Race #4 10K
    10/7/18 MEC Trail Race #5 15K
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @MNLittleFinn Ahhh, I've heard mixed things about that diet. People who commit to doing it for life, love it. People that do it to lose weight seem to gain everything back. I need to reduce my carbs but I don't think I could go low carb. Everyone is different. It's so fascinating.

    I am planning to get my blog going again. Starting with every other week posts. I hope to be consistent with it, as that is my word of the year.

    1/1/17 1.65 Leg Day 10 min stretch
    1/2/17 sick
    1/3/17 sick
    1/4/17 Biceps and abs
    1/5/17 3
    1/6/17 Booty Day! Hopefully, I get some stretching in later

    Total 4.65 / 50

    Tomorrow I am aiming for 5.5 miles. It will be the longest I've done since I had to drop out of my marathon. I am planning to run a mile, walk (undecided how long, maybe .25 or .5), repeat.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    1/1-4 miles New Years run
    1/2-4.1 miles dreadmill intervals+ "Functional Training with Stella"
    1/3-4.4 miles+ stretching/PT
    1/4-3.7 miles trail running
    1/5-Rest day
    1/6-7 miles

    I chickened out on my group run this morning because I could not justify running in -4F/FL -12F temps when I knew I could wait until it warmed up to 15F. When I woke up to go this morning, it was one of those "chilled to the bone" mornings and I just didn't have it in me to do another frigid run. It was a good decision because I just finished a nice little run in my neighborhood that was cold but offset with plenty of sunshine to help drown out those winter blues. I am looking forward to doing my longer run tomorrow when we are finally projected to get above freezing for the first time in two weeks.

    @MNLittleFinn - I do not subscribe to the HFLC diet, but, by virtue of being gluten free, my diet tends to trend towards those macros. I definitely feel that my training has benefited from it though. Will you still carb load for your event? That is what I do (reverse tapering up the carbs about a week before hand or else the sudden onslaught of carbs messes with my digestive system), and I think my body really appreciates those carbs come race day!

    @ddmom0811 -How awesome for your daughter to be running Big Sur! It's a definite bucket list race for me! You will have to give us a recap of her experience.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @lporter229 nope, no carb loading. If I go HFLC carb loading would be an issue because my body would have a hard time using them properly since it had adapted to using fat as a primary fuel source.
  • hist_doc
    hist_doc Posts: 206 Member


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    01/01/2018 - 3.0 miles @ 9:15
    01/02/2018 - 6.5 MPH and 4% Grade for 1 hour
    01/03/2018 - 6.5 MPH For 8 Miles at 4% grade
    01/04/2018 - 6.7 MPH For 8 Miles at 4% grade
    01/05/2018 - 6.8 MPH For 8 Miles at 4% grade
    01/06/2018 - Rest

    Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Sub 4 hours in Pittsburgh 2018!

    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    03/17/18 - Shamrock Shuffle Half Marathon
    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.
    05/12/18 - Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Ultra (I must hate myself)

    2020 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    Nothing today. Was planning a short dreadmill run on my home dreadmill, but son needed help with his homework, so that trumps dreadmill with ease. Perhaps tomorrow.

    Temps are still single digit highs and negative lows. Windchills are of course well below that. Going to keep being a wimp about the weather for now.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    So a runner at work has started running with a 20 pound vest on. She plans to do all her training runs wearing it, and then leave it off at races.

    What are y'all's thoughts on them?
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited January 2018
    Back in black (well pink but whatever man, same difference). Had a wildly instructive morning re: why naproxen is king in racing ultra #takeyouralevedammit

    @lporter229 so I've been keto for 2 years and carb loading/carb reintroduction are not "things" for legitimate ketogenic athletes, it kind of entirely defeats the purpose of going through that 6-8 weeks of fat adaptation only to kick your *kitten* out you know?

    Thankfully that whole preemptive fueling process is irrelevant for HFLC endurance athletics as you can't hit the wall if it doesn't exist. Training and racing from glycogen depletion is fast becoming more common place at the ultra level. Will the Usain Bolts ever have much utility for ketogenic protocols? No, unlikely because of the absolute upper limit explosivity they require to be the best. But the American men's 100 mile champion Zach Bitter has said himself he is HFLC so it clearly has it place in high end race nutrition. @midwesterner85 is also a keto runner :)

    January 1- 18
    January 2- 20
    January 3- 19
    January 4- Ran but I'm not counting it because slow
    January 5- Off
    January 6- 62



    2018 Races
    *Gord's Frozen A** 50K, February 19
    *JAJA Trail Marathon, April 1
    *Red Deer Marathon, May 20
    *Lone Wolf Last Man Standing Race, June 17
    *Eddie's Half Marathon, TBA June
    *Run in the Buff 120km TBA August
    *Lost Souls 100 Miler, September
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @JessicaMcB @lporter229 Yes, but on a bit of a break right now... long story.

    Anyway, I did not see all the details on this conversation. If you are interested in becoming a fat adapted runner, I suggest reading The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance by Volek and Phinney. The authors are leading researchers into ketogenic diets and this book is specifically geared towards athletes who want to use a low carb diet in conjunction with training.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited January 2018
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    The Running Room on-line magazine had a very small but interesting piece on pg 28/29 about shoes rotation reducing injury rates. Unfortunately they did not post the source of the study - just that it was based in Luxembourg. 3.6 pairs of shoes in rotation is the minimum magic number from the study.
    You might have to copy and paste the link into your browser of choice
    @juliet3455 I found the study, I think: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24286345
    Unfortunately I can't see a way to get the full text for free, but if you speak French, I also found a two-page discussion about it with some more details in a Swiss magazine..

    eta: okay, found a full-text pdf of the original study: here.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    So a runner at work has started running with a 20 pound vest on. She plans to do all her training runs wearing it, and then leave it off at races.

    What are y'all's thoughts on them?

    I mean I kind of do this, I train with 15-20lbs of gear and might race with 4. I am unsurprisingly faster on race day
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ They say if you don't like the weather in Texas, wait a few hours. Today, the temps were in the 60s (16C+). :grin:

    @PastorVincent Surely it depends on the type of running? If she runs trails, then it's probably no big deal, but if she does street running, then going straight to 20 lbs could be too much. I imagine it would affect running form, which could then make race day a disaster when suddenly switching to running unweighted.

    Today's run was a change from the others...a short-sleeved top and it still felt very warm, and these mild temps are supposed to last until Friday when the cold front returns. I ran a little higher mileage, but at a slower pace, and on grass where I could, and although I still think I can feel my shin during my run, I think most of it is just in my head; afterwards, my shin feels fine.

    01 - 4.98
    04 - 4.11
    06 - 5.48
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    1/1 5.9miles
    1/2 5miles
    1/3 13.1miles!
    1/4 5miles
    1/5 8.4miles
    1/6 4miles

    Hopefully my last treadmill run for awhile! Although I don’t think the snow is going to melt until Monday afternoon at best. I have a feeling the kids will be home from school on Monday due to how crappy the roads are.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @lporter229 I'm gluten free and always go way over on my carbs. I keep trying to reduce them and increase protein but I seem to get stuck around 100g of protein. My goal percents are 27C 36F 37P but I average 39C 36F (thanks to all the cheese I eat lol) 25P.

    I've been trying to work on each meal and am getting closer to goal but man it's hard to keep my carbs down.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    So a runner at work has started running with a 20 pound vest on. She plans to do all her training runs wearing it, and then leave it off at races.

    What are y'all's thoughts on them?

    I mean I kind of do this, I train with 15-20lbs of gear and might race with 4. I am unsurprisingly faster on race day

    Great for hill runs going up (go slow coming down), but I wouldn't do it otherwise. Will mess up form and could cause injuries.