Pregnancy – August 2011



  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member

    FANTASTIC! Thanks for sharing. That was too funny.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am currently 24 weeks and 4days pg with a little girl. I have had GD since 9weeks and am trying to keep it under control and also keep my weight under control. I started my pregnancy about 100lbs overweight and I have lost about 7-8 lbs during my pregnancy. I would love to join you ladies and hope that I can keep up this thread really moves fast. This will be my 3rd baby I already have a son who is going to be 5 on August 23 and a daughter who will be 3 on September 2nd. I'm also planning to use this site to lose plenty of weight after the baby is born to try to keep type 2 diabetes away.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well and having a good weekend :smile:

    I'm shooting my last wedding of the season today, and not a moment too soon. I'm now wondering why I agreed to it but we'll get it done!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    I'm not sure if anyone would be interested, or curious, but i have been recording an online pregnancy video vlog via youtube throughout my pregnancy, i update it weekly. if your bored go and check it out, and feel free to laugh at my weird kiwi/nz accent :laugh: :

    Cute! I used to keep weight loss vlogs. I have not updated it in forever though!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Hi Ladies,

    I am currently 24 weeks and 4days pg with a little girl. I have had GD since 9weeks and am trying to keep it under control and also keep my weight under control. I started my pregnancy about 100lbs overweight and I have lost about 7-8 lbs during my pregnancy. I would love to join you ladies and hope that I can keep up this thread really moves fast. This will be my 3rd baby I already have a son who is going to be 5 on August 23 and a daughter who will be 3 on September 2nd. I'm also planning to use this site to lose plenty of weight after the baby is born to try to keep type 2 diabetes away.

    Welcome! I started this pregnancy at least 40lbs overweight, and then I put on 40lbs since getting pregnant! I definitely plan to use this site once my baby comes to lost the weight again.

    Just jump right in! It does tend to be a little slow on the weekends, but it can get pretty busy around here during the week.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    I'm shooting my last wedding of the season today, and not a moment too soon. I'm now wondering why I agreed to it but we'll get it done!

    Yay! Last one! Must be exciting... just means Avery is that much closer!

    Enjoy your day :smile:

    Katrina- Thanks for the article- super funny!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Sorry guys for all the posts! I have a story to share. I was really annoyed this AM!! My in-laws are crazy!

    So, this morning at 8am I wake up to the phone ringing. We have a phone in our room but keep the ringer off. I can see on the caller ID that it is my father in law on his cell phone. So I ignore it, knowing that he is just calling to try to get my hubby out to the farm to do something. (UMMM HELLLO... does he not realize that my husband leaves the house for work before 7am 5 days per week?! Sometimes before 6am even!? Sometimes even 6 or 7 days per week? Give the poor guy a break and let him sleep in!).

    So I sleep a little bit longer, get up to go to the bathroom (naked, as it has been soo hot) and next thing I know, I can hear my mother-in-law "hello?! anybody home?"

    So I throw on a towel, high tail it to the bedroom, and wake up my husband telling him his mom is here. Just after 8am on Saturday. Urghhh!!!!!!!!!

    So he gets up in his underwear to see what she wants.

    "Oh, well when Dad couldn't get ahold of you I thought you might have gone to the hospital, so I came up here to check."

    Um... ok. Not like we would be sleeping at 8am on Saturday. No way! They are so darn nosy! Not only that- my father in law just needed to tell my hubby a few things he needed him to get done today. That could have easily waited until 10am!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Rachel - your post makes me happy I'm not living close to immediate family! WOW, that would make me lose my ever loving mind!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!
    Sorry i'm not going to respond to everyone this time... baby has been making me really tired lately and yesteday the morning sickness started to kick in... :ohwell:

    AFM: I had our first U/S 4 days ago and got to see out little "appleseed" (as DH keeps calling the baby)! We are very anxious to go to our next U/S at 8 weeks (and DH can be at the one with me) to hear the heart beat and see our little one again! I also started journaling since the day we found out... Otherwise, the normal pregnany symptoms, started with morning sickness (speaking of which, who the heck named it that? I am nauseated ALL the time!) and just over all tired constantly! Also went and bought a few little things yesterday... (i just couldnt wait, i felt compelled to get something HAHA) and just looking at all the adorable baby clothes made me feel so much closer to my little one and feel how anxious i am to meet him or her! :love:

    Hope evryone is doing well! =)
  • Abott715
    My name is Andrea and I am 17 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I lost 50 pounds in 14 months. A couple of months ago, I found out that I am pregnant. I have to watch my weight gain, for myself. This is my forth child that we were not planning. All the test came back good. Just looking for other mommies to be out there. I want to see how others are handling this.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Welcome Andrea and Veronica! Jump right in. As you can probably tell, we discuss all sorts of things, pregnancy related and weight related or not. It's a great support for maintaining a healthy pregnancy (since it seems like so many people in our lives tell us to eat eat eat, or whatever).

    ElizabethRN - Yeah, I don't understand the "morning" part of it either. I was nauseated all day long, from about 6 or 8 weeks until about 18 (hopefully yours will go away sooner than that). Yay for having an excuse to shop!

    Rachel - I'd be angry too! My brother does that kind of thing, sort of. Yesterday he called us because his wife didn't answer the phone (he probably called her about 5 times in 5 minutes) and was all worried - he was at work and could go check on her and was wanting us to try to reach her/check on her. Guess what - she was in the shower (we just waited 10 min and called). Seriously, sometimes people choose not to answer the phone! It would be funny if your husband had said something or made it appear as if she was interrupting you in the middle of "something" :laugh: :blushing: Do they not trust you to call if you head to the hospital?
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Can you tell I am killing time today?! 39 weeks 1 day. Waiting for my bestest friend to come over (from the city) with his boyfriend (yes, I said his).

  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Do they not trust you to call if you head to the hospital?

    Well, I always thought we would call and let them know, however after today it is making me second guess that decision...I worry that they will just come down and sit in the waiting room, and crash our bonding party as soon as the baby is out. I would much rather have the baby, have an hour or two to bond and breastfeed, and and rest for 4-5 hours before any visitors arrive.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Rachel and Julz thanks for the welcome!

    Elizabeth- I only had a few weeks for morning sickness early on but it was definately all day not just in the morning. Hopefully it will go away soon and how exciting to get to see your little one

    Rachel- great picture hopefully not too much longer for you now also how rude of your inlaws and not only did they come over unanounced but they let themselves in hopefully they'll give you your privacy once the baby is born do you know what gender your baby is? If I had to guess by your bump I would say girl.

    Julz- my family definately doesn't tell me to eat I think that because I am so overweight coupled with the gestational diabetes they know better but it is hard sometimes because I want to eat junk but know that I can cause complications for me and the baby if I do so far I am only using a low carb calorie controlled diet to keep my blood sugars in check and I'm hoping to continue doing that up until the end
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Rachel my first was induced so everybody knew when he was coming and I was barely in recovery before there was tons of family coming into my room to see the baby not very fun or relaxing and it made it hard to bond with him right away with my 2nd I went into labor on my own and was only in labor for 3hrs and we didn't tell anybody until after she was born and I was in recovery that was much better but I'm sure that you could just let family know that you want your privacy for a few hours before they come to visit
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Do they not trust you to call if you head to the hospital?

    Well, I always thought we would call and let them know, however after today it is making me second guess that decision...I worry that they will just come down and sit in the waiting room, and crash our bonding party as soon as the baby is out. I would much rather have the baby, have an hour or two to bond and breastfeed, and and rest for 4-5 hours before any visitors arrive.

    Rach, you can tell your nurses that you don't want visitors until a certain time and they won't let anyne in. Honestly you just never know how it is going to go and what kind of time you will want/need. I would tell them you will call when you are going in but that you don't want them to come till you call afterwards... would they respect it if you said that?
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Quick question for you all, when did you stop sleeping on your stomach/start sleeping on your side? Just curious, Thanks!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Quick question for you all, when did you stop sleeping on your stomach/start sleeping on your side? Just curious, Thanks!

    I still sleep on my stomach. Well, sort of. I have pillows smooshed all around me, and I'm half on my side, but more stomach than not. Baby doesn't seem to mind.
    It's sleeping on my back that I miss!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Love the pic rach:)

    Will catch up more in the next couple of days. I'm actually sitting on the plane taking me to my conference in Seattle :) my bitthday was so good! My mam thoroughly spoiled me :) I certainly ate alot, after getting gifted with my fab chocolates, chocolate dipped fruit and a dinner out but I'm confident I can male up for this over the next few days by exercising at the hotel.

    Have a great Sunday ladies! Xoxo
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Victoria – at work I scheduled my appointments a month in advance, so I make making my September appointments and last week. It hit me that next month will be my last full month at work before she’s born. :noway: I think I had a panic attack at my desk! :laugh:

    Julz – ohhh, chocolate is my weakness….usually covered in peanut butter. :embarassed: Right now I’m torn between enjoying the last weeks of my pregnancy before I have to go back to logging and eating super healthy to control the last of my weight gain. I usually fall somewhere in the middle.

    Melissa – glad you had a great birthday yesterday!

    Katrina – love it! :laugh:

    Danielle – yea for being done for the season!

    Rachel – ugh, I would be so annoyed it anyone in my family just showed up at our house in the morning!!! :grumble: I’m assuming that means you live extremely close to them. Anne is right, the nurses will make sure only the people you want there will be in the room, they’ll gladly make up a medical reason they have to leave if you want. Love your pic!

    ElizabethRN – sorry about the m/s. I think all I did in my first trimester was sleep and try not to throw up. My nausea lasted all f’n day until about 14 weeks. I hope it doesn’t last that long for you.

    ElizabethJ – I sleep on my side and halfway on my belly with a pillow under me. But I stopped sleeping completely flat on my belly at about 4 months. I had just stared to show and it was uncomfortable to lay like that…..oh, how I miss it!

    Welcome to all the newcomers, just jump right in!