Help! Dates, eating out, non-trackable food!

So I started 2018 determined to find Mr right! I have three dates this week and they are all going out to eat dates. One date is taking me to a small family owned Italian style place, another to a fancy French restaurant, and one to a Vietnamese place.
Only one of the restaurants has nutritional information available.
It kills me inside to think I might forego a steak and choose a salad which ends up being as fattening/calorific!
What should I choose?


  • PoppyFlower1
    PoppyFlower1 Posts: 62 Member
    Is it a bad idea to say I need to order a salad because I’m trying to diet?
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    There are database entries for steaks. Choose the entries that are similar to the food you order; it’s usually best to pick higher estimates for restaurant food, as they may add oil, butter, etc. that you wouldn’t add at home. Don’t force yourself to eat food you don’t want. That isn’t a sustainable way of living.

    If you don’t want to go out to eat on all your dates, maybe suggest a different activity that doesn’t involve food?
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    at most restaurants a steak with veggies on the side is one of the most calorie conscious choices

    they might have some sort of indicator on the menu for low calorie options

    apullum wrote: »
    There are database entries for steaks. Choose the entries that are similar to the food you order; it’s usually best to pick higher estimates for restaurant food, as they may add oil, butter, etc. that you wouldn’t add at home. Don’t force yourself to eat food you don’t want. That isn’t a sustainable way of living.

    If you don’t want to go out to eat on all your dates, maybe suggest a different activity that doesn’t involve food?

    and all this!
  • PoppyFlower1
    PoppyFlower1 Posts: 62 Member
    Is it a good idea to say I’m dieting so the guy knows I’m working on my weight? I feel really self conscious about my size at the mo. I met all of the dates online, so haven’t seen any in real life yet and I’m worried in case they think I’m huge. They have seen my pics and I’ve FaceTimed but still..... if I say I’m getting a salad as I’m trying to lose weight maybe that would give me plus points?
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Entree salads at restaurants are often just as many, if not more, calories than regular entrees and sandwiches. I'd check the menus before you go and find a comparable chain restaurant entry - order what you like and want to eat within reason.
    You can also practice portion control - eat slowly, sip water, and commit to only eating half of an entree. Focus on the conversation and the date instead of the meal.

    When I had an online dating profile, I actually put in the favorite food section 1. what I liked, and 2. that I was successfully losing weight and didn't plan on dining out multiple times a week. I actually got a good response from that, and it didn't come up much when I went out for dinners or drink.
    I also planned a lot of coffee/non-food first dates to see if we clicked. That way we didn't have to spend tons of money or two hours together if it wasn't a good match (there were LOTS of not good matches).
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Is it a good idea to say I’m dieting so the guy knows I’m working on my weight? I feel really self conscious about my size at the mo. I met all of the dates online, so haven’t seen any in real life yet and I’m worried in case they think I’m huge. They have seen my pics and I’ve FaceTimed but still..... if I say I’m getting a salad as I’m trying to lose weight maybe that would give me plus points?

    Just my two cents: I'm a big believer that people should date to find someone that they like *now* not someone that they're hoping to like once they finish one changes or a series of changes. This doesn't mean that you can't be working on goals while you date, but if you're hoping a guy will like a future version of you more than he likes you now. . . I don't know. I wouldn't share that on a first date.

    I agree.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited January 2018
    Two points: First, if the restaurant doesn't have calorie information online, I would pick a similar entry from another restaurant. I eat at a lot of mom and pop places and usually use similar entries from Perkins or Applebees or something like that. It has worked out fine, although eating out often (as I do) may mean more discipline in other parts of your diet. Also, I find it useful to look at the menu ahead of time and pick out what I want then (or at least narrow it down). That way you can do the nutrition research as you go, can be comfortable that what you're eating roughly fits your goals for the day, and won't be stressing about calories as much on your date.

    And (2) going forward, why don't you suggest the restaurants? That way you can pick ones you're comfortable with and/or that have nutrition info available (if you don't want to seem too demanding, offer a selection of three and have them pick the finalist). Just take that info with a big grain of salt - there may not be meticulous measuring and weighing going on in that kitchen!

    Good luck with your 2018 goals!

    Also, I strongly agree with @janejellyroll on the talking about your diet question. I don't think it's horrible to mention that you're trying to eat healthier if it comes up, but if you think someone won't want to date you without an assurance that you'll be skinnier in six months, that person may not be a good match.