I've come to the conclusion I can't have a treat or cheat meal?

I've been stuck in this cycle for ages now. Do great all week then undo all my hard work on the weekends.

I have a cheat meal on a Saturday night but that triggers a binge that ends on Monday and the cycle continues. I guess I have an addictive personality. I do the same with beer, can't have 1 and be done I have to get drunk.

I think for me it's best if I avoid cheating all together.

Is anyone else like this?


  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    I think it's the idea "do great" which translates to "can't have" that sets off overeating. Food isn't really addictive, and you need to eat, so I don't think it can be compared to alcohol. I think it's a good idea for you to stop cheat meals, and instead eat food you enjoy for every meal.

    If I did that I'd be eating Dominos and McDonalds every night. There isn't much I don't eat bar Seafood as I'm allergic but whether or not I enjoy it is a different story. And anything I do enjoy is unhealthy.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    I'm an "all in" kinda gal myself, and I've learned to plan for it.

    I don't use the term "cheating"--that's loser talk that reinforces self-loathing. I "save" calories during the week so that I can "spend" them on the weekend without guilt or self-loathing.

    Haha I do that myself but I eat way over what I've allowed for.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    I think it's the idea "do great" which translates to "can't have" that sets off overeating. Food isn't really addictive, and you need to eat, so I don't think it can be compared to alcohol. I think it's a good idea for you to stop cheat meals, and instead eat food you enjoy for every meal.

    If I did that I'd be eating Dominos and McDonalds every night. There isn't much I don't eat bar Seafood as I'm allergic but whether or not I enjoy it is a different story. And anything I do enjoy is unhealthy.
    That sounds like black/white to me, as mentioned above. Or is it just that your definition of "healthy food" has become narrower and narrower and now is "food I don't like"? Sure you don't like club sandwich, or steak with roast potatoes and asparagus, or apple slices with peanut butter, or eggs and bacon and baked beans on toast, or chicken noodle soup, or strawberries with cream?

    Sure I do but they are all higher in calories. Take my dinner tomorrow is a chilli that comes to 300 calories. Most of my meals fall between 300-400 calories.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    I think it's the idea "do great" which translates to "can't have" that sets off overeating. Food isn't really addictive, and you need to eat, so I don't think it can be compared to alcohol. I think it's a good idea for you to stop cheat meals, and instead eat food you enjoy for every meal.

    If I did that I'd be eating Dominos and McDonalds every night. There isn't much I don't eat bar Seafood as I'm allergic but whether or not I enjoy it is a different story. And anything I do enjoy is unhealthy.
    That sounds like black/white to me, as mentioned above. Or is it just that your definition of "healthy food" has become narrower and narrower and now is "food I don't like"? Sure you don't like club sandwich, or steak with roast potatoes and asparagus, or apple slices with peanut butter, or eggs and bacon and baked beans on toast, or chicken noodle soup, or strawberries with cream?

    Sure I do but they are all higher in calories. Take my dinner tomorrow is a chilli that comes to 300 calories. Most of my meals fall between 300-400 calories.
    All meals can be calorie adjusted by portion size. What is your total daily allowance? As a guy it should at least be 1500, half of your allowance for dinner would be reasonable, and for 750 calories, you will have a decent meal.

    Yes its 1500, Its roughly around 400 each for breakfast lunch and dinner, the remainder goes into 2 protein shakes and some greek yoghurt
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    About 5 to 6 years ago I lost approx 90lbs. I lost the weight in a pretty sensable way, tracking everything I eat, back then I was using another app similar to this one. I became very obsessed with food, calories, and tracking everything. I didn’t break one time for an entire year. If we went out to a restaruant I would stress about it for days, if i knew that far in advance, trying to research everything about the food and what to pick etc. If I happend to be at a place that was too difficult to track with confidence I would watch everyone else eat and order nothing. It became a problem socially and my wife was not happy with me some nights, I dont blame her. Food, calories, my weight became a complete obsession and stressor in my life.

    I was just too strict for too long.

    Then one day I had some stress of life, work and depression. Normal stuff everyone deals with. Something in my thinking just snapped and I remember the day like it was just 5 min ago. My mom made some really good lemon cupcakes, I had like 5 of them. Then for prob 7 months straight I was benging and eating way too much again. I gained much of my weight back got diagnoised with hypothryoidism (unrelated to my eating) and the doctor told me if I didnt do something I would need to be on BP drugs. I hit rock bottom.

    I have since cleaned up my way of thinking more than anything. I eath whole foods for the most part but I do not limit anything. If I want a cookie I have a cookie. If my kids are eating ice cream and I want some, I have some. I just eat a resonable serving size and leave it at that. I never feel deprived and I have trimmed off a lot of weight again. I hope I never fall back down that rabbit hole again.

    Everyone is different, everyone deals with crap, everyone has problems. You have to learn a way that you can deal with it in a way that isnt damaging to your life. If that means a few treats through the week, then by all means do it. Log it. And move on.

    I think I’ve figured it out for myself but I also believe everyone is different you need to find what works for you. I know a guy who has one cheat per year, yes one. He eats one piece of cake once a year on his birthday. I never see him sway the rest of the year; everyone is different.

    Great post. Yep I think its up to me to figure this out for myself as there is no one size fits all with this kind of stuff. I know what isn't working with me at the moment, I am going to try cutting it out altogether, if that falls apart I'll up daily calories and allow for it and see if that works.
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 356 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    I've been stuck in this cycle for ages now. Do great all week then undo all my hard work on the weekends.

    I have a cheat meal on a Saturday night but that triggers a binge that ends on Monday and the cycle continues. I guess I have an addictive personality. I do the same with beer, can't have 1 and be done I have to get drunk.

    I think for me it's best if I avoid cheating all together.

    Is anyone else like this?

    Yes, sadly, I have this issue, too. I have certain trigger foods that send me right off the deep end, eating-wise. Cookies/sweets or salty snack food. I am better off if I don't take that first bite, as I can't seem to stop with 1 cookie or a few potato chips.