JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • clairelouisey
    clairelouisey Posts: 68 Member
    1. Stay within maintenance calories >:)
    2. Do 10 mins yoga :(
    3. Have fun with my wonderful and ridiculous friends :D

    Completely fell off the wagon for Friday and Saturday, no idea how many calories I ate and drank. Ridiculous...! Had no self control whatsoever and didn’t track. Had a great time though. I’m travelling today and not feeling great so going to set limited goal and get back to it proper next week.

    1. Stick to calorie limit
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Saturday, 1/13/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Shovel driveway :)
    5. Clean bathrooms :)
    6. Finish laundry :)

    JFT (Sunday, 1/14/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Groceries
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited January 2018
    My neighbour moved out today.
    Can I just say...


    Me and my partner went into the garden for the first time properly in 3 years!!
    Even if it was only to start the major cleaning process of 4 years of dog piss and *kitten*.

    1 2L of bleach and disinfectant later and the 3x3m area outside our house still looks like poop but smells a lot better, the gardens too big to tackle the whole thing today but at least outside our door is done for now.
    Gotta sweep the leaves over the next few days and then get the jetwasher on it!
    We’re gonna clean the whole thing for everyone else and maybe even replace the picnic table and plant some flowers and remove the weeds just so our neighbours feel welcomed.

    It wa a great when we first moved in until “that” neighbour moved in. But she’s gone :D buzzing

    P.s. excuse my earlier rant at my OH. Hormones in full swing there hahaha :sweat_smile:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    1/13 Saturday JFT:

    #1 Stay positive and happy! I can always accomplish some things on Sunday.

    ✔▪Breakfast w/ family
    ✔▪Manage Saturday Chores
    ✔▪Grocery list and meal planning
    ✔▪Grocery Shopping
    ❌▪Run a few errands (mortgage, target)
    ❌▪Work on Research Abstract
    ✔▪Dinner ~ 8 pm (based on remodel project)
    ✔▪Bedtime ~ 11 pm (based on remodel project)

    Shopping took all day!! Usually the stores are not that busy on Saturdays but it seemed like the entire city decided to go grocery shopping.

    @OConnell5483 You are correct, sometimes taking time to talk is just what ya need!! Friday was very pleasant bc of that :smile:

    @Bex953172 Sorry to hear you are having issues with sleep and your partner is as well. Being pregnant wears you both out. Congrats on the good news regarding your neighbor. The garden project sounds fun!!

    Welcome to ALL the new JFT people :blush:

    1/14 Sunday JFT:

    ▪Run errands (mortgage and target)
    ▪Work on Research Abstract
    ▪Relax, no exercising today. I'm having some muscle stiffness and cramps so I'm just going to try and recover today.
    ▪Dinner by 8 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 11 pm
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @MLHC1 you know you’ll reach that point sometime soon as well! lol I’ve got about 400 pillows and still can’t get comfy!
    We both agreed we were both v grumpy after both waking up so we cleared the air on that!

    I know the neighbour is a brilliant thing. The garden is disgusting though. The paving was yellow and red, but right now they’re black and luminous green?!
    So clearly full of bacteria and god knows what else from the dogs toileting!

    So it’s gross but for some reason the grosser the job the more I love getting stuck in. I hate the tedious “small jobs” that I have to do daily. But like you say it’s like a proper project!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited January 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    So goals for today. forgot I even posted goals!

    - hoover and polish the car. (It’s filthy) no but made a start on the garden
    - Go buy some nappies before my youngest poops!! - done! Thank god. Just in time too lol!
    - keep on top of the house todayyeaaah kind of!
    - Eat stodgy foods like pasta again yep, not improved much though, trip to the GP tomorrow I think!
    - Relax, try get some of these jeans cut up into squares! No time!
    - Put the sofa back together! yep!

    And if I have time I might just do some stretches! yeah... I didn’t have time lol!

    So all in all not bad! Bit of a race every day to get everything done before I get too tired! Will post goals in morning because mfp is being stupid tonight..
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Home for a few hours, catching up Sunday evening, thought I'd get a jump on Monday...

    Recap Sat. 1/13 - Slept until 9:30 oh my!
    1) Winter market & gas in car (too frigid for low gas tank) = later than planned, but 2x done :smiley::smiley:
    2) Update weekly w-i post = done & surprised by scale this morning :smiley:
    3) Not sure of meal plans today / net calories w/i 100 green & 12c water = Hubby & I sampled our way through Sam's Club & fast food for supper (first time in several months, so not going to worry about). All numbers red...oops. :p At least drank 10c water. :smile:
    4) Errands w/ hubby: groceries, Sam's, bank = 3x done :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    5) Get out WiiFit, replace batteries & do activities, maybe w/ hubby b/c we like the bowling one & we're very competitive...this is non-treadmill day = Done! All batteries needed to be replaced, we couldn't remember which way the disc went in (it was backwards to begin :blush: ) but we finally got Wii working again. Bowled & I beat hubby, which is highly unusual. Checked MFP & Wii bowling is actually in exercise diary, lol. :D
    6) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = 3x done :smiley::smiley::smiley:

    Not posting JFT for Sunday 1/14: Left home 7:20 a.m. & 3 hr round trip by car. Attended 2 great-nephews' baptisms, followed by luncheon at middle brother's. Very sedentary day & lots of family time. It was great! <3:smiley:

    JF-Monday 1/15
    1) Before work either shovel snow if necessary or treadmill
    2) Keep calm at work / do not stress over Fri. p.m. request from mgmt., who really has no idea of the work involved. If only they'd show an interest in even understanding! Not sure how they're going to react over my "defensive" email with facts & estimates. Ok, tirade over. I'll look for another job if it comes to that.
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    4) Net calories green / 12c water
    5) Make lunch for Tues (webinar at noon)
    6) Hubby time in evening (MLKjr holiday for him)
    7) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15