What was your first “I’m getting fat” realization?



  • abbynormalartist
    abbynormalartist Posts: 318 Member
    A year after my second child, my overall weight was back to where I was before but I had lost a lot of muscle and gained a lot of fat- and all in the wrong places. My husband took a (very unflattering) picture of me sitting in the car and I was allllllll belly. I looked 6 months prego. That was almost a year ago. My weight is still the same but the mummy tummy is gone. No six pack but at least I don't look prego anymore.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    My wife telling me "You're getting fat" and the development of a dickydoo. ;)
  • brittanydnv
    brittanydnv Posts: 3 Member
    I realized it when I was just a preteen. Walking the aisle on the school bus. I barely fit. It was mortifying.
  • Velvettpeach
    Velvettpeach Posts: 10 Member
    Pictures from a vacation and then going to the doctor not long after that and seeing a number that was about 30lbs higher than the last time I'd been there... huge wake-up call, and that number also happened to be the most I've ever weighed in my life. I knew my clothes weren't fitting great but I didn't realize I had gained THAT much weight. I was spending a lot of time in leggings and baggy T-shirts and just not realizing how big I had actually gotten. But I'm very aware now! And finally going in the other direction!

    Quite agree, I refuse to wear leggings now. I realised when my DD felt the fat on my back giggled and said, "Mummy you have back boobies"!

    Out of the mouthes of babes huh! Truth... :/
  • janchild82
    janchild82 Posts: 1 Member
    My uncle made a comment about how much weight I had gained.
    HDBKLM Posts: 466 Member
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2018
    I found over the years that I started to like to wear stretchy elastic type pants more than jeans/anything with a zipper and button were getting too tight and uncomfortable to wear and I refused to go up in size:(
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I've had a lot of moments that were telling that things were getting out of hand but I spent a good while just watching the scale go up and choosing food over my goals but here are some of the honorable mentions:

    1.) My comfy jeans no longer fitting or any of my jeans actually
    2.) Sweatpants and underwear getting tight (this one specifically the underwear was my most recent enough is enough moment and I'm down a few pounds)
    3.) The button flying off a pair of jeans
    4.) Getting told that they only carry "normal" size jeans
    5.) My stomach getting closer and closer to the steering wheel
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    When my genetically “oval” face changed to “round”
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I usually can wear comfortable clothes like leggings and yoga pants because I work from home a lot but one day I had a big work meeting to get ready for. I tried on all of my work clothes and not a single outfit fit. I had gained back around 30lbs of the 80+ I originally lost before noticing.