Team Ranged (Challenge of the Living Dead) CLOSED



  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    Alrighty! My weapon will be the Double Crescent Blade (like Talim from Soul Calibur, or Rikku from Final Fantasy) with the goal of drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day (and actually logging every day).

    So far this week, I've gotten some walking in:

    Monday: 4 miles.
    Tuesday: 2.5 miles.
    Wednesday: .... err... 1 mile.

    Luckily I'm off for the rest of the week, so I'll try to get more walking in tomorrow and Friday. Thursday and Saturday, I plan on going to the gym, so I'll get some biking in as well.

    Good luck to everyone!!

    @jenfunfur :: I completely agree. It's so gross and humid where I am, I don't even want to be out there. I'll start walking early in the morning or late at night in hopes that it won't be quite so terrible.
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    Yes guys, be very careful of overheating. It is not fun, trust me. Good Luck. Maybe you guys should try small walks broken up throughout the day if it is really bad.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Only made it about 2 miles today - I' m working out with a trainer tomorrow so I might not get that in either.

    Oh well - Maybe lets say my hour straight of dancing was 3 miles. It certainly felt like it.
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 179 Member
    Been pretty quiet in here for a few days! How is everyone doing on this weeks challenge? What else is new in ya'lls lives?
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    well i've just completed this weeks challenge & feeling great for it.
    Been a very busy stressful week for me topped off my dislocating my shoulder friday night! Needless to say i hoping that the next challenge does'nt require the use if my arms :(
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    So... I essentially completed this weeks challenge. Not quite the way I wanted to do it, but it's technically completed.

    Monday: 4 miles.
    Tuesday: 2.5 miles.
    Wednesday: 1 mile.
    Thursday: 2 miles
    Friday: 3.5 miles
    Saturday: 2 miles

    13 miles in 6 days = 2,2 miles / day ... BUT, if it was 4 days, it would be 3.25 miles a day? So does that count? If not, I guess I'll just have to get some more walking in tomorrow.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I have hardly walked at all this week which is abormal for me but I got a small rock in my shoe and I didn't notice until I'd actually gashed up a chunk of skin on the bottom of my foot. So I had to kind of take it easy - did a Yoga video and a slower shorter walk with a bandaid and socks and what not. Yesterday I had a personal training session and we did walk a bit (and run a bit) but mostly it was an excruciating number of walking lunges. foot was doing better until the flap of skin got all hard and dried this morning and now it really hurts to walk on it....gonna see what I can do to get in my exercise today.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Our team is certainly very quiet!

    I got my walk in FINALLY today. Only one day but oh well. Had 2 excellent training sessions this week and a couple quasi rest days from the rock injury (stupid rock!) so not bad all things considered.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    We are very quiet!

    Monday: 4 miles.
    Tuesday: 2.5 miles.
    Wednesday: 1 mile.
    Thursday: 2 miles
    Friday: 3.5 miles
    Saturday: 2 miles
    Sunday: 3 miles

    16 miles in 7 days = 2,3 miles / day. If it were in only 4 days, it would be 4 miles a day. I'd say I definitely completed this challenge, 3 of the days, I was at 3 miles or more, and one of the days, I was just under 3 miles. The other walking is just extra because I had trouble sitting still. :)

    As for my mini challenge of the Double Crescent Blades (logging every day), I get 5 out of 7. I'll try to be better next week.

    How did everyone else do this week?
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    I broke up my walking too. Glad I managed to get it all done. I am so grateful for this challenge. It keeps me motivated. This weekend, I watched The Walking Dead Season 1 while I did my walking on the treadmill. Can't wait for October and season 2!
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    I got my walking in too, even though the last day was me walking in place cause it was raining. Whatever gets the job done right. I'm glad I lost this week, I was a little bumed about the gain last week.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Crap someone give me a fitness challenge for my weapon this week. I need something! Maybe i'll just commit to doing 1 SOMETHING every day other than my usual cardio. squats, mountain climbers, whatever.

    Monday - I did 5/5, I ate really good because I was so bad on the weekend.
    Tuesday - I haven't had dinner yet (sigh) but I know I am gonna be 5/5
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Good Morning Team Ranged!!!!!
    Anyone Feel Like Dancing...Zombie Style?
    :laugh: (laffing like Vincent Price)

    Have A Great Day...And Let's Knock This Week's Challenge Out!!
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    This weeks challenge starts today, right? I'm looking forward to it.
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    I never realized how hard it was to stay in the green. Before as long as I was under calories, I didn't care. Also I'm having trouble with before bed snacking. Urgh. Hows everyone else doing?
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    not finding the challenge that hard but then again i've always kept an eye on all the figures not just calories. My real problem is trying to do any exercise with my busted shoulder :(
    Good luck everyone x
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    I do believe I've been good everyday but one. I was over my sodium one day.
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    OK TEAM RANGED....The Zombies Have Ravished Our Team!!!!

    They Took Our Captains & Some Teammates Too...
    But Those Of Us That Remain Are Fighters And WE WILL SURVIVE THIS CHALLENGE!!!

    In Other Words...Hi, I'm Stephanie & I've Stepped Up As Captain Of Our Team! With All The Changes Happening...I'd Like To Get A Roll Call For Our Team.

    * * * * * IMPORTANT * * * * *
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Thanks All For Your Patience During This Transition!!!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Hi there! This Stephanie is still alive and kicking too!!!

    I had a pretty good week. I managed to stay under everything except for fat. I can never seem to stay under with fat. I'm going to keep trying even though that challenge is over.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    Hello! I'm Mia, and I am most certainly still alive out here.

    Perhaps a new captain will mean a less quiet board? Or maybe not.

    As for this week, I did very well. My only downfall was sodium one day. I even completed my mini goal of getting some walking in each day.