JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    What I am learning: I am wanting to take every bite of food captive. Before I take a bite I want to consider the costs involved and if it is a benefit or an impediment in reaching my goal. I want to stop aimlessly eating my food--but to instead truly savor and enjoy every bite. I am tired of being a slave to food.

    This is a great way to think of food! I will have to keep this in mind also when I go to buy and/or eat things.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Side note, my favorite uncle passed away unexpectedly last night. Having a bit of trouble holding everything together today.

    So very sorry for your loss. It is always so very hard to lose someone we love, especially when it is unexpected. Hugs to you
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Goal for 1/29: 173. Today: 177.6. Keep going down! DOWN! hehehe... I'm a little nervous about this week; we were reminded NOT to eat or drink in costume (except water) which means nothing but water after about 5 PM. I'm concerned that I'm going to get back from practice and be rabidly hungry.

    On the positive side, I absolutely NAILED my scenes last night. If they go at least that well throughout the run of the play, I'm going to donate $100 to the Rescue Mission (food bank / shelter).

    See --- with time that scale will start moving! Great job hanging in there!

    And congrats on nailing the scenes!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Today work really got me down. I’m a teacher of very little kids and sometimes it can be pretty exhausting and like you’re not getting anywhere. V grateful to this board for helping me to keep some focus...

    Recap Goals for 23/1:

    - exercise before kids get up ✅
    - 2 ltr + water ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Kids bday party jobs x2: managed 1
    - Hot yoga after work ✅
    - But lightbulbs! (A ridiculous ‘goal’ but I keep forgetting) ✅


    - exercise before kids get up
    - 2ltr + water
    - 12k + steps
    - One snack only during planning time in the afternoon
    - Write the presentation
    - 2 calls re kids’ bday parties
    - Call doc re youngest child
    - Chase dishwasher repair quote
    - Early night!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited January 2018

    So I'M BACK!!!!

    I'm so glad to see you back! I don't know if you got the message , but I had reached out through a PM. I hoped you were doing OK.

    The gang is mostly all here, plus some new faces. Sounds like its been a long few months. Hope we can help you move along. <3
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »

    So I'M BACK!!!!

    I'm so glad to see you back! I don't know if you got the message , but I had reached out through a PM. I hoped you were doing OK.

    The gang is mostly all here, plus some new faces. Sounds like its been a long few months. Hope we can help you move along. <3

    I actually replied to your message about a half an hour ago. Lol! Thank you so much for reaching out! It really helped me to decide to come back! I need the accountability! I know that now! I am determined to get my life back on track. I want to be me again...and I havent been since October. But that is changing! I will do everything and anything I have to, to change it!
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    edited January 2018
    Report 1/23
    Fast til noon :)
    Try not to binge when I get home. :)
    Log :)
    Walk at work :( I got a new assignment at work and I have a lot of catching up to do.
    Stand during one meeting. :( my meetings were all face to face, so no standing today.

    @joan6630 So the fasting thing is something new I’m trying, the intermittent fasting eating pattern. I haven’t really had too much trouble with over eating when I get home, just yesterday was a problem. Today was better. I don’t feel as discouraged. Thanks for your support!

    JFT 1/24
    Go to gym
    Fast til noon
    Do catch up reading for work

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Back to the GP tomorrow for me.
    Fingers crossed for me eh!
    Why is that the every month has 30 days but the last month of pregnancy seems to have about 4000?

    Fingers crossed and prayers heading your way! I cant believe you're in your last month already!!!!! I really missed a lot! Lol. Hopefully the Doc can help you keep food down! I, also, force myself to vomit like you do, but only when I know it's going to happen eventually anyway. Lol. I HATE feeling like I'm gonna throw up! OH! Actually something I found out at the Doc last week! I apparently have IBS which was being treated by one of my meds(which I havent been taking since October). So it reared it's head back then. It was never bad enough to warrant a Doc visit but it was something I mentioned. So I've probably had it for years but didnt know because it was being treated. Lol. Funny how things like that work! But keeping you in my thoughts and prayers my dear!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Today work really got me down. I’m a teacher of very little kids and sometimes it can be pretty exhausting and like you’re not getting anywhere. V grateful to this board for helping me to keep some focus...

    Recap Goals for 23/1:

    - exercise before kids get up ✅
    - 2 ltr + water ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Kids bday party jobs x2: managed 1
    - Hot yoga after work ✅
    - But lightbulbs! (A ridiculous ‘goal’ but I keep forgetting) ✅


    - exercise before kids get up
    - 2ltr + water
    - 12k + steps
    - One snack only during planning time in the afternoon
    - Write the presentation
    - 2 calls re kids’ bday parties
    - Call doc re youngest child
    - Chase dishwasher repair quote
    - Early night!

    Goodness, Faebert, thank you for teaching. What a huge undertaking that has an equally huge impact. You are doing a fantastic job writing and making your goals. Glad you are doing something for yourself---like yoga.

    Peace and joy
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    martbrun wrote: »
    I've just come across this thread and hope.it can help me being accountable too, in short I lost nearly 7st between April 2016 to Dec 2016 no fad dieting just eating better and exercising, since April 2017 to today I have put nearly 2st back on and have been struggling to get back on top. This year Oct I have decided to run my first Marathon and want to get to my lowest weight of 15st since being a teenager which means I have just under 3 more stone to loose and the thing I have struggled with since the end of last year is prepping my meals so I end up making bad food choices so my first goal for tomorrow is to prep my meals and track what I'm eating properly

    Welcome, Martbrun! I just joined the first of the month and it has really helped keep me accountable, challenged, and encouraged. Great job in setting your first goal to get you meals prepped and track everything you eat. Let us know how you do!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Back to the GP tomorrow for me.
    Fingers crossed for me eh!
    Why is that the every month has 30 days but the last month of pregnancy seems to have about 4000?

    Fingers crossed and prayers heading your way! I cant believe you're in your last month already!!!!! I really missed a lot! Lol. Hopefully the Doc can help you keep food down! I, also, force myself to vomit like you do, but only when I know it's going to happen eventually anyway. Lol. I HATE feeling like I'm gonna throw up! OH! Actually something I found out at the Doc last week! I apparently have IBS which was being treated by one of my meds(which I havent been taking since October). So it reared it's head back then. It was never bad enough to warrant a Doc visit but it was something I mentioned. So I've probably had it for years but didnt know because it was being treated. Lol. Funny how things like that work! But keeping you in my thoughts and prayers my dear!

    Yeah it’s very strange.
    Being sick but not nauseous after which makes me think it’s not a bug or anything.
    Because I can literally eat about an hour after vomming.

    Oh and if you ever feel like that again, DO NOT DRINK PEPPERMINT TEA!!! It may say it aids digestion but burns like a b!tch coming back up lol!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    martbrun wrote: »
    I've just come across this thread and hope.it can help me being accountable too, in short I lost nearly 7st between April 2016 to Dec 2016 no fad dieting just eating better and exercising, since April 2017 to today I have put nearly 2st back on and have been struggling to get back on top. This year Oct I have decided to run my first Marathon and want to get to my lowest weight of 15st since being a teenager which means I have just under 3 more stone to loose and the thing I have struggled with since the end of last year is prepping my meals so I end up making bad food choices so my first goal for tomorrow is to prep my meals and track what I'm eating properly

    Welcome, Martbrun! I just joined the first of the month and it has really helped keep me accountable, challenged, and encouraged. Great job in setting your first goal to get you meals prepped and track everything you eat. Let us know how you do!

    Welcome! I've been a member of this board since spring of 17...I think. Lol. I took a step back in October to deal with some mental health and personal things but I am back! This board is seriously the best! I love it! Ive made some great friends from all over the world! I mean they reached out to me when I dropped off the face of the planet and everything(I was terrible and didnt answer anyone until tonight though :s ) The accountability I get here is just simply amazing!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Oh and if you ever feel like that again, DO NOT DRINK PEPPERMINT TEA!!! It may say it aids digestion but burns like a b!tch coming back up lol!

    Yeah that doesnt sound like a bug. Something just didnt agree with you! I've never been a peppermint tea person so that's not a problem for me! Lol. I drink tea occasionally. But usually I'm a coffee girl. Lol. Working at a convenience store for almost a decade kind of drilled that into my head! Lol
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    martbrun wrote: »
    I've just come across this thread and hope.it can help me being accountable too, in short I lost nearly 7st between April 2016 to Dec 2016 no fad dieting just eating better and exercising, since April 2017 to today I have put nearly 2st back on and have been struggling to get back on top. This year Oct I have decided to run my first Marathon and want to get to my lowest weight of 15st since being a teenager which means I have just under 3 more stone to loose and the thing I have struggled with since the end of last year is prepping my meals so I end up making bad food choices so my first goal for tomorrow is to prep my meals and track what I'm eating properly

    Welcome, Martbrun! I just joined the first of the month and it has really helped keep me accountable, challenged, and encouraged. Great job in setting your first goal to get you meals prepped and track everything you eat. Let us know how you do!

    Welcome! I've been a member of this board since spring of 17...I think. Lol. I took a step back in October to deal with some mental health and personal things but I am back! This board is seriously the best! I love it! Ive made some great friends from all over the world! I mean they reached out to me when I dropped off the face of the planet and everything(I was terrible and didnt answer anyone until tonight though :s ) The accountability I get here is just simply amazing!

    I welcome your welcome,lol!!! Glad you have made the great return!
    Peace and joy
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    I'M BACK!!!!!!!

    After a lot of self-inspection, prayer and talking to my doctor, mom and DH I have decided to go back on my meds. I dont like how I have been. I want to get back to where I was. And I think the first step in doing that is coming back to the boards and jumping back in and rekindling my friendships with people here!

    So I'M BACK!!!!

    We are SO happy to see you back!! I was wondering how you were doing, and so happy to see you join us again. My daughter also has bipolar (among other illnesses as well), and for her, she needs the meds. So if they make you feel better, I am happy that you are taking that step. And I am happy you are joining us again. We missed you tons! Welcome back!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    martbrun wrote: »
    I've just come across this thread and hope.it can help me being accountable too, in short I lost nearly 7st between April 2016 to Dec 2016 no fad dieting just eating better and exercising, since April 2017 to today I have put nearly 2st back on and have been struggling to get back on top. This year Oct I have decided to run my first Marathon and want to get to my lowest weight of 15st since being a teenager which means I have just under 3 more stone to loose and the thing I have struggled with since the end of last year is prepping my meals so I end up making bad food choices so my first goal for tomorrow is to prep my meals and track what I'm eating properly

    Welcome!! You will love this thread --- the best group of people, who will become friends! You are making a great first goal of prepping your meals and tracking!! Hope to see you on here often!