Bootie Busters (closed group)



  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    2.4 lbs. lost

    I actually weighed yesterday morning 'cause we usually go out to eat Sat. night and I figured I'd weigh more that okay?
  • CW--214.6
    2.4 lbs. lost

    I actually weighed yesterday morning 'cause we usually go out to eat Sat. night and I figured I'd weigh more that okay?

    No problem. Its really what you guys feel comfortable with.

    ****** I would also like to add that if you stayed the same or gained, please either post "no loss this week" or send me a message. That way I wont have to bug you and ask. Thank you for everyone who has already posted or sent me there weights! I still need to hear from 8 people, but so far we've lost 32.8lbs as a team! I will post the top 3 weight loss percentages when I have everyones info :-). So far as a team, were at 16.4%. Wtg everyone!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    237.6 (down 1.4 from 239 at start)
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    8/1 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
    8/2 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
    8/3 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
    8/4 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
    8/5 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
    8/6 – Didn't complete any challenges! = (

    Sooooo... I got wayyy too f'd up last night. Even with a 2 mile stumble back to my friends place. I still went over on calories. And as much as I wanted to..I didn't bust out my lunges in the bar. haha. And water took a back burner after booze.

    Current weight: 148.6, but i get the feeling it'll move back up.

    Also, in my food diary..yesterday is missing a "chuck norris shot". I have no clue what was in it so I didn't log. I was over either way. Then...this morning i had junk food at Del Taco, but I got mostly "seasonal foods", if you will, so they aren't on the nutritional values menu.
  • Hey all sorry I've been so MIA the past couple of days. I have some not so great news, but it could be worse. I haven't completed the challenge for the past two days. This is because I went home and let myself cheat a bit plus didn't get any exercise.. But I'm back on the horse now! I am committing myself fully once again to the challenge.

    Also, I am at 149.8.
  • Is it just me? I'm struggling to keep my competitive juices in check. Is there a way we can help those who are not keeping up that is constructive and positive? Will a team roster be published so we can try to encourage those who are struggling? I fear I may lose steam if we don't step it up as a team. But then again maybe I am just being too competitive. I am just saying' ....
  • Is it just me? I'm struggling to keep my competitive juices in check. Is there a way we can help those who are not keeping up that is constructive and positive? Will a team roster be published so we can try to encourage those who are struggling? I fear I may lose steam if we don't step it up as a team. But then again maybe I am just being too competitive. I am just saying' ....

    Official team roster:


    I will be posting the top 3 losers this week if you need a little friendly competition ;-). Im waiting on 4 more people to turn in results (I have sent them messages).
  • 8/1 - Completed exercise and food challenge. (100 jumping jacks) Also completed C25K training...
    8/2 - Complete food, excercise and water challenge (Extra-Mile +water)
    8/3 - Completed food, exercise and water challenge (100 situps)
    8/4 - Completed food, exercise and water challenge -modified up & downs for beginner level. Also completed C25K training w/ an additional mile.
    8/5 - Completed food, exercise and water challenge -C25K training plus 3 extra miles, 100 jumping jacks, 50 push-ups
    8/6 - Completed food, exercise and water challenge - Walking, Cycling, Pilates & Squats

    Current Weight is 208 lbs :-)

    3.5 lbs lost!!
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    8/1 – Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/2 - Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/3 - Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/4 - Completed exercise and food & water challenge
    8/5- Completed exercise and food & water challenge
    8/6 - completed exercise and food & water challenge
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    Is it just me? I'm struggling to keep my competitive juices in check. Is there a way we can help those who are not keeping up that is constructive and positive? Will a team roster be published so we can try to encourage those who are struggling? I fear I may lose steam if we don't step it up as a team. But then again maybe I am just being too competitive. I am just saying' ....

    I'm feeling it too. Some days I really haven't been in the mood to do the extra exercises but I have....for the team. I have also watched and stayed under in calories.
    Kind of discouraging when others don't.
    Just keep remembering this is about You. The challenge is only supposed to make it more fun.....not stressful.

    We are all doing better than we were a couple years ago....and that's a really wonderful thing!
  • Im still missing one result, but we start week two tomorrow. Special congrats to our top 3 team mates this week

    1. Marzipan91 lost 3.2lbs with a 2.1% overall weight loss
    2. BroDave lost 4.4lbs with a 2% overall weight loss
    3. OSUalum lost 3.4lbs with a 1.9% overall weight loss

    Way to go everyone! Dont lose the fire!!! Week two starts tomorrow. Challenge yourselves!

    Dont forget that as a team we need to book 100 miles this week. When you post your daily progress, please add if you ran/walked any miles that day so we can stay on top of it :-)
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    8/1 -Completed excercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/2 -Completed excercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/3 -Completed excercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/4 -Completed excercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/5 -Completed excercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/6 -Completed food & water chalenge!!

  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    Dont forget that as a team we need to book 100 miles this week. When you post your daily progress, please add if you ran/walked any miles that day so we can stay on top of it :-)

    The 100 miles is on top of what we usually do right? I'm afraid i'm only going to be able to do a mile extra a day (if that). I only usually do 2 miles and that's pushing it. With the extra exercises - i'm going to be exhausted this week. I hope my body can handle it.
  • Dont forget that as a team we need to book 100 miles this week. When you post your daily progress, please add if you ran/walked any miles that day so we can stay on top of it :-)

    The 100 miles is on top of what we usually do right? I'm afraid i'm only going to be able to do a mile extra a day (if that). I only usually do 2 miles and that's pushing it. With the extra exercises - i'm going to be exhausted this week. I hope my body can handle it.

    Im not sure. I thought the daily exercises were the only thing that were extra. Ill try and ask him today, but ive already sent him a second message about alternative exercises for beginners. Dont want to bombard the guy. In the meantime, just log what you do.
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    Dont forget that as a team we need to book 100 miles this week. When you post your daily progress, please add if you ran/walked any miles that day so we can stay on top of it :-)

    The 100 miles is on top of what we usually do right? I'm afraid i'm only going to be able to do a mile extra a day (if that). I only usually do 2 miles and that's pushing it. With the extra exercises - i'm going to be exhausted this week. I hope my body can handle it.

    Im not sure. I thought the daily exercises were the only thing that were extra. Ill try and ask him today, but ive already sent him a second message about alternative exercises for beginners. Dont want to bombard the guy. In the meantime, just log what you do.

    I'm anxious to hear about those alternative excercises for beginners! I'm already sore from the bit I did on the weekend...
  • bf41382
    bf41382 Posts: 51
    8/8 food will be complete/ water complete/ 50 squat kicks complete/ 2 miles for the team! Its hot in NC!!!
  • Dont forget that as a team we need to book 100 miles this week. When you post your daily progress, please add if you ran/walked any miles that day so we can stay on top of it :-)

    The 100 miles is on top of what we usually do right? I'm afraid i'm only going to be able to do a mile extra a day (if that). I only usually do 2 miles and that's pushing it. With the extra exercises - i'm going to be exhausted this week. I hope my body can handle it.

    Im not sure. I thought the daily exercises were the only thing that were extra. Ill try and ask him today, but ive already sent him a second message about alternative exercises for beginners. Dont want to bombard the guy. In the meantime, just log what you do.

    I'm anxious to hear about those alternative excercises for beginners! I'm already sore from the bit I did on the weekend...

    YaYa had a great suggestion! She got down on all fours and did back kicks instead. I think thats a fair alternative.
  • In response to the "extra" mile question, I have been told by another captain friend that "It's above and beyond what you would normally do." The same is true for tomorrow and the weekly 100 mile challenge.

  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    In response to the "extra" mile question, I have been told by another captain friend that "It's above and beyond what you would normally do." The same is true for tomorrow and the weekly 100 mile challenge.


    I think that's the case as well.
  • susanb_16
    susanb_16 Posts: 131 Member
    8/8 food complete water complete - 50 squat kicks complete

    3 miles for the team. Do not normally do cardio on Mondays so all the miles today were extra. :)

    I am thankful for whoever created the calendar. I'd be lost w/o it. Between work, workouts, extra workouts and now trying to study for my Series 24 I need something dummy proof to keep me on track.:wink: