JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    DRBuchholz wrote: »
    DRBuchholz wrote: »
    Don't vape :star::star:

    Awesome job! I am so proud of you! Quitting is really really hard! Keep up the great work! What day are you on?

    As of Wednesday morning, I'm beginning day 4
    I'm using a patch so it hasn't been too hard. I quit smoking cigarettes 3.5 years ago. Now it's time to just be done.

    My DH and I both used the patch as well. It definitely helped. But you should be proud of yourself, especially dealing with sick kids. I know that can be really stressful. It's the habit that's the hardest part. When I quit I had to stay away from certain places and things because it was just too tempting. Lol. But keep up the awesome work.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Weighed in today. Up 1 pound. I think things are just leveling out in addition to the stress of last week. The week before I dropped 4 pounds, so a little bounce back is no big deal, right?

    Yup. I usually expect a little penduluming (which isn't a word, but should be!) after a big drop like that.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    JFT 1/31/18
    log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    swim 1000
    knit/crochet group tonight
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    SW (Nov 2017) - 239.8 lbs
    SW (Jan 1, 2018) - 231.0 lbs
    EW (Jan 31, 2018) - 224.0 lbs

    My goal was to lose 5 lbs in January and I lost 7 lbs, so I'm happy with that. :smile:
    Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    Wonderful news, Sarah! 7lbs is awesome. And you are right: Slow and steady does win the race---it should result in you winning for good and not seeing the weight pile back on!

    Fantastic job! Keep doing what you are doing---whether it's 1 pound or 7 as long as we focus on the process we will reach our goals!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Plan meals for week-need to start this Sunday nights.
    Drink water-64oz min.
    Track all my meals today with a focus on reduced carbs/increased protein.
    30 min walk with dog in park.
    Listen to new Half Size Me podcast while walking.
    Visit to chiropractor.
    Read today's Simple Abundance.
    Afternoon, meditate 25 mins.
    10pm bedtime-keep trying but I love the quiet peaceful evening.
    Fitbit increased to 20,000 steps-still need to do this.
    Continue reading "New Book Of Lifting For Women".
    Print this list & post it on my fridge again.

    Tried a protein pancake recipe this am and it was delicious & very filling. It was totally different than what I'm used to. I have to remind myself that all these new habits will take time accept. I'd be happy to share it with anyone.

    Start the week strong!

    recipe for the pancake?

    Protein Pancakes:

    1 cup egg whites

    1/2 mashed banana or 1/2 cup pumpkin purée

    1/2 cup rolled oats

    1 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp cinnamon

    I used banana and I also added vanilla protein powder.
    Put all ingredients in a small food processor and blend well (I mashed it together and then whisked it). Pour mixture into a hot frying pan sprayed with Pam or EVOO. Then cook just like you would regular pancakes. I may try baking them in some muffin tins or ramekins in my he future.
    Hope they turn out. :smile:

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited January 2018
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Check this out for a transformation!



    Wowie Zowie! That's a huge difference! Hope you and your kiddos can get lots of enjoyment from your "new" space.

    @Bex953172 that is an amazing transformation! What did you use to get the algae off the stones?? Your back yard reminds me of scenes from Coronation Street. When I visit my family in Canada, we have to watch it. I'm a bit of a fan, but I gave fallen way behind! Enjoy the new space. Your girls will have lots of fun there.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Has a rubbish day again and ended up sleeping like c&ap for second night in a row.

    Work is just so ridiculous right now, with individuals being a nightmare - making ridiculous decisions and then being demanding and dictatorial about them.

    I have so much anger!!!!!!!!! :s:s:s:s:s:s

    Need to put this aside and get on. There is no point getting mad, that's not going to help me.

    I also ended up missing French, again. I have to be better at going. Clearly I don't really want to go and I'm making work the excuse. But it is important to me to improve my French, and if I make the effort to go, after a couple of times I will probably get into it and start enjoying it. It's just getting there that is the difficult part!

    Have decided that rather than working a little late and then heating up a meal just before I go, I'm going to leave earlier and then eat a cold meal in the college cafe. It's too easy to think 'I'll work until 6.30 and then eat and then leave' and then 'accidentally' work a little too long. I need to get out of the door, and then eat!

    Anyway... Happy thoughts!

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - log everything I eat :smile:
    - stick to food plan :neutral: I stuck to the food but did have a couple of G&Ts when I ended up skipping French. I thought it would help with the anger. It didn't!
    - drink 3 water bottles across the day :/ No, need to make much more effort on this
    - read Response cards twice today :/ I am really struggling with this, I am not really having proper breaks at the moment at work which means it doesn't get done
    - 30 minute lunch break :/ No. I will focus on this one first. I identified a while ago that this is crucial for my mental sanity - will make sure I start having this
    - stop work by 6.15 to prep and leave for French :/ as above!

    Today's commitments -
    - log everything I eat
    - stick to food plan
    - drink 3 water bottles across the day
    - read Response cards twice today
    - 30 minute lunch break
    - exercise class after work
    - leave by 7 LATEST

    Higherups' attitudes, management styles, etc. can affect others--for the good or the negative. And not just at the office. They can influence (if we let them) our entire days...and nights if we are sleepless due to frustration! We either think of the "bad ones" sitting at their desk plotting ways to make our lives more miserable, or we picture them in a state of complete ignorance, blissfully unaware of the havoc they are creating around them. Either way, I remember just wanting to wring their scrawny little necks. But...

    I want to encourage you: You have no control over their actions. BUT you do have complete control over yours! Great job at continuing to log your food---it's easy to let it go by the wayside when life is so dadgum frustrating.
    Get going on your commitment list. Each one will lead to a better you, overall. And when you feel better overall you will be able to handle the nitwits at the office. Yes, I know, easier said than done, but you are on this JFT for a reason...so JFT dig in and don't let a few humans derail you successfully meeting your commitments! In the words of the great Nike: Just Do It!!!!

    We are all here rah-rahing for you!

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I've seen the sheet/pillowcase combo...never think to try it...thanks for the reminder!

    You lot sleep weird. :lol:

    Had to read a couple of times but yes I get it haha
    Thought back to the time I went to America for holidays when I was younger and I do rememver the extra sheet!
    Yep we just have bottom sheet and duvet. But sometimes we put “throw cushions” on haha
    And also a quilt to drape over the end of the bed. But that’s purely decoration not for any sort of practical use haha

    And I suppose your sleeping pillows are square?

    No rectangle!! Who has square sleeping pillows! Sounds awful lol :lol:[/quote]

    The Belgians for one, lol! It was so weird at first. You can buy them in the States...they are called European pillows.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    @joan6630 When I had my first baby I wanted 6 or 7. As I have often said "and God heard and laughed and said 'oh yeah?' ". So I ended up with 2, 9 years apart, both with psychiatric disorders. I really dislike it when people say you're never given more than you can handle. I'd like to think that my kids were delivered into the arms of someone who was willing to fight for them. I believe my job was to raise them to the best of my ability to be as healthy and happy as possible. That really does not mean I enjoyed it a lot of the time but my kids and I are finally good friends and yes the issues are still there. Today, after my phonecall with my brother I realized I did a pretty decent job. Not everyone can, or at least should, say that.
    So. .. the long and short of that is, you're not alone. You'll come through this one too.
    Sweet dreams.

    @bcTRAI & @joan6630
    I still cringe when I hear the statement that "God only gives you what you can handle". When we had our second child, she had so many medical issues I was overwhelmed with fear, exhaustion & isolation. My DH threw himself into his work because that was the one thing he could control. We still struggle but I try to enjoy the good moments. It's only been recently that I've accepted people where trying to comfort me by saying that (she's 11 now!) but it also shows me how disconnected they were from our situation.
    I try to teach my eldest to "walk a mile in another's shoes" before you make a judgement. I get the best support from 2 moms w/special needs kids groups that I belong to. Surrounding yourself with people who totally understand the challenges that you're facing can be so reassuring and helpful. We share our "bad mom" stories all the time. It just gives me peace.