February 2018 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    I have a warning for people who use Strava. Please set your profile to "enhanced security". It is also a good idea to not have your actual picture as your profile picture. There is also a setting that allows you to hide your starting location if you are leaving from your house.

    I have a friend who joined a local Strava running group. A gentleman in the online group starting "bumping into her" on her regular runs. He then started showing up at her house unannounced. She had to change her entire running routine and dropped Strava as a result. Be careful everyone!

    in addition to this, use the Hidden Locations options. You can hide a radius of up to 5/8th of a mile around set postal codes - this means whilst a person can know the city you live in, they won't be able to see where exactly you start and finish your run, and so figure out where you live/work etc. You can do this for multiple addresses.

    I figured out how to set it to Enhanced Security but where is the Hidden Locations option?

    Here, this page explains it all:


  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @nefariousjedi - love the picture of your pup! Get her running with you and maybe she won't be dragging you along any more :) There are several of us here who run with our pups and others who run with pups vicariously through us!
  • mamabear10717
    mamabear10717 Posts: 96 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @nefariousjedi - love the picture of your pup! Get her running with you and maybe she won't be dragging you along any more :) There are several of us here who run with our pups and others who run with pups vicariously through us!

    Mines a little devil, after half hour I end up having to drag her home and then she sleeps for almost two days straight!
  • Starflight00
    Starflight00 Posts: 112 Member
    I'll answer here to post from January. :)

    @7lenny7 , I really should start doing warm-ups, Runkeeper has that option when making a custom workout, but I've been ignoring it... Partly because in the past when I was just starting, 5 minute light jog as a warm up sounded like something impossible.
    @shanaber , I do it whenever I think about it, but lazy abs start to slack after 2 minutes or so. :)

    According to PT I'm hypermobile, which in combination with a desk job leads to weak core, and spine not being supported enough. Pain is the worst in the mornings (actually at night as it sometimes wakes me up when I try to roll over) and gets better towards the evening. I try to do core strength exercises every evening, cause I know they help, but lazyness wins sometimes. ;)

    @garygse , that's still 2 extra cookies! ;) but actually pretty discouraging math.

    @juliet3455 , love the cartoons, especially the last one. :-D

    I like this comic A LOT, "kill the blerch" used to be my running mantra.

    Welcome to all newbies, take it easy, don't try to run 10K in an hour on your first try. Better run slower than get injured.

    Intervals for me tonight, looking forward to 8 minutes super-fast running!

  • Starflight00
    Starflight00 Posts: 112 Member
    @BrookeRunningMom Congratulations! What a clever way to announce. At first I read your due date as November 8th (I'm in Europe). :D
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @BrookeRunningMom COngrats! My son was born on the 13th, so pretty close :)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    In regards to running shoes, as I'm starting back up, my old road shoes have a lot of miles. I was going to take advantage of some of the Active.com premium member benefits (free fishing license, free pair of socks, $85 off shoes, etc.). But I couldn't sign up because my state isn't listed under the credit card entry for my billing address. I messaged them, and they said they would fix and let me know, but that was about a week ago...
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
    Almost decided to skip running this morning since i went out twice yesterday but i wanted to start the month off right. Plus im back to working nights so im not sure when ill have time for my morning runs. But i got a quick 3.5 miles done this morning and i am finally back on a good pace. After my 5K and 10K weekend my per mile time dropped by 5 minutes on Monday but today i was back to about a 12 minute pace and i didnt even take a sip of any water the entire run. I also for the first time went out in only a tank top. i usually have 4 top layers when i go running so its nice that my body is finally able to not have to "bundle" up. lol.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    2/1 = Vinyasa yoga class

    Yoga day this morning. Starting the day off right. :)

    February goal miles 150 = 0 miles completed
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    I have seen people that buy the same shoe every time, and even stockpile them in case of discontinuement. These people swear by their shoes and all that.

    I have also seen people say that you should change the brand of shoe on some kind of regular rotation as wearing the same shoes over and over is asking for injury. Switching brands makes you use different stabilizing muscles in your foot or something.

    Which is more correct? I am probably buying a new street running shoe soon, and have had the same NB shoes the last couple times. My lazy habits just want to shop out the best price on the exact shoe so I can order it instead of dealing with a store.