JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    I would have posted this last night but I ended falling asleep on the couch while watching hockey with the husband and by the time I woke up I could barely make it to bed, although I did manage to remember to take my meds. Lol
    JFT 1/31/18

    1. Up by 7 :)620
    2. Quiet time/journal :|I did my quiet time but not the journaling.
    3. BEACHWOOD TIRE!!!! :):):):):)
    4. CLEAN SHOWER!!!! :):):):)
    5. Gym :/
    6. Finish setting up printer :/
    7. Print out tax forms :/
    8. Work on Debt Snowball :/
    9. Dinner/Dishes :)Almost forgot about the pan soaking when I woke up from the couch but I managed to finish it so I had an empty sink! Woohoo!
    10. Hockey/Quality time with DH :)Kind of. I fell asleep almost immediately, but at least it was in my DH's arms.

    11. Wash face/brush teeth :/
    12. Bed by 11 :)1045 I think. Lol

    So I didn't get much done yesterday. The problem was I forgot to take my meds on Tuesday night so I took them yesterday morning. Well, they make me really tired which is why I take them before bed usually. So I got the DH up and out of bed and off to work and had to lay down again because I was so tired. I got up a half an hour later, ran to the store and got everything I needed to clean the shower and FINALLY conquered that task that took all of about 5 minutes. Lol. After I called the tire place and they said that if I came right then that they could do the car. So I race down there and 2.5 hours later my car is fixed! It was a really long wait but I ended up realizing that I know the owner. Lol. And she was super apologetic about the wait and I knew it wasn't her fault. It was the customer before me. But it was worth the wait. The work was only a little over $150 and the car drives great now! I and my DH love it there. We go there for pretty much everything because they are so reasonable and the people are just so awesome. Lol. I got home about quarter to two and ended up eating something and going back to sleep. I was so tired! I slept for two hours until the DH got home, made dinner, cleaned it up and passed back out on the couch. Lol. I guess I really needed the sleep. I slept pretty much through the night as well. So all in all, even though I didn't get much of my list done it was a good day. So on to today!

    JFT 2/1/18

    1. Log all that I eat
    2. Quiet time/journal
    3. Gym
    4. Set up the printer!
    5. Print out tax stuff/budget
    6. Finalize budget
    7. Work on Debt Snowball
    8. Look for book light
    9. Read some of the books I took from the library
    10. Dinner in the Crock by noon
    11. Nap
    12. Dinner/Dishes
    13. Time with the DH
    14. Night routine
    15. Bed by 11

    :lol: you sound like me atm! Sleeping everywhere!

    I fell asleep halfway up the stairs the other day. I think I only sat down for a moment.

    It scared the €rap out my partner when he found me thinking I’d fallen or something :lol:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    1. stick to calorie goal :)
    2. Join gym :)
    3. Go for a swim and sauna :)
    4. Metafit class :)

    I’d forgotten how amazing swimming can feel- completely lost myself in it and well under my calorie goal after all this exercising. I’m currently aiming for 1lb loss a week but wondering about sometimes aiming to eat 500 calories under my goal- to make me at the 2lb week loss range, but without the pressure of always aiming for this which comes from changing calorie goal formally. Oh decisions decisions!

    1. stick to calorie goal
    2. Go to gym or swim in morning
    3. Go to yin yoga
    4. Go to Ashtanga yoga

  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    JFT 1/31/18
    log everything :) a little too green, actually. MFP was giving me frowny faces because i didn't eat enough, but then i remembered i ate a cheese stick.
    stay green :)
    drink 80 :)
    swim 1000 :)
    knit/crochet group tonight
    decided that knitting is not my craft. I have never tried so hard to learn something. Also, it made me feel stabby when i had to start over for the zillionth time, and i had pointy sticks. bad combination. Yay crochet!

  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    JFT 2/1
    Log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    yoga class
    something for me....coloring, crochet...hmmmm
    delivered testing passes again, got 7 floors and 1.29 miles!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    Recap T 1/30
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 49:25 & stretched after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,150 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 34 floors :smiley:
    3) Net calories green / monitor the usual = Net calories & sodium green, sugar red, protein good, fiber low & 14c water :smile:
    4) Mail bday package to ex-roomie & bday card to E / bake & frost cake = all done! :smiley:
    5) Off computer & phone 9:30 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30 = don't remember :blush:

    Recap Wed 1/31 = I was off work and drove 3hr round trip. Spent afternoon at my parents' to celebrate mom's 81st birthday. I baked a cake for her and of course ate some with her, dad and two of my brothers. I'm fine with that. Dad, who's an excellent cook, made lasagna for our noon meal. Not sure how accurate logging was, but I tried. Net calories & sugar red, sodium green, fiber ok, protein excellent and 11c water. :neutral:
    Before driving, walked dog 2.73 miles in snowburst, so had to go slow (I like to walk fast) because fresh snow covered icy patches. Happy dog :smiley: Fitbit 10,425 steps, 250+ steps 5/14 hours :# & 13 floors.

    JFT R 2/1 = Skipping workplace hike at lunch b/c wind chill is -21F, so...
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 49:39 & stretched after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Not sure of meals today, probably leftovers again...at least I'm only eating 1/2 pieces of hubby bday cake / net calories green / monitor as usual
    4) Update Jan goal results / post Feb goals on JFT
    5) Evening: choir & >2 things on to-do list
    6) Unwind 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well, I had a huge fight with my wireless printer/computer! Lol. The software I was given to connect it froze my computer twice so I had to manually shut it off twice. It was until I decided to just download the software as a wired connection then internet that it actually worked. I figure I can connect it to the wifi at a later day. So an hour later it's finally all done and all the tax stuff/budget stuff is all printed and looks great. I haven't tried the color ink yet. I'll try that later. Lol. I think it may be time for a nap before I hit the gym since I've decided to follow @cschmitz110515 example and just have leftovers tonight since my original dinner plan got shot down because I didn't know I didn't have an ingredient. Lol. I am not going to go to the store for one thing. I'll just adapt. Lol.

    I hope everyone's day is going well!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    January Goals / Results:
    • Scale goal 1-5-x.x = Every Sat. w-i at 1-5-x & 1/31 at 156.0 :smiley: Even though hubby and I splurged on food & beverages on New Year's Eve, and I did not log. Yahoo!
    • Take measurements 1/31 W a.m. before work = Since starting MFP, have lost 14.5" [waist -7" hips -6" neck -1.5"]. Also lost inches in thighs based on fit of pants & jeans. :smiley: Forgot to log, will do that 2/1/18. :p
    • Win MapMyWalk Challenge 12/29 - 1/28 with friend M...of course, she's retired and walking her dogs in AZ, while I'm walking on a treadmill in snow-covered Green Bay = me 45 miles & M 29.1 miles :smiley:
    • Earn > 2 achievement awards in MFP Pure Start Challenge = Earned 3 awards / 2 awards remaining. Also joined Fuel Your Resolution Challenge & earned 4 awards / tried new cereal high in protein & liked it. :smiley:
    • Participate in Frenzy on the Fox 5K ??? = Registered last minute on a whim for evening event on paved trail along river. Finished in 47:26 & pace 15:19. :smiley: Wore layers since temp 10F & wind NNW 12mph, and I was fine. If I do same event next year, wear my headlamp b/c part of the trail is rather dark. B)
    • Walk on treadmill / alternate workouts 5x per week = First week of January, battled lower back pain and limited my walking, then eased back into. Walked 2x/wk once, 4x/wk twice and 5x/wk once. Total of 48.3 miles. :smiley: Also set up Wii again & looked up YouTube videos. :neutral:
    • Log all food & beverages every day, including hubby's bday / net calories green or w/i 100 = Surprisingly, I logged food every day in January! :astonished: Over 1/2 days net calories were red but not a lot. :#

    February Goals:
    • Scale goal 154#
    • Take measurements 2/28 W a.m. before work & remember to log
    • Walk on treadmill / alternate workouts 5x per week
    • Walk Seroogy's 5K on 2/10 < 46:00
    • Win Feb MapMyWalk Challenge I started w/ M
    • Earn 3 awards in MFP Quaker Oats Challenge & remaining 2 awards in Pure Start Challenge (means I have to do strength training)
    • Log all food & beverages every day / net calories green or w/i 100
    What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    :lol: you sound like me atm! Sleeping everywhere!

    I fell asleep halfway up the stairs the other day. I think I only sat down for a moment.

    It scared the €rap out my partner when he found me thinking I’d fallen or something :lol:

    Oh my word, that was me on my fourth child. We homeschooled and I remember giving a spelling test. I would literally call out the word and immediately go into a deep sleep. The kids would write down the word then wake me up. I'd startle out of a sleep, call the next word and zonk right out again. Those kids could have crept away and I wouldn't have known it...or just completed the spelling test and tell me that I'd given the last word.. I was just so tired. My husband was gone during the week and home only on weekends...no doubt that contributed to the weariness.

    Haha, then a few weeks after the baby, I took the kids swimming at the city pool. I was holding the baby on the steps in the wading area feeling worn out. A lady sat down next to me and oohs and ahhs over the baby. She asked me when he was born. For the the life of me I could not remember the date! I just looked at her for several seconds and then said, "I've got no idea." She quietly slipped away, lololol
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm new to this thread, just discovered it, but I love the idea. I've been logging daily blog posts as a way to check in every day but I like the idea of checking in with others who are actively doing the same.

    JFT 2/1
    Drink 80 oz. water
    Log all my calories
    Complete C25K Week 2 Day 1 this evening after work
    Go over the daily meditation excercises I'm supposed to be doing for a group I'm involved in, and DO THEM this evening after work.

    Welcome! This is a very encouraging community. Just so you know, on this particular board, a woo means woo-hoo, way to go! Unlike other places on MFP where it means "sounds too good to be true." So a woo is good here!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Well, yesterday was another terrible day, as you've seen. Despite that though, I stayed on track with my food. Go me! :)

    - log everything I eat :smile:
    - stick to food plan :smile:
    - drink 3 water bottles across the day :/ Genuinely have no idea, which probably means no
    - read Response cards twice today :/ Not even once. At the moment this isn't stopping me staying on track though. Maybe I should be realistic about what will work for ME and take it down to once (plus extra readings at times I know I may struggle).
    - 30 minute lunch break :'( No. barely five minutes. This is getting silly now, I KNOW that lunch break is crucial for me.
    - exercise class after work :)
    - leave by 7 LATEST :/ No...

    Great job tracking your food and eating well! Wonderful. Read the response cards one little ol time (have no idea what they are but they seem important!!!) Are they short enough to tape a couple to your dash, bathroom mirror, etc?