Join me... 100 pounds to lose! -part 3



  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Woo hoo, Had a nice loss this week!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: down 1.6 lbs this week :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    It sounds like weight lifting to me - he should log it under weight lifting (with the time etc.) under strength AND cardio.....

    That's much more realistic than my hubs asking how to log chasing our 74lb dog down the street, catching him and carrying him back half a kilometer under his arm.......LOL How do you log that????? LOL It's a good 5 minute run, plus then the walk back plus half the time you're carryign that 74lb weight.....SILLY DOG, but if that's the only exercsie he'll get, I guess I have to "forget" to close the door more often.....tee hee!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    It sounds like weight lifting to me - he should log it under weight lifting (with the time etc.) under strength AND cardio.....

    That's much more realistic than my hubs asking how to log chasing our 74lb dog down the street, catching him and carrying him back half a kilometer under his arm.......LOL How do you log that????? LOL It's a good 5 minute run, plus then the walk back plus half the time you're carryign that 74lb weight.....SILLY DOG, but if that's the only exercsie he'll get, I guess I have to "forget" to close the door more often.....tee hee!

    I really needed like button for this comment! Thanks for the laugh, Pam!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Need some opinions friends! Going to the zoo on Thursday, meeting a friend there and I'm going to pack a lunch, but I'm not a big fan of PBJ, any other ideas that are easy and healthy?
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    That's much more realistic than my hubs asking how to log chasing our 74lb dog down the street, catching him and carrying him back half a kilometer under his arm.......LOL How do you log that????? LOL It's a good 5 minute run, plus then the walk back plus half the time you're carryign that 74lb weight.....SILLY DOG, but if that's the only exercsie he'll get, I guess I have to "forget" to close the door more often.....tee hee!

    I can only imagine, LOL :laugh: :laugh:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Great losses Pam and Barb,
    I just got back from camping and didn't gain. Today I completed Week 6 of C25K walk/run. "Ran" for 25 minutes and on to week 7.
    So my logging will restart since I don't have a smart phone app. I will have been on here about a week shy of a year and have logged in everyday except for the 2 camping trips. Hope we all have a great year. I know Kami started about when I did.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Hope you're all kicking butt and taking names!!!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey hey everyone!!

    Boy, August is just flying by, in just a little less than 2 weeks and my daughter will be back in school, she'll be starting the 2nd grade (hopefully by then I'll hear from one of the two jobs i applied for.....) Anyways, this week has been going pretty good. hoping for a good weigh in on Sunday.....Hope all is going well with everyone, think I'm going to go lay down and get rid of this migraine, ugh!

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Good luck wiuth those jobs Barb, I am finally seeing some to apply to and they are even in my field. Maybe I am not so dumb to hank in there after all. Hope we both get interviews.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I wanted to share my lunch I had at the zoo on Thursday, I had asked for some help for a lunch for the day at the zoo. I ended up packing a honey roasted turkey sanwich (90 calorie package of sanwich meat and 70 calories whole wheat bread (35/slice) for a total of 160 calories, then on that sandwich I had a slice of cheese (45 calories), 1TBSP a miracle whip (40 calories), 2 slices of tomatoes (8 calories) making my sanwich total 253 calories. Then for a snack, I had 1 1/3 cup of Nacho cheese bugels (160 calories) a water w/ a drink mix (10 calories) then I ordered cheese fries (242 calories) for a total of 655 calories (Not too bad, could have done without the fries, but I was hungry from all the walking we had done before lunch.

    Good news, I had a pretty goo weigh-in this week again....I lost 1.2 lbs :bigsmile:

    Thanks, Keri, I'm hoping to hear something luck yet. Good luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I have been meaning to start to add in some strength training for ever. Today I did and it went alot better than the last time I tried it. I even figured out how to log in most of it too. I do not have many free exercise days to do it so it may be just a day or 2 a week but at least it is a start.

    Hope all is well for you all.

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I can't believe that I didnt even report my 1 pound loss on Monday and now today a Friday when I never lose I have lost another 1 pounds plus. I finally believe I am out of this plateau. Guess what I did yesterday, I drank 14 glasses of water finally. The last time I did that I lost 4 pounds it was last fall. Despite that I haven't been abot to dirnk that much until yesterday. :drinker:

    I have finally broken out of the 230's and into the 220s. I have finally lost 30 pounds. I know that isn't much too you guys but between school and this plateau it has been so slow. When I finally started to lose again it was 1/2 pound every two weeks :grumble: . So this is really big for me. I have worked so hard and perserved with little or no results. At least I never gained.
    I hope you all are doing well too.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 23: 231.5 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 24: No Weigh In
    Week 25: No Weigh In
    Week 26: No Weigh In
    Week 27: 233.2 lbs (+1.7lbs)
    Week 28: 240.3 lbs
    Week 29: 238.1 lbs (-2.2 lbs)
    Week 30: 237.9 lbs (-0.2 lbs)
    Week 34: 238.9 lbs (+1.0 lbs)

    It`s almost TOM for me, and I`m actually down over the course of`s been an emotional month for me and stressful at work so I`m not unhappy with it. I figure I might as well do a full update since it`s been a while.

    1. I`ve been working 60 hours a week minimum (usually more like 80 hours) to close on a project that is finally back under control. I`m getting ready to close it and work on other things can be considered a success!!! YAY

    2. My hubs and I decided to plan a big wedding renewal for our 10th anniversary, so I`ve rounded up a group of 10 women to help me decorate and design. It`s gotten quite a bit bigger than I was planning, but it`s all good - I didn`t realize I knew 100 people, but that`s just the list of people that I have to invite....LOL

    3. I start medication this week to get my body ready in early October for an IVF treatment. We`ve been trying for children since we got married. We both have fertility issues. Mine are treatable with lifestyle changes and medication, his is not so IVF is our only option. We`ve been struggling with whether or not to transfer one or two embryos.....I think we`re at the point of deciding on one at a time - it would be easier on me with single really depends though on how many good embryos we get. Lots of decisions.....

    4. I haven`t stuck as closely to the healthy lifestyle as I should have.....because of the above reasons plus my anemia has been kicking my butt. I started going for B12 shots on top of the iron pills and I have a desperate need to sleep as soon as I get home for 2 hours and then spend an hour with my family and then back to bed.......feels like my life has been work 12 hours, sleep 2, eat 1, work 3, sleep 6 hours and then again.....
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I enjoyed reading your update Pam but instead of replying right away I waited so others could see you posted. I hope you get some rest and get over the anemia. I hope the IVF goes well too. The wedding renewal seems wonderful too. My husband has been suggesting this to me lately. December is our 30th anniversary. I told him he would have to make a more exciting proposal and give me a bigger engagement ring than last time (we decided against an engagement ring). Maybe when I can get my ring on and off easier. When is your anniversary?

    So my big news is that I got a job interview for this week. I really need a job and this one is even in my field. Hope we all have a great week.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks :) Our anniversary is in October, but we're renewing in December. First off, I couldn't ask my in-law to fly here 3x times this year (they've already been once and come every christmas) and secondly, with all of the fertility stuff, I'm going to be doing the medical stuff on our anniversary so.....I didn't want the added stress of the renewal at the same time. We wanted to do it even though it's only our 10th because hopefully this is truly the start of a new phase of our life.......because it's not a wedding, but a renewal, we're having my husband's uncle officiate (it wouldn't be legal, but we're already legally married....LOL). He's the most spiritual man we know and has been there for us through all the struggles and has really helped us get through so it only seemed fitting :) It's only going to be a big thing because we apparently have so many must have people......but we've rented out a party room in a restaurant (and bar....) and that's about it. We're not getting another wedding dress or any of that other jazzy stuff. My girlfriends are going to bake me a "COOKIE" cake and we're going to have some fun doing the crafty stuff....
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Pam, October is my favorite month and I wanted to have my wedding then too but there wasn't enough time so when I am celebrating this December I will think of your renewal. It sounds like fun. Yes, one way or another I think you are entering a new phase and this is wonderful.

    I went to the Gym for Aquafit and the pool was temporarily closed and I had already missed out on Zumba so I will do an extra session of weight training and some cardio machines. 1 day a week is really not enough for weight training anyway.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm still here, just been needing some time off from almost everything. This week has been a bad week. Hubby started a new job and has been gone all week (is coming home today), my daughter started 2nd grade, but was having some really really bad days (she's adhd with no medicine right now due to lack of insurance). I started a new job, yesterday was my 1st day....I didn't log anything last couple of days, so tomorrow at weigh in, i expect a bad weigh in. Hopefully I'll be returning next week.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Barb, I hope you husband and your new jobs are going well. The fall is a busy time. I hope your daughter is having better days at school. That would really bother me. On a happy note I love your new hair cut. Thaks for the update.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks, Keri! I think as the weeks pass, we'll be okay. However, I did get a call from my daughter's teacher last night about some things he has been seeing with her already, so looks like today after school, I will be calling her teacher back. so far, for me and hubby are jobs are going good, hubby is getting more miles than he did with his previous and he loves it and everything about the job! My job is going well, not really too excited about working at McDonald's but its a job and every little bit helps, I do however have fun with the people I am working with, so maybe its not so bad after all, lol.

    Hope everyone is doing good! I'm hoping as I get use to this new schedule to get back on track. I'm off today and suppose to be going on a walk this morning with a friend. So, here's to getting back on track!

    Take care everyone!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    Do we even use this thread anymore or what is going on? I almost lost this thread due to lack of activity on here. Hope everyone i doing okay! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My family and I took a mini vacation/get away this weekend and I'm feeling much better and ready to rock n roll this month!