The official nightshift thread....



  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    That's definitely my kinda vacation @canadjineh

    I'm working a full 12 hour night shift tonight. This should be fun as I haven't seen midnight in ages lol
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Back on for another 62 hours shift. Not looking forward to starting a shift with a sore throat.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ugh. I'm climbing the walls tonight. I'm tired and don't wanna be here!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I hear you on that one. It was all I could do to bring myself to work. If I was single, I might have quit.
  • stephaniepethtorres
    I feel that way EVERY day
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    So it's come to this. Mixing 5 hour energy drinks with Monster energy drinks. Now if only they would last five hours. :smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    So it's come to this. Mixing 5 hour energy drinks with Monster energy drinks. Now if only they would last five hours. :smile:

    Phew...they'd have to pry me off the ceiling...!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited February 2018
    With that mix, the toilet would be full of 'power-puke', plain old coffee is my power drink of choice lol.

    What do you do for night work, @stephaniepethtorres? Or just a non sleeper? :)
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So it's come to this. Mixing 5 hour energy drinks with Monster energy drinks. Now if only they would last five hours. :smile:

    Bahahaha, I had a sugar free Monster Friday night, I felt amazing :lol: I hate pulling 12s some days, 62 hours? Crap.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Oi, we're a batch, aren't we? Doing 4 12s in a row every week is wearing me the frak out, but I have a lot of other stuff going on, too, sooo...I have 7% of an excuse?
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I'll take your 7% and raise you 13. Heading off to work in a couple hours (but at least I am high enough in the company hierarchy to get the 8's instead of the 12's bwahahaha). Snowing AGAIN.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    A bit slushy on my commute in. I wish businesses would clear their sidewalks. I have one strip on a busy road that none of the businesses have cleared the walks. Half of them plowed their parking lots onto the sidewalk. How can there be so much slush when the temp is 25 degrees F. ? Hope the commute home isn't as bad.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I don't mind 12s anymore, I enjoy having days off in the middle of the week. I also like having a 3 day weekend every other weekend.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I’ll be happy when I can go back to four 14 hour shifts and have the rest of the week off. :smile: Soon. New vet arrives at the end of May.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited February 2018
    Countdown to May (Victoria Day Long Weekend - first 'official' summer long weekend) Bikini time!!!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I'll start trying to get my bikini body ready. :smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'll start trying to get my bikini body ready. :smile:

    Same... At the rate I'm going, I should be ready by about 2026!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Getting back into biking and commuting. Man are my legs sore!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Well, seems like lots of time yet before bikini season here... I might join you in 2026, Jenn.
    Here's the snow pack after several days of melt & rain (refreezing at night).
    Central courtyard of the University College (part of my patrol) - care for a picnic?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Wow! That's impressive. We have 40 mph winds right now with snow starting to fall. I can't tell if that wind will take all the snow away? or if the wind will settle and the new snow will accumulate. We went from 51 to 18 degrees in three hours.