JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Sunday:
    1. Increase water intake...red cup method again, and add some decaf tea
    2. No ice cream today
    3. Listen to Podcasts and meditate, reflect = "me" time
    4. Prep lunch and coffee pot for tomorrow morning
    5. Prep for the week (Thanks @Teresastandard !)
    *Iron and press so that what is hanging is ready to wear.
    *Put away all clean laundry.
    *Plan what I will wear to work for the upcoming week and hang the outfits in spare room so they are there
    paired up, ready to grab and wear.

    6. Update bullet journal for the week
    7. 30 minutes of cardio
    8. Be grateful for another day! <3
    9. Bed by 10:00 and no hitting Snooze tomorrow!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 I'm so sorry you're feeling so crappy. I know for me, feeling nauseous is one of my least favorite feelings! I hate it even above physical pain. I hope that the tabs really do kill the thing in your stomach and that the five days arent in vain! Just think that you are almost at the finish line! Just a few more weeks and your little girl will be here and it'll all be worth it! I'm so glad your OH has been so awesome today. Mine was too. He's working right now, but he made the bed and took out the trash, which for him is a HUGE deal. Lol. I hope you feel better soon!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I really do think I need to stop taking naps. Lol. I know I've said this before. But I woke up totally grumpy after today's. I had to run to the store right after I woke up and people were driving like idiots. I had a total road rage moment the whole way there and back and it was like 3 miles round trip. I was cursing and just being a total jerk in my car. I dont know why. I'm usually not like that at all. I mean I have as much road rage as the average person normally. I am from New Jersey though and we are notorious for our high level of road rage. Lol. But I think I'm starting to see a trend that if I drive somewhere right after I wake up, I am more like to be mean to them. At least in my own head. Lol. Just a random observation I made about myself. I dont know if this will stop me from taking naps or just stop me from going out though. Lol
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @OConnell5483 I bought this really awesome day planner from Amazon that I heard about in a Youtube video and I think it has been the secret to my success. I use it every day. It's super detailed and easy to use. It gives you a general to do list area and then breaks it down into hours from 4 am to 9 am. It has been super helpful! I usually get done with things way before its been scheduled so I usually end up with like two hours with nothing to do, which is usually when I haunt MFP or just kind of sit around twiddling my thumbs! It's especially worse when the DH is at work because then I get REALLY bored. Lol. If anyone wants more info about it let me know! Lol
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @HGSmith0920 That's awesome! Is it a type of bullet journal or what is the name of it? I find that if I keep track of a task list and mark things off, I'm more likely to do what I need to. I'm a total list person! My problem was that I had different lists going in different notebooks...some at home, some at work, some in my purse, some online, some on my phone, some in my car....well, you get the idea. It drove me nuts because it was so disorganized. This one notebook I'm using now really helps! I haven't been actually scheduling times though, which is a great idea. I should pick a time for exercise and then just do it...stuff like that.
  • clairelouisey
    clairelouisey Posts: 68 Member
    1. stick to calorie goal :)
    2. Go to gym :)

    I did go to the gym for about 20mins then got bored and went for a lovely swim instead. I tried but don’t think the gym is for me- will focus on yoga, swimming, personal training sessions and metafit class instead! Think that’s enough!

    1. stick to calorie goal
    2. Go to yoga class
    3. Go to personal training session
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I'm about to blow up this board with a few pictures, so bear with me. Lol. @OConnell5483 Here a few pictures of the basic pages look like. The first like 15 pages all talk about your long and short-term goals and things. I really love it! It's all really streamlined so it's really easy to follow too. There are a few different designs as well. It's a tad bit pricey but for what you get and how much it has helped me it was so worth it! I got it from Amazon.

  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    2/4 Report
    I think I’m coming down with what my daughter has, but if I feel better, work out. :) still feel not quite right, but did my exercise video.
    Log :/ wasn’t very rigorous today, and was a bit over. Too much snacking.
    Do work :)
    Make chili for lunches this week :) actually hubby did since I was on a work call
    Bake muffins for kids :) slightly burned but done.
    Clean one room :/ I tidied up and paid bills.
    Fast til noon. :)

    JFT 2/5
    Log better
    Drink water
    Fast til noon
    Stand for one meeting
    Walk at work
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I had a good day Saturday but yesterday just felt very tired and instead of enjoying my rest day was just snappy and snacky and generally out of sorts. Ate all the foods, did little exercise, got annoyed with myself and everyone around me! Still working on my all or nothing mindset..

    Back to Monday routine so want to have a good week of hitting work targets before we break for a week of half term.

    Goals for 5/2

    - exercise before kids get up
    - water 2ltr +
    - stay within calorie goal
    - intervention assessment
    - amend Thursday plan
    - medium term plan
    - amend notes from coordinator
    - batch cook veggies

    Have a good start to the week everyone. X
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So, on to JFT 2/3/18

    1. Up by 7:30(probably earlier) :)Yes but at 8 laid back down until 8:30
    2. Coffee/MFP/Breakfast :)Yes but no breakfast. I had two cups of coffee and that held me over until lunch at 12:30. I know this not a good habit but I've had it for many years so it's going to take a while to break.
    3. Church :)It was a great service too. Only Mom and I went from our family but it was awesome bonding time.
    4. Gym :)Right after church since the church and the gym share the same warehouse building. It's split into 3 sections.
    5. Lunch :)I had leftovers because I'm trying to clean out my refrigerator
    6. Run to the store(but probably after the game starts) :)Did this. But I went around 2 and it was actually dead.
    And it was a liquor store I went to as well. Definitely not what I expected. Lol

    7. Send out resume to 3 companies :)This took about an hour and a half because I was thinking of all the banks in my general area and going through their career job listings. It was really really annoying. And I realized after the first two resumes were submitted that there was an error on it. I was beyond frustrated!
    8. Look at story :/I feel like this is never going to get done. It's not even a big thing really but I want to get back to writing and I cant do that if I dont actually work on it.
    9. Clean microwave and behind it :)Did this. It was pretty gross. Lol. But I finally switched it out for the new one the DH got me for Christmas
    10. Move boxes :DIt started to rain and the 50 inch TV box that my DH INSISTS on keeping wouldn't fit in my car or the attic opening. When I moved it last time I had it sticking out the back of my trunk but seeing as it was raining I didn't want to ruin it. Yes, I know I could break it down but the DH won't let me!
    11. Clean kitchenette :)Kind of half a**ed but I did manage to find places for all of the dishes and have a clean sink and an empty dishrack!
    12. Organize Tupperware on shelf :)Did this. It opened up so much room!
    13. Go through leftovers in fridge(freeze vs. trash) :DSee below
    14. Dinner/Dishes :)Done and done
    15. Hockey/Quality time with the DH :)I didn't think the DH would actually want to watch the Super Bowl since he hates both teams, but I forgot that he works in the sporting goods industry so he's kind of obligated to. It was a good game that even I kind of got into. Lol. I was folding laundry as well
    16. Read :)I did this while walking on the treadmill. It's amazing how fast 30 minutes flies by when your brain is engaged in something else!
    17. Bed by 11 :/Considering it's almost 12:30 now. This didn't happen.

    So I got a lot done but a much-needed nap and more time job hunting than I wanted to spend stopped me from finishing everything. Yesterday my Godmom showed me a new folding technique for clothing that takes up significantly less space. I wanted to try it on my drawers and proceeded to hyper-focus for about 3 hours doing that while the game was on and for about an hour after. Lol. But I got all the clothes folded in 2 dressers. It's amazing how much space we have left over! I have half of one more dresser to do tomorrow. And the DH had a really smart idea after dinner tonight. I was moaning and groaning about all the leftovers we had in the fridge(taco chicken, bourbon chicken, salsa chicken...seeing a pattern here?) because I tend to make things in bulk and now that I am actually watching my portions I dont over eat too much anymore so there's always large amounts of leftovers. I make my DH a wrap/sandwich every day for him to take to work with him as part of his lunch. Well, he had the idea of me using all of that chicken to premake a bunch of them so all I have to do is stick one of the containers the wrap is in into his lunch box. It would significantly cut down the time in the morning. Well, I went a little overboard and made something like 10 wraps/sandwiches. Some absurd number like that. I know that there is a chance they will get soggy but it's one I'm willing to take. The DH pretty much eats anything anyway. Lol. And there are a lot of times he gets hungry while he's staying up late playing video games so it's something easy he can grab. And it got rid of two and a half containers of leftovers! That was probably the best part! I mean, I know I'm just going to fill it back up, but after I clean out the freezer tomorrow I'll have room to be able to freeze things as well. Lol. Anyway! Lol. Onward!

    JFT 2/5/18

    1. Up by 6:30(this might be hard)
    2. Coffee/Bible/MFP
    3. Clean out freezer(Keep Vs. Trash)
    5. Run to Bank/Walmart
    6. Make egg salad for lunch
    7. Lunch with Mom
    8. Call Doc about appointment for DH for Tuesday
    9. Finish folding clothes
    10. Vacuum
    11. Send resume to 2 places
    12. Prep dinner and put in crockpot
    13. Gym
    14. Clean bathroom
    15. Dinner/Dishes
    16. DH time
    17. Read/Bed by 11

    I think this is my longest one yet! Several can be done really easily!

    I hope everyone has a great night and I'll see you in the morning!

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Have come down with a cold so feeling super grumpy. Would have really liked to stay at home today, but I have a couple of meetings today that I have to have as they are to help me prepare for a scary meeting I have tomorrow (which is all about deciding what to do about the issue that blew up last week).

    I'm going to take it relatively easy though, make sure I have a lunch break and then go home as soon as I have done with meetings.

    I miss the days when being sick meant I could stop working and just be sick... These days it seems like I actually have to have an operation for that to happen(!)

    So, today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - No alcohol
    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Take it easy!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Feeling much better today, over slept so eldest was an hour late to nursery!
    Never mind hitting snooze I just full on slept through the alarm!

    Anyway feeling quite positive today!

    Just want to say to you all, thank you for listening to my moaning. I’ve found this pregnancy pretty hard and if I didn’t have you guys to vent to I think I would of lost the plot. My OH can only take so much moaning lol he actually finds it funny how much I have to moan about lol!

    So thank you everyone!
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Did everything yesterday except doing a painting and I didn't start on taxes. Instead I drove out of town (I live in a small town so I have to drive out of town for about everything) to pick out and buy some new running shoes (mine are a little over a year old and they are not really running shoes). Bonus- found some on clearance! Amazed that they offered a lot better arch support than the same brand that was $35 higher in price. Also- signed up for my very first 5K in June!! The Wicked Wine Run! It's a non-competitive 5K through a vineyard- girlfriend and I are doing it so it should be lots of fun!

    1. Log everything- stay in the green
    2. If I have a treat- log it and make it fit (I heard there would be muffins this morning so bringing a lower calorie lunch)
    3. Go to the gym on the way home- eating a banana right before seems to help a LOT with not getting too low on blood sugar
    4. Get dishes done before DH comes home with groceries tonight

    Happy Monday!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Sunday, 2/4/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :/ (close...this is so much harder to do on weekends when I take my break from the gym)
    4. Start/Do our taxes :D (All done!!)
    5. Groceries :)
    6. Laundry :)

    JFT (Monday, 2/5/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Complete 3 orders from my shop
    5. Go to the gym (30 min circuit, 30 min treadmill)
  • juntura
    juntura Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to join my goal is to be more consistent. Eat less move more. I been back on my Journey since January 15,2018. I haven’t weighed myself so I don’t know where I am just yet will weigh in after February 15,
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Monday
    1. Accurate log. Leave 300 calories for event at theater.
    2. Update Week 5 plans. Get computer cart. Call 5 parents. Call for official transcript. Comment at COP. Reply to HE. Turn in book order form to DK. Email W about tickets for BCSS. Add links to blogroll.
    3. 2 sets body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts). 5k steps at school; aim for 6.
    4. Add blog writing to Tuesday's JFT. Call D to check in. Gym immediately after school. Strength Day 2; steps to 11k, aim for 12. Check on running.
    5. Prep breakfast and lunches for tomorrow. Chop more celery. Meds; leave for theater by 6:40.
    6. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:45.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    End of 2017: 174.6
    Feb 1 weigh-in: 173.6
    Feb 28 goal: 169.6

    Today: 173.9. It's been a rough few days. Got a stomach bug, which of course sends the weight all over the place. It's amazing how much you can drop when you expel everything from your system and just the THOUGHT of eating makes you even more miserable.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Holly1019 wrote: »
    Love this!! Just for today I promise myself I will start to log all my food again (helped me so much in the past). Will start stretching at least a couple times a week. (this was my NYE goal for 2 years now)

    Welcome @Holly1019 - this is a great thread for support & friendship. You can do this! :smile:

  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    My only remaining goal for today is to get to bed before 2am tonight :)

    Goals for tomorrow:

    record food on MFP keep under kj limit (watch out for fat, limit nutalex spread and oil to 1tsp each today)
    eat only when hungry - eat only what I want
    eat chia first at breakfast
    exercise for 1hr on the exercise bike

    avoid sugar, coffee, and dairy.
    finish all meals before 10pm
    be in bed by 2am- aim: 6hrs sleep

    Try to think up a goal for the 2nd week of February 2019.