JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited February 2018
    missheidi wrote: »
    having a truly crappy morning.

    You're not alone, but we have to overcome the negativity or it will just drag us down further!!

    Find a positive somewhere........mine ➡️ the kids made it to school on time and regardless of how yucky I feel, I can still force food down :joy:

    Hang in there, this too shall pass :innocent:

    @HGSmith0920 You're very lucky to have a hubby who is self sufficient when he is sick! Mine is like a 2 yr. old :lol: Luckily I know how to deal with one, Lol!

    @Bex953172 I guess that is just part of the "mommy job" description,everyone first and us last :joy:
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    So sorry @missheidi! Just remember that it WILL pass. I hope your day gets better as it goes along.
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    Today I hit all my goals but one *avoid sugar. Because Cake, 'nuff said.
    On the upside I ate and was satisfied with a single serve of fruit cake, normally I would take two or three slices without thinking, mainly because a single slice looked "lonely" to me - emotional eater? who me? :wink:

    Goals for tomorrow:
    observe MFP kj limit
    stay in the green with fat and sugar
    complete 1hr in one set on the exercise bike - have a coffee, you earned it :)
    eat chia for breakfast
    eat only when I want
    eat only what I know I would want if I hadn't eaten gluten and sugar filled cake yesterday

    avoid added sugar and try to cut sweetener use in half today

    avoid dairy and gluten (you know you can't eat them, don't make life harder for yourself!)

    be in bed by 1:30am, aim: 6hrs sleep
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    JFT 2/5 check in:
    Drink 80 oz water (Done)
    Log all my calories (Done)
    Don't exceed max calorie goal (Done - barely!)
    Complete C25K Week 3 Day 1 this evening after work (Done)
    Go over the daily meditation excercises I'm supposed to be doing for a group I'm involved in, and DO THEM this evening after work. (Sort of done but need to do better today)

    JFT 2/6 goals
    Drink 80 oz
    Don't exceed max calorie goal
    track all calories
    walk at lunch
    hit 10k step goal
    do thorough job with daily mediation - get myself together
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Kids have a 1/2 day today so rushing around. Would live to read the posts tonight-love catching up.

    Drink water-64oz min.
    Track all my meals today with a focus on reduced carbs/increased protein. I've logged most of my meals today already.
    Ate a heavy protein breakfast and I can honestly say I'm not craving anything.
    Pack protein bar & apple in bag.
    30 min walk at my favorite park by the ocean. So muddy but the scenery is great for my peace of mind.
    90 ab crunches.
    Read today's Simple Abundance.
    Meditate 25 mins.
    Double fish oil & take echinacea.
    Read for 15 mins "New Book Of Lifting for Women". 2x today
    Started planning out the week with just a few loose ends.
    Haircut for youngest.
    Take kids to the Scout Shop for uniform supplies. Maybe we'll swim there if the pool is open.

    Today I'll be proactive so I won't have to be reactive!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Do you USers have “pankcake day”? X
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Do you USers have “pankcake day”? X

    YES!! the pancake race actually started in Liberal KS and they partner with a city in the UK, but i don't remember which one.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Hello Wonderful Ladies,
    I have not been on for several days but I have been keeping up and sending various likes, hugs, etc. Such an encouraging and determined group...love it. A big welcome to new people. This is a great place.

    For those who are prayer-folk, I would appreciate prayers for my sweet daughter-in-law and son. As some of you learned from earlier posts, we have been filled with joy at the prospect of our first grandchild, a boy, named Parker Wade. We had recently seen a picture of him sucking his thumb and a video of his hiccups. Last week, at 14 weeks, his heart stopped beating. She was induced this morning. This is her second miscarriage, but this occurred much later than the first. It is heartbreaking to have your kids go through such pain. So thankful her mom, (who is my best friend) is there to walk along beside them.

    Peace and joy.

    Oh gosh! I'm so sorry! I will definitely be praying for her. How her heart must be broken! Thank goodness for moms! I will also keep you and your son in my prayers as well.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Do you USers have “pankcake day”? X

    YES!! the pancake race actually started in Liberal KS and they partner with a city in the UK, but i don't remember which one.

    I just looked up Pancake Race and laughed out loud! It's hysterical. I love the story behind it! Lol.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Take kids to the Scout Shop for uniform supplies. Maybe we'll swim there if the pool is open.

    You have a pool at your Scout Shop? Lucky! Ours is in our Council building. Lol. I was a Venture Scout for many years(not to toot my own horn but I got my Ranger and Silver awards. Lol) and am now an Assistant Scout Master for my Dad's troop. One of my first jobs was as an office clerk in the Council. I love that your boys are in Scouting. It did so much for me. I met two of my best friends through Scouting and it taught me so much. I've been to Philmont and the National Jamboree. I can't wait to have kids so that I can enroll them in it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Hello Wonderful Ladies,
    I have not been on for several days but I have been keeping up and sending various likes, hugs, etc. Such an encouraging and determined group...love it. A big welcome to new people. This is a great place.

    For those who are prayer-folk, I would appreciate prayers for my sweet daughter-in-law and son. As some of you learned from earlier posts, we have been filled with joy at the prospect of our first grandchild, a boy, named Parker Wade. We had recently seen a picture of him sucking his thumb and a video of his hiccups. Last week, at 14 weeks, his heart stopped beating. She was induced this morning. This is her second miscarriage, but this occurred much later than the first. It is heartbreaking to have your kids go through such pain. So thankful her mom, (who is my best friend) is there to walk along beside them.

    Peace and joy.

    So very sorry to hear this. I will never forget when I had a late misscarriage ... a part of you just breaks. I am so very sorry you and your family are going through this. Prayers and hugs to you and your family.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    acrylicfox wrote: »
    avoid dairy and gluten (you know you can't eat them, don't make life harder for yourself!)

    One of my best friends is allergic to pretty much everything but fruits, veggies, and meat. But she's a vegetarian so meats out. But she has just started getting shots that will reset what her body is allergic to. We're hoping that by next year she'll be able to have at least dairy and gluten again. It makes her really sad that she makes food for her family but cant eat any of it.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited February 2018
    I have not been on here the past few days --- trying NOT to get this flu going around. I am just super tired, nauseaus, and somewhat dizzy and lightheaded. But at least I don't have the vomiting thing and fever that many have.
    Yesterday I had minor back surgery - so recoopering from that. My back is just sore to lay down! And tomorrow hubby is having his throat thing done - they will use lasers and burn off the precancerous cells he has. So I know he will be in pain! So we are just laying low, hoping neither of us gets this flu. Hubby had to wait 3 months to get in to get this throat thing done, so once this is past, we'll both breathe a sign of relief.

    But , inspite of being nauseaus, I am eating ice cream again ..... not drinking water like I should .... so I really need to get back to posting, and back to my goals.

    But I have been consistently going to the gym probably 5x a week for the past year, and I tend to get so discouraged that the scale hasn't been moving much (especially the weight I gained over the holidays .... just trying yet to get that off!). Yesterday morning at 6:30, I am getting ready to go to the doctors for my back surgery. I grabbed a pair of jeans.... and they were somewhat tight. I was so discouraged, thinking they were the jeans I always wear, and figuring all that ice cream the past few days. Well.... they were the smaller size jeans!Jeans I had not worn in 2 years, and before, I was like 6 inches from even getting them zipped. These zipped up.... and while they were a little tight.... I could still wear them. So that made my day. Maybe I am losing inches .... just not pounds. But .... I would rather be losing inches! No one except me knows what the scale says, but to be able to finally wear my smaller jeans! I wasn't even trying them on because I figured I needed to get back into the lower 180s to wear them.

    So, today, a new resolve, and I've got to get back on track!
    JFT, Tues
    1. log all food again. concentrate on protein
    2. remember the red cup -- 8+ glasses of water
    3. sew on chemo hats tonite. 25 made so far! Aiming to have them picked up on Monday, so hoping to get another 10 made. This should last for awhile! It is so sad though how many people need these hats, but so glad in some small way I can help
    4. shipping today -- so find easy dinner to make tonite
    5. go to bed early .... as we have to be up by 6am for hubbys surgery tomorrow!

    SO many posts to read back through --- I will try and do that tonite! SO proud of all of you!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @missheidi Keep your chin up and as I say, Keep on Keepin on! Just make it through the day! One minute at a time sometimes, but you will! A random thought. I watched a video a few weeks ago. It was a commencement speech for one of the military academies and it was a commanding officer who said that the best thing anyone can do for themselves is to make their bed in the morning. The part that stuck with me is that no matter how bad your day is or how much you DONT get done, at least when it's time to go to bed you have a neat, clean, made bed. It has actually turned my days around sometimes. I've even got my husband into doing it when he wakes up and I'm not home. So maybe try that. I know it has definitely boosted my mood some days.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I have not been on here the past few days --- trying NOT to get this flu going around.

    Okay, so I know I was sick last week, but um... I don't think you can catch it through the internet... ;) jk jk! feel better soon! and WAY TO GO on those jeans!

    @toaljasa I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how difficult it is. :(
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Hello Wonderful Ladies,
    I have not been on for several days but I have been keeping up and sending various likes, hugs, etc. Such an encouraging and determined group...love it. A big welcome to new people. This is a great place.

    For those who are prayer-folk, I would appreciate prayers for my sweet daughter-in-law and son. As some of you learned from earlier posts, we have been filled with joy at the prospect of our first grandchild, a boy, named Parker Wade. We had recently seen a picture of him sucking his thumb and a video of his hiccups. Last week, at 14 weeks, his heart stopped beating. She was induced this morning. This is her second miscarriage, but this occurred much later than the first. It is heartbreaking to have your kids go through such pain. So thankful her mom, (who is my best friend) is there to walk along beside them.

    Peace and joy.

    Oh I know this pain only too well :(
    I had to terminate a baby at 23 weeks due to him not being incompatible with life.

    The gestation is irrelevant, it’s still a difficult loss at any stage

    Thoughts are with you and your family
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    But I have been consistently going to the gym probably 5x a week for the past year, and I tend to get so discouraged that the scale hasn't been moving much (especially the weight I gained over the holidays .... just trying yet to get that off!). Yesterday morning at 6:30, I am getting ready to go to the doctors for my back surgery. I grabbed a pair of jeans.... and they were somewhat tight. I was so discouraged, thinking they were the jeans I always wear, and figuring all that ice cream the past few days. Well.... they were the smaller size jeans!Jeans I had not worn in 2 years, and before, I was like 6 inches from even getting them zipped. These zipped up.... and while they were a little tight.... I could still wear them. So that made my day. Maybe I am losing inches .... just not pounds. But .... I would rather be losing inches! No one except me knows what the scale says, but to be able to finally wear my smaller jeans! I wasn't even trying them on because I figured I needed to get back into the lower 180s to wear them.

    That's so awesome Joan! Losing inches is definitely amazing! I remember when I plateaued last year I was losing inches because I could actually fit into jeans that were two sizes too small that I had bought the year before. Now they are a little loose on me! And the jeans that I bought last February are really loose on me! Lol.

    I've used you as inspiration to go to the gym 5X a week and I've realized that I really like it! I probably won't as much when I start working again but for right now I am really enjoying it!

    So feel better. Take care of yourself and the Hubby and then get back at it! Be encouraged by those pants!
  • preciousme150
    preciousme150 Posts: 119 Member

    1). Drink 64oz of water
    2). Log every calorie
    3). 30 Minutes of Zumba
    4). Walk 5 Miles
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    @missheidi Keep your chin up and as I say, Keep on Keepin on! Just make it through the day! One minute at a time sometimes, but you will! A random thought. I watched a video a few weeks ago. It was a commencement speech for one of the military academies and it was a commanding officer who said that the best thing anyone can do for themselves is to make their bed in the morning. The part that stuck with me is that no matter how bad your day is or how much you DONT get done, at least when it's time to go to bed you have a neat, clean, made bed. It has actually turned my days around sometimes. I've even got my husband into doing it when he wakes up and I'm not home. So maybe try that. I know it has definitely boosted my mood some days.

    that was actually part of my issue today. Usually while I make the boys' breakfast and the coffee, Ken is in the shower, then makes the bed. He hasn't for about the last week. IDK why, but it's a little thing that is irritating. So I did it today.