Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    hey gals....anybody know a good book about "dealing with infertility" ?? just want to find something good to read without having to waste money.....i usually go to book stores to sit and read...but i finally broke down and bought an i thought it would be something good and informitive to read about :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jammie - my DH's count is <1m......that could be 1 or could be 999,999, they aren't willing to say when it's so low so I can understand...."normal" is around 150M (how do they all fit without bumping into one another!!!!)

    Julia - good luck with the testing :)

    Mae - When my cycles started regulating (and I knew we had 0 chance of conception) I'd get so excited when AF showed when I said she would!!!! that's huge!!!! You can absolutely ovulate on a 41 day cycle.....especially if that's the norm for you! Sounds like you're not quite sure what your norm is yet though but you can assume you did (if your cycle shows a pattern). You'll not know for sure without hormone testing though....I'd like to know the tips you get on reducing the water weight too....I'm having the same issue with the bras!!! Gosh....I was wearing these bras the last time I was at this weight and they weren't so tight!!!!

    Cupcake - I don't unfortunately....I think it depends on the kind of infertility. I know of some good PCOS ones, but not for general infertility....

    AFM: Today was a really bad day!!! Good news is I didn't do a lot of snacking. Bad news is I came home at 4pm and literally crashed into my bed and only just really woke up (7 hours) and I'm ready for bed again.........exhaustion and I wasn't particularly tired last night.......So between sleeping, I had horrible food choices. Going to try a new workout program this week, see if I can get back some energy to handle myself!!! Plus I'm going on Monday for my B12 shot again.....I was going to go last week, but my doctor's office was closed and it's been more than 2 weeks now
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    arrrg! i gained 3 inches literally overnight! i mean, overnight, for gosh's sake!

    i hate progesterone. :(
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Thanks for the replies. I would rather not post my chart...seems a bit TMI to share in a public forum, but I feel pretty sure about it. I bought the ovulation test strips too, so I am going to try those this next cycle too, just to have another source of confirmation. I'll just have to see how it goes this cycle.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Morning lovelies - as of today, my chart has developed its coverline..According to FF, I am now 3DPO (which means that horrible bloaty, crampy day was O)....We were supposed to go to a community camp out last night, but I wasn't feeling very good and I woke up this morning to it pouring thank goodness ;) I went to bed at a decent time on Friday night (about 10:30) and I was REALLY tough to wake up yesterday at 4 (I actually woke up around 5). Throughout the day I slept another 7 hours plus went back to bed at around 10pm......I guess I was just extremely tired, but I have no reason to be....and then this morning I woke up and I hurt from head to toe like I overdid a killer workout, but I've been doing really low impact exercises, nothing new......If this keeps up, I have to see the doctor.......

    Happy Sunday everyone!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pam I understand! Friday night I went to be at 2am, slept until 1230 in the afternoon, napped from 230 to 630, went to bed last night at 12 and slept until 12 again! And at no point did getting out of a bed sound like a good idea! It happens every so often with me - it's just the way my body works. DH calls it my 'coma day'. He said to me this morning (when I got up just a few minutes ago) that I was due for a coma anyway..... I think it's just the way we work sometimes.

    Mae - no worries about not sharing your chart, although it's hard for us to tell you if we thought you O'd if we don't see it, but it sounds like you are getting things pretty down pat so that's great! If you ever do want a 2nd opinion you can always send it to me in a PM and I can have a peek.

    GBOH - oh my! That would be freaking me out! At least you know it's just the meds - try not to stress too much (I know, easier said than done). Hugs!

    Cupcake - I wish I could help you but I haven't found any yet either. What I did find was one for my husband called What He Can Expect When She's NOT Expecting. It's a pretty good one. And the website that Karen (Kah) had mentioned ( is a good source of info as well. If you find one please let me know!

    Julia - I' m sorry things have worked out this way for you and hubby. That sucks but hopefully having a plan will help things a little. If I were in your place I would want everything done before he left as well!

    Jamie - congrats on your loss since the new year! That's impressive! Welcome to our group - we're awesome here! :laugh:

    Alisa - I totally get you about the trainer - I had one for 3 months and the $$ just didn't seem worth it to me at all.

    Clyde - it sounds like a good way to get married to me! Although I understand about wanting the big wedding - it is a magical day! I saw your pink siggy on the pregnancy board - it must have been from someone else in your group - I should have looked closer!

    Beth - Welcome! Happy to have you! My husband is the same way - he's 6ft5 and fit (ish). But then again I'm 5ft1 so......we definitely can't eat the same!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Holy Dyna! There has been a ton of new news in the last week I have been on vacation!
    Ashley- CONGRATS!! So excited for you :)
    Jalara- *hugs*
    Newbies- Welcome hope your stay here is short!

    AFM- I went to Lake Mohave for a week in Nevada and experienced a new level of heat- 117*F (47*C for all my fellow Canadians) Talk about a huge shift in temperature since it was about 18*C and raining when we left home. While down in Nevada I finished up my prednisone (YAY!) Although I'm pretty sure the withdrawls are worse then any symptom while on it. I spent 1.5 days in bed so dizzy I could barely move and puking my guts out (Awesome way so spend our holidays) another 1.5 days dizzy/shakey/pukey but at least able to sit on the boat. On my feeling good days I learned how to surf and wakeboard(holy cow is that a workout and a half) which was a blast. Met a bunch of my DH's family who reside in the US. All around a good trip. Gained a few pounds which I'm not too hung up on. Officially started my diet today and talk about carb withdrawls and I've only been up 2.5 hours haha. Hoping to keep my collitis under control, lose a few pounds, and start TTC this month. Talk about a crazy month. DH is standing by my side in the diet realm too. Not that he needs to lose anymore weight but wants to lose his "layer of fat" so he has more definition in his muscles...I wish that my "layer of fat" was as miniscule as his haha. Anyways hope everyone has a great week. Figure I may as well weigh in early since today is my fresh start.

    Babydust to all!!

  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey all! Happy Sunday.

    Cupcake--I'd suggest have resources there--might be a book that looks good. I got one, but it's about secondary infertility, so unless that's your boat, i wouldn't bother. If anyone wants to know about the one I have, just ask.

    GodBless-yeah--the progesterone bloated me up. I just stopped measuring/weighing, etc--I knew it wouldn't be good. Good news is, I seem to have leveled back out--I've been on it for 7 days now, and don't seem to be having many side effects anymore. "Knock on wood."

    I had a bunch of other comments but I can't remember them anymore. Blergh. I don't write them down. Sorry guys.

    AFM: A week since the IUI. One more week till the blood test. I'm convinced that it didn't work, but since I don't know for sure, I can't stamp out that little last shred of hope, ya know? Ahhh, my defense mechanisms at their best (or worst depending on how you look at it.)

    Yesterday we went swimming with one of my hubby's cousins/college friend of mine and her son. She is about 3 months pregnant. Going on and on about morning sickness, and then asks me "So, how are things going for you?" It was all I could do to not give a bitter bitter reply along the lines of "Well, I'm halfway through an agonizing 2WW to see if the IUI that I paid lots of money to have done actually worked since we are having difficulties getting pregnant and I'm listening to pregnant people complain about being pregnant. How do you think it's going?" But, I managed to keep it to myself and it didn't ruin the day for me or anything, so all in all, I consider it a success. Now I just replay it over in my head as if I had said that and look at the shocked expression on her face and chuckle. I'm warped, I know. Again, the coping mechanisms at their best or worst depending on how you look at it.

    My goals during this 2ww have been to :Take all my prenatals and meds without forgetting (I have a bad habit of doing that.), exercise 30 minutes a day (trying to get all the positive endorphins I can!), and work on cultivating an "attitude of gratitude". No weight loss goal. So far I've been doing pretty well, I think. I hope this week goes quickly.
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! Another newbie looking to join your amazing group! (I hope I'm posting on this thread correctly lol I'm a bit technology challenged). I've been married almost five years and during that time I've gained 70 lbs-ouch! We did suffer a miscarriage early in our relationship which triggered the weight gain for me...But now we are finally ready to start trying again! In feb I started to change my diet as well as going to the gym and have been trying hard to nudge that scale in the other direction :) We actively started trying for a baby this past month and we're very excited, though I do admit I feel a little guilt for not losing more weight before TTC (I've only lost 12lbs so far). But I'm almost 30 and I really feel now is the time for us. I can be a tad hard on myself concerning weight loss struggles so I'm really excited to join this group~ I've just been reading through this month's posts and you all are incredibly motivating and inspirational!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hi again everyone! Thanks for being welcoming.
    Jalara- I looked on your page but it was private so I tried searching for the abbreviations with not much luck :laugh: I think I'll be able to catch on though!
    Kah- Wow you're story about hearing a pregnant woman complaining about being pregnant really hit me. I was definitely that person, and after reading your story I hate that I didn't even think about it. Love you're positive attitude though! That's something I definitely need to work on!

    This morning when i got on the scale I had lost 1.4 lbs since last week. But this has been a stressful week for me, so I don't even feel excited about the loss. My husband just got his work schedule changed to working 12 straight days on then 2 days off. He gets to come home every night which I'm grateful for (especially after reading about Julia's situation, my heart goes out to ya girl!) but he comes home, eats dinner, then falls asleep on the couch around 8:30. Today I've been feeling lonely and frustrated and I ate my feelings. Didn't make me feel better though :ohwell: I don't have any close friends here, and I think thats part of my problem. I need to get out there and socialize! Tomorrow I'm taking my daughter (Olivia) to a nearby town for a Kindermusik demo class. Should be fun! Here's my goals for this week
    -Walk 30 minutes everyday
    -Strength exercises 3 days
    -96oz of water everyday

    Hope you all have a great week! Will check back tomorrow:heart:
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Morning everyone!! This thread moves quick!!

    Pam/Jalara- I know the tired thing...I was camping this weekend and fell asleep at 6:00p.m. woke up after midnight and tried waking my DB up to hang out with me...he didn't so I went back to bed till the next morning! Tired tired tired

    Julia- Good luck with your decision...we'll be here for ya :)

    Clydeisme- I know the feeling about the wedding dress!! I made my DB promise me that I will get to wear a dress at some point. Not sure if it will be before or after a baby...guess it depends on how long it takes us to conceive.

    Welcome to all the newbies...I m still pretty much a newbie and loving this thread for surrounding myself with a great group of women!

    AFM: I have some questions for you all. I started taking 1 mg of folic acid and a vitamin D pill. Is it okay to also take Salmon and fish oil Omega 3??? I'm so confused!

    Also....Ive never noticed this before....wondering if anyone else had this. So I noticed this weekend that on my Areola's I had a few little tiny pimples......whats that about? I've never noticed that before? Is it even normal to get little tiny pimple's there??? Sorry if I gross anyone out.....some of them were releasing a clear liquid, and some puss or maybe they are white heads?? ...but they are ever so tiny....not like a pimple you would get on your face or back. So strange...could it be because I was out in the heat sweating all weekend? Or maybe because I started taking vitamins which I've never taken before?

    Sorry a gross topic but would appreciate the feedback! LOL Sorry
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I guess I was just extremely tired, but I have no reason to be....and then this morning I woke up and I hurt from head to toe like I overdid a killer workout, but I've been doing really low impact exercises, nothing new......If this keeps up, I have to see the doctor.......

    yuck! how are you feeling today? i hope it was just a 24-hour-bug and that you are good as new right now. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM- I went to Lake Mohave for a week in Nevada and experienced a new level of heat- 117*F (47*C for all my fellow Canadians) Talk about a huge shift in temperature since it was about 18*C and raining when we left home. While down in Nevada I finished up my prednisone (YAY!) Although I'm pretty sure the withdrawls are worse then any symptom while on it. I spent 1.5 days in bed so dizzy I could barely move and puking my guts out (Awesome way so spend our holidays) another 1.5 days dizzy/shakey/pukey but at least able to sit on the boat. On my feeling good days I learned how to surf and wakeboard(holy cow is that a workout and a half) which was a blast. Met a bunch of my DH's family who reside in the US. All around a good trip. Gained a few pounds which I'm not too hung up on. Officially started my diet today and talk about carb withdrawls and I've only been up 2.5 hours haha.

    other than being ill for a portion of it, it sounds like a great time! good luck getting back on track!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I had a bunch of other comments but I can't remember them anymore. Blergh. I don't write them down. Sorry guys.

    i don't know how you guys do it! i have to go with the individual reply, or i would respond to only two or three people because i can't keep that many conversations going in my head (or remember who said what).
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    My husband just got his work schedule changed to working 12 straight days on then 2 days off. He gets to come home every night which I'm grateful for (especially after reading about Julia's situation, my heart goes out to ya girl!) but he comes home, eats dinner, then falls asleep on the couch around 8:30. Today I've been feeling lonely and frustrated and I ate my feelings. Didn't make me feel better though :ohwell: I don't have any close friends here, and I think thats part of my problem. I need to get out there and socialize!

    that is tough. some weeks, my husband's job is very mentally stressful for him and when he comes home, he just 'checks out'. i feel for him, but i also feel put out by it. it does help when i have my own things planned and don't rely on him for companionship during that time.
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies! A slow morning at work (super yay after last week!), so I actually have some free time to check in with y'all. Warning, long post.

    Kimberly, Let me know how it goes with the Wii Zumba. Wii active games have actually been a big part of my exercise plan. They're really great fillers when it's too late to go to the gym and for when DH is busy and I just feel like being by myself. I haven't gotten the Zumba one yet, but am definitely interested.

    Welcome to Beth, Jammie & 9Honey! Glad to have you join us!

    Bonnie, There are a couple of gals on here who are doing vow renewals soon. Hopefully y'all can share ideas! (And pics later for the rest of us!)

    Ashley, Hope you had a great time camping. I'm sure you're going to be migrating over to the Pregnancy board soon, so have to give you a good shout out on here before you go.

    Alisa, Sounds like you have been soooo busy! I'm sure it's going to make the time before Hawaii pass really quickly.

    Julia, Sending you lots of strength through this transition for your family and keeping my FC that the TTC will be quick & effective!

    Mae, Glad you're getting the charting figured out. I have never really mastered that - thank goodness for OPKs. As far as the water retention, I don't know what will work for you, but I recently eliminated diet sodas and really upped my water intake and I think that has made a big difference. I do drink iced tea a few times a week and maybe coffee once a week.

    Cupcake, sorry, no ideas on good infertility reading. In general I've been pretty disappointed with a lot of the literature that's out there. It feels so formulaic and as we are all aware, we each have very unique circumstances. That's one of the reasons that I really like this board - it's real women, with real perspectives. Do let us know if you find something good though.

    Pam, Hang tough! I'm sorry you're feeling so yucky. Hopefully your new workout plan this week will help. Good luck!

    Amanda, Welcome back from your vacation. Glad you had a good time at least for some of it, and super happy for you that you're done with the prednisone.

    Karen, Girl, you are a rock and I'm so proud of you! Keeping my FC for you.

    Destiny, Great goals this week! I'm particularly impressed with your water goal. That's a lot of ounces!!

    PanteraGirl, I've never heard of that issue before, so sorry, no good advice. I do hope you figure it out and it is nothing serious.

    Oh & GBOH, I take notes as I read. Keeping up with this awesome bunch of ladies is tough.

    AFM, weigh in day...

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 28: 179.6 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 29: 178.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 30: 178.8 (+0.2)
    Calendar week 31: 179.8 (+1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 177.0 (-2.8)

    With all the other stress of last week, I just pushed hard through the workouts, and I think it helped. This week my goals are to keep up with my normal calorie, water and exercise targets and then also to get more sleep. That last part is going to be the hardest. I'm a confirmed night owl.

    Hoping y'all have a great week!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY!! I will respond to everyone later when I have a chance to read thru the rest of the weekend!

    My weigh in today was AMAZING! official weigh in: 145.6!! That's a FULL 5lbs down this week!! I've been within 1200 calories everyday and 80+oz of water everyday! I baked chicken and premade salads for lunches this week And cooked all my turkey sausage so breakfast and lunches are ready to grab and go this week! Ready to be down another 5lbs this week! It's feeling like I might ACTUALLY meet my 15lbs goal by hawaii!! I really wanted to lose it before I start the clomid so I have a little wiggle room with the lbs before I go! I had such a productive weekend and it has really set the tone for the week!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Man, I've been out a week on vacation and missed so much! To everyone who suffered a loss, my heart goes out to you. To everyone who experienced a joy, I couldn't be happier! To all those in limbo land...I'm right there with you!

    This week my goal is to REHYDRATE! I spent the week in Disneyland and I KNOW I'm so dehydrated. My body is hating me right now. (Speaking of which I better fill up my water bottle right now!) I've been feeling "weird" the last few days -don't know how else to describe it and a small part of me wants to think it means what I want it to mean...but the logical part of me knows it's because I need water, have been eating crap my body isn't used to anymore, and that my sleep is all wacked.

    I'm just glad my fertile days came BEFORE the's a little hard to take advantage when you're sharing a hotel room with teenage siblings. :wink:

    Thanks to, I think it was Jalara, who recommended The OPKs and PTs are so affordable! I just ordered a bunch with a BBT. Last month I used OPKs, but never got a positive test. I'm not sure if I just missed it (quit testing too early?)- I apparenly have irregular cycles (blah!) so I'm hoping this time around with the BBT tracking I can get a positive and pin point my O day. I'm still not sure how long my luteal phase is since I haven't been able to figure out exactly when I O.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi all, just a quick post from me as I'm quite poorly at the moment (tonsillitis) so not really with it.

    Jalara, I'm so sorry for everything you've been through, you deserve good news really soon.

    Ashley, congratulations!

    Welcome to all the new people.

    AFM had really high hopes just before I went away, period was late (although my cycles haven't really settled yet so I was clutching at straws) but I also had a constant strange metallic taste, dizzy spells and breast tenderness. Anyways, test was a BFN and AF has now shown up. Oh well, try again when I feel better.

    Catch up with you all properly very soon
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi girls! There are so many of you I want to thank for the kind words of support. We're talking about it more and more and were trying to get everything ironed out.
    With the last deployment, we though we were ready (but had only two weeks) This time we have several months so I can really go into this strong mentally.
    I'm puttin my game face on and I'm going to be motivated and positive. That is what has to happen, it's whats best for our son and future baby.
    I'm also going to be putting in my heart and soul into working out these next few weeks to shed the stress away. I'm also trying to seriously downgrade my caffeine consumption, which is hard when I get up at 4:45.
    Hope everyone is having a great week!
    Oh and Ashley, CONGRATS