The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Ralphone wrote: »
    I am good thanks. I thought u where 25.

    :laugh: closer to two 25's lol.. thank you :)
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Ok that would work. I am about the same lol B)
  • JuzzMFP
    JuzzMFP Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm 34 everyone welcome to add me :)
  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    Ralphone wrote: »
    Good morning peeps, hope you are all having a great day :)

    Are you old eough to be in here lol . How are you?

    Ohh Im way old enough to be in here .. shhhh 43..
    but some days I feel 23 and others 83 lol
    Im doing ok :)

    God you look GREAT for 43!!!! I would have never guessed......
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    zensakura wrote: »
    Hello! I'm going to be 40 next week (ugh). I'm down 55 pounds so far, and I have a long way to go yet. :smile:

    Happy Birthday!
  • zensakura
    zensakura Posts: 25 Member
    hud54014 wrote: »
    zensakura wrote: »
    Hello! I'm going to be 40 next week (ugh). I'm down 55 pounds so far, and I have a long way to go yet. :smile:

    Happy Birthday!

    Thank you!
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    You can do it ! Started out at 260 here now at 204 . 47 now still working on it. Want to get to 180. Have run and bike a lot of miles. It's not easy buy worth it. Feel and look better at 47 then 27 lol Good luck! !!!!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    hello middle agers community .. ya getting old sucks :D but i dont feel old ..
    after 10 years sitting behind a desk i had became lasy and let my self go until i said enough.
    looking to put in some work and ready for transformation. current weight 300 goals 220 in 1 year span
    looking to do it slow and let my body heal from all the junk . also majority of my diet is vegan base meal planning..

    There's no direct correlation between 300lbs and a desk job. Maybe half of my 36 years of employment has been at a desk, and my maximum weight was 182.

    Congratulations on your new weight loss journey. Yes you can do it!!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Ralphone wrote: »
    Good morning peeps, hope you are all having a great day :)

    Are you old eough to be in here lol . How are you?

    Ohh Im way old enough to be in here .. shhhh 43..
    but some days I feel 23 and others 83 lol
    Im doing ok :)

    God you look GREAT for 43!!!! I would have never guessed......

    Thank you :) I look a little rougher in the mornings though :laugh:
  • Shredder583
    Shredder583 Posts: 180 Member
    Not long after you hit 40 yrs there is like a biological switch that goes off and things in your body change. Everything rakes so much longer to repair if u have an injury and recovery after intense workouts ha ha what a joke!
  • catwithkittens
    catwithkittens Posts: 5 Member
    Happy valentines day all
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Happy valentines day all

    Meh. Happy is not available at this time. Please try again later
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited February 2018
    How about have a good day B)
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    That works!! :smiley:
    I hope you all have a great Wednesday!!
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    Middle ager...maybe it's time to realise that I'm not 25 anymore? New to the forum and on my way to be fit again!
  • Lennie08
    Lennie08 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, 46 feel free to add me : Been at the gym a few months but now expanding to classes and bootcamps, its giving me a fire in my belly and love seeing the change in my shape!!! Don't wanna be fat n frumpy so fighting this middle age spread haaaard!!! :)
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited February 2018
    Its like a snow ball rolling down hill !! Good work keep it up
  • Iron_Muscle_
    Iron_Muscle_ Posts: 5,095 Member
    edited February 2018
    It’s only getting better from here. I’m 46, soon to be 47. Feel free to add me. Mention this forum.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    47 Is the new 27