Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    2nd night in Dublin not as successful from a moderation perspective. Had a chance to end my night at a decent time after 2 glasses of wine but got pulled into a long conversation that led to another glass of wine, and then one more at the lobby bar after dinner before calling it a night. I’m still counting some small victories - I spread out the consumption over about 5 hours so it was less than a glass per hour, I remembered to drink water with each glass of wine, and when I got back to my room my cheeks weren’t flushed, I didn’t feel drunk, I didn’t have any concerns that I couldn’t remember conversations.

    Feeling tired today and had a slight headache but probably as much to do with jet lag and lingering head cold as the drinking.

    Tonight is an awards dinner which always leads to constant filling of the wine glass... followed by dj and dancing. Am really hoping to skip that part as I have to give a presentation tomorrow morning and want to be fresh and focused for that then Flying home tomorrow. Ready to get back into my time zone and routine - eating, exercising, and sleeping.

    Good for you! I am quite certain that a business trip like this would present a challenge for me. Congrats on the small victories. I can certainly relate. As I mentioned earlier, I feel some sort of disappointment in myself that I have gone over on my target here and there. But at the same time, I am happy with the progress that I have made in being able to space out my drinks, drink water and not over do it. Not drinking enough to be hungover or have any memory lapses has been a pretty big victory for me.
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    My triggers are hunger and boredom. Hunger is the more prominent reason.
  • AlainaKayy
    AlainaKayy Posts: 206 Member
    edited February 2018
    JenT304 wrote: »
    My trigger right now is watching yet another high school shooting on the news. Ugh.

    Awe, that's really messed up. I wish people would realize that there are other alternatives.

    -- On topic

    My trigger is being bored. If I can't keep myself occupied(other than watching tv or something along those lines) then I want to drink. It may be a "hand to mouth" complex as well.

    *Edit because I said "can" instead of "can't"
  • springsweet
    springsweet Posts: 184 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    I am curious. What is everyone's triggers to drink?

    Mine is socializing

    What are your triggers?

    I thought mine was work stress, but my work isn't very stressful anymore honestly. But if I have any other conflict in life - like arguing with my hubby, which does not happen often - I just want to drink. We've had two arguments since January and both times that's all I wanted.
  • springsweet
    springsweet Posts: 184 Member
    Social gatherings are my trigger too, but since starting this challenge I haven't gone out much. Except that wedding a couple weeks back where I got blackout drunk. :(
  • dressagerider1020
    dressagerider1020 Posts: 106 Member
    You've come to the right place. You did a great thing joining a gym, it will give you somewhere to go and something very positive to do.

    I know it's cliche, but try to plan out your day so you know you have things to do - even if it's just to read a chapter in a book, go for a walk, plan your meals for the week. Come here and read some threads, start one if you have a question or an idea. I personally spend way too much time on Instagram and Pinterest - I might be starting a thread to help with that addiction! But it keeps my mind occupied so I don't think about eating or drinking...although I do search for recipes a lot. A few pages back there are some links to meditation and that might also help.

    Good luck! We're here for each other.