TEAM PURPLE! *Lose 10lbs in August*



  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Mon: 564 calories burned

    Tues: 308 calories burned

    Wed: 722 calories burned

    Thurs: 146 caloreis burned

    Friday: 599 calories burned

    Total: 2309

    Saturday: 601 calories burned

    On Vacation till Tuesday, hoping I can still stay on track and not gain.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Worried by how i'm feeling this morning that I caught my husband's bad cold. I sure don't want to let up now. I haven't even lost a pound yet and want to get there! And more.
  • tshilow
    tshilow Posts: 11
    New to the PURPLE TEAM! I'm super excited!!!

    Just kicked my own booty and burned 800 calories - 12mile bike and 2 mile run!!!

    I am determined to get this weight off!!!
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    So, I'm feeling pretty good about my resolve right now, but last week was pretty awful. I was PMSing badly and inhaled food for a day - and managed to undo all the good work I did in the week. Today I'm back to my starting weight, 71.8kg (Aussies weigh in kilos, sorry), and I'm starting again. A bit frustrating, but it teaches me a lesson - it takes 15 minutes to eat a bucket of chips and three days to burn them off. Silly girl.

    I am loving this mini challenge though, 500 cals a day through exercise feels great! Looking forward to see what challenge Wednesday brings :)
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hello purple team! hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. I went home to the country to visit my mom, I live in Nova Scotia Canada. She bakes wicked tea biscuit, well needless to say I worked out for a couple of hours burned 1414 calories which should put me in the good. lol. No more tea biscuits. Also worked out 7 days this week may take a day off in the upcoming week. So managed to burn over 500 calories each day during the 7 days. Looks as though my team did pretty well too. Have a great week all.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Good Evening Reigners!

    August 10LB Challenge
    Week 1 ~ 8/1 thru 8/8
    500 calories burned each day / GOAL 3500 cals burned

    M/ 840 ~ 65 min ~ circuit training

    Tu/ 767 ~ 60 min ~ elliptical intervals (50)/stretch (10)

    W/ 815 ~ 70 min ~ circuit training (60) / stretch (10)

    Th/ 382 ~ 30 min ~ Wii Bowling Aerobics = Wii bowling
    (140-30mins) plus Low Impact Aerobics (242-30mins) simultaneous workout

    F/ 704 ~ situps / (10 min) 126, elliptical intervals / (33 min) 476, stretch / (10 min) 40, Wii Exerbeat (boxing-12 min) 62

    Sa/ 501 ~ 90 min ~ strength training (30) /stretch (10) / wii fit (20) / wii bowling (20)

    S/ 601 ~ 60 min ~ elliptical intervals (30 min -433)/ stretch / (10 min - 40) / wii tennis (20 min- 128)

    **Total Calories Burned ~ 4610

  • T/284 - 30 min -Elliptical
    W/173 - 32 min - walking
    F/541 - 70 min - Elliptical, rowing, walking jogging .25 mile, stretching
    S/350 - 41 min - Elliptical, walking .25 mile, stretching
    Su/354 - ~75 min - Elliptical, walking .50 mile, weights, stretching

    1,702 Total calories burned for the week

  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Okay Team- Need a little motivation and am hoping that the next challenge kicks my butt into gear. I went out of town this weekend and undid a bunch of the work that this week's challenge did for me. I got off the plane a worked out tonight, but jsut couldn't make it to the 500 goal. So, for the end of this week the total calories burned are 2271. Better than two weeks ago which isn't much.

    You are all an inspiration in the focus that you continue to show.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Since this time last week, we're up to 3,867 calories burned. Pretty damn happy with that. Hoping this next week I can burn off what I put back on over the weekend and then some.
  • SweetcheeksRN
    SweetcheeksRN Posts: 15 Member
    I did pretty well this week.

    M: 638
    T: 500
    W: 100
    TH: 510
    F: 811
    SAT: 400
    SUN: 615

    Total: 3574

    Very proud of myself...and our whole team. We kicked butt this week!!
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Sweetcheeks, that's an awesome effort! Well done! :) And from last week's result on the scales, it's clearly doing something good!
  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    Man! I am soooo excited for this week's challenge!!!! Let's do this! I am so grateful cor this group....I need this to keep me on track.
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    Can't wait to hear this week's challenge! My final calorie burn for this past week, weekend included, was 3102. Under the goal but way over my usual workout routine. Still proud! Thanks to you all for keeping me motivated! =)
  • sharishar
    sharishar Posts: 44 Member
    mon 1st Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace 30m 254c Walking, upstairs 5m 89c total 254
    Tues 2nd
    Wed 3rd
    Thur 4th
    Fri 5th
    Sat 6th
    Sun 7th

    945 calories burnt today.

    TREADMILL 30min 315 calories
    EXCERCISE BIKE30min 218 cals
    CROSS TRAINER 30mins 412 cals

    Going to struggle rest of week, am back at work and hurt my ankle, but not going to give in took it easy today, bring it on, I will just have to strap it up when I go tomorrow.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member

    Here we are guys and gals -- Purple Reigns Results for Week 1!!!


    We are missing a few check ins -- which is normal. If you see blanks by your name -- don't fret -- just send me starting weight from 8/1 and current weight.

    Counting those who reported in to me -- we have lost 201.8 lbs this week. Yep -- you read that right -- over 200 lbs in a week from our group!!!! And we burned so many calories it made me giggle -- are you ready....

    Seriously guys -- it's huge....

    135,090 Calories Burned this week!!!!!!! And I know it was sooo much more than that because alot of people didn't turn in their numbers.

    I'm just in awe of each of you!!! You've set your minds on getting fit and look at what you've done!!! It's incredible to be part of this team -- part of this challenge!!!!

    Now -- this week's mini challenge. We had such an overwhelming positive response to the calories burned challenge -- we'd like to keep it. Some of the feed back we got was that 500 was alot to shoot for though. So -- Here's what we revised....we know that time is limited for alot of us. some people can burn 500 calories watching an aerobics video -- others can spend hours trying to acheive that.

    Your challenge -- should you choose to accept it is......

    30 minutes of exercise for at least 6 days a week.
    64 oz of water/day.

    What I'd like to see Friday is....
    How many minutes did you exercise for....
    How many calories did you burn...
    How many oz of water did you drink....

    I don't need daily totals unless that's how you want to send it to me . I'm not reporting these on the chart -- just adding them all up and putting it out there.

    You all did a wonderful job!!! I so proud to be part of Purple Reigns!!!

  • sharishar
    sharishar Posts: 44 Member
    Just wondering -- has anyone else ever been walking on the treadmill -- when a really good song comes on and you decide that dancing seems like a good option??

    I'm totally counting the calories between losing my stride/balance and throwing myself off the treadmill (to escape from falling off , of course) and convincing myself that it'll be ok if I get back on.

    43 min so far -- walking 2mph -- 278 calories burnt

    I replied to a dozen emails -- added a few new friends -- multitasking is fun!!!

    I am forever falling off the treadmill as I listen to a lot of Zumba tracks and lose concentration and my step, in fact I was talking to someone to day and did the same thing, had to re adjust me steps pretty quick.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    Teammate 1-Aug 8-Aug 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 31-Aug DIFF
    1RareJewel 189.4 187.8 1.6
    3ricaAnn 167 165.5 1.5
    3under2 174.8 170.2 4.6
    QikSilverMojo19 0.0
    qmr1965 157
    qwertyuiop 131
    Rabbittrax 234 228 6.0
    RachelSRoach1 257.8
    randismulson 131.6
    raynebow 221
    rblopez13 197.5
    reddchef 195.5
    Reneda 290
    Resolute716 183 180 3.0
    rfrey88 211.2 212.4 -1.2
    Rhea81 158.5 155.5 3.0
    Rhodenizer 174.8 173.2 1.6
    rhonda4444 270.4
    riamac 147.5 147 0.5
    ricenbeeens 173
    rickera 169
    Rivergrrrl 160.8 159.5 1.3
    rmjj5 181 180 1.0
    road2peachtree 246 244 2.0
    RobinHelms 205 199.6 5.4
    rockyla 174
    RoosterB 244.2 241.8 2.4
    rqlinzer 271 271 0.0
    rschmmidt 157.8 156.8 1.0
    rschuurman 156
    rubberinc 133
    runningathena 201 197.9 3.1
    RunTLS 0.0
    ruralnurse02 0.0
    rure13 176 174 2.0
    russelima 152.9 150.5 2.4
    ruthkennedy 156 154.6 1.4
    rwetzel319 145.7 148.2
    RyahNicole0214 215.4
    sahalcomb 182.8 179.6 3.2
    sakwari 258 257 1.0
    salmat77 243.9
    samanthasigmon 218
    samsmom1975 0.0
    samvanz 158.29 156.74 1.6
    sandralauriat 0.0
    sangelic 230.2 227 3.2
    sarahp86 250.8
    SaraJane1515 142
    sassyag1999 174.6 173.8 0.8
    savmoss 198 199 -1.0
    saxyk2008 202
    sazeylou 206
    sbargeron69 159 158.2 0.8
    scook1218 186.3
    scsedey143 271.2 268.4 2.8
    scullywag 186 184 2.0
    SDMS 191.6
    Sdthai 220.5 219.5 1.0
    SeattleGrl 233 232.2 0.8
    seechrisrun1918 199 195.8 3.2
    selin4 184 182 2.0
    Seraph1120 191.6 187.4 4.2
    sgressock 189 NA
    Shalimarmandy 233 231.4 1.6
    shan80 271.5 264.6 6.9
    shanienicole83 163 160 3.0
    sharishar 295 293 2.0
    sharmonesq 161
    shauna_bassett 0.0
    shayshay10 222 222 0.0
    sheBB 193 192 1.0
    Shells77 137 136 1.0
    ShellyLee 182 180.8 1.2
    sher711 178.4
    sherrillg 164 164 0.0
    sherylswanson 187 184.5 2.5
    shonniegrl 186
    simonecole 168 167 1.0
    skeeweemc 148
    slb106 182 179.8 2.2
    sleepygiraffes 134
    slmcd 0.0
    Sloron 234 229.5 4.5
    sluvine4061 250
    smknitter 197 196 1.0
    smurfette75 120 119 1.0
    snewsome7 243 241.8 1.2
    SommerJo 222.2 218.2 4.0
    songbird1973 246.5 245.5 1.0
    southernbelle0364 198 199 -1.0
    Spaingirl2011 162 159.6 2.4
    sparetirebegone 191.3 190 1.3
    Sparrowcares 156 153.6 2.4
    specialtg 0.0
    Ssbischoff 169
    sshields1975 177 176 1.0
    StaceKaiman 270 265 5.0
    staciemerriman 210
    stangma 164 164 0.0
    starleng1 150
    starpi22 214 210.8 3.2
    start_on_Monday 202 197 5.0
    stewiejrt 164.5 NA
    stormyros 0.0
    stylelush646 238.6
    sullivan1011 210 205 5.0
    summernichole 124
    sunshine_169691 154.7
    sunshine77081 158 158 0.0
    supdup1 267.3
    superjo1980 173
    susan9700 0.0
    susieoneill 213.4 210 3.4
    svgarcia 164
    sw33tp3a11 200.8 201.4 -0.6
    SWEET31 261 260 1.0
    SweetcheeksRN 240 235 5.0
    SwtKittN 438 437.2 0.8
    tamolo209 182.5 181 1.5
    Tara0624 183.6 181.6 2.0
    Tdavy814 275
    teati 0.0
    tererob 0.0
    Terri_39 189 188 1.0
    terriann89 0.0
    TexasAustinite 196
    theaterfan23 217.4 215.2 2.2
    thebuxompilgrim 269.2 266 3.2
    thekresos 0.0
    theostlerscat 0.0
    thepinas 238
    theprettyone1010 203.5 201 2.5
    TheresaMichelle90 135.6 134.4 1.2
    TheresaRichardson 189.8 187.4 2.4
    tiabirdie56 213.9 212 1.9
    tiffypooh2u 150.6
    tink739 177.2 174.8 2.4
    tishaloses 209 208 1.0
    tlzidon 161 160.2 0.8
    tiggernic 247.8 236 11.8
    tjames719 204 204 0.0
    tonismith15 0 0 0.0
    toofat2toofit 232 225 7.0
    tostes 0.0
    Touched670 252
    traceyisom 181.6 178 3.6
    tracyttru 176
    Tridrill 0.0
    trisharell 161 160 1.0
    trixie0476 209.9
    trtlpower 179 177.2 1.8
    tsanders03 133
    tshilow 158.3 NA
    twiniemily 125.66
    twooliver 205
    unbrokenspell 172 169.2 2.8
    usmcwifeb15 148.4 147.4 1.0
    vanderbe 0.0
    veggiegirl1 171
    velisha 222 220.8 1.2
    vicky_wright 174.3
    vicky1506 205.5
    viella 180
    vilmarie76 171 170 1.0
    viruetwife2012 207 209 -2.0
    voguegirl01 137
    weinkes 193.7 191.2 2.5
    whatshesaid 172.8 173 -0.2
    Whit_LoLo 0.0
    Whitey2502 159.5
    Wildinutah8009 181
    willbthin88 124
    winelover51 196 197 -1.0
    witheredorchid 192 190.2 1.8
    Wrgawife 214
    wxkris 163.5
    xEmux 145
    xMissAprilx 307 303.4 3.6
    YamRector 238.5 233.9 4.6
    Yahrie 191
    yoursuchatease 254
    yukisakamoto 0.0
    zanielleleigh 178.6 NA
    Zealy 168
    zippo32 199 NA
    zjustine 148 146 2.0
    zukekitty 144 144 0.0
    32488.15 19749.74 0 0 0 0 201.8

    It's a little messy -- but I wanted to post it so that everyone could see the results -- just in case some of you cannot access the spreadsheet.
  • susieoneill
    susieoneill Posts: 6 Member
    Great job Team Purple!! Looking forward to this week!! Thank-you all for the motivation!! It is great to see that I am not alone and there are others with the same struggles that I have.
  • Shells77
    Shells77 Posts: 22
    Everyone kicked total azz. Love it. I'll be thinking of all of you when I stay on the path and keep on going in order to support this awesome team.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    WOW everyone, that's amazing! We all did so well. GO PURPLE!

    Looking forward to knocking this week's challenge out of the ball park. Was struggling to hit the 500 cals every day, but 30 mins activity should be achievable.

    Good luck, all!