

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it to page 65.
    Going for cortisone injection in my ankle tomorrow.
    talk to you all soon.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,038 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Gorgeously hot summer day!! It was up to 37C on the trail, but a bit lower than that in the shade. And now we're relaxing in air con.

    We'll walk into town in a little while for dinner.

    Machka in Oz

    Monday -- Great Victorian Rail Trail

    Hot day. Lightly graveled trail

    Distance: 40.26 km
    Elevation: 333 m
    Moving Time: 2:50:11
    Elapsed Time: 3:57:48
    Speed: Avg: 14.2 km/h | Max: 26.6 km/h

    Plus 3.6 km walking. :)

    M in Oz

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy Tuesday! The week rolls on. It rained all day yesterday. Just a light soft steady sprinkle; all day. Last night was a downpour and by the time I got into bed the wind had picked up and the rain was beating against the house. I love those spring rains, but soon I will hear of the homes of friends dealing with flooding. It is that time of year. Luckily, we live on a dune area, so we are elevated a bit and don't get the flooding. According to the weather, we have a week of rain coming. That explains the extra ache I feel in my joints, I guess.
    Marcelyn- Add me to your list of admiring grandmothers! 13! And your step mother has an impressive total of "grands"! Wow!
    Karen UK- Your holiday sounds wonderful! A cottage by the sea, and best of all, in a familiar place (like home away from home). Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
    WEndy- Yeah, I am thinking DH or DH and yourself, together, will have to have a talk with all of these business partners and friends and let them know what they need to be responsible for if they are going to be using or on your property. I am always stunned when adults behave this way; with little to no regard for other's possessions. For me, it is common sense and good manners to take care of others things (especially making sure the livestock are staying safe). Obviously, not common sense for all. I am glad DH seems to be aware of the problem (now that you have brought it to his attention) and willing to do something about it.
    Janet- Yes, Joaquin's birthday is March 14. I remember last year when it seemed everyone was announcing births of grandbabies! Mary- had posted pictures of the twins, Karen, you, Marcelyn, and I, were all gifted with new grandbabies last year!

    Not sure why, but Gloria (Glowormin) was on my mind last night. Miss her and thinking of her grandchildren. Is anyone still in touch with her daughter? How is everyone doing?

    Well, getting ready for kiddos. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Working today. Enjoying posts!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kelly so glad Joaquin is on the mend, what a sweetie <3

    Well today was 9 mile day. From riding the metro, Ancient Rome tours of Colosseo and the forum and palentine hills, to the termini station and the long walk back to Vatican City from the Tiber river because it was a beautiful almost warm day. DH and I are having a good time. I am not tracking but am confident that we are walking and climbing off the calories.

    Will post more pics when the WiFi improves. and yes espresso for me at least 2xs per day !
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Working 10-5 today...busy all day but hey I didn't get bit last night by playing pup,spray bottle works wonders..Fed DFIL , got Tal on bus and walked the dogs,all 3 now trying to spend quality time with Alfie before work.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Karen in NY keep up with the travelogue! I’m with you in memory! SPQR

    Lanette my resistant starch research suggests you don’t have to eat the carbs cold - just that they need to cool once to bring up the resistant starch percentage. ( so I often make my potato or husband’s rice or pasta in the morning cool it, refrigerate it, and reheat for dinner). Reheating has marginal effect on resistance of starch. Again, I’m not up on science but just in case it helps, that is how I have my potatoes mostly these days.

    —- —-

    Husband managed to lock his keys in his car at work, so it has been one crazy morning. Remember, I don’t have a drivers license so I couldn’t get the extra set of keys to him. Been a fun morning trying to make all the arrangements- his cell phone was in his car too. Thank heavens he had an Apple Watch on!

  • beckyobryan153
    beckyobryan153 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm planning to venture out today after being indoors for a week. Finally, feeling well enough to do something. I'm going to ease myself back into my workouts, tho.
    Barbara- Yes I believe that easy does it will be my mantra for the next few days. Keeping up with my water and calorie needs. I may fit in a short walk later today. Talk to y'all soon.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Evelyn: It sounds like the Cookie Jar needs to go on vacation. Maybe one of your children or grandchildren would be thrilled with it as a gift. Frozen raspberries sound wonderful and healthful. Great choice! :star:

    Dana in AR: I know from experience that it is possible to get a decent breakfast at McDonalds, but I wouldn't like to make a habit of it. There are too many temptations and too much sodium for me. I hope you enjoy your trip to FL in March. I love your mom's photos. What a great smile! :flowerforyou:

    Machka: When we go out it is usually for Chinese food. When we get take out, our favorite is Papa Murphy's Pizza--you bake it yourself. :star:

    Barbara: It is snowing here at this very moment. We have a similar amount as I see in your photo. Since I don't have to go anyplace today, I don't mind watching the flakes fall. :wink:

    Karen UK: I am definitely a Doc Martin fan. The site of the filming is spectacular. Cornwall and King Arthur are firmly linked in my brain. It is a place I'd like to see if we ever get across the pond. :bigsmile:

    Lanette: It is snowing here, too. It is one of those days that I'm glad to be at home, warm and safe while watching the snow fall. :heart:

    Snow is falling, I have hummingbirds at my feeder, and I'm planning to stay inside as much as possible. There are a few things we could use from the grocery store, but we can get by with out them for a while.

    DD is asking about Klamath Falls. I haven't been there in about 30 years. Does anybody have information they can share?

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James