Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)



  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    ::::::Team Orange:::

    7/04/11 132.1
    7/11/11 132.7
    7/18/11 130.7 Yay!!! I hit my pre-vacation weight!! Next week it's the 120s!
    7/25/11 129.2 --> finally the 120s!
    8/01/11 127.9
    8/08/11 126.1 My week of hard work paid off!
    9/05/11 GW: 123.1

    Looks like a better week shaping up than last week. Way to re-commit everybody!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    First and foremost I need to apologize to my teammates. I have not been a good supporter or held myself accountable to you and I am very sorry. That all changes today! I've lost focus and I'm the only one who hurts from that and I'm done hurting myself. I've outlined my short term goals in a blog if you'd like to read it: Next week I WILL record a loss and I WILL be a good teammate!

    Starting Weight: 268.2
    Goal Weight: 265

    7/04: 268.2
    7/11: 268.2
    7/18: 268.2
    7/25: 272.2
    8/01: 271.4 Not a big loss, but regardless it's a loss so I'm happy to see it. Working out today for the first time in a few weeks. That should definitely help drop these pounds, but it doesn't look like I'll reach my goal of 256 by Labor Day. Disappointed in myself.
    8/08: 274.2
    9/05: GOAL 265
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i posted on my own wall this am but am going to repost here to recommit to myself, my team and my group....

    "Making a statement to start the week: Last week was my 1st week back from vacation and it took me a few days to get back into my exercise schedule which in turn made me eat more than I should I have. This is a new week. I need to get serious again about both. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you see things, this only works for me when I am on with both parts. When I slip on either food or exercise the other is right behind. I know we all step backwards every once in while and it's part of the process BUT in order to reach my birthday goal I will completely and totally need to kick it into high gear all the way thru October. I can be in the 150s by then I'm just going to have to work harder due to a little gain and the "slip". No worries though, I've got this. It's what I have been working towards for over 3 1/2 years. Thank you to old friends and new for you support. I have said it before and I'll say it again I'm sure, you have made the difference for ME on this journey."

    so it looks like more than halfway thru our challenge a few of us are re-committing to reach our goals regardless of when we get there.....i have not weighed today for this week but will when i get home (i am better mid day before dinner due to my water pill/bp medicine)...i am going to record the weight on MFP as i know i am not still 174 which is what it shows as my current weight from july......

    on another note as of right now orange and teal are 100% reported and we still need weights from the other 4 please get me your weights today and i'll update it tonight and post the chart tomorrow.....
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    I'm weighing in, I had a sucessful week. :bigsmile: Congrats to EVERYONE that has had a loss this week! Will catch up later.

    7/04: 163.8
    7/11: 162.4
    7/18: 162.2
    7/25: 163.6
    8/01: 165
    8/08: 161.4
    Goal 152.8
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Way to go Jorden... looks like you really worked on your commitment this week. Congrats to everyone else on their great work this week!
  • Still staying steady. :sad:

    No gain, no loss.... 222 for me. :angry:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    need weights from:
    red team
    sho_barnes (sho)
    kcthatsme (kristen)
    ysamatar (yasmin)

    blue team
    sonnut (sonja)

    purple team
    bluiz13 (denise)
    robynrae_1 (robyn)
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Starting Weight: 160.2
    Goal Weight: 151.2

    7/05: 160.2
    7/12: 159.4
    7/19: 158.0
    7/26: 157.0
    8/02: 155.6
    8/09: 153.8
  • I'm really at a complete loss this week. Up exactly two pounds. I'm not sure how it is even physically possible. If we play by the numbers, I should've been down .9 lbs. I'm trying really hard not to get crazy about this but it's about to make me flip my wig. All I can think is that because I've upped my strength training that I'm retaining water.
    So Team Green, you can feel free to kick me off the team because I am going to be a major weak link until I get this banana figured out.

    7/1/11 196.9
    7/11/2011 198.9
    7/15/2011 198.9
    7/22/2011 198.4
    7/29/11 196.9
    8/5/11 198.9

    I'm not exactly much help here either....shirley has been kicking it every week just about. :) So proud of her!!! but kick you off the team??? Noooooooo THATS NOT what team members do!!! We stick TOGETHER!!! You'll figure it out..and until then we will be there rooting for ya!!!! (*(*( HUGS )*)*)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Starting Weight: 175
    Goal Weight: 166

    7/02: 175
    7/11: 174
    7/18: 176
    7/25: 176 (vacation)
    8/01: 176 (back from vacation)
    8/08: 183.8 - time to face the music. Need to work really hard if I have any shot of even getting close to my goal of 166 by labor day.
    9/05: GOAL 166
  • Sonnut
    Sonnut Posts: 57 Member
    7/01: 161.something
    7/11: 164.4 (sorry team)
    7/18: 164.0
    7/25: 164.8
    8/01: 165 (it's hard to post this weight, I'd much rather just lie! lol..sorry team. frown I'm clearly the weak link here.....)
    8/08: 164.6
    9/05: GOAL 150

    Not everything I was hoping for, but a step in the right direction regardless! Super busy day yesterday...sorry for the late post!

    GO BLUE!!!
  • Sonnut
    Sonnut Posts: 57 Member
    Starting Weight: 160.2
    Goal Weight: 151.2

    7/05: 160.2
    7/12: 159.4
    7/19: 158.0
    7/26: 157.0
    8/02: 155.6
    8/09: 153.8

    You sure are rocking this challenge! Way to go girlie!!!
  • Sonnut
    Sonnut Posts: 57 Member
    Excellent loss this week Jorden! You're really rocking it!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    happy Monday

    7/11....Carry over Vacation
    7/18.....197.1 Sorry ladies +1
    8/8....196.4 blah I blame TOM. should be a better week. did zumba and monday and I plan on getting on my bike as soon as I am off the computer. Starting this week I will be doing Zumba 3 days a week.

    come on purple lets get moving....
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    We are all improving our lives here, making changes....good takes time and commitment and we are succeeding in this daily. This is not a two week diet.....its a life change and every week will be different. Focus on doing and feeling better, not just on the weight. I go up and down monthly yet I can run three miles, run up steps I would wheeze after, and over all just feel better. We are on a journey with friends. What better way to live the rest of our lives with people who understand us and are cheering us on even when we fall off our path. Heres my hand. I'll help you if you stumble. Lets go!!!
    Labor Day may be approaching and may past but what we have accomplished will last much longer!!!

    Have a awesomely fit day!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    LadyPersia - You are so right! - "We are on a journey with friends. What better way to live the rest of our lives than with people who understand us and are cheering us on even when we fall off our path. Here's my hand. I'll help you if you stumble. Let's go!!!"
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    this week's biggest loser was vkpmusic with 2.59% weight loss
    this week's team biggest loser was the blue team with .96% weight loss

    the overall biggest loser to date is bifdiehl with 4.54% weight loss
    the overall team biggest loser to date is the orange team with 2.32%

    the group has lost 47.20lbs in the last 5weeks equaling 1.16% loss

    i did not get weights from sho or yasmin from the red team....

    here's the chart...

    corrected chart and info - thanks jklm for finding my mistake...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i promise my purple team to have a loss next week....i was logging maintain while on vacation and after and now it was time to face the music...i am up wayyyyy above where i was when we started the damn challenge but i am going to work my *kitten* off for the next 4 weeks and do my absolute best to get as close to my labor day goal as possible...AND then from there i'm just going to keep on going to my birthday adjusting goals.....just work harder to achieve them....i'm sorry to my team and i know we can do better.....thanks for doing this with me keeps me on track....
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: LadyPersia: Thanks for the support and you are so right. This is a journey and life style change.
    The word diet has totally gone out of my vocabulary. We are all struggling together.
    We will do this no matter what happens.

    I just want to thank Denise for doing this and it has really kept me accountable knowing I have to give my
    weight every week. Just like Weight Watchers you weigh in every week. It has really kept me going and
    motivated. Thanks for all your hard work on those charts it is really impressive when I look at it.
    Let's go people we have only few weeks to go before LABOR DAY. I know I will continue after this doing
    whatever challenge comes around. :bigsmile:
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Hooray to my blue team - we are finally getting our butts in gear and it paid off this week! WooHoo Blue!!!!

    Congrats to everyone else who lost this week too! Everyone is doing good - and even if not, don't be hard on yourself, you can get yourself back into gear! You just need the willpower and commitment to do so - we still have 4 weeks left - let's all go kick some butt!!!
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