The rudest people!



  • go_cubs
    go_cubs Posts: 1,183 Member
    I was on my way into the gym late at night once and these young kids were sitting outside they called me the Mexican precious ?
    I was young at the time and it ruined me.. literally sat in the locker room crying that night
  • THeADHDTurnip
    THeADHDTurnip Posts: 413 Member
    My daughter draws my body as a round circle in her pictures...with twig arms. :|
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.

    Who the freak would talk to another human being that way
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Someone repeatedly, energetically, told me my thighs are THICK
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    My nephew drew a picture of me and I was like "Ummmmmmm...?" I look at it now a days (forever later) and I'm like awww, in his eyes I was this blobby colorful 'whatever' .. with a giant smile. :heart:
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited February 2018
    As a child and young teen I just got a lot of 'you're fat', afterwards nobody ever insulted me, at least directly.

    In my adult life - 6 years ago I was at an event and 2 acquaintances of mine were walking behind. I don't know what the guy said or what face he pulled, but the girl responded with "it's not that bad, a bit of working out can fix it". I felt disgusting, totally ruined the day for me. I was overweight, my self esteem was low and I didn't have the courage to turn around and say anything.

    And then 2 years ago an old relative asked me "why don't you give some of your fat to your sister, she's so skinny". I said nothing, but it also ruined my day and now makes me anxious every time I see that man. Last time I saw him, I already had lost the majority of my extra weight. He just stared at me, looked me up and down and said I've lost weight and gotten curvy growing up. Again I said nothing. Now I think I've grown some confidence and if it ever happens again, I will stand up for myself.

    It's actually quite therapeutic to write this down. I only had told the last incident to 1 person recently.

    Oh, forgot, my own mother from time to time says from which ares of my body I should lose weight more and which ones look fine now. I had a conversation about that and she stopped it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    the worst one that stuck with me doesn't even sound ALL that terrible compared to some other things people have said to me over the years. But when I was about 13 years old, I was 5'6" and wore size 11, I definitely had a weight problem long before that but honestly was sort of growing into my body and developing an hourglass figure...that's about the size I am now, age 41 and 5'8" after much work and weight loss...but anyway, my stepmom's friend, a professional woman in her 40s, was having a clothing party with these UGLY clothes like bedazzled, jeweled sweaters and slacks, and I wasn't interested (I liked stonewash jeans and t-shirts, it was 1989) she said to me "They even have plus sizes - for you". And it broke my heart! I never felt so ashamed and embarrassed about my body/weight as I did then. Even though as a little kid every time I went to the doctor he lectured my mom about my obesity in front of me. That lady's comment hurt worse.
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,176 Member
    goatg wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.

    Who the freak would talk to another human being that way

    A two legged sphincter

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I actually never thought I was a fat person until people called me names. And growing up I still didn't think I was that bad, until people called me more names. I hovered in a range/size for years and was like "just stay there." And I did but I always felt bad about myself. Then I reached my heaviest and had to have been in denial until I saw pictures and I felt gutted. I was like, guess I am this big fat ugly POS everyone always said I was.

    I've never gone back to my highest but I've gone up, back down, back up, back down. I'm about middle now.

    Everyone acted so shocked when I lost the weight (because I guess my role was never meant to be the thin one) I was supposed to be the fat one.

    But no matter my weight, size, etc. I still have always felt fat. It's been repeated into my head for as long as I can remember.

    Worse, at my heaviest whenever someone else lost weight my nose was rubbed in it like a dog who had pissed on the carpet. "See, doesn't so & so look great now?" Hmmm, now I wonder why I feel so bad about myself ?? ...
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited February 2018
    Shortly after my third child was born, I ran into my old boss in the store. I had not seen him in about 10 years. The last time he saw me, I was 17 and weighed less than 120 lb. Now here I was at that time 27 and about 200 lb. He said "hey wow nice to see you how you doing? You really packed on the pounds didn't you?" Since he was no longer my boss, and he pissed me off, I retorted "Well I've had four pregnancies in 5 years... Let's see you do that and not pack on any pounds buddy". But I was really upset by that.

    What makes me really sad is that episode was 20 years ago... And I weigh more now than I did then.

    Another incident... My friend had started her weight loss journey before me. When she started, she was larger than I was at the time. But as she began to lose weight and as her clothes became too big for her she handed them down to me.

    At some point she became much smaller than me and was still losing weight... I was actually just starting my first weight loss journey. And she gave me a pair of jeans that I absolutely loved... But needed to lose another 10 or 15 pounds before I could fit into them.

    When I finally fit into them I was so proud and I wore them over to her house. And she said to me "Are those the jeans I gave you? Wow and I thought I looked so good in them then!" WTH? Really? Lol

    She actually was not being hateful and she certainly didn't intend to be mean... She just was talking about her own progress because by this time she was practically at her goal weight and I was still at least 40 pounds away from my goal weight. It was more careless and thoughtless rather than rude. I look back now and laugh but then it stung quite a bit because I thought I looked pretty damn good. LOL
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    "Oh my god, Do you have cancer?"
  • kimhski1
    kimhski1 Posts: 32 Member
    This has been almost 8 years ago now, I was at a work training about 8 weeks post kidney donation surgery (very few people at work knew I was doing this and was only off work about 2 weeks). I was wearing looser clothing because the incision was still tender and snug waistbands were giving me issues. An executive walked up to me and asked when the new addition to my family was arriving. I looked at him and said "oh, there's no baby. I had a man's hand, the size of your head, digging around in my abdomen 8 weeks ago to take a kidney out to save my sisters life. Would you like to see the incision?" If I could have captured the look on his and everyone else's face that happened to overhear that exchange, it would have been epic.

    I get asked quite frequently when my baby is due. My response is always "I'm not pregnant. I'm just fat" and walk away.

    Unfortunately, I will never have a flat stomach. It is much smaller than it used to be, but it'll never go away. I'm OK with that. I'm healthy and working towards being a fitter version of me. Everyone else can suck it.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    goatg wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.

    Who the freak would talk to another human being that way

    A two legged sphincter

    Nice euphemism
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,176 Member
    goatg wrote: »
    goatg wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.

    Who the freak would talk to another human being that way

    A two legged sphincter

    Nice euphemism

    LOL, it's either that or everything winds up as kitten kitten kitten ;)
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,176 Member
    clh72569 wrote: »
    "Oh my god, Do you have cancer?"

    LOL, sometimes they're not being rude. I'm a regular at a Dunkin Donuts on my way to work and used to see one of the counter people fairly regularly. For a while, though, we hadn't had much contact for whatever reason and during that time I had lost about 40 lb and decided to fire the rest of my hair before it totally quit. Not long after she happened to see me and really noticed the change. The look of shock and dismay on her face when she asked with concern, "Are you alright?!" I didn't think she was being rude.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    edited February 2018
    Angall08 wrote: »
    To those who have had problems gaining or losing weight:

    We all know people can be rude. The world is full of cruel people always making fun of someones weight. The good thing is always having family and friends to be there with you through it all. Also having apps and trainers to help you reach your goal is great.

    My question is. What are some hateful things people have said to you about your weight and how did you respond to it??

    Ive never been called fat, I've been called Ill-looking by family members though after I lost weight ( im still obese so I have no idea why they act like I am.underweight) but that's okay, I rather look ill on the outside than be unhealthy on the inside like I used to be
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    This is such a sad discussion, wish I could give us all a big hug. I think being called fat really messed me up, crushed my body confidence and gave me trust issues, cause now after weight loss, I doubt every compliment or person interested in me.
  • romeandrylan
    romeandrylan Posts: 101 Member
    Feel for you people in here due to my empath qualities. I've never been called fat due to the fact, I've maintained a steady weight through out the years. At the moment I'm at my heaviest weight I've ever been. I had a serious ankle injury when I was playing rugby in my 20s. In those days coming from a Māori community, New Zealand. We would fix our injures with a bottle of beer ( I'm lying, 10 bottles of beer) and a half a bottle of Jack Daniels haha You were called a poof if you went to the doctor lol 2014 I took another hit to the same ankle and really messed it up. It has been a long recovery and a lot of sitting on the couch, eating fatty foods, complaining and getting fat. 2018 new years resolution is to stop complaining and loose some weight. I was 115 kgs on 15 January when I started back at the gym. I'm 111.7 kgs at the moment and happy I guess. I now wish I had gone to the Drs when I first injured my ankle and never listened to the cuzzie bros lol I've also given up the alky and the ganja. I was a life long addict when I was a stoner. I'm not much of a drinker so that was easy to hit on the head. So glad I gave up the ganja because now I realized it held me back from doing a lot of things. Paranoia sets in when you've been a stoner from your teens up till 3 months ago. I'm 46 now and know I've broken that habit. 3 months is the longest I have given up and I'm am so happy now. Use to last 2 days at the most and then I'm stoned again. I compare this to people who have an addiction to food. I realized beating myself up about my addiction and feeling guilty wasn't working. So I learnt to love myself (not in a vain way) and respecting yourself goes a long way. Don't be too hard on yourselves people and learn to look deep in side to find the answers to making you who you really are. Unique! May peace be the journey! Mauri ora!
  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    When I was a teenager I had a huge crush on the hottest guy in my group of friends. He was handsome and he knew it, so he flirted with all us girls. He was also very handsy (put his arm around your waist when just standing around kind of a thing). He did this with all the girls, and he tried it with me on several occasions. I was friendly towards him, flirty too, but I would always move away or push his hand away when he would do that. I just didn't feel comfortable with that kind of physical affection when we weren't really "an item". One of the times I did that he scoffed and said: "Why do the fat ones always play hard to get?"

    That really stung. He took my self-confidence in drawing boundaries into a weapon against me because of my size. But you know what, screw that. Looking back I wouldn't change a thing. I'm married to an awesome man who has eyes (and hands) only for me, and who loved and married me even at my highest weight.

    I wish I could go back in time and give my chubby younger self a high five for standing up for herself <3