Burnin Thru Augus(Closed Group)



  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    completed all 3 today!
  • I'm getting ready to do my exercise challenge and found I liked this video better. He actually explains what to do.


    Go team!

  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    For yesterday, I was good on calories, squat kicks, water, and I got in an extra 1.5 walking.

    My recipe is slow cooker chicken Cacciatore
    1/2 bag Frozen Chopped Onions and Peppers,
    8 Skinless Chicken Drumstick
    0.5 Tbsp Parsley Flakes
    3 cloves Garlic
    1 tbsp Onion powder
    .5 tbsp Garlic powder
    1 tsp Basil, dried
    1 tsp Thyme
    28 oz can Petite Diced Tomatoes
    3 cup sliced - Baby Bella Mushrooms

    Throw it all in a crock pot on low with a cup or so of water for about 8-10 hours. checking it occasionally to see if it needs additional water. Serves 8
    Cals177 Carbs 8 Fat 4 Protein 15 Sodium 308 Fiber 3
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    happy birthday steph !

    am i the only person who isnt able to update their diary or exercise ?
    completed everything today and got in two miles !
    I didn't have an issue with either diaries. have you tried yet today?
  • yes, everything is working today ... i didnt think my comment went through because when i sent it , it said
    i could not send a blank message . it might have been temporary bug .
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    AUGUST CHALLENGE NEWS UPDATE! The 100 mile team challenge can be done anyhow you like run, jog, walk, bike, swim. Doesn't matter. IT DOES Need to be extra. So if you typically bike 10 miles a day anything above that would count. Remember it's all about extra and pushing more! Keep up the great work.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    Shame I haven't been paying attention because I'm usually up on news, what are they rioting over there?

    Why did I always assume you was a brit :indifferent: ..... LOL! Moving on .....

    The whole of SE of London is basically being burgled and smashed up for no real reason to be honest.
    It started off that a police officer shot a black guy for no reason so all the black london residents started rioting and then everyone followed suit. Then it turns out the guy was shot because actually HE had pulled a gun on the officer - the real reason isnt clear but basically all the thugs and youths of today and robbing jewellery stores and electrical stores and theres nothing anyone can do about it. It's gone on for four days and has spread further out now. Up to the midlands, central london, the whole of the south of the UK - the rioters have actually forgotten why theyre there and have said on TV ludacris claims like "We're getting our tax back" or because "the government doesnt respect them" LOL last night they actually started breaking into peoples houses and cars ... basically no one is safe and you cant go anywhere anymore! I said to my fella it's like the film 28 days later :laugh: :angry:
  • holly200
    holly200 Posts: 18
    okay...I'm saying I'm done for the day before I eat any more food! Challenge met, calories under, water drank!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    How is everybody doing with this weeks challenges?

    I dnt need anybody to inform me when calories are under... what has been drank... ect.

    I just need to know how many miles you have completed so far and that you did the daily exercise. :o)

    If everybody would still like to commented the other accomplishements tho then I have nothing against it, it helps the other team know how everybody else is doing.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    On a sad note:

    Our team member colormelean hasnt logged on in 5 days. "/
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    On a sad note:

    Our team member colormelean hasnt logged on in 5 days. "/

    Oh balls :-(

    I've completed my swimmer thingys and the mile, no additional ones tho (except the 1.7 I did yesterday) will try and get 2 miles in tomorrow xx
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    So are we to call "colormelean" color me gone??

    I had a bad food day, was gone to the beach all day to see a friend and I was out of my element :(
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Shame I haven't been paying attention because I'm usually up on news, what are they rioting over there?

    LOL last night they actually started breaking into peoples houses and cars ... basically no one is safe and you cant go anywhere anymore! I said to my fella it's like the film 28 days later :laugh: :angry:

    WOW!! I was thinking of you today and asked my BF (who is a news junkie, what was going on!) He explained and I said, well where is their National Guards? Where is their military? He was like "I don't know". I can't imagine, no wonder you were trying to calculate "beating a looter" on your exercise tracker!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Ok Capt Netty - I'm doing awesome this week :) food, water, exercise, all that good stuff

    Walked 5.3 miles so far! Can I get a whoop, whoop! And aced those Kick Squats (yesterday) and Swimmer Presses (today)

    I'm BURNIN' thru August!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Alright! Today I was good on water, calories, swimmers press with 1 extra mile, and I did an additional 1.2 miles just for a little extra.
  • Windedhl
    Windedhl Posts: 17
    i'm good for exercises. though i didn't get the mile in today, it was raining so i'm doing it tomorrow. i'll keep ya posted on how that goes.
    I'm also working on a low cal brownie recipe. if it works out i'll share. this is my first attempt at creating my own recipe so i really hope it works out!
    chocolate is my last weakness. it used to be icecream but i can't consume dairy for the next year or two so that was easy enough to overcome. yay for brownies.
  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    water- drank
    mile- ran
    swimmer presses- done
    calories- under


    BTW I usually do jazzercise or Jillian Michaels videos for my cardio but to get these extra miles in this week and the extra 5 I decided to start the c25k app that you can get on your phone. I just started, and of course this was day 1, but it has you run/brisk walk in intervals and tells you have far you have gone and your fastest time and I think it's pretty cool so I thought I would share :)

    Total mileage for today: 1.86
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    OK - I will post my own recipe, but I have to share one I found on the boards and I use ALL THE TIME. I cook linguine (broken in 1/2) and mix it in, and this recipe is delicious!

  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    You guys are doing amazing, im so proud of you all..

    Your captain however is on overdrive.


    Thank you so much you guys are being patient with me.

    Keep up the amazing work!!!