50lbs or more?



  • timetogetfit86
    timetogetfit86 Posts: 24 Member
    Currently 257. Wanting to lose 30 by June 1st. I ultimately want to lose 100 over the next year and a half.
  • Lainna21
    Lainna21 Posts: 20 Member
    GW: 150

    Short term: 180 by the end of april!
    Feel free to add me
  • JoniNichole
    JoniNichole Posts: 124 Member
    I have recently gained back 30 of the 43lbs I had lost about 3 1/2 years ago. I have so many clothes in my closet that I can no longer wear because of this. I realized about a year ago that I was slowly but surely pushing the scale in the wrong direction and have tried and tried and tried to reverse the motion with no luck. I am a very numbers orientated person and so 3 days ago I created myself a worksheet that I can record calories burned, calories eaten, BMR, goals, weekly weigh-in's and since I'm an Excel freak I have formulas that tie all the fields together so I can see results if I put in just 15 minutes more of exercise a day or eat just 100 calories less a day. It's very motivating and since it's all based off of logic it gives me something solid to hold on to. It's been only 3 days but I am totally energized and ready to take on the challenge. I remind myself daily how great I had felt 30lbs ago in those dress pants that are now uncomfortably tight. I want to wear those again and feel that great again. I had ordered some new tops online...yes from China...and they are too small on me even though I had ordered two sizes larger than I take right now. These 4 gorgeous shirts should fit me in 12 weeks if I stick to this plan and they would look great with my dress pants that should fit me by then too. Keeping my eye on the prize!

    Well let's work it girl! You got this!
  • PrettyandFocused
    PrettyandFocused Posts: 23 Member
    I weight 243 and my goal is 150. I would love to lose 10 pounds a month and reverse my PCOS. Daily goals are to stay under my calorie limit and 60 minutes of cardio.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have recently gained back 30 of the 43lbs I had lost about 3 1/2 years ago. I have so many clothes in my closet that I can no longer wear because of this. I realized about a year ago that I was slowly but surely pushing the scale in the wrong direction and have tried and tried and tried to reverse the motion with no luck. I am a very numbers orientated person and so 3 days ago I created myself a worksheet that I can record calories burned, calories eaten, BMR, goals, weekly weigh-in's and since I'm an Excel freak I have formulas that tie all the fields together so I can see results if I put in just 15 minutes more of exercise a day or eat just 100 calories less a day. It's very motivating and since it's all based off of logic it gives me something solid to hold on to. It's been only 3 days but I am totally energized and ready to take on the challenge. I remind myself daily how great I had felt 30lbs ago in those dress pants that are now uncomfortably tight. I want to wear those again and feel that great again. I had ordered some new tops online...yes from China...and they are too small on me even though I had ordered two sizes larger than I take right now. These 4 gorgeous shirts should fit me in 12 weeks if I stick to this plan and they would look great with my dress pants that should fit me by then too. Keeping my eye on the prize!

    I really identify with your story. I lost 40 lbs during the economic downturn when I wasn't able to work as much. Now I am back to work and it almost all came back. I have stopped the gain but it is hard work. I get down a few pounds but can't get it to keep going down. I too have an excel spreadsheet.

    Hope it has been going well.
  • That_Girl_Myra
    That_Girl_Myra Posts: 11 Member
    Sigh.... I started at 285. I'm 274.4 right now. I would like to get to 130.
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 202
    Short-term goal: in the 160's by June and 140's by September
    GW: 130 , but I am 5'2 so I'll have to see how I feel by then.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I've been hit with the case of the munchies today, so I'll be sticking to meal shakes tomorrow to help balance the weekend out.
  • Tahira1980
    Tahira1980 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2018
    I was 210lbs and got down to 184. Sitting at 199 right now and getting myself depressed over it.
    I lost the weight to help with my ivf. It failed and instead made me gain weight. I just have been struggling to get it down.
    Today I am back to using this app. First time on the chatting side. I have a month before I try ivf again. I need to shed at least 14lbs by then. To some that may seem nothing. I struggle with underactive thyroid and pcos. Both causing obesity. Only person in my family like that who has weight issues. So no one gets my struggle. Would be nice to get support in this journey.
    Long term I got loads to lose. Right now is to get this stone off.
  • keeblergirl820
    keeblergirl820 Posts: 13 Member
    Started at 310lbs, down to 249lbs .
    My short term goal is 50lbs by my 40th bday in August. Long term is 150lbs and to be healthy.
  • tangerinesidhe
    tangerinesidhe Posts: 1 Member
    Started at 221+. I'm at 219 now.
    Short term goal is under 200 so I can get my breast reduction consultation.
    Long term goal is 158, which is the upper end of healthy for me.

    I know slow and steady is the best... But I really want to get to that short term goal so I can get that consult. That's the most important goal for me right now.
  • trcaylor
    trcaylor Posts: 18 Member
    Highest weight somewhere around 230. Current weight is 172. I would like to get as close as I can to 150 before I go on vacation sometime in June.
  • I'm at 252 right now.
    Short term: Lose 50lbs before the end of the year.
    Long term:Be at 140

    I always have trouble sticking to things and I want my health to be #1 in my life.
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    SW 205
    CW 190
    GW 155

    STG- pass PT test
    LTG- half marathon one day, and get my 1.5m time down to 12:59 or less
  • sra455
    sra455 Posts: 57 Member
    edited March 2018
    Started at: 332
    Current: 325
    Short Term Goal: Get under 300 by the end of this Semester (May)
    Long Term Goal: 145 -ish
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    Hope everyone had a great week!

    How's exercise going for everyone? I set an ambitious goal for the week of 5,250 calories (1.5 pounds) of burn, but fell a bit short at a little more than 4,900. I was going to go for a walk today for an hour to get pretty close, but it felt like the legs needed a day off.
  • dangernene
    dangernene Posts: 30 Member
    Hope everyone had a great week!

    How's exercise going for everyone? I set an ambitious goal for the week of 5,250 calories (1.5 pounds) of burn, but fell a bit short at a little more than 4,900. I was going to go for a walk today for an hour to get pretty close, but it felt like the legs needed a day off.

    I love the idea of setting an exercise target by pounds burned! I'm exhausted today after a trying weekend so a bit of a false start but I'm going to aim for 3500 exercise calories burned this week. Thanks for the inspo!
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    Glad my mini-success was inspiring to you!

    I decided that eating super-low-cal (I'm short) was not sustainable to me, so I aim for around 150-250 shy of maintenance most days (above BMR). I figure if I can pull off 250 shy most days and make 5250 over the week, that would be pretty close to 2 pounds/week weight loss.

    Make sure to get a variety in there if you go hard! I'm doing weights (SL 5x5) 3x/week, C25k training (modified), aquatic classes, and racewalking/walking as my set over the week.

    Feel free to friend if you'd like to follow/peek at my progress! I'm always happy to throw likes at your exercise successes too!
  • Planemaid
    Planemaid Posts: 9 Member
    I am just in the 200s now, aiming to be in the 160s long term.
    Short term - keep up with the motivation and take it week by week. I want to drop a dress size by June.
  • myraara
    myraara Posts: 32 Member
    Currently: 194 lbs
    Short-term goal: start to enjoy this lifestyle change!
    Long-term goal: get to 145-140 lbs!