March 2018 Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    March goal: Run END-SURE well, stay healthy and enter the final stages of Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    3/1- REST
    3/2- 4.3
    3/3- 13.3
    3/4- 14.3
    3/5- REST
    3/6- 7.4
    3/7- 6.7
    3/8- REST
    3/9- 4.2
    3/10- 24.8
    3/11- 11.4
    3/12- REST
    3/13- 9.3
    3/14- 6.7
    3/15- REST
    3/16- 4.4

    Total: 106.4

    Today's notes: 45min easy trail run. It was prtty darn flat, so I was able to run sub-11 for all of it. Not too annoyed with it though, with b2b 3 hour runs this week and leading up to my real, long run next week, I'm OK with a little recovery.

    2018 races
    3/24- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    7/28- Minnesota Voyageur 50
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile
    10/20- Wild Duluth 50k
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @ddmom0811 I wear a RoadID with my name and year of birth, emergency contact and phone number, indicator that I have Type 1 Diabetes, and a code for my RoadID record. That code allows them to go in and see what I've entered for health information, medications, insurance information, and a scanned copy of my living will and medical power of attorney.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    @ddmom0811 I wear a RoadID with my name and year of birth, emergency contact and phone number, indicator that I have Type 1 Diabetes, and a code for my RoadID record. That code allows them to go in and see what I've entered for health information, medications, insurance information, and a scanned copy of my living will and medical power of attorney.

    As I've said before, I'm pretty minimalist when it comes to carrying stuff when I'm running (usually just my keys). But I always wear my Road ID.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member

    Total so far......77.3/150 Miles
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    zerlinna87 wrote: »
    Ran 2.5 miles this morning, 12 min/mile pace. Pretty good!


    Awesome! Nice running.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm an Otterbox girl myself. Cross training today, which means Les Mills which means no lifting up my arms the rest of the day. :D Pretty stoked tonight, heading out to buy a hydration vest. Since deciding to up from 10k to 25k, I think that would be wisest and I will not have to worry about my handheld on trail. The race is quite technical (lots of rocks and ledges and roots and bumps) and about 2000' elevation gain. I'm increasing long runs from 6-8 miles on trail to 9-12 miles on trail, and possible 13 miles if I can get that in the next 5 weeks. I'm SUPER DUPER EXCITED YOU GUYS!!! Gonna have to dial in my hydration/fueling plan as I know I will need more than what I had in the tank for my road HM in December. SO glad that I know that and going to practice eating food on my run this weekend to see if that works for me.

    Does anyone use tailwind? I was planning on water in my hydration bladder, electrolyte drink (nuun) in my handheld (which will be in my vest pocket), but I got sucked in to the dark web of trail running last night and now I'm worried that I'm doing it wrong. Talk me off the ledge please (or at least educate me).
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I'm doing an online course from the University of Kent called, "The Science of Endurance Training and Performance".

    In Week 3, we look at the "Psychological determinants of endurance performance" and we have an exercise where we look at critical situations we might come across. We then create a plan for each situation so we know what to do when we face that situation. Thought you might appreciate their list.


    This is my list:

    My goal this year is to do a 50 km run. I have been training for this since Jan. In the next month I will do my final long run/s and start to taper.

    On my long run/s:
    • If I start to feel tired then I will look at my form and breathing and adjust them to feel more comfortable.
    • If my shoulders get sore I will rotate my arms to ease the ache.
    • If I get breathless, I will run at a pace that feels like I can run forever.
    • If I think negative thoughts, then I will visualise completing my goal and remember my friend Aga's comment about my determination.
    • If I'm staring at the ground, then I will look up to try and find a nice photo opportunity.
    • If I start wanting to stop early, then I will focus on completing a mini-goal / route section so I feel hopeful.
    • If I worry about my time or pace, I will remember my year's goal is just completion of the 50 km run, so I don't need to worry.

    During fast / interval sessions, I will "Embrace the suck", and remember that this is how performance is improved so I try my best.

    Holy *kitten* that's good.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Hoping I can get back to it this weekend once I feel a little better from this stupid cold I picked up this week... :tired_face: Also, Mother Nature needs to make up her mind and pick a bloody season to stick to OR just give me spring already. :lol:


    1/3: 1.96kms (walk at lunch)
    2/3: Nothing besides 10K+ steps
    3/3: REST
    4/3: 4.95kms (C25K: Wk1 Day1), felt great to get back out there despite the cold + 30 mins yoga stretches
    5/3: 4.52kms (brisk walk)
    6/3: 30 mins yoga stretches
    7/3: 5.03kms (brisk walk with a little running on a flat surface)
    8/3: 10K+ steps + 8 mins of circuit training (tried a new app, Lose Weight in 30 Days)
    9/3: 10K+ steps
    10/3: REST (recovering from shenanigans)
    11/3: REST (recovering from shenanigans)
    12/3: 10K+ steps + 8 mins of circuit training
    13/3: 8 mins of circuit training + 10K+ steps
    14/3: 8 mins of circuit training + 10K+ steps
    15/3: REST (sick, boo colds)
    16/3: REST (sick, boo colds)

    TOTAL : 16.46 / 50 kms goal


    19/4-30/4: Zombies Run! App 2018 Spring Virtual Run
    22/9: “Coureurs des Bois” Obstacle Course Challenge (not signed up yet)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Question for those of you with Garmins that have Connect IQ...Do you use any of the Widgets? If so, which ones? Do they affect your watch's performance at all?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @Orphia- I love your goals, especially the one about visualizing yourself completing your goal. I use that one a lot and it is so helpful! I also like the ones about completing a mini goal and remembering your goal of just completing the race. Well, I guess I pretty much hike them all!!! Sounds like a good class!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    danniej312 wrote: »
    Ok so we went away for family vacation. I never had time to run unfortunately and took too many days off. Came back, ran and failed miserably. I could barely make the mile. I pushed. It was so painful. My leg was burning and it was so stiff, on the verge of a charlie horse. So I took yesterday off. I tried again today. Same problem but I pushed to 30 minutes and walked more than ran. I feel like I’ve lost all 8 weeks I’ve been running and I feel like I’m back to day one. I’m so disappointed and my race is less than 4 weeks away. I’m going to push myself and hopefully get back to where I was.

    I think I’ve failed to meet my 62 mile goal this month too.
    No matter where you are in your training, I think it's always hard getting back in the groove after vacation. For me, I normally don't eat very healthy on vacation. I have "treats" almost daily and I can really feel them when I run. Hang in there. After a few days you will find your groove!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    beaten by the snooze this am. Rest day before race tomorrow isn't a bad idea. Starting to feel the nerves and adrenaline already.
    @PastorVincent just wondering what are your expectations on the 5k and 1 mile run if you're running the half at race pace? From all it looks like a 20 mile day for you, you can't expect to do most of that at faster than your marathon pace.

    I plan to PR all three of course! That is the only reason to run a race :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Does anyone use tailwind? I was planning on water in my hydration bladder, electrolyte drink (nuun) in my handheld (which will be in my vest pocket), but I got sucked in to the dark web of trail running last night and now I'm worried that I'm doing it wrong. Talk me off the ledge please (or at least educate me).

    I do! But only on runs greater than 2 hours. I use it instead of carrying fuel, s-caps, and so on. I do not find it to be tasty, but it is drinkable and surprisingly good at thirst quenching.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Question for those of you with Garmins that have Connect IQ...Do you use any of the Widgets? If so, which ones? Do they affect your watch's performance at all?

    I have one that tells me if it will rain in the next 120 mins from accuweather and that is it. Everything eles I care about is already built into the watch.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    March 3 – 10.02 miles
    March 4 – 4.00 miles
    March 5 – 5.26 miles
    March 7 – 5.00 miles
    March 9 – 5.00 miles (treadmill)
    March 10 – 10.00 miles
    March 12 – 5.10 slow miles (treadmill)
    March 14 – 1 mile
    March 15 – 3.5 miles

    Tonight is Shamrock 4-Miler. I've done this race a couple of times before and it's always festive with everyone decked out in their St. Patty's green.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    I got the corse map finally for the Half tomorrow:

    The so called killer hill is only a 1/4th of a mile long. Its like 15% grade, but I run steeper in training. I might power walk it depending on if MayMyRun is underestimating or overestimating grade. 15% I can run, but if it pushes in to 20s then I would be more likely to just power walk it. Will make that call at the base of the hill.

    New weather forecast is 22F and cloudy. So over heating should not be an issue at least :lol:

    This is my first official 1/2 (I have 2 full's under my belt already) so I plan to hit a hard pace. Hopefully 8mins per mile or faster. Depends if they have pacers. I struggle to self pace that fast, though I have run that fast for 10 miles on dreadmill at 4% grade so I know I can do it. Trouble is my "just go out and run" pace is closer to 8:50-9:00.

    So we will see.