March 2018 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @noblsheep - love the medal! So cute! Great report - glad you finished and can laugh now!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @girlinahat - Those look more like the prints of a very big dog. Bear prints are more Human like and quite often the back print overlay the front print.
    Personally would rather run into a bear than a really big dog.
    Great Race reports everyone. Nice medals to add to the collection.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited March 2018
    @girlinahat @juliet3455 Yes, I agree those look more like the prints from a large dog. Depending on the dog, I also agree that it may be worse to run into.

    ETA: I was walking to a store on Sat. and passed a woman walking her large dog. It was very well behaved and she said "Good morning" as we passed.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @juliet3455 and @midwesterner85 yeah I know, I was just jesting. It's a damn big dog though!!! Generally I find the bigger the dog the less yappy sharp bitey ankle they tend to be.

    If we DID have bears roaming locally I reckon we'd know about it.....we have a crocodile allegedly living in the river.....
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    ttelmo wrote: »
    Thanks, everyone! I did not know that static stretching is not the thing to do because I literally had not run a mile since I was forced to in high school more than 20 years ago. Also, I decided that my core is sometimes tired after jogging because it’s easier for me to keep moving if I hold my gut in. I guess I’m not to concerned about it.

    As for “running” 2 days in a row, I’m still undecided. I do other more taxing physical stuff on other days that I definitely don’t want to do back to back. I’ll have to play with my schedule or else stretch out c25k to just 2 runs a week instead of 3. I don’t *think* that will cause too much harm.

    I can’t believe I’m considering the factors for choosing a first 5k. I don’t think of myself as a runner. In my mind, I’m just a couch potato that moved my tv-watching from the sofa to the treadmill and who swims sometimes.

    I would not drop a running day from the C25K plan if I could help it.

    Your core is tired from holding you up. :) You use a lot more core than you might guess when running. You can supplement your running with some core exercises to help with that, or just run. Just make sure you pay attention to your form, especially do not slouch while running. Keep your shoulders slightly back and your chin up so that you are looking ahead, not down. It is better to go slower with poor form, than faster with bad form. Speed/distance come with time, but only if you do not hurt yourself and interrupt your training.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    ttelmo wrote: »
    Thanks, everyone! I did not know that static stretching is not the thing to do because I literally had not run a mile since I was forced to in high school more than 20 years ago. Also, I decided that my core is sometimes tired after jogging because it’s easier for me to keep moving if I hold my gut in. I guess I’m not to concerned about it.

    As for “running” 2 days in a row, I’m still undecided. I do other more taxing physical stuff on other days that I definitely don’t want to do back to back. I’ll have to play with my schedule or else stretch out c25k to just 2 runs a week instead of 3. I don’t *think* that will cause too much harm.

    I can’t believe I’m considering the factors for choosing a first 5k. I don’t think of myself as a runner. In my mind, I’m just a couch potato that moved my tv-watching from the sofa to the treadmill and who swims sometimes.

    I would not drop a running day from the C25K plan if I could help it.

    Your core is tired from holding you up. :) You use a lot more core than you might guess when running. You can supplement your running with some core exercises to help with that, or just run. Just make sure you pay attention to your form, especially do not slouch while running. Keep your shoulders slightly back and your chin up so that you are looking ahead, not down. It is better to go slower with poor form, than faster with bad form. Speed/distance come with time, but only if you do not hurt yourself and interrupt your training.

    I always look more down than ahead when I run because my glasses bounce too much with each step and I get slightly seasick if I look too far off into the distance.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @ttelmo Sometimes I brace my tummy when I run or pretend that there is a string attached to my belly button and it's pulling me. I didn't really have soreness in my core when I started running, but consciously engaging your core while you run will help with a myriad of other runner's issues related to weak hips/IT band stuff.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @7lenny7 yeah, it's going to be a slog. From their FB posts, there's a mix of dry, slush, mud, deep snow, puddles... basically about everything you could think of on a flat course. Saturday is going to be a "fun" training run.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 Nice to have the TM! We did the iFit and couldn't make it work for some daft reason. So we gave up on it. I thought it'd be a nice distraction. They ought to have one course through a large running shoe store.