Less Alcohol - March 2018- One day at a Time



  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    ali3boys wrote: »
    @JulieAL1969 >it worked !!! 6 minute rule for cravings :) and my distraction during those 6 minutes was @JenT304 >what pain do I choose ? Discipline or regret ... DISCIPLINE is a no brainier when you match it up with regret . Love it <3 thank you both
    I too feel everyone's fear of what's to come down the road. I can tell you this; I use to be afraid of once I'm off Lent (this Sunday) I'm not anymore... I feel strong enough and learned so much that I will be able okay with what comes my way. That doesn't mean I won't have challenges; but I'm okay with that. I won't be perfect; but I'll do my best. I have a wedding out of town next month at a Vineyard in Paso Robles that's a weekend event; and then a concert out of town at the end of the month Stage Coach which we are camping there for another long weekend ... Not to mention various out of town beer fest hubby has planned this summer and a Parker Colorado river trip ...and then Key West for our Anniversary this fall... The list goes on and on ... Right ?!? But that's life... Just like with food; I need to learn what's going to work one way or another... With this blog, it's helped me to except the challenge and I thank you ALL for that <3 every single story, thought and info.

    I just spent my birthday weekend in Paso we had so much fun. If you have time bring bikes and go from winery to winery. :)
  • springsweet
    springsweet Posts: 184 Member
    YES please!! Count me in!! Beer is my weakness after a long day's work. Empty calories. The sugar and carb content are killing my waist line. Help! Like I said...I'm jumping on this train. :)

    I'm with ya, but my poison is wine! Grrr...
  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    YES please!! Count me in!! Beer is my weakness after a long day's work. Empty calories. The sugar and carb content are killing my waist line. Help! Like I said...I'm jumping on this train. :)

    I'm with ya, but my poison is wine! Grrr...

    Me toooooooo @springsweet
  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    I haven’t been as successful this month. My 40th birthday, biking through wine country and work travel are primarily to blame. Need to get back on track!

    Happy Birthday!!

    Thanks!! @dbanks80
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Lots of extra positive vibes in here this morning. To the new people welcome and gather strength through others experiences in this group. Feelings you thought only you were dealing with have been our struggles as well.

    Pre-regretting vacations, holidays, birthdays, anniversary's, Christmas parties, picnics, tail gating, etc...etc... Why do we all fear what is days, weeks or months down the road? As I read above, I too am having a month in advance wishy washy feelings of what will happen when I go away for my Anniversary. UGH. So much time spent trying to do the right thing only to worry about what has not arrived yet. I feel strong enough to keep on the right path.
    I wish all of you that are questioning or dreading upcoming events easy times once they arrive.

    Ordered my first ever Arnold Palmer when we went out last night. Not bad, I will keep an ongoing "dry" list in my phone for future social excursions.

    Im not having any regrets. I work hard and am going to enjoy my vacation!!!
    I am just being aware of past habits and recognizing that the week after vacation I struggle to jump back into my good habits i had pre-vacation
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,532 Member
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    I’m facing the struggle I knew I would after Italy. Back to pretty much daily wine although not especially large amounts. I’m finding The Sober School website and blog very useful. She (Kate) has a 6-week class she runs and I’m thinking of doing that beginning April 9. One of her main assertions is that being AF is much easier than moderating. I know that’s true for me. Right now I just don’t feel I have the energy to go there I had in January.

    I’m glad this is a place to talk alll this out with my friends.

    Did you have a great time in Italy? Welcome back! You can do this. Pretend that its January
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,680 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »

    Im not having any regrets. I work hard and am going to enjoy my vacation!!!
    I am just being aware of past habits and recognizing that the week after vacation I struggle to jump back into my good habits i had pre-vacation

    Awesome! That sounds like a great plan.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    I am officially back. I have fell off the wagon too many times to count celebrating my birthday. I have no regrets because I had a great time celebrating this milestone in my life!!! I need to catch up to see what everyone is doing!

    I like that! No regrets! We have to just live our lives happy and as healthy as we can. But that doesn't mean we just eat carrot sticks and drink water. Sometimes, indulging is a necessity. Happy you enjoyed.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    I aimed for 5 AF days after my overindulgence this weekend. Today is the 4th! Wanted wine with the spaghetti but came here and got a dose of inspiration and determination. Thank you all.

    Awesome! Friday's drink will be so much better! Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    @JenT304 I think she will have some regrets tomorrow:)
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    @WinoGelato Beautiful picture! So happy you are enjoying your trip. Soak up that sun!