Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 36



  • brittanyiman
    brittanyiman Posts: 6 Member
    Stats: 33yo 5'4

    Round 36
    My Round #2
    SW: 188.6
    CW: 187.4
    GW: 145

    R35: starting weight 188.6 - end weight 187.4
    R36: starting weight 187.4 -

    Short term goal weight is 160 by August in time for my wedding in October.

    3/29 no scale
    3/30 no scale
    3/31 188.3. Ate fried seafood for lunch and had a coke yesterday. Not my best day. Plan to log food today to stay accountable.
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,053 Member
    I'm back! Thanks to all!

    Weight ~~ maintain below 150 (or lose slowly).
    Food ~~ 1548 calories max (estimated TDEE); P 20-25%, C 35-45%, F 30-45%

    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4 (+.2)
    R17 end weight 151 (-.4)
    R18 end weight 150.4 (-.6)
    R19 end weight 149.6 (-.8)
    R20 end weight 149.3 (-.3)
    R21 end weight 149 (-.3)
    R22 end weight 148 (-1)
    R23 end weight 148.4 (+.4)
    R24 end weight 149 (+.6)
    R25 end weight 148.4 (-.6)
    R26 end weight 149.2 (+.8)
    R27 end weight 149 (-.2)
    R28 end weight 146.8 (-2.2)
    R29 end weight 146.8 (+/-0)
    R30 end weight 146.8 (+/-0)
    R31 end weight 146.8 (+/-0) = goal for round
    R32 end weight unknown - traveling, no scale
    R33 end weight 149.1 (after traveling/eating out for 3 weeks!)
    R34 end weight 149
    R35 end weight 149.4


    3/29 - 149.2
    So interesting (to me, at least!). I'm eating more than when I was hovering around 150. No change in activity level (yet). Apparently I wasn't eating enough. Fine by me!

    3/30 - 149.2
    Going out for lunch with a friend, but I have my order planned. I do intend to have a chocolate something this weekend, so I'm behaving in anticipation. :wink:

    3/31 - 149.8
    I stuck to the plan at lunch, but had a burger for dinner and I know I'm retaining water. All good!


  • jammerx37
    jammerx37 Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2018
    This is so cool. My first round here.

    SW: 216 1/01
    GW: 185


    3/29 /202.8/

    3/30 /202.8/ worked out (burpees/planks) walked 3.25 miles including hills/stairs, total calories below goal. Food choices today were not stellar but I am only human.

    3/31 /202.8/ I weigh in first thing in the am after brb. After chips and beer for dinner last night I didn't expect changes.

  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member
    edited March 2018
    Round 9 for me. I REALLY wanted to shoot for ONEDERLAND this round, so I'm going to. I may not get there, but I'm going to give it all I've got. Potential issues that could slow me down: one scheduled day of basketball, my brother-in-law flaking out on me again regarding teaching me squats and deadlifts (meeting up with him Saturday night), Easter (dinner and candy), and potentially feeling a little bit MEH. No matter what happens regarding my goal, though, my weight trend is clearly and steadily heading in the right direction.

    Age: 45
    Height 5’11”
    Historical SW (January 2015): 245 lbs
    Recent SW: 220.0 lbs (1/14/18)
    Ultimate GW: 195.0 lbs (and then reevaluate)
    R28 SW = 220.0 EW = 219.8 (-0.2) AW = 220.2 (+0.2)
    R29 SW = 219.8 EW = 214.0 (-5.8) AW = 215.9 (-4.3)
    R30 SW = 214.0 EW = 214.0 (-0.0) AW = 214.1 (-1.8)
    R31 SW = 214.0 EW = 209.2 (-4.8) AW = 211.3 (-2.8)
    R32 SW = 209.2 EW = 209.6 (+0.4) AW = 208.9 (-2.4)
    R33 SW = 209.6 EW = 207.4 (-2.2) AW = 208.2 (-0.7)
    R34 SW = 207.4 EW = 206.6 (-0.8) AW = 206.6 (-1.6)
    R35 SW = 206.6 EW = 204.2 (-2.4) AW = 204.1 (-2.5)

    Total loss (since 1/14/18, but before this round): 15.8 lbs
    Average weight loss per round: 2.18 lbs

    R36 SW = 204.2
    Goal for this round: ONEDERLAND (going for it)


    3/29 = 203.4 (-0.8). Another BOUNCE BACK™, but a good way to start the challenge. I'm getting excited about the Keto idea, but it's not so much about weight loss (as I'm getting pretty good at that). I've talked about potential health benefits (less inflammation, something good regarding my brain, etc.), but I also recognize how hopelessly addicted to sugar I am. To me, if it's not actually a drug, it might as well be. When I get near it, I go insane. It takes EVERYTHING in me to avoid partaking in this habit, and EVEN MORE to get me to stop once I've started. It's a craving, it NEVER makes me feel good when I eat it (just my taste buds!), and I think my life might be a little better when it's no longer part of it. This will be an experiment, but one that I'm excited to try. As soon as I make an appointment with my doctor to make sure I'm not going to kill myself with it, that is. Food was good yesterday, though may have been just slightly below maintenance (I'm careful to estimate "over" when tracking food). Going to the gym tonight with my wife. I'm pretty fit overall, and I did a bunch of research regarding proper form on squats and deadlifts, so I'm going to try them tonight (with very light weights). T minus one more week before I can play basketball again (stupid Spring Break).

    3/30 = 203.2 (-0.2). Had a decent day eating yesterday. I'm noticing that, since I've been tracking steps and having them converted to "extra calories," I've been eating all those calories. It's not bad, necessarily, but it's been happening. What also happens, though, is I'm walking a lot more as a result. It's probably a good tradeoff, but I'm thinking I'll try to eat back no more than half (something I try to do on any exercise day). I'm 99% sure I'm going to try keto. If I can get through the first 8 weeks, I'll stick with it for at least 6 months to see if I notice any tangible benefits. I'm going to start in a couple of weeks, though, because I want to enjoy my Easter candy in a non-binge way. My last hurrah. Don't judge me!

    3/31 = 202.0 (-1.2). DROOSH™ (night after drinking). Happy hour with coworkers led to 3 beers (not too bad), a quesadilla (all I had for dinner), and a minor binge on Peeps and Lucky Charms marshmallows (450 calories or so) when I got home. Food otherwise was pretty good for the day. Finally going to learn deadlifts and squats from my brother-in-law today (unless he flakes). Having a hard time trusting that this is my actual weight, but I'm going to suspend disbelief for today.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,905 Member
    @machausta whether you were in a theater of war or not, whatever you were doing was supporting that effort. Thank you for your service and your insight. My husband was AF in the early ‘70’s but never left the country even on TDY. Perhaps he feels the same as you. Until about 18 months ago, he never told anyone he’s a Vet.

    @puddlegoober I’m probably repeating myself but I have a terrible headache right now. It will pass. Anyway, when you talk to your doctor, be prepared to be shut down regarding Keto. Call it “nutritional ketosis” because many docs here “Keto” and jump to ketoacidosis. Watch a YouTube video by Dr. Eric Westman called “No Sugar, No Starch”

    @katlynran. Drink extra water when you work out. JMHO

    @brightresolve Sending you virtual hugs {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member
    @quiltingjaine - I really appreciate all the info, advice, and encouragement regarding keto. I'm going to ask for some blood work, but I will NOT be deterred by some stupid doctor.

    I'll get evidence (of the effects on my own body) and take it back to my doctor. I'll compare lab results. I'm going to do this.

    I'll also make sure to say nutritional ketosis!
  • artnom
    artnom Posts: 39 Member
    Round 35: lost 0.4kg

    Round 36
    SW: 70.5kg
    GW end of round: 69.5kg

    29/03 - 70.5 kg
    30/03 - 70.0 kg
    31/03 - 70.5 kg
    01/04 -
    02/04 -
    03/04 -
    04/04 -
    05/04 -
    06/04 -
    07/04 -
  • lwick
    lwick Posts: 26 Member
    I’m in for round 36.

    R29 SW 150.8 EW 149 (-1.8)
    R30 SW 151.8 EW 150.6 (-1.2)
    R31 SW 148.8 EW 146.6 (-2.2)
    R32 SW 146.4 EW 146.2 (-.2)
    R33 SW 146.0 EW 142.6 (-3.4)
    R34 SW 144.4 EW 144.6 (+.2)
    R35 SW 144.8 EW 143.0 (-1.8)
    R36 SW 143.0 EW ?