JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @HGSmith0920 Oh my! What a wonky day you had. I hope it is more even keel for you today. I would have absolutely panicked if I was ten bucks short...I would have guilt all over my face, even though I would be innocent, lol! Just the thought makes me a bit anxious!

    I am horrible with numbers. Not basic math, really, but just dealing with numbers in general. Calendars are difficult...I know, don't say what you are thinking. But honestly, I have oftentimes written appointments on the wrong day, or the wrong time---and I even check and double check! My last hair appointment was for 12:15. I marked it on my calendar. The day before, I pulled out the appt. card and said, "Okay, my appointment is for 2:15." I then placed it on the island for me to see for two days. Yep. 2:15. One the day of, I was pretty smug as I was walking out the door in plenty of time to make the appt. That's when the phone rang, letting me know I missed my appt. Went to the appt card and looked at it fully expecting it to read 2:15. Nope. I had done it again. I have forgotten my own birthday...which as I've gotten older, isn't such a bad thing, hahaha!!!

    Enjoy this new season at the bank. Great for you that you are planning your meals ahead. It's a bit of a pain to plan and then prepare ahead of time but oh boy, it sure is worth it. When I had the kids at home, I would spend one day shopping and then the next cooking and freezing meals. When I took time to do that, life was so much easier and freeing. (and keep doing a monthly budget---I know that you know how good it is to be able to plan for every dollar that month...even when you have to modify a bit later--so great that you are doing that)

    Peace and joy (glad you got your wallet back!)
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    ((((( @slittlemeister ))))) Is it possible you're also being affected by an anniversary reaction? Not saying you are, just asking.
    My Dad passed suddenly several years ago on Oct 28 and many years later I couldn't figure out why I was so depressed at Halloween. I was going through some papers and it occurred to me that, without my conscious mind knowing, my body was remembering. This can occur on anniversaries of deaths, birthdays, Christmas or anything really. Now that I realize what's coming up, I'm not impacted nearly as much.
    So, maybe ask Mr. Google about anniversary reactions.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Yesterday, I stayed in the green, drank 8 cups of water, exercised.

    JFT, 3/31
    Stay in the green
    Drink 8 cups of water

    For those participating in Joan's water challenge to drink 8 cups daily:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Can't find my last post, so maybe I didn't have one for yesterday? Everything is running together for me lately. Not sure why. Just off my game!

    Today I am taking our granddaughter who lives with us to Hobby Lobby to pick up some canvases and paints. Going to set up a spot for her in the basement where she can go and just do her thing and be alone with her thoughts. She has her room, but I don't really want her painting in there and I want to encourage her to get out of her room a bit. She spends a lot of time in there on her phone and online.

    Woke up to snow. UGH. It's supposed to be spring! WTH!? So darn sick of winter! So much for going outside today and planting tulip, daffodil and hyacinth bulbs. :disappointed:

    Just for Today/Saturday:
    1. Journal my food
    2. Eat mindfully. Make good choices
    3. 8 cups of water
    4. Take K to Hobby Lobby for art supplies
    5. Lymphatic massage x 2 today
    6. 2 things off my to-do list
    7. Watch Brewer game and maybe the Minnesota Wild game (not sure of times)
    8. Try to be unplugged as much as possible.
    9. No ice cream tonight
    10. Nighttime routine: Read Simple Abundance, New Day New Me, listen to podcasts, gratitude journal
    11. Bed early so I can get up for Easter service tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful Easter holiday, those of you who celebrate!

  • goyologo
    goyologo Posts: 138 Member
    . Drink 8 glasses water
    2. Stay in the green
    3. Do strength training

  • goyologo
    goyologo Posts: 138 Member
    1. Drink 8 glasses water ✅
    2. Stay in the green ✅
    3. Do strength training :*

    1. Drink 8 glasses water
    2. DIP TOE into strength training! ABS [ ] arms [ ]
    3. Stay in the green

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I’m so exhausted today. I think all the stress about my niece has taken its toll. She’s only 8 and has a severe lifelong medical condition so any hospital visit is worrying. My youngest also woke me in the night so this morning I just felt like a truck had hit me. Didn’t workout as scheduled and again hard to pre-log and plan as again at my parents’ place helping out with nephew. I think I did ok staying within goals but it is ridiculous how negative I feel about not working out.

    JFT Saturday
    - exercise before kids get up :neutral: no
    - Wash kids hair ✅
    - Shops for a few bits and pieces ✅
    - Head to my parents place to help with my nephew some more ✅
    - Keep perspective and focus on health ✅ just about
    - Remember to be grateful :neutral: I should not have let things get to me as much as they have.

    Onward! Tomorrow’s goals:
    - exercise before kids get up
    - 3ltr+ water
    - Long walk with the kids
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Patience!

    Hope everyone is well. Wishing you all a happy easter/Passover/weekend of chocolate eggs. X

    Oh poor thing, only 8 years old?
    Does she get hospitalised a lot?
    Hope she gets to a better condition soon!
    Take it easy for now, you don’t want to be stressing over a work out! There’s more important things going on so don’t let it get to you!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 3/31/18

    1. Up @ 8 :smile: I climbed out of bed as the DH was leaving for work. I had every intention of going back to bed and just didnt. Lol
    2. Coffee with parents :)Had a good conversation. Told them all about my first half week at my home branch
    3. Laundry :)4 loads. 3 of which are folded and put away.
    4. Clean the house :|Bedroom and living room. Still, have to clean kitchenette and bathroom.
    5. Budget :)Ended up looking over our debt matrix as well as figuring out how to do a new budget because of my different pay weeks and some money that I have coming in in the first 2 weeks of April. I have it mostly figured out. Spent about 4 hours at it
    6. Gym :'(Budget took waaay longer then I thought
    7. Meal Prep :|This turned into meal planning I'll prep tomorrow...hopefully. This also ended up happening after dinner.
    8. Read :/Budget...
    9. DH time :)Had a conversation about his work...there are difficult times on the horizon. His company is completely redoing their structure...for the WAAAY worse. I'm not sure if the DH is going to be able to stand it for more then a few months.[/b]
    10. Dinner/Dishes :)Leftover chicken on sandwiches and brown rice
    11. Pens game :):)Pens won!!!! They clinched a playoff spot. 12th season in a row! Here we come 3rd Stanely Cup! Lol.
    12. Bed by 11 :)10pm now. I'm gonna finish this and then turn everything off.

    Had a nice quiet day today. Spent 4 hours working on my budget. I think it's really funny that I can't stand math but I am really good at basic addition and subtraction. Lol. I know my way around a calculator. I have to use a tape one at work and I am actually really liking it. I kind of want to buy one for home so that I can use it for the budget and things. Lol. Plus it'll get me REALLY good at using the one at work. Lol. I still have a tad bit of trouble with it. Lol. The DH has been really really anxious all evening. His company is completely restructuring their stores and it is going to totally crash and burn. The DH will still be full time but they're going be giving him about 3 times the work because they are cutting the stores labor hours by 2/3. It's completely insane. I have a feeling that the DH is going to come home in a few weeks to tell me that he has quit. I really think that that is going to happen. To all my fellow prayers, please pray for a solution to this problem...I dont even know what to ask for, honestly. Lol.

    The DH's store is closed tomorrow! Thank God! We are going to church in the morning and into Philadelphia to have Easter dinner with my brother, his fiance(whose cooking), and her mom and sister. My parents will be there as well. It'll be the first time I've seen them in 2 years. I hope that my brother J and DH are well behaved. They dont have a problem with each other...they're just both...odd sometimes. Lol.

    JFT, 4/1/18

    1. Attempt to log food(we're having stuffed rabbit for dinner)
    2. 72oz water
    3. Up by 7
    4. Breakfast
    5. Church @ 9
    6. Lunch
    7. Meal Prep
    8. Meet @ Parents @ 2
    9. Easter Visit/Dinner
    10. Pens Game(If there's time)
    11. Shut down by 10
    12. Bed by 11

    Have a great night everyone!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    JFT (Sunday)
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Get fibre in the red
    4. Go swimming
    5. Try on clothes
    6. Take Dd out
    7. Make Fried Tofu for Ds
    8. Laundry
    9. Clean Balcony
    10. Do Maths with Ds
    11. Do H/w with Dd
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,513 Member
    edited April 2018
    Very late in posting today, but wanted to recap yesterday & today...

    Recap Good Friday 3/30 ~ vacation / holiday = another busy day at home & away
    1) At least since I snacked so much Thurs, I have no cravings for Easter candy, which I haven't even opened yet... small comfort. Usual breakfast / leftovers for lunch / spaghetti for supper... carb loading for 10K / drink > 12c water / net calories rational / cut out irrational snacking! = Net calories -89, sugar -17, sodium / fiber / protein good & 12c water. I did snack on peanut M&Ms (one of my favs) in the evening... I know once things at home settle down, I'll quit this snacking thing, it's just that I've been so busy & active all day long. Quite a change from sitting at a desk 40 hours a week. :D
    2) Put out Easter decorations :smiley: / fill Easter baskets & bowls :neutral: organized not filled / set tables :smiley:
    3) Make cake & pudding for trifle :smiley: / make lemon bars :smiley: 1st time recipe, hope it's good / make lime green salad :smiley: / premix casserole :smiley: / organize food prep for Sat. & Sun. :smile: some
    4) Wash dishes :smiley: / organize pots & utensils for Sunday :smiley: / wash towels :D almost forgot!
    5) Walk dog (maybe short route) = Walked dog 3.82 mi (so much for a short route) in 1:03:07. Happy dog! B) Fitbit 21,646 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 & 62 floors. :smiley:
    6) 3 p.m. pick up race packet :smiley: / prep clothes for Sat. 10K :smiley: / monitor weather forecast ~ supposed to be very windy, snow, maybe rain... not ideal conditions :# see recap below
    7) Tenebrae service 7:00 :smiley: / choir at church 6:40 ~ remember the focus for this weekend :smiley:
    8) Floss :s / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:30 :s nope again

    Recap Sat. 3/31 ~ 9 a.m. Badger State Brewing 10K / goal <1:35 / weather forecast rain/snow mix ~ yippee ~ We got everything the weatherman predicted: snowed like crazy at start, then rained, then VERY windy. Race had 160 no-shows. I tried not to think of how squishy my shoes & socks became, and didn't feel cold until the finish line, when I realized my gloves were soaking wet. Very happy with my time of 1:30:28.82 ~ that's an average pace of 14:35 ~ walking! :smiley: Sad dog though. :D Fitbit at 22,622 steps & 38 floors as of last sync at 8:45 p.m. Net calories green & 12c water. :smiley:

    Spent afternoon & early evening finishing food prep for Easter dinner: baked & frosted Easter bread, made two fruit salads, whipped cream & assembled trifle, and constantly washed dishes to keep counter clear. Filled all Easter baskets ~ hoping to send goodies with family as they leave, otherwise I will take to work. Organized kitchen & tables for remaining menu. Helped hubby with some additional cleaning, but not too much. It was his turn to clean today. Didn't log any of my activity as "exercise" although I know it was. We are ready for the family! <3

    Since Sunday is Easter, I will be celebrating with choir at church and family at home. No JFT goals. No logging food or beverages (adult or otherwise) for me. I will eat & drink what I like in moderate portions, and no regrets. Back to JFT on Monday.

    Wishing all my fellow JFTers a blessed and happy Easter! <3
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    karenleona wrote: »
    So for tomorrow I want to:
    Avoid cheese sandwich at work and eat my prepared meals and snacks
    Get closer to my calorie goal

    Well I managed to avoid the cheese sandwiches at work ( which I am addicted to!)
    Managed to stay within calories so I am very happy with that.
    Will try not to snack before bed!!

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Very late in posting today, but wanted to recap yesterday & today...

    Recap Good Friday 3/30 ~ vacation / holiday = another busy day at home & away
    1) At least since I snacked so much Thurs, I have no cravings for Easter candy, which I haven't even opened yet... small comfort. Usual breakfast / leftovers for lunch / spaghetti for supper... carb loading for 10K / drink > 12c water / net calories rational / cut out irrational snacking! = Net calories -89, sugar -17, sodium / fiber / protein good & 12c water. I did snack on peanut M&Ms (one of my favs) in the evening... I know once things at home settle down, I'll quit this snacking thing, it's just that I've been so busy & active all day long. Quite a change from sitting at a desk 40 hours a week. :D
    2) Put out Easter decorations :smiley: / fill Easter baskets & bowls :neutral: organized not filled / set tables :smiley:
    3) Make cake & pudding for trifle :smiley: / make lemon bars :smiley: 1st time recipe, hope it's good / make lime green salad :smiley: / premix casserole :smiley: / organize food prep for Sat. & Sun. :smile: some
    4) Wash dishes :smiley: / organize pots & utensils for Sunday :smiley: / wash towels :D almost forgot!
    5) Walk dog (maybe short route) = Walked dog 3.82 mi (so much for a short route) in 1:03:07. Happy dog! B) Fitbit 21,646 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 & 62 floors. :smiley:
    6) 3 p.m. pick up race packet :smiley: / prep clothes for Sat. 10K :smiley: / monitor weather forecast ~ supposed to be very windy, snow, maybe rain... not ideal conditions :# see recap below
    7) Tenebrae service 7:00 :smiley: / choir at church 6:40 ~ remember the focus for this weekend :smiley:
    8) Floss :s / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:30 :s nope again

    Recap Sat. 3/31 ~ 9 a.m. Badger State Brewing 10K / goal <1:35 / weather forecast rain/snow mix ~ yippee ~ We got everything the weatherman predicted: snowed like crazy at start, then rained, then VERY windy. Race had 160 no-shows. I tried not to think of how squishy my shoes & socks became, and didn't feel cold until the finish line, when I realized my gloves were soaking wet. Very happy with my time of 1:30:28.82 ~ that's an average pace of 14:35 ~ walking! :smiley: Sad dog though. :D Fitbit at 22,622 steps & 38 floors as of last sync at 8:45 p.m. Net calories green & 12c water. :smiley:

    Spent afternoon & early evening finishing food prep for Easter dinner: baked & frosted Easter bread, made two fruit salads, whipped cream & assembled trifle, and constantly washed dishes to keep counter clear. Filled all Easter baskets ~ hoping to send goodies with family as they leave, otherwise I will take to work. Organized kitchen & tables for remaining menu. Helped hubby with some additional cleaning, but not too much. It was his turn to clean today. Didn't log any of my activity as "exercise" although I know it was. We are ready for the family! <3

    Since Sunday is Easter, I will be celebrating with choir at church and family at home. No JFT goals. No logging food or beverages (adult or otherwise) for me. I will eat & drink what I like in moderate portions, and no regrets. Back to JFT on Monday.

    Wishing all my fellow JFTers a blessed and happy Easter! <3

    Have a fantastic Lord's Day! I like your plan of action: eating/drinking moderately---but best of all that you will ENJOY it without guilt/regrets.

    Peace and joy
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Yesterday was a bit of a rubbish day - met Mum's boyfriend which was pretty hard. Spent most of the morning crying and being sad. I think I realised that the main factor behind the sadness is actually just grief about my Dad again. People always told me that grief never goes away, it just goes quiet....but then rears its ugly head occasionally, for various reasons. I guess the whole new boyfriend thing has caused it to pop out again!

    I'm feeling better today though. He actually seemed very nice and was clearly very keen to get on with me. They also clearly get on very well, which makes me feel better about the whole thing. I obviously want my mum to be happy... I'm just finding it hard to adapt to the new reality i.e. I'm still not ok with the fact that my dad has died... And probably never will be. But hopefully, I will start to accept that he has at some point.
    I can’t imagine how I would feel if my Mom were to have started dating again after my Dad passed, however I truly believe loneliness helped progress her Alzheimer’s and made her unhealthier faster. I would hope I would have been supportive. My thoughts are with you, it has to be terrible for you to be in this situation.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Saturday
    1. Water :)
    2. Meditation :)
    3. Garden :)
    4. Pick up Miss C for lunch, clothes shopping, and sleepover :)
    5. Quilt binding :)
    6. Brush and floss :)
    7. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Sunday
    1. Water
    2. Meditation
    3. Drop Miss C home
    4. Work, unfortunately
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30

    Have a fabulous Easter Sunday all!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    JFT - Saturday March 31
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in the green - :)
    Write in journal - :)

    JFT - Sunday April 1
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Write in Journal

    I had a great day today with my youngest. She is doing a lot of vintage/antique decorating for her wedding next summer. Some of this is pricy so I’m very glad we have a year to get everything. My eldest daughter got a job today, I am very excited for her. I think it will be good for her and her family. My Grandson is not as happy about it. He’s scared he’ll never see her. When we were explaining to him she could do more for them like swim lessons he seemed ok. Tonight when he told me she had the job, he said well I guess I’ll learn to swim at least.
    Looking forward to tomorrow, Happy Easter everyone.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:
    - Take sensible portions at meals :)
    - Only a small amount of butter with potatoes!!! :| better than yesterday...
    - Light desserts only - no ice cream :)
    - No snacks today (chocolate can wait) :)
    - Try to buy exercise DVD (and if manage, do it!) :| Literally went round 8 stores looking for one - nope!! I reckon all the searching probably burnt quite a few calories...
    - Ring BUPA :)

    Already been for a run today so a good start! I actually really enjoyed it, I think there is something wrong with me...

    Today's commitments:
    - Limit Easter snacks: only homemade cake / actual Easter chocolate (i.e. eggs) allowed. Moderate consumption of it!!
    - Take moderate portions at dinner, particularly of high calorie foods
    - Eat slowly and savour food - stop when full!
    - Drink slowly to avoid getting topped up too often...

    Happy Easter everyone!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Snowflake1968 @toaljasa @Bex953172 @bcTRAI

    Thanks for your support and suggestions, it's very much appreciated. I continue to feel a bit better as I get a bit used to the idea. I think I am still pretty near the top of the wave of grief at the moment, but hopefully it will subside before too long!

    I like the idea of doing something to honour my dad. It isn't actually his anniversary (that's in September - I was rounding when I said it was 4, years) but I think it will be good to do anyway.

    My mum actually suggested that we put some flowers on his grave, I think doing that will help. It actually just helped that she suggested it at all because one of my problems with the whole thing is a fear that she is moving on and forgetting about him/preferring this new guy.

    I realise that sounds ridiculous - they had some fairly big problems though because of his mental health issues/behaviour in relation to those and some of the things she says about their relationship sometimes make it seem like she might really think she's better off without him. So it made me feel a whole lot better that she suggested doing that. (I should probably actually talk to her about some of this stuff sometime... It's difficult though)

    I also gave a reasonably big donation in Dad's church this morning, and lit some candles for him and several other relatives. All of this helped I think!

    Thanks again for your support and advice... It's very valued. And happy Easter to all of you :)